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File: 2.63 MB, 1686x1081, ark03flyer2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7040713 No.7040713 [Reply] [Original]

Allkore Riot Control 03
2011.03.04 - 2011.03.05

Day 1
19:00-19:30 DJ SBZ
19:30-20:00 Wildparty
20:00-20:45 Coremance
20:45-21:30 DJ Ronny
21:30-22:00 Neodash Zerox
22:00-22:30 DJ Sharpnel
22:30-23:15 DJ Robbie
23:15-00:15 Rex Buron
00:15-01:00 JAKAZiD
01:00-01:45 Aubrey
01:45-02:15 Hirojack
02:15-02:45 MaidenV
02:45-03:15 DJ Myosuke
03:15-???? Speedycake

Day 2
19:00-19:30 EENN
19:30-20:00 Biochip C.
20:00-20:30 Ozigiri
20:30-21:00 Clonepa
21:00-21:45 Helblinde
21:45-22:25 Melancholia
22:25-22:55 The Syndicator
22:55-23:40 Tanuki
23:40-00:40 Technorch
00:40-01:20 DJ Shoujo
01:20-01:50 RoughSketch
01:50-02:35 Flintheart
02:35-???? Q'Hey

>> No.7040721

When does this start?

>> No.7040729

It's GMT-5

>> No.7041034

What streaming options will be available? Hopefully someone can provide an audio-only stream for us multitaskers.

>> No.7041706

Can't wait for this! Btw: http://riotkontrol.com/

Also >>7041034, the last Riot Kontrol Event was audio only anyway (I'm guessing this one will be as well?).

>> No.7044076

On IRC, Chilled out, ready for this. Bring it on!

>> No.7044077


>> No.7044098

#allkore and #allkore.jp @ irc.lolibot.net if anyone is interested in joining the chat!

>> No.7044103

>DJ Clonepa
My body is ready.

>> No.7044178

Damn, such a bad time for Sweden... 1 - 9 am.

>> No.7044523

We are starting now!
Warmup with: DJ Robbie !

>> No.7044783
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I am not ready.

>> No.7044833

Melancholia <3

>> No.7044936

which idiot posted this on 4chan?

>> No.7045024

Who knows? I am happy to have loyal listeners willing to post here for my event! Please enjoy!

>> No.7045066


>> No.7045071



>> No.7045072

When's Sharpnel coming on?

>> No.7045075

Is this the REAL speedycake?!?!?

>> No.7045082
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>22:00-22:30 DJ Sharpnel

You have a few hours to go.

>> No.7045086


Maybe it's Fakecake

>> No.7045097

It's 1:30AM, I can't stay up for this even though I want to.

And I won't be getting up at 8 in the morning for Speedycake.

Recordings will be where?

>> No.7045110


>> No.7045120

Grand, thanks a bunch.

>> No.7045127
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Just woke up, awesome.

I think I had tuned in on the tail end of the last one (i think). I will stick to this stream throughout the day, been needing a break from my usual music.

>> No.7045169
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If speedycake was a phony he'd be speedyfake.

>> No.7045191

>It's 1:30AM, I can't stay up for this even though I want to.

You lack willpower, Anonymous. I thought you were made of sterner stuff.

>> No.7045194

if i ever heard this samples again i willkick that base, motherfucker

>> No.7045235

huh, it's not speedycake's event

>> No.7045339

>03:15-???? Speedycake
pretty obvious who the queen bee is.
RedAlice anchors all Tano*C events for the same reason.

>> No.7045353

speedycake is the art designer and web organizer, I'm the artist organizer and label manager for Allkore ;)

>> No.7045363

Goddamnit how much of this shit have I missed. I never catch the start of these things. Ever.

>> No.7045383

True Last Boss

>> No.7045409

Please read the website for the origins of the riotKontrol event. SBZ and me along with Melancholia are the creators of this event.

>> No.7045459

I'm sad I missed wildparty. I've never heard him separate from USAO. Shot Bass Idiots is a good project.

>> No.7045503

Why isn't there ever a torrent of recordings for all the sets? I listened through RiotKontrol 2 and ended up getting many of them as single mp3 downloads but it would be really great if someone took all the sets, recorded them, and made a torrent of them all for easy downloading.

You guys dont sell the full sets? Popping in a cd of the full sets is great as a truckdriver for those long drives. I like to pretend I was there listening live sitting in the IRC channel.

>> No.7045510

We don't really like to charge people for stuff that was from a free event, we do put up all the sets we can for free though; we don't really have an official channel to put out torrents but by all means collect all the sets and make one on nyaa or whatever! I (or someone)'ll post the link the the main repository once the sets for this one go up.

>> No.7045525

Keep in mind some artists do not wish to have their sets recorded or downloaded. We do not actively forbid the activity of doing this so you'll have to get the sets through the artist themselves of third party channels.

>> No.7045551

You've never check jcore.purewin.se have you? Go to AllKore and choose the event and download all you want.

>> No.7045580
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Oh man thank you so much.

DJ Ronny is playing an amazing mix right now

>> No.7045621
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>> No.7045646
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>> No.7045705

Bit of a bummer to see Traffic Jammies not playing this time. AQ during 01 was piss-funny as well, GOOD TIMES.

Really enjoyed 01 last year, missed out on 02. Pretty stoked to wake up and see this.

>> No.7045745

Maybe we'll have him back another time! But if we played the same artists every time it'd get stale! Let's keep it fresh and interesting!

>> No.7045772
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>>Yukari listening to this set

>> No.7045774

I wish I had a higher quality recording from those who do no mind. 192kbps kinda sounds like jumk on my stereo setup, but then again ITS ALL ABOUT THE BASSSSSSSSSSS

>> No.7045944

I greatly appreciate what just took place.

>> No.7046024
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Strawberry Sweetz? Excellent.

>> No.7046045


>> No.7046060


>> No.7046078
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No bed for me tonight.

>> No.7046150



>> No.7046209

"It can't get any worse than this"

>> No.7046274


>> No.7046293

Aubrey is playing later tonight.

>> No.7046329

Slight timetable change, after robbie will be Aubrey, followed by JAKAZiD and then Rex Buron!!

>> No.7046332

Slight timetable change, after robbie will be Aubrey, followed by JAKAZiD and then Rex Buron!

>> No.7046382

fuck yea, aubrey

>> No.7046419


>> No.7046464
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All of my love.

>> No.7046475
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These sets!

>> No.7046538
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am i really?

>> No.7046560

JAKAZiD up now!

Apologies for the last set! The DJ was having hardware issues that suddenly popped up :(

>> No.7046583

that feeling when you're out for the whole day and don't get back til half of the day's sets are already done

>> No.7046637


>> No.7046652
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>> No.7046757

That JAKAZiD set was amazing

>> No.7046812

I have changed my opinion of Rex Buron.
This set is top class.

>> No.7046813
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>> No.7046836

Oh hell yeah. Thanks, speedycake!

>> No.7046848
File: 117 KB, 736x751, 1298182596129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god this set is so cash.

>> No.7046931

Anyone have that over the rainbow ukulele remix? 10-15 minutes ago

>> No.7046954

Rex Buron's set was so good.

>> No.7047087

this mix now is ffffffffff god tier

>> No.7047121


>> No.7047192

_THE_ speedycake is now playing.

>> No.7047206

Really!?!? _THE_ Speedycake?! :o

>> No.7047207

It's time for the FIVE



>> No.7047230

Decided to have a listen and was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't just the "lol bass your ass off" stuff I thought it would be.

>> No.7047356

This was fucking awesome.

>> No.7047359

Damn shame that the set times were totally wrong for Europe... Think about us, willya? :<
Anyway, at least I could hear Speedycake for breakfast, and it was awesome. I'll see if I can catch some of the second set as well.

>> No.7047403

Now I can finally go to sleep. It's noon already but I need to rest so I can tune in again tonight.

>> No.7047471

Thank you for listening! Hope you enjoyed it! I had a sound issue with my set and I will upload it fixed! Please tune in tomorrow!

>> No.7047702

cant wait for tonight, it starts around midnight in germany -.-
tripping balls !!

>> No.7048177

We'd love to accommodate everyone, but in trying to serve our two main audiences of the US and Japan, Europe does kinda get shafted :/ Sorry!

>> No.7048261

well who cares...
2 nights awake,work in the morning, sleep from afternoon till midnight...totaly worth it :D

>> No.7048949

sweet, time to tune in!

>> No.7049738

this copyright whatnot sucks XD

>> No.7049763

Day 2 beginning in a few minutes!

>> No.7049779

We have started! First up is DJ Amaya! Please enjoy!

>> No.7049843

Amaya is killing it

>> No.7049995

great music! ...and another night without sleep

>> No.7050007

same here...besides i fall asleep XD

>> No.7050024


Where the fuck are these people coming from?

>> No.7050130

Enjoying Day 2 so far.

>> No.7050457

Not that I mind as I'm enjoying OZIGIRI, but did they slide like 15 minutes off schedule at some point?

>> No.7050499

Yeah we did, we haven't been to strict on keeping the DJ's on their schedule so it might slip a little, sorry

>> No.7050535

coremance's set was really gay

>> No.7050551

i liked it

>> No.7050623

I'll be lucky if there's an event without a troll track for me D:

>> No.7050653


>> No.7050670

No DJ Sharpnel on jcore.purewin
I am sad

>> No.7050686

Sharpnel has not made anything new in years.

>> No.7050880

He has released several tracks on other compilations lately so I'm not sure if you're actually following his work. Also he has a kid now so I'm sure that detracts from his time in the studio.

>> No.7051053 [DELETED] 

Do no lift USAO's Inferno set raw. Have some class. Fuck.

>> No.7051099

If I hear this song one more time.

>> No.7051119
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>> No.7051181

W-what is this I'm hearing..!?

>> No.7051247

TANUKI was fantastic.

>> No.7051371

I was not expecting the Mortal Kombat theme.

>> No.7051487

Beastie Boys samples, excellent.

>> No.7051493
File: 213 KB, 500x303, bigrobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, knowing the lyrics to 'Intergalactic' is throwing me off here. I keep wanting to sing along, but it's competely out of sync with the original.

>> No.7051543

Awesome event, thanks

>> No.7051602

I missed out on the first half of today. It's really too bad; what I've heard of the latter half so far has been awesome.

>> No.7051617

This set is going to be great.

>> No.7051628


I don't know. Last time it was like he just put Muscari on shuffle with a crossfade and walked away and beat off for half an hour.

>> No.7051789

wow I didn't think flintheart would suck this bad... I feel bad for all the other guys that played tonight

>> No.7051801

yeah flintheart was def. the worst out of the rest. TCN was cool shit tho

>> No.7051802

man flintheart's set sucks more than rex buron's

>> No.7051805

might be on purpose, but still sucks ass

>> No.7051807

lmao thank you for validating me mixing 20 minutes of shitty hardstyle and jumpstyle. and organizing the whole event. you made this all worthwhile.

>> No.7051809

so is OZIGIRI's set uploaded anywhere yet? It's the only one I was waiting for.

>> No.7051816

Man, this DJ flintheart person is a noob.
Whoever let him play at this event must be fucked in the mind

>> No.7051824

that aubrey nigger did not organize a thing hurr durr

>> No.7051826

What the fuck? I didn't say anything about you aubrey. your set was ok and thank you for organizing the entire event. Flintheart is the one people are complaining about.

>> No.7051832

aubrey = flintheart

>> No.7051833



>> No.7051837

my dick exploded

wow I feel sorry for his alter ego then

>> No.7051838

uh yeah I am flintheart asshole.

>> No.7051839

ARK can suck my dick! OHR was way better than this shitty party...

>> No.7051840

aubrey = flintheart
He didn't do shit to organize this event.
All he did was play bad music.

>> No.7051848

[ 11:51:56 ] [ ~speedycake ] Anonymous 03/06/11(Sun)02:51 No.7051839
[ 11:51:57 ] [ ~speedycake ] ARK can suck my dick! OHR was way better than this shitty party...
[ 11:51:57 ] [ ~speedycake ] wow
[ 11:51:59 ] [ ~speedycake ] fuck this dude
[ 11:52:00 ] [ ~speedycake ] fuck this dude
[ 11:52:00 ] [ ~speedycake ] fuck this dude
[ 11:52:00 ] [ ~speedycake ] fuck this dude
[ 11:52:02 ] [ ~speedycake ] fuck this dude
[ 11:52:04 ] [ ~speedycake ] fuck this dude

>> No.7051849

Hey, Shingo.

>> No.7051855

[00:54] * ~Billy_Herrington ark > ohr

>> No.7051856

* Billy_Herrington ark > ohr

>> No.7051858


yeah except I got the proest djs involved and got the flyer art lmao. nice try cercen.

>> No.7051868

Now I know why it's called RIOT kontrol

>> No.7051868,1 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.7051868,2 [INTERNAL] 

What happened to this thread?
Other than DJ Flintheart trolling /jp/ during his set.

>> No.7051868,3 [INTERNAL] 


I was wondering myself. It was all pretty solid but I tuned out after Roughsketch, then it 404'd before I came back and now this. Seems like an awful lot of samefagging on first glance.

What was the last set like?
