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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 546 KB, 1132x1600, hella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7062250 No.7062250 [Reply] [Original]

>it's hella small

Why do some translators consistently put their regional dialects into their translations? It's like a bunch of shitty American tourists invade the scarlet mansion and rape the lovely mistress. After that, they would be loud and obnoxious, making it clear to all passerbys that they are trying to find the local McDonald's.

also source is
(C78)[French Letter] Pedoria! Princess Remilia [ENG] http://exhentai.org/g/297213/2426f0f435/
before someone asks.

>> No.7062256

That's because lazy shit fags like you insist on reading translations.
You made yourself dependent on others. You create a "demand" for these shitty translators. You have only yourself to blame.

>> No.7062264


>applying economic terms like 'demand' to something that translators do for free because they like to do it
>implying anyone would be stupid enough to learn how to read Japanese merely for doujins and visual novels

>> No.7062266

Either learn Japanese yourself or stop complaining and receive what you have. the dudes trans;ate stuff for free. They could just screw it, read a doujin and totally ignore the whining of non-readers.

>> No.7062267

Oh you lazy fags with your lazy reasoning.

>> No.7062265

get the fuck out weeaboo

>> No.7062272

Well, some people are too lazy to learn japanese OR they don't have time, patience or whatever reason, which pushes them to rely on translations.

Thanks for your work, translators.

>> No.7062275


Where is there any sign of a lack of gratitude towards translators? Remarking on shitty dialect usage is merely positive criticism.

>> No.7062276

It is more of a term used in marketing, and this is in no way an unusual application.

>> No.7062280

American dialects don't have anything on British English.


>> No.7062283

That's not exactly polite speech, I don't see the problem.

>> No.7062289

>Why do some translators consistently put their regional dialects into their translations? It's like a bunch of shitty American tourists invade the scarlet mansion and rape the lovely mistress. After that, they would be loud and obnoxious, making it clear to all passerbys that they are trying to find the local McDonald's.

It's... really positive? Well, I don't think so, but it's just an opinion of one fag now, isn't it?

>> No.7062307

Nice ad hominem there cockburglar

>> No.7062309


I still fondly remember all the "bollocks" of True Love 95. It's not fucking Shakespeare, it's cartoon sex, why do people like OP care if it's not translated 100% literally/awkwardly?

>> No.7062310

Are you really this stupid? Or are you just pretending? Either way it's stupid.

>> No.7062313

>implying anyone would be stupid enough to learn how to read Japanese merely for doujins and visual novels
Ahaha. This flies around here every now and then, hilarious. What "sensible" reason one should have to learn a language? I think media is a good motivator.

>> No.7062315

Those doujins are horrible anyways. You should feel bad.

>> No.7062317

It's BECAUSE it is cartoon sex, it's supposed to arouse you, and shit like this can easily ruin it.

>> No.7062318

Explain! Explain! Explain!

>> No.7062322
File: 536 KB, 1132x1600, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will explain this specific group's actions somewhat.

>> No.7062327

Go read CGRascal's doujins if you want literal translations.

>> No.7062329

Get out genesis translations devs.

Maybe you'd feel better in Canada or Australia.

>> No.7062331


It's how I justify learning Japanese to people who are less accepting of video games/anime/porn games

>> No.7062332

I find it ridiculous. Knowing how much time and effort it takes to really learn a language, I would never try to learn one just because a lot of people speak it in a part of the world I have no interest in visiting, or because it would look good on my CV. Some people may find these justifications more reasonable, but they're hardly inspiring, they won't motivate you to study every day for many years until you speak the language at an acceptable level.

>> No.7062335

What, you can't learn a language for pleasure? It has to be for business? Let me guess, you also think no activity is worth doing if it does not make you money. Capitalist swine.

>> No.7062341

Just laughed my ass off. To limit yourself to learning language only for business.. do you realize how stupid that is? I can't tell if you're just being jealous or something here.

>> No.7062342

No you misunderstand I'm definitely learning for pleasure, business is just the 'proper' reason I use when talking to others about it.

Also >>7062332 you seem to be misunderstanding something, Japanese is actually pretty easy to learn.

>> No.7062345

What the fuck does being jealous have to do with anything?

>> No.7062344

what if I do those all, faggot? to converse with japs, know the language fully, VNs and doujins

>> No.7062347

Then you're the same as me?

"It's how I justify it to others" was literally in the post dudes, maybe you should work on your ability to read English before picking up another language.

>> No.7062348

Just like Japan, no language is impossible. When people say hard I take it as "time consuming" more than "impossible"

>> No.7062354

No one cares about your shitty standards anyway. Since you're so all-mighty productive member of the society, why are you even browsing /jp/? People have their own reasons to learn languages, learning jap for doujins and vns alone isn't something to condermn people for.

>> No.7062355

>Japanese is actually pretty easy to learn.
No, it's not. All studies into the difficulty of learning different languages for English speakers have concluded that Japanese is among the hardest. If you had an easy time learning it, just brag about it directly, instead of coyly waiting for someone to say that they find it hard so you can reply "oh really? I learned it in just a few months~". People like you disgust me.

>> No.7062360

Actually a doctorate in pretty much anything except engineering is fucking cake if you're not a retard.

>> No.7062362

aren't they obsessed with in-n-out burger over in the people's republic of california?

>> No.7062363

>When people say hard I take it as "time consuming" more than "impossible"
I thought this was a given. No language is impossible to learn, anyone can learn one as long as they don't have a mental handicap and there's enough teaching material for it. So the only factor is how long it will take you.

>> No.7062371

Kana should take you an hour, if that. Just go to smart.fm or something and run with the exercises a couple of times (although really you shouldn't need a crutch like that. After you've got your kana down, just focus on learning 5 or so kanji a day along with grammar and you're done before the season changes. And that's at max.

>> No.7062373

...yes it is. Learning a language is so easy even a kid in their single digits can do it. All you need to do is immerse yourself in the language.

Maybe more people give up Japanese than any other language, but that has more to do with a bunch of retarded otaku trying to pick it up. For people who actually intend to follow through, it's no more difficult than any other language. (You need to learn the new script, but that doesn't make the language learning process harder, just longer)

>> No.7062379

Yeah. Fuck the Defense Language Institute and their category system. Japanese is just as easy as Spanish!

>> No.7062395

Yes, all languages are of equal difficulty to native English speakers. Even the ones that are highly similar to English and use the same alphabet.

>> No.7062397

Don't troll.

>> No.7062399

When talking about difficulty in learning something, it's usually about how long it takes to learn it, because nearly no knowledge in this world is so hard to grasp that a mentally healthy person can't learn it if given enough time. The thing about Japanese is that there's a shitload of information to take in, and if you only speak western languages, there's very little you can relate to your existing language knowledge, everything has to be done from scratch.

Also, you seem to be forgetting that even after graduating high school, natives won't necessarily know enough kanji to read a novel, since the high school syllabus only covers 2000 kanji, while many novels go up to 3000 kanji.

>> No.7062414


>> No.7062435

I learned English so I could watch the cartoons and TV shows as well as read English things even though I have never set foot in an English speaking country.

I see no reason why I shouldn't learn Japanese for the same reasons.

>> No.7062445
File: 146 KB, 600x808, jimesband.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hypocrisy of this is just AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>this is more pedophile than lolicon
>lolicon literally means pedophile

>> No.7062454

Not exactly. Lolicon is the same as pedophile except specific to little girls. We sometimes forget around here that pedophilia can be attraction to little boys too.

>> No.7062510

The asian-americans in California are the ones who say "hella".
Also, please keep dicks out of SDM. Thank you.

>> No.7062528
File: 614 KB, 2170x1522, Image0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell no. Dicks and SDM go together so well.

>> No.7062536

Yeah, man, it's hella tight.

>> No.7062801

Why is it any time someone uses the term 'hella' I feel like unloading a gun into them?

>> No.7062813 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 380x288, grave_stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the HELL is wrong with HELLa? and why is this censored to HELL and back?

>> No.7062847

It's so weird to me that it takes more than one person to translate a doujin.I guess I can understand two people if the guy who knows jap has no sense for using an image editor, but more than two people is just dumb.

vc: criticism, ndments

>> No.7062852

the problem with hella is it hasn't been used since season 2 of South Park

>> No.7062881

Actually, I'm an American and it bothers me to read translations done in non-American English. I was reading the Hong Kong (I think) translation of Devilman and it irked me seeing "kerb" in the text.

Anyway, just be glad that the speech is grammatically correct. I love CGRascal, but he seriously needs to study English grammar some more.

>> No.7062912

As long as it it isn't written in fucking scots or something it doesn't bother me.
