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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 24 KB, 527x352, natsumi tsuji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7062977 No.7062977 [Reply] [Original]

I wonder what she looks like now

>> No.7062986

She looks like a dead person.

>> No.7062994

That's not funny.

>> No.7063000

who is she?

>> No.7063011


>> No.7063026

like every other azn? =__=

>> No.7063027

You know... she sort of... kinda baka...

>> No.7063043 [DELETED] 

She killed a classmate with a pair of box cutters. Semi-famous murder that no one outside of the internet cares about.

>> No.7063048
File: 142 KB, 527x352, baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had to do this...

>> No.7063061

She looks like fucking Tidus.

>> No.7063070

she's out now isn't she? since 2008?

>> No.7063079

They threw her in jail?

>> No.7063081

she's so cute! I had a lot of nevada-tan fanfic, lost it all though

>> No.7063085



>> No.7063093

She's due for release in 2013

>> No.7063102

can i get some sources? i could have sworn the parents of the victim decided she should be freed.

>> No.7063121

fuck that

>> No.7063128 [DELETED] 

Just google "navada-tan 2013," you lazy gimp.

>> No.7063132

Just google "Nevada-tan 2013," you lazy gimp.

>> No.7063138

none of them have any cited sources. why should i take the word of some weeboo?

>> No.7063144 [DELETED] 

because you don't have a choice, weeaboo.b

>> No.7063146

because you don't have a choice, weeaboo.

>> No.7063147
File: 20 KB, 240x320, nevada-girl-sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if this is her?

>> No.7063163

except i do. it's called having a brain and thinking for myself. and not believing everything i hear.

honestly, i wouldn't doubt the japanese officials released false information so people wouldn't suspect her of being nevada-tan if she has been released back into society. no doubt she won't go by the name Natsumi Tsuji anymore.

in all likely hood we probably will never know anything more about her and everything i am hearing about her current status is simply speculation.

>> No.7063172

Why the hell would you care about a whore you've never seen before and you probably never will? what's the fucking deal on putting so much effort on it?

>> No.7063179

I'd hit it

>> No.7063187

calling a girl who has been incarcerated since age 11 a whore. stay classy, anon.

>> No.7063197

so? I was incarcerated when I was 12 and no one around me treated me like a human being. This world is unfair, get over it.

>> No.7063201

gee i don't know. are you daft? who would ever imagine a human being interested in something unexplained and truly bizarre? shouldn't everything be one dimensional and laid out plainly? why is the x-files popular?

>> No.7063207

Were you a cute girl?

>> No.7063208

Nevada-tan is the girl of my dreams. I wish for a beautiful yandere wife who will one day slice open my throat with a boxcutter and hold me in her arms as I bleed to death. These women are so rare, and should be treated as the lovely and exotic flowers that they are.

>> No.7063213

ahhh I see. You had ulterior motives.

>> No.7063214

no you weren't, you are an obvious faggot who never leaves his (mom's) house. you also missed the point. let me spell it out for you, knucklehead:

it's kinda impossible to be a whore when you are locked up, away from society. though i guess you are just projecting your anger onto some girl you don't even know. typical chan-faggotry.

>> No.7063225

yes, I fucking was you bastard. Just because the typical weeaboo is the one you describe doesn't mean everyone else follows that standard.

>> No.7063229


that brings us to another point.

just because you sucked cocks in prison doesn't mean nevada tan did. in fact, there were likely no cocks around.

>> No.7063226
File: 18 KB, 361x520, 1285801363770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7063233
File: 89 KB, 706x455, shit thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7063236

uh oh, image macro. pulling out all the stops.

>> No.7063241

there are more interesting things in the world than generic fluff anime. deal with it.

>> No.7063243

White knighting nevada-tan? Stay classy, /b/.

>> No.7063244
File: 30 KB, 293x293, 1283464378247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>11 year old goes to jail in Japan
>Doesn't suck cocks
Someone hasn't read a certain hentai manga

>> No.7063259

someone is stuck in a world of delusions where manga is real.
i like nevada more than most 2d girls since she can feel real emotions. but that's just me.

>> No.7063262

>He doesn't know how a Juvenile Detention Center is.

Stop talking about shit you don't know about. And learn to internet you piece of shit.

>> No.7063270
File: 21 KB, 293x190, 1271105296072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying hentai manga can't be based on facts?

>> No.7063283

i guess there is no real conversation to be had here, now that you are infuriated and not thinking clearly. though i guess you never were thinking clearly but let me digress.

it should be quite obvious that your experience in YDC, being raped and all, is probably the the same as others in different centers. especially those in other countries. but this isn't about you, it's about nevada tan.

>> No.7063286

excuse me

>ISN'T the same

>> No.7063289

>sucking cocks
>on a detention center for minors

what the flying am I reading?

>> No.7063292






>> No.7063294

>implying guards don't take advantage of vulnerable children society doesn't care about.

>> No.7063297


ITT: It's 1964

>> No.7063298
File: 441 KB, 930x930, stop posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of you, get out.

>> No.7063304

we saw your first macro back when we didn't care. guess what? we still don't care.

>> No.7063310

guess what? we can actually agree with one thing, weeaboo.

>> No.7063314

don't you have a shitty tattoo to get or something?

>> No.7063319
File: 47 KB, 343x473, uncle-sam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not in america you fucktwig.

>> No.7063321

Learn to capitalize your sentences, retards.
Or even better, go back to wherever you came from.

>> No.7063326


>> No.7063333

what was that for? anyway, fuck it. You can go back to the main topic.

>> No.7063336


>> No.7063338

oh for fuck's sake...

>> No.7063362

Nice quints.

>> No.7063369

Reported for caring about post numbers

>> No.7063370

i had a friend who had a friend who was in juvey once

>> No.7063423

i wonder what kind of first sexual experiences she had in juvey. maybe she's still a 12yo inside. anyway i'd like to hug her.

>> No.7063607
File: 281 KB, 1200x1414, 15153206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like this now.
