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702783 No.702783 [Reply] [Original]

I replaced the Tsukihime music with the Tsukihime anime music. It's so much more enjoyable now.

What did YOU guys do with the music in Tsukuhime?

>> No.702790

Completed all routes with the original music, I love it.

>> No.702795

Original music is fucking horrible.

I listened to all 5 Silent Hill soundtracks while playing it. Was so much better.

>> No.702801

why did my tsukihime not come with music? ;_;

>> No.702804


Because the kind souls who upped it took it out for you.
I swear to god, the music is awful there. There's a song that literally recycles ONE piano chord and that's IT over and over and over and over NOTHING ELSE, and it goes on during scenes that last nearly 10 minutes.


>> No.702813

oh, so its actually a good thing? thats fine then.

>> No.702828

I don't have any music for some reason

I tried inserting like 5 different CDs but none of them played in the game

>> No.702829

I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates the music.

I usually get used to pretty much anything, but the music in that game was just horrible.

>> No.702839

The music is pretty win. I use a mix of the original music and 2 or 3 tracks of Ever After

>> No.702850

1. Create a folder called CD in your Tsukihime main folder.
2. Add ten .ogg files titled track01, track02.. track10 in this folder.
3. ????

>> No.702853


I just played over the game with Foobar.

>> No.702855

I used the ~ever after~ compilation.

>> No.702884

turned it off

>> No.702904

I did like the music, I have no idea what your problems is faggots, whats the matter to simple to you?

>> No.702911


Sorry, can't hear you over how much better the SH2 soundtrack suits the game.


>> No.702917

I just listen to the KnK soundtrack now that I have it.

>> No.702920


I enjoy drone metal and I thought it was some of the most boring shit I'd ever heard.

>> No.702929


>> No.702935

If you call it "drone metal" then you don't know shit about it. Also, you get used to the minimalistic music quite fast, so try playing it with the original soundtrack.

>> No.702937

Some tracks are awesome faggots.
The problem with them is the sound quality. but i can let that slip as Tsukihime is a doujin game.

>> No.702939

The soundtrack has its good tracks and its ignorable tracks. It's what I play with just because I don't think it'd feel right if I were to play with any other soundtrack, even if it was better.

>> No.702941


I never said it was drone metal, learn to read.

I am saying I enjoy such genres, like drone metal, which are extremely minimalistic, and I found it incredibly boring.

There's no feeling in any of it. It feels like someone threw it together in one day.

>> No.702950

I used the everafter compilation and found it pretty good.

>> No.702964

>Tsukihime is a doujin game.

Seriously? What about Fate/Stay Night?

>> No.702974

FSN isn't.

>> No.702982


>> No.703128

I used a fairly good mix of NIN's moody and rocking tracks.

1. Everyday Is Exactly the Same
2. Good Soldier
3. Sunspots
4. The Hand that Feeds
5. Closer (the sex scene bgm)
6. Complication
7. We're in this Together
8. Only
9. Ruiner (version)
10. Right Where It Belongs

>> No.703154

And I said that if you call drone "drone metal", then it's obvious you know crap about music, and about drone in particular.

>> No.703169


No, I mean ACTUAL drone metal.

It is a genre. It's a subset of Doom metal, and is also known as Drone/Doom.

>> No.703171

What are you talking about? There is no Tsukihime anime!

>> No.703177

I was too lazy to find the version with the music in it and download the actual soundtrack so I just played with no music. I get annoyed by BGM very easily anyway so nothing of value was lost.
