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7036075 No.7036075 [Reply] [Original]

Hello my dear master~

Would you like a cup of iced tea?

I can made you some favorite sweets, if you like...

>> No.7036081 [DELETED] 

>made you
>maid you
what the HELL was that supposed to be a pun?

>> No.7036086

Did I marry Remi or Flan?

>> No.7036089
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Sakuya, you should already know I don't like you.

>> No.7036093 [DELETED] 
File: 601 KB, 893x1400, sakuya_mad_TH13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7036091

That reminds me that I'm hungry...

>> No.7036096
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M.M.Master... Don't stutter me like that!

We can do something together in bed then!


>> No.7036098

What is the deal with iced tea anyways?
Aren't you supposed to drink tea while its hot?
Just look at Coffee!
The same thing happened to coffee
I can't take this shit
How can people drink "iced" tea with a straight face?
Are they also straight stupid?
Iced tea is just tea that got cold, so its no better than garbage

>> No.7036102

It's too late, you're not going to be in any more games.

>> No.7036104

I'm hungry too, but I need to save money. My last meal was lunch yesterday. Now I have to waste the few bits of my rationed food thanks to you.

>> No.7036108

Gotta have to agree with this. Where I grew up the coldest it ever got was 80 or so degrees during the deepest of winter, and we still drank our coffee hot and our tea boiling.

>> No.7036113


Well that sucks. I hope your situation get better.

>> No.7036116

What is the deal with tea anyways?
Aren't you supposed to drink tea while its cold?
Just look at Coffee!
The same thing happened to coffee
I can't take this shit
How can people drink "hot" tea with a straight face?
Are they also straight stupid?
Hot tea is just iced tea that got warm, so its no better than garbage

>> No.7036121 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 200x400, yuugi_and_her_stupid_horn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you seen iced coffee? its just normal coffee that got frozen, what the HELL?! LOL

>> No.7036124

Tea should never boil. But I wouldn't expect uncultured slobs to understand the finer points of preparing tea.

>> No.7036125

Do you have a serious affair to be saving money?
Because if not, i would suggest you to buy food
Sometimes while browsing /jp/ i see people saving their expenses to buy things like figurines, and that makes me utterly sad
Because i am in the same situation as them....However in my case its not for something trivial like figurines. If i could choose on what to afford my money, the first thing i would put on my list would be food

>> No.7036129

No, It is coffee poured into a glass of ice.

>> No.7036133

Hello Sakuya, what the fuck is your problem? Quit stabbing shit just because you can.

Please prepare yourself for punishment.

>> No.7036141
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I often prepare Rooibos red. From experience I can say that boiling water serves best for preparing such tea. I rarely drink any sort of green tea.

If you feel that I am wrong in choosing boiling temperatures, then please enlighten me as to what the proper procedure for its preparations are, as you seem quite knowledgeable on teas.

>> No.7036160
File: 33 KB, 851x471, 1230695820605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never drunk tea in my entire life.

>> No.7036168


Bitch never heard of cold-brewing.

>> No.7036176


>> No.7036187

Duh, if you let the tea boil, you'll get too much taste from the bag.

>> No.7036193
File: 200 KB, 750x750, e9bed3a1191765959d82a1a97bd0cc33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oolong > White > Black > Herbal > Green

>> No.7036197
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You fucks don't deserve to be the little girl

>> No.7036211
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 1296346015061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black tea's are perfectly acceptable in boiling temperatures. If you truly believe that there is only one correct way to brew based on your preferences, then it shows how little you yourself know about tea.

>> No.7036253
File: 42 KB, 279x291, 1293040424919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You call yourself a maid?
You're not sexy OR cute.

>> No.7036264

Recommend me some tea blends? I've got some Formosa Oolong that I enjoy, but I'd like something more aromatic for variation.

>> No.7036275
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 1298604569767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to force any tea into a relation proves that you have nothing understand about the soul of tea and don't even deserve instant-tea. Now go away.

>> No.7036302

any kind of jasmine tea is delicious.

>> No.7036306

a approve this statement

>> No.7036351

That's like answering "what's your favorite wine" with "the red ones".

>> No.7036364
File: 61 KB, 320x240, 1291212827001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend a pinch of smoked tea (like Lapsang souchong) in any black tea, especially Oolong.
But if you buy smoked tea - it should be only a small amount (unless you like drinking pure smoked tea).

>> No.7036462

I enjoy nothing
So much
As a cup of Souchong, except
Of course, a lovely lass
My dong.

>> No.7036502
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>> No.7036569

Great job leaving such awesome threads alive, mod. Please go choke on penises.

>> No.7036740

I agree. This is probably the best thread I have seen all day.

>> No.7037002
File: 125 KB, 600x557, 1298438939745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, but better go and be a playable character...

>> No.7037016

Favorite sweets? I don't eat sweets. Stop trying to make me fat, you're sick.

>> No.7037023

What do you classify as a sweet? Do you not eat fruit?

>> No.7037027

I at least don't eat anything you can "make" that's sweet. I eat fruit, but in moderation. Approximately one serve of berries a day that have a good antioxidant:sugar ratio.

>> No.7037032

You sound like a vegan/vegetarian faggot.

>> No.7037041

Why? I never mentioned my attitude on meat. In fact, I always eat red meat for dinner, sometimes with some vegetables. That alone probably makes me more carnivorous than most.

>> No.7037051

No one gives a shit. Stop blogging.
