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File: 49 KB, 470x265, goodbye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7059402 No.7059402 [Reply] [Original]

Goodbye /jp/.

I can't get a job. Turns out having a 4 year degree in Engineering is worthless. Who would have thought. When even Cleverbot want you to die there is no reason to live. By the way you guys were a terrible board.

>> No.7059407

Unfortunately he'll just come crawling back. Fucking attention whore.

>> No.7059406

>Turns out having a 4 year degree in Engineering is worthless.

I know that feel, bro.

>> No.7059408


>> No.7059413

Good-bye OP.

You will not be missed.

>> No.7059424
File: 113 KB, 800x600, Delicious Akiha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good friend of mine got a job right out of school with his 4 year degree in engineering.
It's probably you who's worthless.

>> No.7059425

Joke's on you, you'll just wake up in Gensokyo.

>> No.7059431

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.7059438

Just get a job as janitor or security guard. It's not that bad. No one bugs you and after work you can just go back to your fantasy worlds.

>> No.7059442

Well if you really are going to kill yourself, good luck. Just don't do anything stupid that will cause a massive amount of pain and you can leave peacefully.

>> No.7059452

OP's post is the same post reworded from last week's post reworded from 2 years ago.

>> No.7059464

I tried to talk you out of school.

>> No.7059469

>4 year degree in Engineering is worthless

I got a job working internationally directly out of college. either you went to a "college", studied "engineering" or have no motivation at all.
I do have a language minor that may have helped.

>> No.7059485

Major in Aerospace Engineering and a minor in Mathematics.
The Aerospace Engineering degree is actually pretty versatile. A lot of people think you can't do anything with it.

But still, I haven't even been contacted. I've been applying for months

>> No.7059492

>Be a librarian
>sit around on my ass every day
feels good man.

>> No.7059509
File: 151 KB, 600x533, 1290357602275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 year degree in Engineering
>wants to kill himself
you should totally do a terrorist attack. it's payback time.

>> No.7059519

Dude, engineering is a maxxed out field. Not being able to find a job is no slight on your abilities. I think it's terrible no one told you how difficult it would be while you were in school.

Don't listen to Cleverbot. He's a bitch. Move to Southern California where there's a large concentration of engineering firms. Take a position interning if you have to. Bus tables, work shit jobs while you're looking. Something will come up eventually.

>> No.7059543

>engineering is a maxxed out field.

More like everything is maxxed out.

Good luck finding a place hiring coming out of college in any field.

>> No.7059650

And this is why kids,you should have become a Doctor.

It probably IS your own fault though that you cannot find a job. Did you get any field experience while you were studying? The lack of that ends up screwing most people with degrees up the ass. A lack of building up any connections while in college hurts badly as well.

>> No.7059658

Well that is just so wonderful for you Anonymous. What a cool guy you are.

>> No.7059665

I tried. I got interviews for internships but I never got any calls back. I'm really bad with talking to people.

>> No.7059701 [DELETED] 

>Did you get any field experience while you were studying?
Not OP, but in Germany at least that has become very difficult since the Bologna reform.
I'm a 5th semester Bachelor student, and can't say I have had the time to do that so far, despite having an 1.0-average.

>> No.7059709

No he isn't. He has a job, he does not belong here.

>> No.7059718

are you actually physically good OP ? you know the army is maybe the last hope

>> No.7059724


You're definitely right, but engineering was capped even before the economy took a shit. At least that's what I've heard from a family friend that was an aerospace engineer and a couple dudes I went to school with who were in similar situations as the OP.

>> No.7059726

Who do people who studied "engineering" DO anyway?

>> No.7059734


The ones I knew designed parts for machines, aircraft & spacecraft to either solve efficiency, safety or performance issues.

>> No.7059746

Mechanical parts?

>> No.7059756

If you live in a city with a university, you will quite possibly have to move to get a job. Where do you think the first place all of these students look for jobs is? It's even worse if your city contains a university and a trades college.

Do some research on where there is a lot of development going on, find out what companies are involved, get in touch with them directly. Call your engineering counselors and tell them you want any information on jobs they have, many companies often contact universities directly to find employees.

>> No.7059763

I'm so glad I don't have to deal with any of this shit, being disabled.

>> No.7059781

Government forces us to join the military. It's almost impossible to get a job nowdays without having years of experience beforehand.

I'm sure they do engineering in the army too. It should be like civilian jobs but you've got to keep up with the army lifestyle aswell.

>> No.7059790
File: 234 KB, 432x480, befuddled suiseiseki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to start studying computer engineering.

Wise choice?

Or should I go Cyber Security and have the gov't pay my tution with the promise that I work for them for 4 years after?

>> No.7059798

I'd go the second route. After all, doesn't that guarantee you a job after you graduate?

>> No.7059801

This is pretty much true, unless you live in an area that has an overabundance of jobs in your subject.
I had a 70 mile commute for my first job.

As someone who graduated with a CE degree in 2006, I would take Cyber Security. Its not like the stuff you learn in CE/CS is so hard than you can't learn it by yourself if you aren't interested.
Guaranteed Job and Paid Tuition (30k+)? ok then.

>> No.7059808

What's cyber security? It sounds like my cup of tea.

>> No.7059821

I dropped out of college 2 years ago. If I stayed in I would be $40k in debt with a worthless engineering degree like OP.
Feels fucking fantastic.

>> No.7059835

Depends on where you learn it, but in general the path goes like this at a good school:

base cs courses: some languages, algorithms, asm, os, etc.
splits into:
cs line: computation theory, functional languages, programming paradigms, etc theory stuffy
ce line: engineering courses, hardware courses
cyber security: network and security classes. (things like crypto, vulnerabilities, etc not my field)
information security: databases and high level "IT" work.

>> No.7059922

I pulled out a masters with zero debt from start to finish and lived with my parents the entire time. I'm scared of trying to get a job, so for the last year and a half I've been staying at home lying to my parents about not being able to find a job.

I received job offers after graduation for AVX R&D in capacitors. I have a degree in chemistry, but what I really want to do is metallurgy and unlock the UBW in my life. These days I'm just glad I finished my masters. My final work involved not so ground breaking research in silver nanotubes.

>> No.7060024

That's retarded, all the towns without universities or colleges are losing jobs until they're ghost towns.

>> No.7060037

I think he's just talking about the Uni towns whose economies are dependent on the student population.

>> No.7060045

>Have a Pneumonia
>Don't have any money for medical care or any relatives in a city where I live.

Do you see me whining and creating meta-thread about it, OP? No you don't.

>> No.7060057

Sounds like future me, I'm graduating with a Biology degree this semester with no plans.

I think my parents have a feeling that I'm gonna ask to move back in with them, which is probably what's gonna happen. Feels depressing, man.

>> No.7060067
File: 32 KB, 378x265, 1283474329761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>masters degree

>> No.7060080

I got a quant analysis internship starting soon, pretty good when I haven't worked a day in my life before I reckon.

>> No.7060085

I dropped out of high school, yet i don't feel the need to kill myself. I probably should, and some people would agree with me on that, but i like living.

>> No.7060089

If college is a waste of time, what should I do when I graduate from high school in a couple months?

>> No.7060093

It's not that it's a waste of time, but with how the economy is you can't just sit around taking your courses and expect to have a job lines up the moment you get your degree.
You need to do things like internships and such while in the process of getting your degree and make connections.

>> No.7060096 [SPOILER] 
File: 138 KB, 434x572, masters degree in engineering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7060100


join the army

>> No.7060107

>make connections.
You can't ask that of someone on /jp/.

>> No.7060114

>make connections
This is where I fail.

>> No.7060120

Wait, when the hell did engineering degrees become worthless? I thought it was one of the few things you'd actually have a very high chance of getting a job in. For instance, where I come from, there's a huge organization/network for engineers which claims that the unemployment among their members was at .87% during 2009.

>> No.7060118

Life is awesome, why give a fuck what other think about it? It's your life and you make decisions on what you want to do with it. No matter what someone else thinks about your life, you are the only one to judge its value, and if you truly understand what human existence is, you'll value it.

>> No.7060132

I don't mean with other students. I meant with companies. Get them to know you some how.
Most universities hold a career fair of some type. Companies also tend to send the same people as they did the previous year if they attended and if not they tend to take down a list of those who they spoke with.
So, go to said career fair, get your name on that list or whatever.

>> No.7060142

Engineers like to tell each other they're in high demand, but in reality it's one of the first jobs where cuts are made in a recession.

Think of it this way: is what you are going to do VITAL to people? No. See, a doctor is vital to people, he will never get sacked. There's high demand for them. But people who improve stuff that we use not to stay alive but just for entertainment (TV, computer, etc.) are not as important.

>> No.7060144


You don't need to kill yourself brah. Just find a way to make money in a way that you enjoy/don't mind it.

>> No.7060145

It depends on the university really.
Mine has like 3% total undergraduates not having a job or moving into a graduate studies program by the time of graduation. Which I find odd, as it's not a school renowned for engineering. I guess it depends on the types of offices and staff the engineering program has.

>> No.7060152

>people who improve stuff that we use not to stay alive
Then what about biomedical engineers?

>> No.7060177

Check it. My story is even more pathetic. I just graduated with a degree in international business and accounting. Last semester of college I realized that I hate my major. Now I'm looking to apply for work on a private yacht as a deckhand. Get paid to travel and fish.

>> No.7060220

S'up /jp/.
High school senior in his final year here.
I have a 91 average with no bullshit courses included.
The thing is, my math sucks ass but I really want to get into computer sciences.
I want to apply for Waterloo since it mildly close to home, but apparently they're hardcore and only accept kids with 95+ math marks.
Is my bare 90 math gonna cut it? ;_;
Sorry for not Touhou related.

>> No.7060283

Depends on location, living in areas with high amounts of firms (California, Texas, etc) will make it easier to find work close to where you live. Generally though after graduating you should be prepared to search for jobs all over the country and move if you have to, especially if you're young and single.

>> No.7060287

Why couldn't you just use sage?

>> No.7060289

>meaning anything

God I wish I was 18 again and cared about shit like that.

>> No.7060352

What do you mean by that?

>> No.7060412

high school doesn't mean shit unless you were an absolute bullock, i was a fucking drug smoking/class skipping fuck head. I went to a bad school for two years before finally being able to transfer, during that time I got a lot of my useless "hurrdurr" classes done, and am now 4 years later I am right next to all the people who tried amazingly hard getting their 4.0 GPAs and 9000 SATs. Only about half a year behind, still with a good enough GPA to live in honors housing.

Spoilers, highschool means almost nothing.

>> No.7060455

Oh god damn, I completely misinterpreted what you just said. Probably some self-projection on my part, since I am one of those insecure 18 year olds.

Did you have a diploma or just a GED?

>> No.7060469


>> No.7060493

I'm in my last year of high school and I even managed to fuck that up by not failing every math class every year so no college for me because that would equal death well no matter which path I take it all leads to a painful end. Being in high school has been nothing but annoying for me and I can only get anything out of life when I'm not thinking about school because nothing worth while has ever come from that place, it just made me more of a failure. I'm going to try to get a job straight out of High School after hopefully passing math during Summer school. I pretty much already lost control of life and it is now almost to the point where I really feel that this is the end, I'm too incapable for anything in this world apparently in everyone's perspective even though I can at least work. The world doesn't want want me to live.

>> No.7060641

You're suicidally depressed? That's good for business. You should look into management, there are plenty of hilariously successful CEOs who never even went to college.
