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7038140 No.7038140 [Reply] [Original]

sup /jp/
type-moon fag here and I have few questions:

Did Nasu ever said that Notes are canon or not or he keeps quiet about it?
What's the difference between Marble Phantasm and Reality Marble? (this sounds like a newfag question but I found no clear explanation for that)
What are known FACTS about Altrouge?
Who had surprise sex with Tohno Shiki before Tsukihime? I heard that Nasu said that when talking with some dojin artist.

Image related, is it genuie released by Type-Moon or someone is trolling?

>> No.7038142

/jp/ - Beast's Lair

>> No.7038146

>implying most people in Beasts Lair are competent enough to provide info without fucking baseless assumptions

>> No.7038153

>implying most people in /jp/ are competent enough to provide info without fucking baseless assumptions

>> No.7038157

last time Type Moon general was quite good, Anons even bothered to post screenshots from game or link to fucking source

>> No.7038159

A Marble Phantasm is the ability to project an idea/illusion, A reality marble is the ability to change reality and project the mage's inner world onto it.
No idea
No idea

>> No.7038165

"No" as in "It's not canon" or as in "No, he didnt say anything"?

>> No.7038168

I have not read an interview were he said anything about it. You may as well assume they are not canon until he explicitly states.

>> No.7038171

>Anons even bothered to post screenshots from game

>> No.7038173

okay, thanks, I was wondering about that for a while

>> No.7038183

>Who had surprise sex with Tohno Shiki before Tsukihime? I heard that Nasu said that when talking with some dojin artist.
Jinan Tokie (very minor character from KT)

Also that image is actual Mahoyo promotion art.

>> No.7038185

>What are known FACTS about Altrouge?
She took Arcueid's hair and goes around with Primate Murder and two of those 27 faggots. That's about it. The rest is all fan speculation
>Who had surprise sex with Tohno Shiki before Tsukihime? I heard that Nasu said that when talking with some dojin artist.
His doctor's daughter or something, Jinan something. She has a portrait in some character material or minor fandisk or another

>> No.7038186

good, I can actually base the "Aoko got a doll from Touko and she switched her body" theory that solves the hair colour problem, minor shit is minor but well. Faggy TM wiki states she had dyed her hair

>> No.7038190

also, did TM state anything new about Mahoyo or it's still Winter 2011 release?

>> No.7038191

TM Wiki should never be trusted, I'm serious.

>> No.7038192

>Did Nasu ever said that Notes are canon or not or he keeps quiet about it?
Whether or not it actually takes place, it's at least semi-canon. The parts about human beings having the power to give form to imagination fits in with what is said in Tsukihime and Fate/stay night.

>What's the difference between Marble Phantasm and Reality Marble?
If there are 50 white marbles and a single red marble in a jar, a Marble Phantasm would allow one to pick the red marble every time, while a Reality Marble would change all of the marbles to red.

>What are known FACTS about Altrouge?
Hardly anything. She is one of the possible successors to the Crimson Moon, along with Arcueid, and can summon the Millenium Castle as a result. She once beat Arcueid in a battle, but lost to Roa (with his original body). Currently she is a leader of a faction of the Ancestors.

>Who had surprise sex with Tohno Shiki before Tsukihime?
I assume you mean Jinan Tokie, but it wasn't like she raped Shiki or anything.

>> No.7038207

yeah, I know, thats why after seeing that image I based my (I say my but I am probably not the only one who thought about it) hair colour change theory on doll's made by Touko, but I wouldnt be surprised if Nasu was trolling and she just had dyed her hair

One more thing, the story about Satsujinki and the Forest of Something was written by Nasu, right? Can those be considered as canon or not?

>> No.7038216

>One more thing, the story about Satsujinki and the Forest of Something was written by Nasu, right? Can those be considered as canon or not?
Talk (the one with the Forest of Einnashe) and Prelude may or may not be canon. They certainly don't exist in the same universe as Melty Blood and Kagetsu Tohya, but those are side stories anyway. If Nasu ever makes Tsukihime 2, they will probably become canon.

>> No.7038223

Notes is probably semi-canon at the very least, with stuff from it appearing in the Chara Materials and such.
Though, it's so different from the rest of the Nasuverse stuff setting wise, it doesn't really matter much.

>> No.7038242

>She once beat Arcueid in a battle

No, he said FACTS not fanwank. This is literally all what was stated in Plus Period:

"Arcueid didn't cut her hair on her own, but it was taken away during a battle against a dead apostle called Altrouge, and until she recovers it, it won't grow back"

So no, saying that Altrouge beat Arcueid is pure fanwank. The TM wikia is wrong.

>> No.7038244
File: 257 KB, 1400x963, previewc1395d3007b406b7573ee7d55813d7cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is this from? What does it say? I have second image like that

>> No.7038246

Old man Zelretch being a pedophile.

>> No.7038256

>>this is fanwank

>> No.7038260

I don't know. It seems to me that Altrouge's taking Arcueid's hair heavily implies that Arcueid was defeated in the battle, but you're correct in that it isn't directly stated.

That's from Plus Period. There are five or six images like that, if I recall correctly.

>> No.7038275

>Translated from the Plus Period dictionary

Riiight. Nowhere it has been stated that Altrouge beated Arcueid faggot. That's just false information that the TM wikia pulled out of their ass. The TM wikia steals info from Jonnobi sometimes, but the whole "Alt beated Arc" fanwank isn't in Jonnobi. Just check Alt and Arc's profiles:


>> No.7038277
File: 239 KB, 1400x965, previewfe9e9b6390acf1e673df1700966238b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the second one I have

>> No.7038292

I find it really unlikely. Since Arcueid is not onlt Crimson Moon's perfect clone, she is also the manifestation of the planet's consciousness, while Altrouge is a failed copy. I find it difficult to believe that Altrouge would even be close to Primate Murder in the threat level, let alone Arc. Besides, we don't even know if she had her bodyguards at that time. And she must have had a lot of prep-time.

>> No.7038311

I don't know shit about Type-Moon and never used that wiki, but if you see something wrong on a wiki you should be bold and fix it.

>> No.7038324

Everytime I want to do that I get a signup screen.


>> No.7038344

>What's the difference between Marble Phantasm and Reality Marble?

Marble Phantasms push the laws of nature to the extreme, it allows the realization of a miracle with absolute certainty, no matter how small the chance might be. In other words Thermodynamic Miracles. It pushes the laws of nature to the extreme, but it doesn't alter reality, and the only thing that can be altered is nature (this only excludes humans, human constructions and creatures of demonic origin). It changes the world according to the user's imagination, and the level of the actualization depends on the scale of the elemental.

On the other hand a Reality Marble warps reality, it literally changes the reality of the world with that of a person's inner world. But unlike Marble Phantasms, they only have one purpose.

>What are known FACTS about Altrouge?

Princess of the DAA, #9. Has two DAA as bodyguards. The fact that Primate Murder is obeying her makes her an even greater monster than Crimson Moon in a way. She is an hybrid between a TA and a human. She specializes in contracts. Her power aren't stable. She has a second, more powerful form. She was beaten by the original Roa. She also stole Arcueid's hair during a battle, could have been more than present day or could have been less. She isn't a perfect clone of Crimson Moon like Arcueid, but a failed copy. She can't use Marble Phantasm. She has the title of Brunestud, we don't know how she got it; if she is either CM's biological daughter or if she summoned the castle as a reality Marble (without Marble Phantasm).

>> No.7038386

I thought arc could use her marble phantasm to turn air into stone and shit. didn't she use it to create a vaccuum when she was fighting roa?

>> No.7038396

Which is still normally possible under standard physics.
She just created a huge pressure differential around him and the result force of the wind tore him to shreds, if I remember correctly.
Marble Phantasm is like manipulating the "dice rolls" of the world. The results can only be in the limits of "1-6", but can be manipulated to be any one of those values without fail.

Where as a Reality Marble takes the "die" and turns the only value possible to say, C.

>> No.7038402

With Arcueid having the ability to actually move time itself, it doesn't really make it impossible for her to make a mountain appear out of nowhere in one place due to plate tectonics. That's almost like making air turn into stone.

>> No.7038429

Hey OP, download Tsukihime Tokuhon Plus Period and Type-Moon Character Material. It should clear some doubts. A illustration of Shiki father appears somewhere

>> No.7038434

To use a bag of marbles as an example, if you have 99 white marbles and one black one:

A Marble Phantasm would allow you to pick the one black marble out of the bag, without fail. While extremely unlikely, this is something that could possibly happen normally.

A Reality Marble would involve something like changing all the marbles to black. This is something that the world would not normally allow.

>> No.7038485

Honestly, a marble phantasm technically alters reality, since the shit that Acrueid does (lol RoA) would have an effect on nature around it as well due to breaking some laws, but lolNasu and his highschool physics.

A reality marble is more limited in that it only allows for you to do one thing (depending on the mage), but the advantage is that you can literally rewrite reality.

>> No.7038495

It dosn't break any rules of reality. It's just that in the Nasuverse the rules of reality are different, this IS a world with magic and vampires and stuff.

>> No.7038502
File: 195 KB, 646x512, Arc's world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't break the laws of reality. In fact, that's a natural phenomenon, see wikipedia's entry on Sickle Weasels. Now what she did against the Tatari, now that's more akin to reality warping, since she summoned a world that wasn't supposed to exist until 1000 years later. But as long as the possibility of that world existing sometime/somewhere, it can be materialized with Marble Phantasm.

>> No.7038510 [DELETED] 

Nah, it still broke reality since the surrounding pressure differential wasn't effected and there was no adjustment to compensate if I recall correctly.
Still breaking physics.

>> No.7038515

Nah, it still broke reality since the surrounding pressure differential wasn't affected and there was no adjustment to compensate if I recall correctly.
Still breaking physics.

>> No.7040296

>>Physics in a magical world!

>> No.7040312

What's the difference between Marble Phantasm and Reality Marble? (this sounds like a newfag question but I found no clear explanation for that)
Marble phantasms are better
What are known FACTS about Altrouge?
She half true ancestor, half dead apostle, looks 14, has 2 forms, cut arcs hair after she beat arc when roa weakened her, Roa beat her up when he became a dead apostle, 2 fag dead apostles are her bodyguards and primate murder is her dog, shes a bumstead because she can make the millenium castle appear
Who had surprise sex with Tohno Shiki before Tsukihime? I heard that Nasu said that when talking with some dojin artist.
His doctor's daughter fucked him when he was 11.

>> No.7040336
File: 527 KB, 1200x1600, altrougeandpm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still curious what altrouge actually looks like.

Fuck I'd buy the DAA character material if nasu and taku put one out.

>> No.7040337
File: 96 KB, 714x1200, altrougeandpm2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7040341
File: 237 KB, 560x700, altrouge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7040355

The best part is that they reversed arc's ahoge

>> No.7040362

>cut arcs hair after she beat arc

This was never stated. Please see>>7038242

>shes a bumstead because she can make the millenium castle appear

This is speculation as well. OP said known "FACTS", emphasis on FACTS. While it's true that she has the title of Brunestud, we don't know if she can materialize the castle. Arcueid can materialize it through Marble Phantasm, but Altrouge cannot use MP. Just see my post>>7038344 Fanwank aside, that is all we know her. I forgot to add that she was the one who turned Zepia into a phenomenon, by making a contract with him on a certain night when the phenomenon of the red moon had occured.

>> No.7040377
File: 198 KB, 1122x728, vampires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I thought those were both a part of that one interview's information that detailed her.

Either way nasu retcons whatever the fuck he wants so don't expect that shit to stay if he ever actually uses her in a game.

>> No.7040423

Nasu never said that in an interview, so he hasn't retconned anything regarding that matter. This is just a case of lack of info.

>> No.7040437
File: 506 KB, 800x1200, merem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever. Have a Merem.

I've said it in the past and I'll say it again, remembering all this non-game crap is a pain in the ass.

>> No.7040503
File: 224 KB, 500x500, 11360405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I've never seen V.V Fanart.

I wonder if she's still waiting for whats his name.

>> No.7040540
File: 315 KB, 1000x750, 13741885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now that the OP has been answered like 10 times over can we use this thread for type moon arts?
