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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7044941 No.7044941 [Reply] [Original]


Closed Beta registration opens in 10 minutes.

>> No.7044946


>> No.7044950
File: 15 KB, 264x306, about_to_cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can i play as that little girl?

>> No.7044951

... are you being paid to keep people off this game through reverse psychology or something?

>> No.7044954
File: 410 KB, 1600x1200, 2009-06-25 23-25-18 [Built at 2009-06-16 17-20]01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7044967

Can you play as the little girl? I'm not going through the trouble if not.

>> No.7044969
File: 52 KB, 601x437, amina11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The child raising system looks rather complex. I'm looking forward to trying it out.

>> No.7044971


>> No.7044977

Is there an MMO /jp/ likes?

>> No.7044983 [DELETED] 

-play as the little girl

Pick one.

>> No.7044992

World of Warcraft

>> No.7044999

God dammit! You can't play as little girl.

I wouldn't even mind a female gnome/dwarf child at this point.

>> No.7045000

Just imagine that you are a reliable onee-sama.

>> No.7045007

Can you at least play as male so i can at least fantasize about having a pure cute little sister? I don't want to be some cow-tit whore!

>> No.7045009
File: 155 KB, 800x640, cyber-baby-prius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I cute? uguuu~

Also, registration is open.

>> No.7045018


>> No.7045036


A South Korean couple were arrested for starving their baby to death because they forgot to feed their daughter while playing Prius Online for up to 18 hours a day at a neighbourhood Internet cafe. Police officer said, "The couple seemed to have lost their will to live a normal life, because they didn't have jobs and gave birth to a premature baby. They indulged themselves in the online game of raising a virtual character so as to escape from reality, which led to the death of their real baby." Kwak Dae-kyung, a Professor of Dongguk University said that the couple appeared to have lost track of reality. "Online game addiction can blur the line between reality and the virtual world. It seems that taking care of their on-line game character erased any sense of guilt they may have had for neglecting their daughter."

>> No.7045031 [DELETED] 

Is this free to play or just during beta?

>> No.7045047

Sounds like a great game

>> No.7045052

This game was made in Japan, thats why it's not shitty like most other South Korean MMOs

>> No.7045060

Oh, they give you 4 beta keys for registering. That's kinda cool.

>> No.7045061

Well, this just might be the game for me; nothing like some good ol' escapism.

Lonely, daughterless, girlfriendless, fat, old - HAHA - i think not.

>> No.7045070

is this f2p? is there a p2p? you always have to pay for games like these.

>> No.7045073

All of them for the first month.

>> No.7045077
File: 58 KB, 516x720, 33790_183846651636481_147545378599942_508520_3587589_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7045103

When will it actually start?

>> No.7045114

Most games like this are f2p but you can get good "cash items" with real money converted to points.

>> No.7045125

there a download for the client yet?

>> No.7045140
File: 584 KB, 740x740, 12024655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the Japanese make great MMOs.
Just look at Final Fantasy!

>> No.7045139

oh god I hope my computer can run this. It looks great.
Just finished the survey now...getting mah beta key

>> No.7045142

I can't think of a good username, everything is taken!

>> No.7045143

gPotato is having a hard time just keeping their website up. Client after the initial rush for keys dies down.

>> No.7045149
File: 227 KB, 794x899, 1298685916670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prius Online
Alright guys!!!

The sign up is live!!!

If you are having problems signing up it's because we got 1000+ hits in the first 5 minutes after it went live ... Just hang in there everybody should be able to get one.
12 minutes ago · Like ·

>> No.7045156

americunt wasn't taken that's what i chose

>> No.7045159

just redeemed my code!!
Fuck yes, I'm exited as hell!!!

>> No.7045188

>1000+ hits in the first 5 minutes
Wow, an entire 3 accesses per second. Might be time to upgrade their server from a 486 to a pentium 2.

>> No.7045193

so how the fuck do i play? Is this a browser based game or someshit?

>> No.7045197 [DELETED] 

Do we have are own english servers, or are we going to play with gooks?

>> No.7045204

Beta client available to download later.

>> No.7045214

I'm going to abuse my anima, she will never be the same when i'm done with her.

>> No.7045234

So, is gpotato the one that supports EU too?

>> No.7045277

So anyone have a class they're looking forward to?
Occultist and Gunslinger look nice.

>> No.7045309


The Anime class seems nice too, definetly going for it.

Oh, wait. Can't be the little girl in this one either. Guess I will have to keep on waiting for the one MMO. ;_;

>> No.7045320

After that shit with Prans requiring so much grinding, I'm kind of wary. If not grinding, they'll involve cash shop bullshit.

>> No.7045321

in b4 a button sticks down and you can't stop your character from getting older and older and they eventually have to do a recall

>> No.7045377

System requirements? When does the beta start?

>> No.7045385
File: 424 KB, 1680x1050, Capture0038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to do this again, huh.

The graphics look a bit gross in some of them screenshots though, hopefully those are low settings or something.

>> No.7045465

so the site really doesn't explain it, but after a certain level you get an animus to follow you? Or does it mean you simply are able to get access to a new set of skills and you don't get an animus companion.

>> No.7045497

> • We apologize for the inconvience, but due to IP Restrictions we are currently unable to allow you to access Prius Online.

Forever Sudaca

>> No.7045502

>IP Restrictions

I saw that thread on their forum
>no BRs
>no Turks
>no Russians
>no Mexicans

The game might be worth trying because of this.

>> No.7045505

Why didn't they block Pinoys?

>> No.7045507

Forgot them, they're blocked too!

We might have to put up with the 3 Iraqis and Armenians that have Internet access though.

>> No.7045508

I'm Argentinian and i can't play this shit.

>> No.7045522


can someone explain this?

>> No.7045527

I don't even care about them...
What bothers me the most are the 12 year old American kids.
These shouldn't be allowed to play

>> No.7046145

is this just tits and bad like kabod?

>> No.7046169

what the fuck kinda creature is that in the OP's picture.

It looks like a teifling crossed with a Yak.

>> No.7046407

>>Can you not raise her? As in just leave her as a child?
