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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7026488 No.7026488 [Reply] [Original]


Any Canada anons around? What are you going to do about this?

It starts tomorrow.

>> No.7026502
File: 32 KB, 469x428, 荒らし顔.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better move to America.

>> No.7026512

Loli is also illegal in Canada. What a shithole.

>> No.7026532
File: 32 KB, 600x450, 1213402010981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use shaw and they called me awhile ago. I'm capped at 60gb now and I used about 200gb and 250gb for the past two months.

Well, no more countless hours on nico douga for me and I got to get my anime from somewhere else.

Feels horrible man. At least I got a bunch of unplayed VN's saved up.

>> No.7026557

Canadian here. Have had capped ISPs here in Ontario for many years now. Solution? Go to one of the dozens and dozens of other ISPs available that do not cap and won't cap even if this passes.

In Canada, any telecommunications company is forced to lease the physical lines they own in the ground for use to other companies so they do not create a monopoly. This means we have hundreds and hundreds of ISPs available here. Google around, open your Yellow Pages and I guarantee you'll probably find one unless you live in Yukon or something crazy.

>> No.7026591

Canadafag here as well, this is bullshit. Luckily for me, my isp is not limiting internet. Wait a month or two and everyone will rage and it will be over.

>> No.7026620
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amuriken hear, what the HELL are ya'll talkin about

>> No.7026624

they are limiting most people to 25GB, myself NOT included. Anything over is $2 per GB. I thought they stopped this though. Doesn't matter for me though.

>> No.7026631


>> No.7026639
File: 57 KB, 692x692, trollmario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better head straight through to Mexico, Canada fags

>> No.7026642


Superior race.

>> No.7026658

As much I hate to say it, since It was accepted in Canada other countries like the USA will try it too.

>> No.7026663


Yeah but guess what (since I dont think you read the article)... the indie ISPs only get a 15% discount which barely covers their services.

Plus some ISPs can, and are implementing a cap.

>> No.7026670
File: 19 KB, 264x306, about_to_cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the HELL? will verizon doing this?
stop giving american ISP ideas omg especially those close to canada like new york witch i'm in

>> No.7026673

Is Telus doing this shit?

>> No.7026697

Rogers has had a bandwidth limit for at least a year or two now with ridiculous overage fees.

This is the reality of democracy. Nobody cares, and our freedoms can be subverted by any government or corporation if they do it slowly and quietly enough.

>> No.7026707

Like I have said, Im pretty sure this whole thing was stopped. I guess I am wrong though. Either way, most people don't understand what is happening but once they see their bills they will freak out at the ISPs. This kind of stuff is ruining any online service really, for most people no more hours of youtube, netflix, pirating (yes every Canadian does since our goverment only cares if you upload)
Yeah but it isn't as ridiculous as they are trying to make it be. With rogers and bell you can easily get more bandwidth, I know someone with two lines of internet bell through phone, rogers through (coaxial I think) and has over 700GB+ of bandwidth, which he always uses up every month. Think how much it would cost if he had to pay $2 a GB, he isn't on an indie ISP so I guess he wont be as buttdevistated as others.

>> No.7026708

This is such bullshit

>> No.7026715

Is there some kind of software out there that can measure how much stuff we download?

>> No.7026726

Don't worry, I come bearing good news.

>> No.7026746

Uh, the CRTC bill for usage metering was already put into limbo through petitioning, angry phone calls, and democracy. Might want to check 'dem news dates.

Hell, as soon as it was crushed, Tecsavvy went and announced all their customers were getting +100 free GB on their plans, just to step on Bells' balls.


>> No.7026759

Bell won't do this...right?

They better not.

>> No.7026761

So just to be clear...As of right now, nothing is changing?

>> No.7026763


Um, Bell has had caps forever. They were the first company to introduce them, many years back.

Do you people not read a whole thread before posting anymore?

>> No.7026784

nothing is happening.
Yeah they have caps but their caps can be more reasonable, depending on the plan you have. You can have a couple hundred GBs. The whole 25GB enough for a family for a month is total bullshit, and at $2 per GB extra, it would be cheaper to buy games on disk then via steam.

>> No.7026787

>nothing is happening

In that case, fuck you OP. Worried for nothing.

>> No.7026798

yes, delete thread before more people post without reading the whole thread. I was right all along about it not cuming into effect.

>> No.7026825


I've been thinking of switching to Teksavvy for a while. How much downtime is there? Because Rogers has almost none right now, at least in my area.

>> No.7026824

Sure is slowpoke.

>> No.7026867

not surprisingly, /jp/ canadians is full of uneducated dumb fucks.

Tony Clement (or you could say the government) has ordered CRTC to review the decision dating back in February. That means ISPs cannot impose UBB on wholesalers and ISPs won't be able to impose ridiculously low caps and overusage charge to their customers.

Get off your butts and start boycotting Bell/Rogers. They are responsible for wanting regulate internet usage.

>> No.7026888


>not surprisingly, /jp/ canadians is full of uneducated dumb fucks.

It's funny seeing people making elementary grammar mistakes when calling other people stupid.

>> No.7026901

Buy a laptop and a strong wireless network card.

Go on a journey around your local town and hack into some routers. Download all the VNs and anime you like and enjoy all the internet you can handle.

Come home. Play the games you downloaded.

Crisis averted.

>> No.7026926


Downloading a VN at 100kb/s? Might as well go to a Starbucks and use the wifi there, at least you can have a coffee waiting.

Can /jp/ handle being trendy sitting in a Starbucks drinking a frappucino?

Moar like fappucino, amirite?


>> No.7026929

Let me guess, you are one of these dumb fucks i spoke of and you decided to pull out the grammar card. haha, you are pathetic.

>> No.7026942

I'm sure he at least know when to capatalize words.

>> No.7026979

Don't worry, you're still better that (Insert thread derailing name here).

>> No.7027059

Ideally this is not the way to go. Once everyone knows about this sort of gouging people will be more careful with their internet. This will greatly affect business as well harsher consequences could appear.

>go outside
