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7053517 No.7053517 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.7053543

Nitori and that chick that gave Marisa/Reimu a ICBM/Nuclear maid

>> No.7053559

Eirin is the "smart lunarian Genius" who's name translates to "eight minds". Eight is a sacred number to the Japanese, and can mean "infinite". Her whole name can refer her to be "Mind of God".

>> No.7053567

And yet she still gets ordered around by a NEET.
All bark no bite.

>> No.7053577


"Long ago, Eirin was one of a party of messengers who were sent to bring Kaguya back to the moon; the crime for which she was exiled to Earth had been forgiven. For some reason, she helped Kaguya kill all the other messengers instead. To ensure that the earthlings who lived with Kaguya would remain silent, she bribed them with the Hourai Elixir. The elixir had the power to make people immortal. None of those earthlings consumed the elixir, however, and died shortly afterwards. It was later discovered that they were murdered." - TouhouWiki

"Lady Yagokoro advised us to kill him right away, but that seemed like going too far." Of course, the fact that I'd looked after him so long made it difficult to kill him. My sister was the same, so she didn't want to kill him, either. - Cage in Lunatic Runagate

Eirin has had her murderous way with more innocent people than the fandom seems to let on to. I find it interesting that none of the people who you face in the games end up getting killed for their actions (I suppose danmaku-play is a pretty safe game). Unless I'm mistaken, Eirin is the only character to have ever murdered someone within Touhou, and shes done it quite a bit. ZUN was certainly poking around irony when he decided to make her a nurse.

>> No.7053587

Psst, Pre-Windows Touhous.

>> No.7053591

HEY MAN you gotta bark loud to scare off them crazy danmaku spamming youkais.
Gensoukyo is a doggy dog world afterall.

>> No.7053596

most youkai are killers of humans, if that counts. but eirin is human, so i suppose that makes her terrible.

>> No.7053604
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Pffft, pathetic mortals. My mind eclipses yours to a degree you cannot imagine.

>> No.7053608

Mokou most also have a high kill count after her rampage across the land.

>> No.7053626

Mokou herself has killed at least once.

And with older youkai, we'll probably never know what exactly were they doing before settling in modern Gensokyo. What little we do know does not look particularly peaceful.

>> No.7053627
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>> No.7053629

I never have understood Mokou. What does it mean?

>> No.7053633
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Serious response. Contrary to popular belief, Yukari is smarter than Eirin. Eirin obviously has more 'experience' than her, but in terms of brute intellect, Yukari is in a different league. SSiB was a battle of wits between Yukari and Eirin, and in the end Yukari came out on top.

Now from a physical point of view it should be noted that Lunarians are in fact humans with an extended lifespan. (Citation is CoLA). Yukari, on the other hand, is a youkai with a supercomputer level of intelligence. An example of this can be found in Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red. Yukari's shikigami, Ran, can solve complex equations in milliseconds, yet even she couldn't comprehend some of the complex maths that Yukari knows. Citation:

>> No.7053634
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She is willing to teach Team-9 and it actually seems she can make them learn.

Hakutaku know more than you do.

>> No.7053640


>> No.7053652

Depends what kind of "smart" you are talking about.
Yukari has outwitted Eirin twice, in IN and SSiB, so it's safe to assume that she is smarter when it comes to stuff like leading, predicting other's movements and planning.
Eirin on the other hand, invented the fucking hourai potion. She's smarter than Yukari when it comes to chemistry, medicine and scientific stuff in general. I'd also imagine her to be a great teacher.
As for magic, they're probably at the same level.

>> No.7053662
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>This river isn't fixed in width; rather, it is famous for extreme length changes according to various factors.
>Because of this, calculating the width of the river has been understood to be impossible.
>The mathematics magician who accomplished this feat is Ran Yakumo (Shikigami).
>She's usually strong with numbers, being able to answer complicated equations instantly, startling those around her.
>When asked why she had the thought to calculate the width of the Sanzu River, she simply replied that it was to kill some time.

>You think up a new formula, and you create a formula that will solve it. So your master...is better at numbers than you are?
>It goes without saying that there is no comparison. I could neither solve nor understand Miss Yukari's equations.
>How terrifying....
>Miss Yukari would determine not only the Sanzu's width, but its bottomless depth as well. She'd find out how long it would take Ursa Major to devour the North Star, all in an instant. Normally all she does is sleep, but the instant she opens her mouth, she gives orders no one else would think up.

>> No.7053667

>Eirin on the other hand, invented the fucking hourai potion.

That says nothing at all. Why would Yukari invent the fucking hourai potion? It has no use for her.

>> No.7053672

That was Yukari telling the difference between her shikigami and her. She noted that her relationship with her shikigami were like humans were with their computers on the "outside world". The same could be said here.
But I still wouldn't believe Yukari is more intelligent than Eirin. She may have more intellect in the art of solving problems quickly, but as far as having vast quantities of knowledge, I think Eirin may be on par with a Juedo-Christian god. She created the Hourai Elixir, an immortality medicine, after all. I doubt Yukari can easily do that. Still, there is the point that she lost to Yukari in the battle of wits in SSIB (though she didn't have much of a lead to begin with... I think Yukari had a head start). The two are pretty smart both ways anyway.

>> No.7053674

>I could neither solve nor understand Miss Yukari's equations.
Then how does anyone know they're right?

>> No.7053678

They're both mary sues.

In fact all touhous are mary sues.

YAY now post fanart or something.

>> No.7053681

I don't know why you keep citing the invention of the Hourai Elixir as a major accomplishment. She had the main ingredient, Kaguya, from the start. If she was able to create it without Kaguya's hax it would be impressive.

>> No.7053682


Yeah, Mokou was also someone who committed murder in Touhou. She confessed in Cage of a Lunatic Runagate that she killed Ihakasa by pushing him off the cliff of the volcano just before stealing the elixir and running away. She also noted she went on a rampage for about 300 years about 300 years after the event, out of fury for humanities' treating her like an abomination for being unable to die.
I like how ZUN add things to traditional Japanese folklore like Mokou and her whole story. It's why she's one of my favorite characters.

>> No.7053684

I thought Werner Heisenberg was the smartest Touhou.

>> No.7053686

Did they ever explain how she got fire powers?

>> No.7053693

I observed what you did there.
Or did I?

>> No.7053697
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If I'm not mistaken, she just learned how to.

>> No.7053702

I don't remember reading anywhere that she used Kaguya to create the Hourai Elixir.

In fact, I think she did it without her, because it was Kaguya who asked Eirin about it.
>She asked me if such a thing existed, and so I made it for her.
>That minor error was to give the Hourai Elixir, that is, the elixir of immortality and eternal youth, to Princess Kaguya. But my warnings went unheeded, and Princess Kaguya drank the elixir and became immortal.

But I do know Mokou thinks that it was Kaguya, not Eirin, who made the Hourai Elixir.

>> No.7053705

I thought you got banned already.

>> No.7053709

Well, although Von Braun gave Touhous their flight ability, it was Heisenberg that allowed the universe to exist.

>> No.7053714

Well, you see, Eirin and Yukari very well may have the same level of intelligence, it's just that their intelligence is in different fields.

Eirin might be able to create some super medicine to cure death, while Yukari hammers out a new theory behind black holes and dark matter.

>> No.7053715

She used Kaguya's powers to make it. That was the point I was trying to make. It has been said that it's impossible to make it without Kaguya's powers:
>Since this elixir is forbidden, and only Eirin is known to be capable of manufacturing it—and even then only with the help of Kaguya

I think if any youkai with half a brain had access to Kaguya's magic they could make a Hourai Elixir.

>> No.7053725
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That assumed statement needs to be fixed. It's not said anywhere that she she needed help.

That being said, can we have more Mokou in traditional clothes? She looks pretty good in them.

>> No.7053728
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>> No.7053731
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>> No.7053732

I always imagined Eirin being on the verge of senility ("I'LL MAKE IT PERMANENTLY NIGHT! NO ONE WILL SUSPECT A THING!") while Yukari is in her prime.

Back during the Lunar War, Eirin was in her prime and Yukari was a cocky brat.

>> No.7053733
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>> No.7053744
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>> No.7053750
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>> No.7053751
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>> No.7053757
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>> No.7053760
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Anyone besides me enjoying the image dump?

>> No.7053766


>> No.7053767

That depends on if people enjoy derailment with an image dump that's unrelated.

But I was a good at derailment. Now, it's just sad.

>> No.7053768
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>> No.7053775

Except it was Yukari who made the night imperishable, not Eirin. Eirin just put up a fake moon.

>> No.7053776
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last one.

>> No.7054051

More Mokou dump?

>> No.7054302



>> No.7054321
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This should just be all of them in kimonos.
Excluding Yuyuko.

But yeah, you missed one/several Huziwara.

>> No.7054356

>Eight is a sacred number to the Japanese, and can mean "infinite"
Especially when Eight gets drunk. 8 → ∞

>> No.7054371

>Eight is a sacred number to the Japanese, and can mean "infinite"

That's eight million, not eight, and it's used just as we use "myriad". Though the deity Eirin is based on is called something like "He who ponders together eight million thoughts" (yeah Shinto deities have Exalted style names) so I guess your point stands.
