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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 24 KB, 704x400, drowsy browsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7059707 No.7059707 [Reply] [Original]

So what is your otaku culture life style like?

Personally I just browse /jp/ and occasionally some other boards, just to wait my next fap shot reload. I eat every now and then and finally go to sleep. Sometimes I take midday naps that last several hours. If the new episodes are out, I watch some anime too. Little to no physical exercise, but the healthy eating habits keep me skinny-fat. All my power level is hidden in my computer, nothing out of ordinary to see in my room.

I'm lazy with my Japanese studies, but I still do make progress. I usually leave my house for 30 mins a day, only to eat at the local dining hall where I get to eat for free. No need to work or study, just enjoying myself while still getting money.


>> No.7059714 [DELETED] 

Enough Blogging.

>> No.7059725

/jp/ - My Blog

>> No.7059728

>I usually leave my house
You are a brave man

>> No.7059787

I think this is an average /jp/ person.

It's the same here. Except I play video games. And I don't study Japanese.

>> No.7059793
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Yeah, it's something like that. It's pretty sweet.

>> No.7059802 [DELETED] 
File: 402 KB, 1366x768, wtHs_covered_desktop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's HELLa naizz, i browse /jp/ and play MMOs all day
pic related

>> No.7059805

Saying "not your personal blog" is a bit of a stretch.

>> No.7059811 [DELETED] 

MH2 is for milky holmes [opening] 2, btw.

>> No.7059819

>Personally I just browse /jp/
>I eat every now and then and finally go to sleep
>If the new episodes are out, I watch some anime
>Little to no physical exercise, but the healthy eating habits keep me skinny-fat
>All my power level is hidden in my computer, nothing out of ordinary to see in my room.
>I'm lazy
I go to school for 3 to 6 hours a week because my mom wants me to do something that isn't lazy.
I'm never in the mood to fap anymore.
I've been starting to look around in Shrinemaiden because no one argues about things that don't need to be argued about, no one spams it with nukes, and I they don't have to deal with IMPLYING MY FACE THAT FEEL EM
I secretly have a crush on Sion.

>> No.7059822

I meant to sage, but I guess it doesn't matter since it was bumped at nearly the same time as I made the post.

Well, sorry anyways.

>> No.7059824

Browse boards when I am taking a break from Rift.
Post in blog threads
Eat whenever I get hungry
Sleep after playing random videogames for a bit.

>> No.7059830

ZUN, is that you?

>> No.7059839

Play games.
Watch movies.
Rarely leave my apartment.
No friends.
Don't talk to family.
Write mobile phone/tablet software for clients every now and then working from home to make ends meet.
Life is simple, not many complications, just the way I like it.

>> No.7059843

Autistic bump.

>> No.7059846

Wake up at 10-11am, watch anime to 11-12pm go to bed, probably eat some food inbetween and that's it really. Haven't left the house for about 6 months now. I feel the need to get away from this family and live on my own though so I'm trying to join the army. Then I can break my cellphone and finally be alone forever.

>> No.7059847


>> No.7059848

>Go to school
>Have small but close group of friends
>Sometimes work on plays at local theatre
>Hang around on the internet maybe 2 to 3 hours a day, on weekends longer so I can watch anime and browse 4chan

Feels normal,man

>> No.7059855

Play games, watch anime, browse boards, sleep 12 hours a day. Mother forcing me to go out to take driving lessons, it's ok, I usually stop by the game shop.
And being shit scared of going back to studies next year.

>> No.7059857

Great, another thread to remind me that I need to stop browsing /jp/ all the time and actually do something productive like playing some eroge. And it would also help if I could spend less time masturbating.

>> No.7059862

>alone forever

Yeah enjoy your band of brother building.

>> No.7059909

HELL yeah bro!
I also have that bookmarked

>> No.7059914

Spring/Summer/Early Autumn:
Since I work in masonry... WORKWORKWORKWORK

Late Autumn/Winter:
Play Guild Wars with my 12 years old cousin.
I want to bone her.
Sometimes play some Wii with my sister just to see her giant neet boobs jiggle around.

>> No.7059916

Room looks like it belongs to a 14 year old weeaboo girl.
Straight don't give a fuck.
Lots of normalfag responsibilities.
Don't talk about it or else my NEET friends get weird.
No IRL friends.
Long since given up on 3D pigs.
Somehow not lonely.
Internet addiction.
Plastic addiction.
At least it's not coke.
Animes & eroges all night.
Would be insane if it wasn't for /jp/.
That's insane.

>> No.7059921

I like your style Anon.

>> No.7059929

What games do you play on the Wii?

There is one in my living room my younger siblings received for Christmas a while back. I'd love some games that could get my elder sister's boobage bouncing around as well.

>> No.7059949


I'll be social strictly for work only.

>> No.7059954


I'd say, We Cheer, Wii sports and DDR: Hottest Party(any). My sister is a big fan of sports and dance games.

>> No.7059974

my day to day life

(during the week)
1. wake up feeling like shit and go to school
2. come home and use computer
3. eat something
4. go back to using computer, browsing /jp/ and playing pc games
5. take shower and watch episode of anime before getting to bed.
6. repeat

1. get up devour as much food and drink as possible that I like.
2. do nothing all day
3. go get pizza or something later
4. come home, browse /jp/ and play pc games with music blasting now only feeling slightly less shitty
5. repeat forever and ever

When Summer comes things change a bit because I like to go for walks every day and go swimming. I also have a massive fire pit that I do nothing but burn things in, in my backyard that I spend all weekend nights doing because I like to burn things. Welcome to my life.

>> No.7059980

I'd reconsider if I were you. The short time I was in the army (thank god I managed to convince them to let me out) was the loneliest time of my life. At least when I was a shut-in, I had /jp/, but in the army I had nothing, the only thing I could think about was how much I wanted to get away from everyone and not have to see anyone.

>> No.7059982

Wake up at 2 PM, drag myself behind the computer, browse /jp/. Occasionally play a video game or watch something. Plan all day to do something productive but end up moving it to the next day.

Go to bed and fall asleep wishing I won't wake up the next day.

>> No.7059990

If I were to use one word to describe my current lifestyle, it would be "minimalist".

I sleep as much as possible and try to only be awake once the sun is down so that everybody else is asleep and I don't have to deal with them complaining at/about me. Usually my day starts at 8-9 PM and ends whenever I fall asleep. All I do is watch anime/read VNs and books/look up all sorts of unrelated shit on the internet that might interest me or help to pass the time.
Once every couple of days I'll have a full meal, and that's normally enough to keep me going for a couple days more before I need to eat again. Probably because of how little I eat I also only need to shit once every 3-4 days, though I end up needing a piss every couple hours because of how much water I drink.

I live a simple, carefree life. Odds are it'll probably be a relatively short one, too.

>> No.7059992

I don't mention it to my friends, family or otherwise so that helps a lot

>> No.7060011


I don't get lonely. I've lived my whole life alone. I know I won't have a computer anymore but it will only be for 16 weeks, I'll take my psp or something.

>> No.7060023

"Out of sight, out of mind."

I wonder if the people who hired me even remember I'm still here.

>> No.7060026

It depends.

On the weekdays (Mon-Thurs) : Luckily, my job starts afternoon, so I sleep until 11 usually. Eat like shit, browse /jp/, take a shower and go to work. When I come back, I just browse /jp/ and look over the new figurines and shit before going to sleep.

On Friday & Saturday: God help me.

On Sunday: Wake up, Feel like shit, Eat shit, Do usual shit, repeat that shit until I sleep like shit.

>> No.7060030
File: 225 KB, 486x562, azusa blazin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I browse /jp/ and smoke weed errrrrry day

>> No.7060064
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I want to smoke weed errrrrday.

>> No.7060137
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1200, konachan-com20-203601820flowers20hatsune_miku20vocaloid20world_is_mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-- Wake up between 4:50 and 5:15 depending on whether or not I am walking to work.

-- Work from 6:00AM to 2:30PM, sometimes longer if it's busy.

--Usually home by 3:00-3:30PM

--Have a beer and a smoke on the front porch, then head inside and put on some music and F5 /jp/ for awhile.

-- Dinner anywhere between 5:30 and 6:30

-- More /jp/, beer, maybe some anime and video games.

-- Go to bed anywhere between 9:00PM and 11:00PM.

Round and round we go.

>> No.7060167


>> No.7060178

I wake up usually at 4-7 PM
Then I lay there for maybe an hour
I usually have my iPod Touch that someone gave me, I don't really like it
I use my iPod to *chan for a while when I'm on my bed and don't feel like getting up
When I do get up, I turn on my computer, open up my browser, and click on my /jp/ bookmark
I watch anime if there's a new episode of an anime I might be watching is out
Then I eat at maybe 10 PM - 1 AM
I sleep at 6-7 AM
Then the cycle repeats.


>> No.7060187

This is not my /jp/.

>> No.7060195

Everything is /jp/
If you didn't know that.

>> No.7060231 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 284x226, stocking2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HELL yea dood...

>> No.7060233

Oh that's cool.

>> No.7060237

Also watching anime really excites me and brings my mood up.

>> No.7060246

I drink a lot of cheap bourbon and go on the internet

>> No.7060260
File: 335 KB, 888x888, 799244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaming.Music.Anime,VNs.Pixiv/Shitkaku/G.E-Hentai.Reading.Fapping.Sleeping. Rewind.

The second school semester started a few moths ago, still haven't been present. I fortified and fixed my grades in the last two weeks of the first semester.

>> No.7060262 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 164x317, wtH_being_shy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also like mabinogi, fun as HELL but i censor all my ign so ya'll don't troll me in game
for example massdefaming me in maple

>> No.7060274

2:30-3 awake
3-10 "work" in public internet
10-4 games internet
4-7 more internet
7-2:30 sleep


>> No.7060278

wake up every day at 11 am, go to college, return, play some vidya, watch anime... japanese classes every saturday 5 hours/week. i'm satisfied with my my life, it couldnt be better. today i woke up at 10 pm, played some god hand, pkmn black, mai otome and im watching madoka right now, my best friends have similar life style so we all support each other

>> No.7060293


What server do you play on?
I need help with my piece of crap character in Alexina.

>> No.7060298 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 500x500, huge_proud_grin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh heres my schedule
2am-10am sleep
10am-10:15 breakfast
10:15am-2PM if new anime watch it,/jp/MMOs
2pm-2:30pm lunch
2:30-6~7PM /jp/ MMO, if new anime watch it
6~7pm-7:30 dinner
7:30-10pm-if anime watch it, /jp/ MMOs
10pm-2am, browse /jp/ on ipod touch
*might fall asleep crying here*
if and still awake @ 2am, hunt for flanfly then go to sleep

>> No.7060303

People do that?
I don't see the point of fame anyways.

>> No.7060305

Go to work
Go back to apartment
Get fast food on the way home

Eat Microwavable dinners or cereal

Out side of work I rarely leave my apartment. When I do its to go to WalMart to buy stuff I need around the house. I keep my power level hidden in an encrypted hard drive just in case I die unexpectedly or something.

>> No.7060315 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 133x169, laura_bodwig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need at leas 20 fame to wear "dark armor"
which is underneath my NX, but since it's an overall and my NX is pants only-my top 'shirt' isn't there

just got my max points for helping to stay a a royal alchemist for the day, aint helpin anymore

>> No.7060312

Today was a boring day, but a nice day nonetheless.

>> No.7060316

But I don't need fame, since I'll probably never get dark armor.

>> No.7060573

wake up, formation, breakfast, class, lunch, class, PT, dinner, homework followed by alcohol and /jp/.

chug energy drinks and try to survive until the weekend, and then repeat until I get out of this damn school and go die in Afghanistan.

Don't join the military, particularly the marines.

>> No.7060760
File: 140 KB, 720x480, 1287527450963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wake up, breakfast, school, school, school, school, lunch, school, school, school, school, mandatory study, mandatory study, mandatory study, 30 minutes of Anime, sleep.

Rinse and repeat for 1.5 years.

>mfw E-4 after only 8 months

You joined the wrong branch Marine.

>> No.7060779

Is that DLI?

>> No.7060789

Wake up
Eat dinner
Get on computer
Check /jp/ and other some other sites
Do vindictus dailies
Get on vent to chat/play with my only friend
Eat some more as I get hungry
Friend has to sleep for school so I then anime/browse/fap for the rest of the night

Repeat for the past few months.

>> No.7060796

>>>/soc/ >>>/a/ >>>/v/

>> No.7060801

wake up
go to work
browse 4ch at work
go home
have some talk to family
play with dog
play some game

>> No.7060808


DLI? Pffff. They only wish their schooling was as intensive as ours. Naval Nuclear Power is where it's at.

>> No.7060817

I read light novels. Constantly. Classes are no interruption to this. I might browse a BBS or play a casual game like Pokémon or Tales every now and then. I go for long periods without food or sleep. When I eat, it's usually just rice with some kind of simple sauce.

>> No.7060823
File: 46 KB, 150x174, james.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>go to /soc/ for first time

>> No.7060831

>Wake up at 8AM
internet/games/VN etc
internet/games/VN etc
internet/games/VN etc
>Lunch at 12PM
internet/games/VN etc
internet/games/VN etc
internet/games/VN etc
>Dinner at 6, 7 or 8ish
internet/games/VN etc
internet/games/VN etc
>In bed by midnight

>> No.7060835

How old are you?

Maple story is good for 15 years old weaboos not serious /jp/ like us. HELL

>> No.7060843

What I play a game by Nexon too, Combat Arms and that game is always a ton of fun to play. I agree that Maple Story sucks but people like what they like.

>> No.7060845

You browse 4ch? It gets like 1 post a week, you should lurk 4chan instead.

>> No.7060848

Is that the AVGN with a beard?

>> No.7060858


>> No.7060862

In the military, there are buff men who haven't jerked off in days. They see the new, girly /jp/ recruit, with his soft skin and shoulder length hair. They watch him constantly, his round ass bouncing through training, and always help him. They haven't seen a woman since the start of their 4 year career. One day, they all gang up on him in the shower. One of them grabs his tiny penis between his thumb and forefinger, and he instantly goes weak in the legs from the touch. He falls back into their warm, hairy embrace. They lift him to their face. 'W...Why?' he asks, sounding almost like a girl. They don't answer, or at least, not with words. He feels a penis, larger than he ever thought possible between his ass cheeks. Holding him and moving him, they fuck him in between his ass cheeks, the heat of his shaft rubbing his tight, moistening anus. When the man is about to orgasm, he sprays his seed all over /jp/. Another man grabs him, this time turning him over. /jp/ struggles but cannot resist. He slowly enters /jp/ as /jp/ moans with ecstasy, his virgin penis spraying clear liquids all over the floor. Another man quiets the moaning by ramming his 11 inch penis down /jp/s throat, fucking his moist throat. Eventually he orgasms into his mouth, milking the last drops of delicious semen into /jp/'s stomach. The man behind /jp/ orgasms too, filling /jp/ with warm seed, making his belly swell. /jp/ collapses, the men around him circle up and start jacking off, showering him with warm seed. Where does this story end? JOIN THE ARMY.

>> No.7060911


In the Navy, there are buff men who jack off in the shower every day. They see the new, girly /jp/ recruit, with his soft skin and shoulder length hair. They make fun of him constantly, his round ass bouncing through training, and always call him a fag. They haven't seen a woman since the start of the week. One day, they all hit the bar and get drunk and shit and laugh at everybody singing Karaoke. Some Army fags start to hit on /jp/, but his shipmates intervene and tell them to back off. Somebody throws a punch, and /jp/'s knees go weak from the impact. His buddy chatches him and then grabs a beer bottle and smashes it over another guy's head, spraying clear liquid all over the floor. Another man rams his mug into /jp/'s throat. Eventually he passes out. The next day they all get masted and put on 45 days restriction with forfeiture of half-month's pay for two months for fighting. JOIN THE NAVY.

>> No.7060927

Sounds sexy but I worry I would just end up disappointed. People have lied on this website before.

>> No.7060953 [DELETED] 

Am 18, Nexon says their demographic is roughly 20 for MS, it may look like a kids game but it's deep as HELL

>> No.7060983

17 that's going to have his 18 birthday this year at December, right?

>> No.7061011 [DELETED] 

I'm going to be 19 this march, no date cuz y'all know my first name and a quick search on facebook and then everyone will know who I am and possibly anal rape me

and if every1 forgot my first name from an obscure thread about my Japanese name then don't remind any1

>> No.7061024

At least you could tell day... It's not like you really had facebook account or there weren't at least 10 people with the same name and date... This was we could make party for you! HELL

>> No.7061028


That doesn't happen in the army broski. Shared showers? Not in my country. Also I am so ugly and deformed that anyone who wants to rape me would have to be batshit insane. For 1 I am hairier than an ape. 2 I have severe keratosis pilaris all over my body, moles and a deformed penis. My pubes grow all the way up my dick and my ass is hairier than a gorilla on crack.


>> No.7061051


See there is a positive to everything. Ugliness is an advantage too xD!


>> No.7061056


>> No.7061071
File: 84 KB, 951x542, 2342342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, your list was transformed into a link. First time that shit's ever happened in years.

God, seeing that was actually the high point of my day. I'm fucking pathetic.

>> No.7061079

You don't have to stop, just take it to the boards where it belongs.

>> No.7061079,1 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck this fucking shitty meido, I spent 5 minutes typing a reply and I get 404.

Why don't you delete one of the 50 fucking Touhou waifu/porn dumps instead you fucking shithead?

>> No.7061084

More studying
Maybe watch a show or two and then sleep

Jesus Christ, I like learning and all, but I'm not taking it easy at all.
I miss the days where I would finish a VN a few days after (maybe even the day of) the release of its translation and discuss it with everyone on /jp/.

>> No.7061091

Why is /jp/ so full of normalfags?

>> No.7061096 [DELETED] 

Were is all my awesome as HELL thought out posts? In the screenshot of maple you can see the time is 4mins behind the post time. That's how much effort I put into my posts. Autistic, yes. And mods go around deleting them...tch go2HELL

>> No.7061097


Why are you so full of range, nerd?

>> No.7061100
File: 138 KB, 1526x956, kjdesfnjkenf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this ghost dude so mad?

>> No.7061100,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why is /jp/ so shitty?

>> No.7061126

They must be mad, or else they wouldn't have gone.

>> No.7061173

Looks like a couple people got banned.

>> No.7061192

Mods still bother banning people?

Who the fuck still has a static IP in this age?

>> No.7061200
File: 239 KB, 500x375, 1283760770865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am currently attending one class, working a few days a week, and applying for another part time job. I have been balancing work and school since last winter. This fall I'm transferring to a better school for a Game Art & Design Program, and I have been living off of my own funds (excluding the room I stay in and the occasional meal) since I graduated high school.

How does that make you feel?

>> No.7061234

I have nothing but petty for you such a sad life

>> No.7061254

Today I woke up around 1:40ish PM and went out to the kitchen to be greeted by the SNES adapter I purchased. So far all I've done today is play SNES games. I just got back from the beer store with five bottles of different beers. I'm 3/4 the way done with the first, a cream stout, and it's good.

>> No.7061290

Also, apparently my left arm is insanely weak. I carried the beer holder around the store with my left hand and now my whole arm is jerking uncontrollably when I bring the glass up to my mouth and it feels like I just worked out that arm only. I guess I should switch to my right hand.

Am I moe?

>> No.7061424

If you had mentioned all of this happened with tea instead of beer, then yes.

>> No.7061452

Or hot sake, which you must spill while attempting to pour me a glass.

>> No.7061453

There are no tea stores around here. I order online.
