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7051502 No.7051502 [Reply] [Original]

>Flandre stronger than Remilia
>Koishi stronger than Satori
>Minoriko stronger than Shizuha

What's up with younger sisters always being stronger than older in Touhou?

>> No.7051506

imouto-chan kawaii~

>> No.7051529 [DELETED] 

>imouto-chan kowaii...
fixed the HELL outa that for you

>> No.7051539
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But even then, I think Remilia could still take down Flandre.

>> No.7051537

>Koishi stronger than Satori
Being an EX-stage boss doesn't make you stronger. Satori is the queen bitch of everything in SA; she just doesn't care, kinda like Yuugi.

>> No.7051544

>Flandre respects Remilia
>Koishi adores Satori
>Minoriko loves Shizuha

What's up with younger sisters always not being rebelious towards their older in Touhou?

>> No.7051547

You probably didn't intend it that way, but that's a surprisingly apt portmanteau, especially for Flandre.

>> No.7051555

It's exactly because they are younger sisters.

Just like how only girls develop mystic powers in the Touhouverse because they are more mysterious to us in the real world, little sisters develop even more powerful abilities since they are even more mysterious than normal girls.

>> No.7051558

Epic trips bro

>> No.7051563

Well, it was stated that her ability was superior to Satori's.

But yeah, despite the useless fanon Satori, her canon counterpart is a pretty influental youkai even the big shots like Yukari don't want to mess with.

>> No.7051568
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>Let me tell you something good.
>My sister could never win against me.

>Why? I can act against the subconscious that she can't read.

>The danmaku that lurk in your subconscious are danmaku that my sister has never seen!

Koishi clearly states that she is stronger, Satori is just hated because she can read minds, not because she is powerful.

>> No.7051572

Allow me to introduce you to my filter faggot.

>> No.7051576

Because younger sisters being better than the elder is unheard of in the outside world, the fantastic concept of the stronger younger sister was able to manifest in Gensokyo.

>> No.7051581

Stop replying to bad-fake-kun.

>> No.7051584

/r/ing that comic about mokou and kaguya being related

>> No.7051586
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Her ability happens to be the ultimate counter for her sister's. Doesn't mean she's objectively stronger (whatever the hell that means).

>> No.7051592
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>> No.7051597
File: 9 KB, 214x213, rofl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was only joking.

>> No.7051599


It's not a counter. It's simply that subconscious danmaku is stronger than conscious danmaku.

9-7 makes me think otherwise though, fuck that spell.

>> No.7051601

>suspendered freak

such hateful language, tsk

>> No.7051606

Basically, Zun has a fetish for imouto and BBAs and that's why they are the strongest. Oh and the oni. That a girl who has a never ending gourd of sake belongs to Zun's dream girls should be no wonder either.

>> No.7051609

What'd you expect? They go together like /jp/ and /a/, this is not implying they are similar to them.

>> No.7051611

>Power to read minds
>Power to not have mind read
>Not a counter

>> No.7051613 [DELETED] 

HELL yea, that's prolly his fetish too, strong little sisters ♪(´ε` )

>> No.7051618
File: 425 KB, 700x988, c13f2acc1ffa92c6e66b1fbc6d1387ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a Satori v Koishi fight it would be, the "My sister could never win against me." is just that. Satori's ability to read minds is useless against Koishi while Koishi's ability to read and manipulate the subconscoius would presumably work just fine.

I'm not saying she isn't stronger than Satori, she very well might be, but consistently winning against one person doesn't necessarily mean you are overall better.

>> No.7051622

Dude, this makes sense.
Kaguya was a candidate to be the mother of Mokou after all. At least in Mokou's eyes.
It just needs to be an elder figure, be it older sister or potential mother.

>> No.7051641

Remi smells, that's why

>> No.7051645 [DELETED] 

>Flandre stronger than Remilia


>> No.7051646

it's canon

>> No.7051651

Funny then how Remilia's danmaku is a thousand times harder.

>> No.7051653

Word of Zun against word of desperate fan. Who wins?

>> No.7051662
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the in game difficulty does not have much bearing on the canonical power levels

ZUN said so himself

>> No.7051671

No he didn't, secondary.

But still her profile:
>She really respects her older sister Remilia, but her raw destructive power far exceeds that of her sister's.

>> No.7051681

>raw destructive power
Going by that measure, no one beats Flandre other than maybe Suika.

>> No.7051682



>> No.7051688

>my face when.jpg

>> No.7051699

What kind of measurement? It's only stated that she is stronger than her sister.
From PMiSS we know that vampires are all-rounder who have many abilities which youkai usually only have few of, but they aren't necessary better at them. Magicans can still use more powerful magic, Tengu can still fly faster, Oni are still stronger etc.

Also, nothing compares to the Oni.

>> No.7051705 [DELETED] 

Gratuitous reports like the ones you constantly have to post to tell us about are one of the many reasons mods turn a blind eye to /jp/.

>> No.7051707

and since when was naming reaction images against the rules

>> No.7051720

Everything's against the rules here, didn't-cha know? Best option is to ignore.

>> No.7051737

This is what newfriends actually believe.
