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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7052244 No.7052244 [Reply] [Original]

I always wondered how many of you guys actually consider yourself "otaku" and if you are one are you secretive about it?

>> No.7052259

I don't make direct contact with the outside world at all so I would not know.

>> No.7052256

Fuck off.

>> No.7052260

Get out.

>> No.7052262

h4drc0r3 otkau here. this board is full of weeaboos. none of them ar actualy otaku

>> No.7052264

tru floor shitting neet only

>> No.7052291

why would anyone consider themselves to be an otaku?

>> No.7052294

so NEET I shit autism

>> No.7052305

Probably because they like to brag about their powerlevels to their friends at the anime conventions.

>> No.7052308

While I don't go around talking about it to everyone, I'm not hiding it at all either. I have a large poster on the wall with a picture of a naked Holo. The one by Tony Taka.

>> No.7052310

Those aren't otaku, they're retards.

>> No.7052313

That was my point. Kinda.

>> No.7052337

Big posters are fine if you don't let anybody in your room. Ever.

>> No.7052349

Labelling yourself something is dumb. I don't call myself a gamer because I play games, or a foodie because I like eating food, so no point in calling myself an otaku.

>> No.7052366

otaku.... ARE retards. Who would be so stupid as to spend money that they could use to make more money by buying..... figurines, doujinshi, etc.

Maybe it's excusable if they're kids or teenagers who think Japan, Japanese people, and/or Anime is magical, and sometimes those people just grow up, because they're turned off by something in the fandom, or just got bored with it and want to move on.

It gets so fucking annoying to even hang around an Otaku, I mean, it's the guy who wears a Zeon shirt who acts like he can compensate his lack of social skills with how he can recite all the robots in the Gundam series. Loudly. I don't mind the quiet, dorky anime fan- in fact, it's endearing, but it's the overtly proud Otaku who annoys everyone.

Those Otaku, is like the Loud, limp-wristed, boa feather-wearing, neon color-wearing faggot at a pride parade.

Like.... who the fuck cares?

>> No.7052367

Belonging to a group can be a good thing, guys. But what would I know? I am ronrey.

>> No.7052377

You belong to the best club of all. The /jp/ club.

>> No.7052386


Is it like Genshiken? Cuz I'd like to get laid.

>> No.7052389

You seem to care.

>> No.7052400

I meant with real people. Internet doesn't count.

>> No.7052424

Being an otaku isn't something to wear with pride.

I believe I may be in denial.

>> No.7052433

from the length of your post

you care

now everyone in this thread stop replying to obvious shit troll thread

>> No.7052435 [DELETED] 
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No, I'm just a loner that has all kinds of hobbies.

>> No.7052438

I consider myself an otaku because I post in a board about otaku culture.

>> No.7052473

Look at it this way. The fact that there are others like you means you're not alone in all your shame and misery.

Then again, you're still fucking miserable. The fact that there are others like you means you will end up taking so much shit for stuff they do.

>> No.7052515

I like anime, manga, doujins, VNs, figures, and various other /jp/-related things. However, they're just hobbies. I have other hobbies, and I don't see why having a certain one should give you a label. It's almost as bad as when people throw around the word "gamer".

I also keep it to myself. Don't get me wrong, if I'm asked about something I'm happy to discuss it, even in public. I even occasionally wear paraphernalia. But I certainly don't try to be as loud as possible about it and ensure that everyone around me is so annoyed with my behavior that they hate my guts. The problem with western "otakus" is that they wear the term like a badge of honor and shove it down everyone else's throats by acting like autistic fucks in public and trying so very hard to be as Asian as possible.

>> No.7052603


>The problem with western "otakus" is that they wear the term like a badge of honor and shove it down everyone else's throats by acting like autistic fucks in public and trying so very hard to be as Asian as possible.

Fucking THIS.

As an Asian, why do these people feel like they're entitled to OUR culture? Haven't they taken enough with their chubby fingers home and masturbated to it plenty of times?

Who doesn't get pissed off with that shit?

(Not to say Anime and Videogames are the only things about Asia...)

>> No.7052612

I don't consider myself an "otaku" because it's a complete corruption of what the term actually means.

I'm secretive about it and pretend to be completely ignorant of all things related to this particular hobby. I admit to the lesser evil of video gaming instead.

>> No.7052613

You do realize that buying merchandise is not the defining feature of an otaku right?
Otherwise train otakus would have very interesting lives.

Anyway, yes I consider myself an otaku, but I completely hide my powerlevel.

>> No.7052614

So what should people spend their money on? Anything can be a waste of money, depending on your perspective. For instance, cars. What a fucking waste. And having one is pretty much admitting you go outside on a regular basis.

>> No.7052620

God, no! Why would I call myself something so terrible? I mean, otaku is like "fanboy" (Clan of the Gray Wolf just did a video on this) to me: it implies immaturity and ignorance.

>> No.7052628


At least in Japan, a person who likes trains or military (gun nuts) can be called Otaku. But if a person is obsessed with making money, does that make them an Money Otaku?

Like. Even in America. You take a guy who is so into Star Trek/Wars/whatever, and replace it with a guy who wears a sport team's jersey/signed paraphernalia, and the latter is more acceptable, it seems. Same could be said of hipsters, thought they're starting to become viewed on the same level as the Star Trek fans as of late. (Yeah, they were viewed as elite at some point, but their elitism really made them easy targets for mainstream society.)

I also notice that some of these subcultures love to lie to themselves and see themselves as elite because of the subculture they partake in, which just makes me question "Who really cares?"

So it's not just about the obsession either, but the context of social acceptability itself. Maybe if they're into something that isn't socially normal, like, figurines, cartoons, or video games, then yeah, they're otaku. Cuz some cultures have a clear definition of what a child and what an adult is, and for an adult to behave like a kid (Video games and cartoons) isn't normal, socially.

>> No.7052630

Otaku? No, otaku disgust me, I consider myself a fat fuck who masturbates to anime shit because 3d can't recreate my fetishes. Also, touhou, dno if that adds anything.

>> No.7052631

Who gives a shit?

>> No.7052633

People call themselves otaku in Japan, just like people call themselves nerds in the US. These days it's considered a perfectly acceptable and somewhat endearing term, despite what some /jp/ers seem to believe after reading newspaper articles about the Miyazaki murders from like 20 years ago.

>> No.7052634

I agree. Animation and video games are lower art forms that appeal to children and those with minds of children alone.

>> No.7052637


>> No.7052640


I dunno, your fucking pension? How old are you? Do you not even worry about your health care, insurance, and social security programs (depending on your country)

Yeah, people buy things like cars, and yes, they can be car enthusiasts, but that's more or less expected as a norm, at least among males. Some people buy wines and liquors, but objectively speaking, these things cost money, and the best thing you can do for your money is to invest on things that will have a larger return in the long-run, and not just something for nostalgia or temporary amusement, or hoarding- the danger in those is the level of addiction you can have with something that doesn't have the potential in improving the world.

And we all know that people take things to the extreme; that excess and compulsive behavior becomes a substitute to the actual enjoyment of something. Anime, Videogames, being the least. (Talk about food, drugs, alcohol, sex, etc.)

>> No.7052648

Why is /jp/ so terrible?

>> No.7052653

You're either an idiot or completely evading the actual meaning behind the subject on purpose. I ask what you should spend your money on, and your answer is basically "Food? Shelter? Health care? Long term investments? Taxes?"

I'm asking what you spend your money on for enjoyment, it's just stunning that I actually need to make this distinction. There is no reference in your response to what one should spend their money on once their needs are taken care of. The long term return point is especially laughable, because you never specify what the return is then supposed to be spent on.

You're just one of those typical idiots who talks all about the benefit to society and what's socially accepted without ever specifying what the end goal is. Rather than your attack on video games/anime in particular, your argument sounds like it could apply to any kind of hobby that isn't coldly returning a net gain to society. Like we should all become hardcore utilitarians who spend all their money recreating communism.

>> No.7052657


Some could have widespread appeal. But even Hayao Miyazaki and members of the Superflat movement comment on the arrested development of the Japanese psyche, and are ardent critics of things that represent Otaku culture.

How do you excuse Lucky Star? That it's like Seinfeld?

Otaku are people who take things to excess. And it's kind of disappointing how people forget that that's what makes Otaku what they are- people who think they are so elite, they have to find a way to justify this sort of thought.

You know, Unwarranted Self-Importance.

>> No.7052663

>You know, Unwarranted Self-Importance.
You in a nutshell. And why are you capitalizing that, is it some phrase deity you worship? People don't need to "excuse" or "justify" what they enjoy.

>> No.7052672

ITT we make up bullshit definitions of the word "otaku" so we can feel better about our own pathetic lives.

>> No.7052675


Calling me an idiot isn't correct- Calling Otaku who would later regret their decisions as idiots is correct- Most of you aren't wealthy enough to not care, statistically speaking. Some of you might get married, and have kids (who you have to spend money on). Some of you might grow old and die alone, and would prefer it that way, but I doubt that you would increase your prestige and personal monetary worth by being an Otaku.

Buy land, man! If Otaku can have the neurosis to perpetuate their interest in their hobby, then you have to wonder how wealthy people are able to perpetuate and multiply their wealth. Be socially responsible, not necessarily utilitarian/communist.

Capitalism, old boy! You have to be human, and if you want to grow your wealth, you're gonna have competition/obstacles that you'd need to buy off/bribe/whatever.

Fuck, to be fair, why buy anime merchandise when you can produce that shit? (Some people stop being businessmen and start becoming Otaku, and that becomes a waste of money.)

The alternative is to waste every dollar you have on being a consumer (what an Otaku basically is) and just wake up and see how poorly you invested all that money.

>> No.7052685

How would you define it?

>> No.7052686


The people who make Lucky Star have to justify why they made that by making you want to collect their Character songs, and all other merchandise.

(The reason why Japan is angry about fansubs, piracy, etc.)

Did those animators and voice actors do things because they love anime and did work out of the goodness of their otaku heart? They need to get paid, somehow.

>> No.7052693

Possibly otaku related hobbies: Nicovideo, Touhou, VN's, animu.
I don't spend all my disposable income on that shit, have other hobbies, and hide my powerlevel. I don't have an otaku room, but I do have a kyokujitsuki on my wall. I expect my roommates friends think I'm a nerd who likes watching animu, but I doubt they think I'm a loli-fapping dakimakura humping otaku. Which is good, because I'm not. Just like some games and shows, man.

>> No.7052697

Not "dumb people with autism who take everything to the extreme and are annoying in everything they do."
You guys are taking the extremes and try to make it seem like it's the norm. It's no different than racism. Almost complete bullshit.

>> No.7052706

>prestige and personal monetary worth

Get the fuck out of here! Your life may be driven by greed, but the rest of us just want to enjoy our simple lives in peace.

>> No.7052715

Your first post is only about work. Work to make money, and with that money make more money, then make more money, with no reference to the end goal of how it's spent, unless you're one of those people who just enjoys the game of making money. I'm sure many people do enjoy that, but for the end reason of their spending of that money on the things the enjoyment really stems from.

Which you acknowledge in your second post. You say they all don't love anime, they need money. In other words, their joy isn't in earning the money, they want it for something. For what? That's what you keep missing out on. For the sake of the argument, what they want to spend their money on isn't anime. But it is something. And that something has no reason to hold itself above anime.

On the one hand, you talk about contribution to society, but on the other, you talk about being a dedicated capitalist who goes for only money for money's sake and for prestige. That's not helping society, it's exploiting it. All that money comes from somewhere. And that's why firstly, a rich person making a big deal about how successful they are and how great a member of society they are is a hypocrite - they have the money because the poor don't, and secondly, there's no such thing as a true waste of money. There's only "that's a waste of money" meaning "I wouldn't spend my money that way myself, because I wouldn't enjoy it." which matters little when it's not your money. Even if it is your money, you can't discount the possibility of someone else enjoying that, so it can't be called an objective waste. You can't look down on others who spend their money on the things they want to and are happy for it.

>> No.7052719

I dont consider myself otaku, although I am a lolicon.

I can socialize with people but I dont tell anyone about my lolicon hobby.

>> No.7052769
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>> No.7052776


wow, someone's responding and reading. This is my last post, and would like to thank anyone who contributed to my entertainment.

>That's not helping society, it's exploiting it.
Businesses have, by virtue of the taxes governments impose on them, contribute a lot.

Capitalism DOES work, now an excess of it will lead to conditions like 19th century America, when offices were for sale.

>All that money comes from somewhere. And that's why firstly, a rich person making a big deal about how successful they are and how great a member of society they are is a hypocrite - they have the money because the poor don't

Well, you work for your money, then you make good judgments as to how you spend them. If you have a business, you pay people who help your business grow. There is no exploitation in a mutually favorable contract. They work, they get money, money from me. Their work yields money, for me.

>There's only "that's a waste of money" meaning "I wouldn't spend my money that way myself, because I wouldn't enjoy it." which matters little when it's not your money.

Of course it's my money, if my accounts are balanced and my revenues are where they should be for the year. Accountants record what the expenditures on wages and taxes, and what are actual revenues for the year, so no. If I am the sole proprietor, which you assume I wasn't (You were assuming that I'm talking about a corporation, an ENTIRELY different business entity) then my assets are mine alone.

>You can't look down on others who spend their money on the things they want to and are happy for it.

Of course I can! Why can't I? Because you said so, or because you're offended that I disagree with you? I can, and will look down on people who spend their money on pot, hookers, and whatever, and even laugh at them when they complain why their lives are so shitty. But then, I'd secretly fund the soup kitchens they frequent to, if they don't have the pride to kill themselves.

>> No.7052838
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This thread is hilarious.

some of the stuff I read was pretty asinine. You're all posting on a board dedicated to Japanese/Otaku culture... some of you get it some of you don't.

If you're reading this, you're in front of a computer (most likely).

I'm no better than any of you but damn... people get over yourselves.

>> No.7052861
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>You're all posting on a board dedicated to Japanese/Otaku culture.

Nobody will ever know what /jp/ is about on their first visit.

>> No.7052905

>laugh at people who spend their money on hookers
Best cost benefit than most women, and if you're actually disgusting not just shy it's the only way you'd ever get laid.

>> No.7052936

I sure wish people knew what the word 'otaku' means and that it's not a good nor is it something you brag about being but of course that won't happen due to all the little kids watching Welcome to the NHK then bragging to their friends at school about how much of an otaku and hikikomori they are while wearing an Inuyasha shirt and inhaling the pocky they bought from the nearest Asian supermarket.

>> No.7052992

I do in a way but it isn't something I go around bragging about. I was like this my whole and life and always will be. Ever since I watched my first anime and read my first manga which was FLCL I was hooked for life. The whole lifestyle was just for me. It chose me.

>> No.7053003

I do what I enjoy, and don't care about conforming to some label.

>> No.7053019

I don't fit in any label anyways. The things I like are just too diverse. Though I love a ton of otaku related stuff I also love a lot more random stuff. The only otaku related things I even own are some anime soundtracks and a small amount of mangas. I don't have any figs but I would like to. They are just so expensive though.

>> No.7053064

In the end you're just looking down on people for using money on things you wouldn't use your own money on, for no good reason at all. You're a horrible person.

>> No.7053090

What exactly would you suggest people here do? All you've done is write long rants, trying make yourself seem smarter and just plain better than everyone else here, but I have yet to see a clear well argued point. it seems like you want people to use their money to get more money. How exactly? Investing? Creating a business? Working hard towards a good position in a company with a great salary? Not everyone is even capable of doing this. How do you know those who are capable, aren't already doing this? You know nothing about the people here and you're assuming a lot.
In the end, if you end up rich and successful. Then what? Are you now allowed, by your rules, to spend money on whatever nonsense you want? Are you ever allowed to do that? Have you never wasted money on something that wasn't absolutely necessary.
How CAN you even use your money without in some way contributing to society? You mentioned taxes. We all pay taxes and contribute that way. None of us are a complete waste.
I simply don't see a single solid point from you. It just seems like excuses to criticize others and feel better about yourself.
