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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7048415 No.7048415 [Reply] [Original]

You wake up to find out everyone else disappeared for some unknow reason
Somehow the internet is still online, but you notice that websites like Facebook
and /a/b/v/ went down, /jp/ is still online though and you can still comunicate yourself with your fellow NEETs on /jp/
VNs are still getting translated and released as usual.
The only thing that have changed is the outside world.
There are no more normalfags in the streets, everything is deserted.
Somehow, food supplies are delivered to your room every morning by an unknow entity.
Eletricity, water and everything else is working just fine.
So there is no need for you to leave the confort of your home.
However there is also no more need for you to stay sheltered inside the security of your home,
since society disappeared.

Anyways i think this question is better presented here as more of a matter of how you would react to society being no more.
So, what do you say anon
Do you venture outside in the new world?

>> No.7048427

I wouldn't see the need to, seeing as everything I need to get by is already at home.
I'll still be attempting portals to Gensokyo though

>> No.7048425

>by an unknow entity
That would be Tomoki, right? I think I've read this one before.

>> No.7048430

Play few games I always wanted, then off to Gensokyo because I will be able to leave room to get on high building to jump from.

>> No.7048429

Why the fuck would I go outside and what I am supposed to do there?

>> No.7048433

Will I get food deliveries even if I move to another house? I'd move to the fanciest place I could find if so, otherwise probably continue more or less as usual.

>> No.7048439

I would travel to CERN to activate the LHC
I believe i have a much better chance to open the portal to Gensokyo there than with my bleach

>> No.7048442

If i can still communicate with my fellow NEETs, then i presume they are still alive and well. Correct?
If so , i would then proceed to organize the greatest /jp/ meet up ever.

However this one would be for eternity

>> No.7048454

Or that would be problem; /jp/ couldn't even dream any more about becoming little girl because there would be no surgeries and no hormones.

>> No.7048456

I've been fantasizing about this exact thing happening a lot when I was a teenager, before I got interested in Japanese popculture. The only difference would be that EVERYTHING in the world would continues functioning as usual - the shops would get restocked, everything would be maintained, etc. I would live in parallel to the real world, with everything being updated while I'm not looking, save for the place where I would be living that would stay the same.
I was never a hikki, I always liked going for long walks and exploring the world, so being able to do that without being bothered by people would be fucking awesome.

>> No.7048458

Hell no!
If i am going to end up alone in the end no matter what
Then i prefer to never have been together with anyone to begin with

“We travelled together. And after countless summers, one day, I was all alone again. At the end of everything, I was truly… and utterly… alone…”

It's Fragile dreams all over again

>> No.7048473
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Can I go out to find a group of like minded individuals to room with? It'd be kind of lonely living the NEET lifestyle alone.

Also shut-in sex club.

>> No.7048482

I still fantasize about that.

>> No.7048487

You could do like i said earlier and reunite all the /jp/ers in the world...
However i have just noticed a little problem
I doubt there are any /jp/ers who can drive planes, and there is also the problem of in which country we would live in.
Do you guys prefer cold or hot places?

>> No.7048489


I'll take hot. I don't like wearing alot of clothes.

>> No.7048494

We could buy a city, seriously
There are deserted cities around the world being sold for about $300.000 dollars

>> No.7048498

I would have to say cold, it's my dream to make snow angels in the snow with my fellow /jp/ers

>> No.7048500

> sold
What makes you think the economy would still work? Unless you want to make a new economy for /jp/sies instead of making a paradise with free resources (since OP says everything is getting magically restocked, nevermind the whole impossibility of the situation).

>> No.7048514

They're thinking about making this situation a reality here and now, Anon.

>> No.7048517
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>> No.7048519

He's talking about in real life. I'm not sure if it's for sale, but South Georgia looks like it'd be a good place for a /jp/ settlement. We just need to sort out food, internet and power. And heating.

>> No.7048521

But, by leaving the house, wouldn't I turn into a normalfag myself and ultimately disappear?
Sounds like a trap.

>> No.7048522

Do we even need an entire city?
I believe a condominium would be enough

>> No.7048526

You're gonna get raided if you don't hire law enforcement of some kind.

>> No.7048529

I don't think that /jp/ users would want to live in such close confines with each other if they can help it, most of us are probably very fussy about noise. Sure, we probably wouldn't make much noise, but you never know. We could probably get buying an old mental asylum to work though. Padded walls probably give good sound insulation, and all the doors will have good locks so that no-one can discover our terrible secrets.

>> No.7048531

We could, reluctantly, do this in a cooperation with /k/.

>> No.7048533

>mental asylum
That sounds like a great plan. A fitting end for us /jp/sies.

>> No.7048536

I'd go through with it if all became eternal lolis

>> No.7048537

Really? There don't seem to be any other settlements in the area, and it's pretty far away from South America. Considering how harsh the climate is too, you aren't just going to get any rag-tand band of pirates crossing to raid us, and anything bigger would probably be dealt with by the British naval presence.

>> No.7048538

So no females under 200 pounds? Sounds pretty shit if you ask me. Guess I'm a normalfag after all...

>> No.7048542

Hell fucking yes. That feeling, I know it well.

>> No.7048544

>Guess I'm a normalfag after all...

>> No.7048559
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... wait. this whole concept has as a basis that any normalfag dissapears because of their normalfag condition.

leaving your home, leaving the NEET territory means you are closer to being normal than NEET, meaning that at the very second you leave your house, you WILL dissapear...

IT'S A FUCKING TRAP. not Wriggle trap, but trap trap.

>> No.7048594
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>Facebook and /a/b/v/ went down
Hell yes.

>> No.7048605
File: 131 KB, 600x438, HELL YES MOTHERFUCKER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this means i don't have to go to school anymore?

>> No.7048606

Continue my life as usual, but better: it's more pleasant now that the society disappeared.
Hey, you created /jp/'s dream life.
Just add: "Your waifu materialized in your house." and it's perfect.

>> No.7048620

Once you're a NEET, you will never be a normalfag anymore.

>> No.7048639

I'd get a sword and travel the world looking for other NEETs to battle with.

>> No.7048649

Fucking this.
With continues supplies I'm going to go on a motherfucking adventure.

Who wants to form a party?

>> No.7048653

D'aww, just look at you, trying so hard to fit in.
Kids confusing NEETs with hikkikomori are always endearing, aren't they?

>> No.7048666

I'll give it a moment's thought. What may be permanent may just be an experiment gone wrong.

>> No.7048679

I'll get out my gun and finish whatever this anomaly started.

>> No.7048683

What if this scenario happened, but every shut-in that remains also turned into cute girls?

>> No.7048686

/jp/ meetup.

>> No.7048693
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>> No.7048699

Since I live with my brother whose even less a normal than me, this means I'd still be stuck with him? Fucking shit, of course I am going outside.

>> No.7048703


>> No.7048706

>What if this scenario happened, but every shut-in >that remains also turned into cute little girls?


>> No.7048710

Nope, sorry.

>> No.7048712

Humanity as a species would cease to exist within a century. You all don't realize that there are no females, or at least not enough.

>> No.7048717

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.7048718

You really think we would care?

>> No.7049531

Interesting. I wrote up a scenario quite like this a few years ago, but never went anywhere with it (of course).
