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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7024975 No.7024975 [Reply] [Original]

Recently, I find it much harder to pirate software than I used to.

I'm actually thinking about buying Koihime Musou, despite the bullshit with the voices.


>> No.7024985

Just buy it, for fucks sake.

>> No.7024992

get out mg devs

>> No.7024993

Were did the buyfags come from?

>> No.7025000

There's a demo on the site. Play it, that's what it's there for.

>> No.7025001


>> No.7025010

>implying people at /jp/ don't buy
peasant translation reader detected

>> No.7025024

You'll support those of us who can't afford the game by helping MangaGamer gather the sales for a voice patch. It'd be heroic, anon.

>> No.7025029



>> No.7025030

Just but it if you want to. pirate it if you're hardcore and edgy like me.

>> No.7025038
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>get a job

>> No.7025044

So which forum did you boys come from?

>> No.7025045
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You would be an 'Anonymous worth 2000 men'
Which is 1/5th of a Rinrin, and that's DAMN good.

>> No.7025061

I have £20 to last me until next monday, how on earth do you expect me to pay for it?
Not all of us have disposable incomes.

>> No.7025062


>> No.7025067

From /jp/
Stop bumping this shitty thread.

>> No.7025078

>I find it much harder to pirate software than I used to.

Did the they eat your pegleg, OP?


>> No.7025082

>from /jp/
>or any other board on 4chan
>against pirating

I don't think so, bruderherz.

>> No.7025101

>more green


>> No.7025110

Oh man, I sure got told. Try something else.

>> No.7025111

Do you buy every single game and VN you play?

>> No.7025113

Is it torrented yet?

>> No.7025117


>> No.7025120


you're talking to a mangagamer guy you realize, right?

>> No.7025124

Sometimes when I feel like it and if i have monjey, but then again; I'm a NEET/Hikikomori so that's like every 4 months

>> No.7025229

I'm pretty sure I'll buy it since I greatly enjoyed the demo. Not right now though. Maybe next month.

I actually find the price cheap. It's cheaper than mainstream video games are at launch and probably offers more gameplay hours than most of them. I'm a NEET poorfag and I can easily spend 200-300€ in video games every year and still upgrade my PC too. 35€ isn't really much at all. Maybe you all need to move to Finland? Our prices are outrageous but the social security is godly.

Now buying music on the other hand... yeah, maybe when I'm a millionaire. Actually even then I'd just donate money directly to the artists so scratch that.

>> No.7025239


How the hell is 50 dollars for a 4 year old visual novel cheap? If it was 20 bucks or so, I'd buy it. But the same price as a full new PC game? Don't think so.

I think about it like this. Dragon Age 2, Witcher 2, Portal 2. Those are games coming out for PC worth 50 bucks. Do I put Koihime Musou at same level? Not in a million years

>> No.7025249

If you have the spare cash, buy it.

I buy things when I can, but I'll pirate things when I don't have the money.

>> No.7025251

Dragon age 2 is shit, the same with The witchet 2, Portal 2 seems like 1 so I hope is going to be around $30

>> No.7025260


Portal 2 is full price as well

>> No.7025262

The game is 80~ hours long its worth it. That said, I'm pirating it. I would have bought it since I want MG to translate Shin Koihime but THEY DON'T FUCKING USE PAYPAL!

Seriously MG you guys are fucking stupid, why no Paypal? I have plenty of money to spend, but I can't because my bank doesn't fucking pay in Euros.

>> No.7025263
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>I think about it like this. Dragon Age 2, Witcher 2, Portal 2. Those are games coming out for PC worth 50 bucks.

Kill yourself. And do it slowly.

>> No.7025264

paypal doesn't support porn

>> No.7025269

It's not the cash that's stopping most of us, it's the fact that we don't own credit cards or European bank accounts.

>> No.7025276


blue dragon is that long but its 80 hours worth of shit. doesnt matter how long it is if its not good, sometimes its better to be shorter

Not saying koihime musou isn't good, but you shouldn't go by its length on whether its worth buying

>> No.7025290

Maybe if you didn't use a shit tier bank, you'd be able to use your debit card for international purchases.

>> No.7025297

Out of respect for the heroes of the Three Kingdoms era, I say fuck this atrocity of a game.

>> No.7025317



>> No.7025324


Yep, if anyone wants to complain then complain about eBay being moralfags when it comes to money.

(Not to mention PayPal is shit)

>> No.7025326


>After half a day, we've ALREADY exceeded half of our first-day sales for Shuffle!


>> No.7025329

50% of 2 is still only 1.

>> No.7025331

PS Store is even more shitty.

>> No.7025356

Bullshit, I used PayPal to buy doujins and ero figures.

>> No.7025363

Koihime is doing good! Look forward to MangaGamer's soundless Deardrops (with voices-adding patch after the 2000th purchase and music.adding patch after the 4000th purchase!)

>> No.7025368


>> No.7025377

Apparently that's true and I also managed to buy a localized eroge once through paypal. The shop must have messed up

>> No.7025391


Paypals official stance is that they don't allow you to buy 18+ stuff. Doujins and figurines aren't official, so they may be able to slide through, but you're not gonna be able to slide through a 18+ game released from an actual company

>> No.7025393

I mean officially paypal doesn't approve of handling adult stuff transaction through their system

>> No.7025415

Mandarake uses paypal and they sell shit tons of hentai. I bought numerous loli doujins through paypal from them. Paypal doesn't support actual porn sites but has no problem supporting legit online sellers that also sell porn.

>> No.7025425

Why the fuck doesn't paypal fucking handle porn? What kind of fucking moralfag douchebags run it? I fucking hate moralfag businessmen.

>> No.7025437

You sure bros? I mean Comic LO and RiN are offcial and I buy the new issue every month with paypal.

>> No.7025456


Yes, I suppose some things slip but Hobby Search some years wiped out everything "+18" on the English site because of PayPal, AmiAmi also states PayPal cannot be used to pay for "adult" marked goods.

>> No.7025469

I actually bought this game after pirating all their stuff before. After downloading both parts I found it didn't automatically extract both parts so I had to merge the files manually.

Are these guys really professionals?

>> No.7025481

>Are these guys really professionals?
Yes, they're professional dumbasses DOHOHOHOHO

>> No.7025487


Never bought anything from them before.

But the Koihime demo was random. The setup/installers did not work.
But there was a data map next to the setups which had a .exe which made the game start and work just as intended.

>> No.7025488

You can ask them directly through their blog.

>> No.7025513

Don't you people have debit cards? Just wondering. As far as I know Visa Debit/Electron works everywhere where a regular Visa does, or at least it has worked for me.

>> No.7025522

Depends on the bank really.
Some are only good in the US similar to those prepaid Visa cards and what not.

>> No.7025555

I never pirate anything.

It makes you enjoy life much more eventually, OP. You only spend time on the things you truly love, and which truly make you happy...since that's the only thing you'll actually be willing to spend money on.

>> No.7025562

So is anybody working on a voice patch?

>> No.7025566

Need a anti-piracy crack first then the voice patch will come.

>> No.7025667

Not really. I applied the trial voicepatch to get the voiced first few hours of the game, and the DRM didn't complain.

>> No.7025672

You think the voice patcher will bother making both the crack and the voice patch?

>> No.7025691

I'm grateful I'm still able to enjoy things without attaching a price tag to them, because some people apparently can't. Buyfag.

>> No.7025720

Got a link to the trial voice patch?

>> No.7025721

You can use the files from the original Japanese release. A voice patch is redundant.

>> No.7025824

I wouldn't complain about the price guys, this is a niche market after all, the fact few people are willing to shell out the cash for it means it's not ready to be mainstream.

>> No.7025873


You can, but the game won't use them just like that. voicepatch also edits some game index files.

He posted in a different thread:
>Since mangagamer split some lines, I can't just copy the voice names from the Japanese script. They did it a few times in every script.
>Because of that it'd be near impossible to match 'english line' -> 'voice file name' with a script, so it has to be done manually. I'm not sure how much work that'll be.
I'll report back once I know more.

>> No.7025874
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Koihime Musou sucks anyway. Real men play Oregon Trail.

>> No.7025921

>How the hell is 50 dollars for a 4 year old visual novel cheap?

It retails in Japan for 11400 yen (about $110). $50 is a fucking steal. It always surprises me that Western VN translators can convince developers to sell their shit at half price for piddly sales numbers (2000 units? The all-ages version of Koihime Musou for the PS2 sold over 10,000 on the first day).

>> No.7025951


And they charge 100 bucks for blu rays with 2 episodes while we can get the entire season of an anime for 40 bucks

it just means japanese are being ripped off

>> No.7026007

They can do that because japanese users completely believe into the "I'll support this company with my money" mentality, so all it matters to them is that their money goes to people making shit they like so they'll keep making it.
Western userbase is pretty much the opposite, they regard money as the ultimate praise and have to be absolutely convinced they'll enjoy something first before spending.

>> No.7026011

So wheres the crack.
I know there is like 2 people really buying this shit, when there is 500 other /jp/ers raging at the moralfags for invading our board.

>> No.7026016

>it just means japanese are being ripped off
Not really, it just means Japanese are idiots for buying it at those prices. "Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it", you know.

>> No.7026034


going far above market value means ripping someone off, even if they are willing to pay it. there is absolutely no reason for a blu ray with 45 minutes to be 90-100 bucks, nor is there reason for a PC game that uses PS1 era graphics to be over 100 dollars. They just up the price due to knowing the otaku will pay it due to their collector mindset

I can have a piece of gum and charge people 10 bucks for it. Some idiot might think the gum is actually worth it and pay it. Does that mean that he's not being ripped off?

>> No.7026064

From yours and everybody else's perspective, yes. From his, no, he just bought the gum for what it's worth. But after all, this hypothetical man is an idiot.

>> No.7026072

Oh you why did you do that. Someone re-upload the last 5 files

>> No.7026083


Not really, its called "the reality of the local market".

Japanese games always been at much higher prices that in NA and Europe ... what a example?

Killzone 3 in Amazon.jp is at 5,663 yen that is 69.31 USD, in Amazon.com its at 49 USD and that is were both are at a 19% discount.

>> No.7026088

>sell their shit at half price for piddly sales numbers (2000 units?
You're kidding right? Their best-selling game is Shuffle, and that's sold less than 1000 units to date.


>> No.7026100

Why does Mangagamer charge when nearly every other translation group does it for free? I mean its just asking to be pirated if you charge for a service most do for free..

>> No.7026104

And that same game is sold for 70€ in Europe.

>> No.7026110

Thanks for the link

>> No.7026157


That guy is just making up random numbers. We have no clue whatsoever how many copies Shuffle sold.
On the other hand Kouryuu has stated that Mangagamer makes a profit (no matter how small) from most of its games - and you can't do that if you only sell 100 copies.

>> No.7026165

I find it hilarious that a voice patch will probably make more people buy it and then they'll add voice patch and not sell a single extra copy and think "Oh, I guess they didn't want voices after all! what a waste!"

>> No.7026169


when you do stuff that most other people do for free (and can often break even just with donations), i'd be amazed if they didnt break a profit

>> No.7026296

To be honest, I don't think the people going 'JUST BUY IT DERP DERP DERP' are moralfags, or even mg devs. I think they just desperately want it to not sell, well, like shit so that they'll get Kara no Shoujo, or Cartagra. ;_;

>> No.7026305

If they weren't moralfags, they would shut the fuck up and buy it, without bothering anybody on /jp/.

>> No.7026311

I am buying it because I want to enjoy it, I guarantee I will enjoy it more if I buy it. I have never boughten a game that I didn't enjoy.
The whole thing with KnS is still too sore for me but I do want it to see the light of day.

>> No.7026369

"Boughten" is not a word, but I kind of agree. I hardly ever buy single player games, but I bought a bunch of RPGs during that Steam sale thing, and I noticed I tended to enjoy the games I'd bought a hell of a lot more than ones I'd simply pirated. I guess some kind of psychological thing that you consider things you've put in effort (indirectly, in the form of money) into getting as more fulfilling than those you got for doing nothing.

>> No.7026414


Fantranslation groups don't have to pay their members, they don't have to worry about marketing or legal issues (not talking about censorship, setting up a company costs money) and most importantly they don't have to spend money on royalties.

Basically tidying up your grandma's garden is cheaper than running a gardening company.

>> No.7026420

Ixrec pays the people that help him. I think it's going to become a trend that more people follow soon.

>> No.7026479


No he doesn't. In fact he refused to accept money for the Muvluv script because he didn't want to think about how to distribute it among his team members.

>> No.7026499

Or so he says.
But /jp/ knows. /jp/ knows.
But seriously, /jp/ is turning more and more into Paranoia and Fear Mongering/General

>> No.7026541
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Alright, less meta talk and more game discussion! What are some good strategies in gameplay? What secrets/easily-missable scenes are in the game?

How many of you are actually currently playing this?

>> No.7026564

I will get it in some form the second the voice patch is done if it gets done at all. I don't want to have a defective experience.

>> No.7026568


if people have to be paid to translate a VN, then they aren't true fans

>> No.7026640


No they aren't. They are the ones making the VNs.

Just how professional soccer players aren't just fans.

>> No.7026654

I love how MGs activation software doesn't work on 64-bit so even after paying for the game I need to wait for a crack. At least JAST got ahead of them in that respect.

>> No.7026664

Kouryuu has complained about their shitty DRM before, but the Japanese insist on using it, since they don't know what's a x64 OS.

>> No.7026671

Unless it's changed since DCII and DCif, it should.

>> No.7026672

mine worked fine? win7 64

>> No.7026693

Odd. The trial works fine for me, but the main game isn't. Same OS.

>> No.7026758

I'm having the same problem. That is, if you problem is that game or activation doesn't start when you try to start the exe.

>> No.7026767

That's exactly it. You run it, it loads for a few seconds and does shit all. I'm betting it's a DRM problem, and that the crack will make it work properly.

>> No.7026788

Windows 7 x64, activation worked without problem. Try installing into Program Files folder (by default it installs into c:\koihime or something equally stupid), disable firewall/antivirus and try adding lcsebody into DEP exception list.

>> No.7026801

Tested it with this crack, and works fine. Now I finally get to play a game I paid for... Just like 19 hours after download finished.

>> No.7026831

Fucking excellent. Thank you.

>> No.7026850

Oh, boy, here we go!


>> No.7026891

Thanks! I bought the game, but it takes about a minute to start up with the original exe. Fucking DRM.

>> No.7026927

To be fair, Mangagamer did put a fair amount of effort into this; however, if you compare its price to other games that have far many more hours of development put into them and those games' prices are about the same if not lower. I refuse to buy overpriced games, so I will likely just wait until the price drops.


>> No.7026934


Uhh. Mangagamer isn't making shit. They're doing the same job any fan translation group does, only "legally"

>> No.7026940

why did they leave out the voices anyway? It seems like an incredible stupid idea to me.

>> No.7026950

Where can you download the game now that the crack is out?

>> No.7026954

Because it would have been expensive to do so, and the company they're licensing for (that is also handling the majority of the cost) refused to pay for it until they show a certain amount of sales. I'm sure none of them actually want it to go this way, but they didn't have much of a choice.

>> No.7026956

Licensing issues with seyuu agency - greedy bastards wanted more money since the game got exported to western countries.

>> No.7026966

I'd imagine the voices are still in the game, only commented out or something. Patch possibly uncomments them.

>> No.7026967

Because they think people who don't know each other are able to work together towards a single goal. This is clearly not the case because people are stupid; thus, we have capitalism.

>> No.7026968


>> No.7026972

Because the localization was paid for in advance by the game's Japanese developers. Getting the rights to the voices is very expensive, so they wanted at least 2000 sales first to cover the cost.

>> No.7026977

Well I very much doubt that the actual voice files are still in the game. However, it may be possible to just drop the files into the English installation folder, and have them play as normal. I may be wrong, but I believe this was the case for the demo.

>> No.7026980


>> No.7026983


Thank you!

>> No.7026993
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>> No.7026995

I was going to buy Koihime Musou but all the MG devs trolling today made me decide not to.

>> No.7027007

We all know you wouldn't have actually bought it anyway.
No need to make excuses now, is there?

>> No.7027016

The install folder is 1.35 GB, which is awfully large for a VN without voices.

>> No.7027025

That's less than the size of F/SN before voice patching and such.
So no, not really all that large.
Especially if it has as many CGs and such as people have been saying.

>> No.7027030


The game it about as full of content as Sengoku Rance (in terms of strategy VNs), and Rance doesn't have voices. It would probably go up to 2.5-3 gigs with voices

>> No.7027031

There are some .ogg files, so i'm quessing that there are some voices ingame, but there was way more of those ,ogg files when using voice patch for demo version.

>> No.7027033

So is there a link for the voices? or do we have to wait foe somebody to get them form the jap version?

>> No.7027044



>> No.7027049


If the artbooks are any indication, its in the 150-200 range of unique pics (not counting different facial expressions)

>> No.7027051


Not really, when the gameplay bit is included.

I can tell you, the voices definitely are not included in this one. For reference, the voiced jp version weighs in at just under 5.8 gigs.

>> No.7027055

So I heard there's a trap in this game

>> No.7027060


holy crap

Thats gotta be the biggest VN I've ever seen.. that might even surpass School Days

Now I want the voice patch even more

>> No.7027069


even better

a loli trap

or would that be shota trap?

I dunno,its hot either way

>> No.7027073

Majikoi is 8GBs or maybe it was 7

>> No.7027074



>> No.7027075

School Days and Majikoi are both over 7 gigs.

>> No.7027077

Which one is it so I can fap to it right now?

>> No.7027079

Majikoi weighs in at 7.25ish gigs.

>> No.7027083
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>> No.7027087

How big are the other Koihime Musou games? If this first game is over 5 gigs, I can't imagine how big Shin and Otome are...

>> No.7027106


Primarily we need to wait for someone to fix MGs removing bits of the voice cues in a half-assed effort to make things difficult for us.

>> No.7027123

Is someone able to load part 2 onto a different filesharing service for DOUBLE COMP...DOWNLOAD

>> No.7027141

>Oh... whoops. Remember that tweet about #Koihime and #Shuffle? I was looking at the total sales of #Shuffle in its first 2 weeks, not Day 1.

Looks like Koihime is doing decently.

>> No.7027146


is it just me or is that mangagamer girl so irresitable

>> No.7027151

Yeah, they need to make a game starring her.

>> No.7027214

Nice to hear. Hopefully the sales stay strong. A lot is riding on this game's success.

>> No.7027220

So does that mean we will be getting that voice patch they promise if it sells good?

>> No.7027259
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>> No.7027269

proves my point that /jp/ is full of forum users now.

>> No.7027274

Who cares? Almost all of the sales will be day 1.

>> No.7027280

Do it, for the love of Pete. I mean, I can't possibly believe that the attitude is fuck MangaGamer because they so rich and they don't do things exactly like I think they should so WAHHHHHH.

MangaGamer devs probably live in shitty little apartments like the rest of us. There's probably two of them, and they feel desperately unappreciated.

>> No.7027282

>proves my point that /jp/ is full of /v/ now.
I agree.

>> No.7027286

Why do you think so?

I did find it strange that the crack got reposted to fakku's forum in less than 2 minutes after it was posted to /jp/, and then someone from /jp/ first saw it in fakku's forum, instead of the old koihime thread on /jp/ and reposted it here.

Do you have any other reason for thinking we have forum users lurking on /jp/?

>> No.7027293


Are you somehow insinuating that we should get all of our information from fucking 4chan? Jesus Christ.

What a twisted gaggle of uninformed idiots we'd be.

Oh. Wait.

Anyway, try again, Bangkok. This time drop your trip and the budget script so we don't know it's you.

>> No.7027313

Anyone else get a NECEMEM.SNI not found error when trying to use the crack exe on the installed game?

>> No.7027325

>getting informations

>> No.7027331

Read the instructions. You need to rename koihime.exe to lcsebody.exe.

>> No.7027333


Rename the "Koihime.exe" to "lcsebody.exe".

>> No.7027344


Dipshit, they don't announce stuff about our hobbies on the 6 o' clock news.

Also, stop mad. I just think you're being a little too INYOURFACEIMMANEETSUPBITCHPROINTERNETSHARDCORE.


>> No.7027351

u mad?

>> No.7027356
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>> No.7027359


No, I still love you.

>> No.7027383

do you get to have sex with it?

>> No.7027392


No sex for you, bro. It's all-ages.

>> No.7027410

Fucking DRM is such bullshit. I bought the game and still had to crack it.

>> No.7027422

Yeah. I've bought lots of MG releases, and this is the first one where I actually hate the DRM. Hate for it is totally justified here.

>> No.7027425


>> No.7027428


"it" lol

No, but you do get to peep to see him/her/it banging his/her/its vassel

>> No.7027439 [DELETED] 

yeah it does seem like /jp/ is fucking a bunch of kids or form somewhere else now, what the fuck happened? I think everybody left after that raid... The way you guys act/type is just to different from the /jp/ I once knew, also this buying shit was never in /jp/, At least for vns, figs maybe. The thing is I just noticed today, did the change happen today? What the fuck.

>> No.7027452
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Let me guess, I have to be on English locale, right? Goddammit. I fucking hate restarting.

>> No.7027454


You're wrong. Those people were always here. Go back to sleep.

>> No.7027469



Just install these fonts.

>> No.7027473

nope, it's just some font you need. i'm running it in jap locale and the text looks normal.


>> No.7027479

Those factions are just more vocal, but they've been here for at least a year. Just ignore those that annoy you
You could try running it in Applocale or NTLEA.

>> No.7027481
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>> No.7027482

It just seems like it's this way because there aren't that many big english releases from localization companies. These threads only appear once in a blue moon.

>> No.7027489


Koihime Musou is probably the biggest name eroge released officially in a while. Its got a semi popular anime franchise afterall.

>> No.7027496

So how long is this game, how many routes are in it?

>> No.7027506 [DELETED] 
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Nah, we always bought a things. But it's just we never had so many. Nor have we ever argued about this shit.

Back when Family Project was released lots of people bought it for the art book for shit like this. Though, the people who bought it never complained about others being pirates and such. That's just childish whining.

Though, yeah, I'll agree with you that /jp/ isn't close to what it once was. But I can't help but think you're a newfag too. As this change has been obvious since C77 and may have even been like this since the third poll (which we kinda raided /a/ during the middle of it for vites so it's not surprising for sudden interest in VN's from /a/ when that happened).

Honestly, I can't help but think I'd rather be talking to Sakurada or Furukawa Akio despite them being fucking faggots then most people here. Seriously, at this point, I consider Arc to be a quality poster compared to Sionspam and most people here.

>> No.7027500

>also this buying shit was never in /jp/
More like people decided to wise up and realize that buying supports the survival/growth of the industry in the long term, especially for such a niche market. That, and they have been growing up and having more disposable income to spare.

>> No.7027503

That's what I was implying, yes.

>> No.7027504

>how many routes are in it?

>> No.7027507

It's the longest officially released VN yet, more than 3MB of text. Dunno about exact number of routes or so, but there's lots of heroines.

>> No.7027520

Or /a/ and /v/ is just coming here for this game, look at the front page now, there is /a/ shit everywhere. All im saying is these threads dont have that /jp/ "feel", I was in the ghost broad though and it did have the "feel"

>> No.7027526

This is what I mean.

>> No.7027532

only 3 for all those girls?

>> No.7027533

>More like people decided to wise up and realize that buying supports the survival/growth of the industry in the long term
But the problem is lots of people here don't WANT the American VN industry in the first place. They just end up fucking shit up. Some people really like that this is a niche market and that while it's really unpopular you can actually have quality discussions normally without 'HOW DOES I INSTALL XXXX' or 'PLEASE TELL ME SOMETHING LIKE XXXX I REALLY LIKED IT' etc. and it worked for awhile but suddenly this ideal just crashed when it did become a bit more popular.

>> No.7027543


All of them?

>> No.7027552



>> No.7027557

First time I see so much "people who buy" vs. "people who pirate" rivalry shit, reminds me of /v/ and it's not a good thing.
Please /jp/, I know you're better than that.

>> No.7027565

Buy it. In hopes for a TL project for SHIN Koihime Musou, the vastly superior sequel.

>> No.7027572

Is this really the first official release since higurashi kai? mg and jast are pathetic

>> No.7027583

It is /v/ or fucking manga gamer , and it was never like this, the trolls just kept on not shutting the fuck up about buying until the crack released, then they either left or finally just shut the fuck up. It was like this for higurashi answer arcs (after the name change).

>> No.7027590

It's been like this since MangaGamer sprouted up and released readable translations. It's not about a changing userbae, it's about the fact there are two companies that are now releasing games people are interested in and will only do so if they get sales.

>> No.7027591

Please stop, you cannot control people. If they want to pirate, they will fucking pirate. This why I cant stand people like you.

>> No.7027595

You weren't here for higurashi? I at least liked to think it was just trolling people who were too lazy to find the crack themselves, but I don't know about now.

>> No.7027605


I can confirm that I am from /a/ and a few of my friends from /a/ have also come here to talk about this game.. mainly cuz its a game thats aimed at the /a/ demographic, but /a/ isn't really the place to talk about a game

>> No.7027608

I swear to god it was a bunch of mg devs, today also, I can tell because they dont act like /jp/. They sound like fucking /a/.

>> No.7027612

So how much has mangagamer sold so far?

>> No.7027618

problem solved.... I can now sleep soundly knowing im not crazy. I knew /jp/ would never act like this shit.

>> No.7027627

3 main factions = 3 routes

>> No.7027634

Thanks for the fonts. Without these the text looks huge and ugly like
Anyway, I'll wait for a voicepatch before playing it.

>> No.7027651

More than Shuffle sold in its first two weeks, at least. I'm guessing somewhere over a thousand, but not quite 1,500?

>> No.7027660

MangaGamer doesn't release specific numbers. Their highest selling title is Shuffle!, Soul Link underperformed, Higurashi+Kai did decently, Higurashi and KiraKira's hard copy limited print sold out over time (with Hendane's help), Da Capo's hard copy pre-order sales have been good, and you can follow their weekly ranking if you're so inclined (though you can't really gleam anything worthwhile from that). Kouryuu gives some vague sales information once in a while during interviews, but that's it.

>> No.7027683


Kouryuu said on irc that Shuffle barely broke 1k copies so no it did not break 1k in 1 day.

>> No.7027691

Other than the voices, did MG change ANYTHING about Koihime not directly related to translations?

Was pissed when I saw they removed half the sounds for Higurashi... Said it would be the last time I ever buy from them, but I do want this...

>> No.7027710

Nothing's been changed or censored.

>> No.7027715

But sounds were removed

>> No.7027718


actually the big thing they changed regards to censoring. All the mosiacs are gone... including for lolis

So loli pussy for all!

>> No.7027741

Pirate it you faggot

>> No.7027745


I can afford it, and I assume you'd like them to translate Shin Koihime Musou so you can pirate that. Don't complain.

>> No.7027749

>I assume you'd like them to translate Shin Koihime Musou
I'd like to play it before 2026 so no I don't want them to translate it.

>> No.7027750

>And so, just 20 minutes over the 24hr mark, and #Koihime is already 1/5 of the way towards the goal for voices!

I don't mind if you pirate or not, but at least spread the word about this VN. I'd love to have Shin translated so i can discuss about it outside 4chan and 2ch.

>> No.7027752


Or its popular enough through pirating that it attracts the attention of real fansub groups who then translate it, keeping the voices as well!

>> No.7027753

We're not talking about jastusa here.

>> No.7027755

>spread the word about this VN
Yes, this is what /jp/ should do. If you know people who might be interested in reading this and are possible buyfags, tell them about this.

>> No.7027757


sup mangagamer employee

>> No.7027758


The only place I can "spread the word" is 4chan and it's basically the pirate central of the internet.

>> No.7027759

Fuck off. I want to see more visual novels translated, and I doubt anybody but MangaGamer will touch Koihime series now.
There's also matter of other companies getting interested in English market as well.

>> No.7027763


Go post on Gaia and say it reminds you of Twilight. They'll hit 2000 sales within the hour.

>> No.7027765


how're the profits looking

>> No.7027766

who the fuck are these people. Just give the fuck up already, you are not /jp/. everybody can tell, I dont even think most of /jp/ is bothering with these threads because its shit central.

>> No.7027770

The one who says get out of /jp/ is the one who should get out of /jp/.

>> No.7027773

HELL yeah i'm sick of these fags constantly saying get out of /jp/

>> No.7027776

I almost wish they wouldn't announce this because it could have the opposite effect and cause people not to buy it. I'm still happy it did so well on its first day.

>> No.7027777

So is someone working on a voicepatch? Or are we waiting for MG to release a voice patch?

>> No.7027779

I give up.., you people are clearly trolling and I give up. what a terrible day for /jp/.

>> No.7027781

See the green text

So much butthurt xD

>> No.7027782

>Or are we waiting for MG to release a voice patch?
yes, so go buy it now sick quads btw

>> No.7027784

/v/ buys shit, and they like Rance. If someone did some playthrough threads over there, it'd probably catch on somewhat.

>> No.7027786


Yes, actually you can. When some druggie breaks into my house I'm going to waste him. When the entertainment industry gets it 's shit together and sues sites like rapidshare and mediafire then what will you do bitch?

>> No.7027788

I hope you enjoyed your stay here in /jp/.

>> No.7027790

/jp/ - People with jobs who have disposable income and can buy VNs/General

>> No.7027792

Its so fucking clear that its /a/ and /v/ and fucking manga gamer in /jp/ right now. thats it im leaving /jp/ for good this time...

>> No.7027793


no I'll go onto the next site

like with napster back in the early 2000s

these sites are like a parasite.. you wipe one out, it'll just just to the next host.

you'll never be able to kill it for good, so why even try?

>> No.7027797

Don't come back.

>> No.7027798

Would, but Ar Tonelico 3, Yakuza 4, Pokemon Black all come out in March and I just blew 60 USD on Neptunia. Bad timing for an eroge to come out I guess.

>> No.7027801

>When the entertainment industry gets it 's shit together and sues sites like rapidshare and mediafire then what will you do bitch?

torrent, sftp, darknet, share, perfectdark...

We have plenty of options.

>> No.7027803


Dissidia 012 and Dragon Age 2, as well. pretty stacked month

>> No.7027805

yo mod,. please report everyone of these threads and everybody in them, even me.

>> No.7027808

Yeah its going to be brutal. No disposable income available until at least July if not later.

>> No.7027816

Since when did /jp/ cared about the way one's getting his game ?
Take that shit back to /v/ or something.

>> No.7027820

Don't forget 3DS.

>> No.7027824

Maybe,but eventually I predict they're going to start suing ISPs. Federal judges have allowed lawsuits against book publishers because they published aids to criminal activity. Someday soon the industry will sue the ISPs.Every packet coming and going will be monitored...just remember, you brought this orwellian nightmare on yourselves.

>> No.7027825

back to /v/ and /a/, everyone.

>> No.7027827

Isn't this the engine MG uses for its nukige?

>> No.7027828


By the time the ISP figures out what the hell is in our AES encrypted packets we'll be too old to fap.

>> No.7027829

we dont care, out.
that will never happen because that goes against our rights for privacy.

>> No.7027830
File: 200 KB, 615x714, 1280356924110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks. i will.

>> No.7027833

Good thing we live in a democracy, huh.

>> No.7027836

Even China is unable to take down Tor completely.

People will be sending shit around until the internet collapses.

>> No.7027837

Either our entire concept of copyright has to be upended and rewritten or we have to have invasive Orwellian monitoring to enforce our current laws in the world as it is today. Given where the money lies, we all know which way it's gonna go. I just hope it takes the greedy fuckers long enough to rewrite our laws that I can enjoy myself and die before they manage it.

>> No.7027840


Not possible in a Democracy. Maybe if you live in some communist government country

>> No.7027841

What are the worthwhile games coming at release date ? I'm planning on buying that shit but I don't intend to spend 250 € for nothing.

>> No.7027842

>In 1993, a triple murder was committed in Montgomery County, Maryland, by a man who claimed to have used the book as his guide.[1] James Perry, who had been imprisoned for violent crime, was caught, convicted, and sentenced to death. He had been hired by Lawrence T. Horn, who sought to receive the proceeds of a trust fund that resulted from his ex-wife's suing a hospital over injuries to their son. The families of Mildred Horn, her son Trevor, and her nurse Janice Saunders sued Paladin Press, the publisher of the book, claiming Paladin Press "aided and abetted" the murder. The suit, Rice v Paladin Enterprises, claimed that Paladin Press had a share of responsibility in the murders by virtue of their publication of a book that, by Paladin's own admission, could be used by criminals and would-be criminals in the solicitation, planning, and commission of murder for hire.

In November 1997, a U.S. appeals court ruled 3-0 that Hit Man was not protected by the free speech/free press clause of the First Amendment and thus Paladin Enterprises could be held liable for a triple murder committed by one of its readers.[2][3]


>> No.7027846

Only losers pirate shit that they can't afford. Still relying on Mom and Dad's income that pays for your cable so you can pirate? No wonder all of you are virgins, and will always be virgins and losers. Rather than live a life pain like many of you are doing now, becoming an hero is really easy! If you can do something really, like staying a loser, becoming an hero is like leveling up! Try it now, don't wait!

>> No.7027851

Yeah, the next time somebody uses Koihime Musou to kill three people, let me know.

You're a riot.

>> No.7027853

We still dont care, out.

>> No.7027855


>> No.7027858

Are you trying to compare murder to downloading what is basically a porn game?

>> No.7027862

This thread is shit, the /jp/ user base is now shit. everything is shit all because of moot. there for moot is shit. but god created moot, so god is shit.

>> No.7027863


or people who don't wanna pay 50 bucks for a 4 year game with only pictures and text compared to the actual next gen releases on PC and consoles these days

20-30 dollars is probably the "Sweet spot" for this game. 24.99 I'd buy it, myself

But 50? Too expensive

>> No.7027869

> only losers

>> No.7027870

>the /jp/ user base is now shit
Where have you been for the last six months?

>> No.7027871

Can any of you pirates justify for a second what you do? How do you fuckers sleep at night?

>> No.7027875

Who the fuck cares ?

>> No.7027876


All my traffic is already encrypted/tunneled, and some of it is tunneled through "7 proxies". It doesn't matter what they do, you can't fight technology, especially when all the traffic looks the same. I don't even need to do any of this, yet it doesn't hurt at all to do it.

>> No.7027880


by knowing that a fansub group who should be doing it for free isnt making money off of me

I mean they fucking took out the voices, which is 2/3 of the entire size of the game.. and they expect us to pay 50 bucks for this? really?

>> No.7027882
File: 274 KB, 1000x1200, 1296846759503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7027883

I really hope all those strange people giving a shit about how anyone spends his money aren't from here, otherwise I'd really dissointed in you /jp/, you know.

>> No.7027886 [DELETED] 

What the hell is your problem?

>> No.7027893

This thread looks a lot like the pirate/buying threads on /v/.

>> No.7027894

I sense a serious case of giving a fuck about pointless things around here, as well as a lack of taking it easy.

>> No.7027896

I'm in the same boat as you. I have no idea what is going on right now.

>> No.7027897

People who want uncensored genitals,and those of us who would like more people to discuss with,not to mention 90% of you never got past X wa Y desu.

>> No.7027900

It's a niche market. Stop comparing it to mainstream shit.
You can be as greedy and selfish as you want, but stop making retarded comparisons. Mainstream gaming and otaku fap material don't work the same way.

>> No.7027903


seeing my favorite loli in ecchi anime (Rinrin) getting railed has been what anticipated me for this game

>> No.7027905

Because the same people who in those threads are posting in this one.

>> No.7027910


Why shouldn't they? There is still a market value... and this isn't 50 dollars by the market value. They'd make significantly more money if they lowered it, because it would make people actually be more willing to buy it, and raise overall sales

I'm sure a good amount of the people here pirating would have considered buying it at 20-25 dollars.

>> No.7027916
File: 405 KB, 1280x720, %5bNeko%5d_Shin_Koihime_Musou_-_07_(1280x720_x264_24fps_AAC).mkv_000184559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like Koihime Musou is about to become a LOT more popular around here.

Not sure how I feel about this.
If I posted in Koihime Musou generals would that make me a hypocrite?

>> No.7027919


>> No.7027923

So go buy your shit if you care about it so much, but stop bothering us with your silly little holy crusade against the evil pirates, I don't see people on /jp/ running around telling everyone who's buying their stuff how much of a moron they are, so shut the fuck up.

>> No.7027924
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>> No.7027925

Hey I pirate the shit out of everything. But when I see a retard asking for download links or where to download X, I gladly send them to mangagamer or jastusa.
MG and JAST should be glad that I am giving them free ads but shitting up /jp/ is very low of them.
Get out MGDevs

>> No.7027930


>uncensored genitals

You've got to be shitting me.

>> No.7027935

I would die for Haman Karn.

>> No.7027936

Jesus christ the stupid. Let me explain to you how this works:
>company approaches erogedevs about translating a game

>erogedevs names a price for the license, basically the translator pays a lot of money to them and they keep the profits from the overseas sales.

>> No.7027939

I can't believe that everyone in this thread is posting at face value, so I'm going to provisionally assume that /jp/ is making this thread retarded intentionally.

>> No.7027942

Most of you little ass-kissers will never contribute to a working economy anyway, so have fun jacking off to your fictional "waifus" set in "ancient China." One day, your parents will put their foot down and kick your ass out the door, where it belongs. The sooner you idiots quit acting as if you're special snowflakes and wake up to the real world, the sooner you won't have to pirate and you'll no longer have to use your right(or left) hand. I guess it's too much for some of you, huh? Time doesn't wait for anyone, especially nerds like you guys.

>> No.7027944


And you don't understand that you'd make more money from selling at a lower price point because it would make it more appealing to people, and thus sell more copies overall

Its economisc 101. Offer a very high price, you'll scare off a majority of the consumers. Too low, and you won't make money. You have to find that sweet spot, and that should be around 25-30 bucks

>> No.7027949

The people selling the game suspect the demand for eroge purchases is highly inelastic. You disagree. Big fucking deal.

>> No.7027950


I literally cracked up reading a rant like that from someone who visits /jp/

>> No.7027953

You sound very upset, might want do something about that hurt butt of yours.

>> No.7027955

To wherever you buyfags/trolls/manga gamers came from, stop being so fucking ignorant, /jp/ doesn't give a fuck about buying or prating, if you haven't noticed no real /jp/er is in this thread, expect the people who noticed just how different you guys and acting. like

>> No.7027960

>>implying licensing cost for vn is cheap
>>implying people will not pirate and buy if it only 25$

why dont you open a VN business yourself if you really believe you can sell a VN for 25$ and be succesfull, sure you can only talk fag

>> No.7027963


I'm pretty sure the majority of Mangagamers releases are in that 25-30 dollar range. So why should this be any more, especially since they don't even have the voices?

>> No.7027964


Also, the Western Anime and manga market is 3 times bigger than Japan in terms of sales so VN companies try to use this model to create a price for the license rights,but unfortunately it doesn't work that way for eroge.

>> No.7027965

I have a genuine question.

How many posts have you made in this thread?

>> No.7027977
File: 108 KB, 560x677, reactionface_Sei4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smell lots of BUTTHURTISM in this thread.

>> No.7027979


About 40, if I had to estimate

>> No.7027988

sprouting the soo called entry level economics theory like a boss, ya smoking weed anon? stop living under the hood and try opening your own business

>> No.7027990
File: 32 KB, 640x480, 1296096732684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must save /jp/, no matter what the cost. nobody else will do it.

>> No.7027996


>> No.7028001

YOU COULDN'T EVEN SAVE YOUR MOM, how do you expect to save /jp/?

>> No.7028012


Then maybe they should have never acquired the license to something that didn't have the chance to sell enough at a reasonable price to cover the costs?

And like I said, the license cost doesn't matter as long as they make the money to cover it, and make profit. You can make that in multiple ways... either by charging a lot, so the fewer but more dedicated people pay it, or cheaper, so more overall people pay it. Theres no real right or wrong way to do it, but obviously the latter is more customer friendly.

>> No.7028017

i lol'ed anyway got some question about the game, can we get multiple sex scenes with different girls in one go? or do i need to stick with 1 girl and ignore the others during the base camp ? or there are combinations of choices to unlock the scenes?

>> No.7028018
File: 68 KB, 600x812, 1296970858317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I WILL SAVE /JP/ BUT AS HAMAN KAN. somebody needs to teach these invaders a lesson, and im the right autistic guy to do it.

>> No.7028024


its like rance

your dick is gonna be busy

>> No.7028027

You say that ,but I dont hink you get it. If they drop the cost that means a shit ton of people have to buy it at once (like in the 100000s) or they have to wait years before they're in the black and making profits. Neither is a realistic or viable business option. Also this is why the west never gets nice things, You piss and moan when big-name games don't get translated then complain about the realities that come with it.

>> No.7028030

its obvious mangagamer thought they charge quite cheap (which we may not think so), considering the price in japan for one single visual novel is pretty high, but seriously do you think these western VN companies didnt consider selling at lower price? they must have done some market research before hand, and they must have their own finance/marketing guys brain storming about the price, unlike yours which is only an OPINION from an anon who god knows maybe have just read/take an economic class

>> No.7028034


Uhh. Going from 2000 being this "biggest success", to 100k+ by dropping the price in half? Realistically, they'd have to get about 2500-3000 sales to pull a profit at 25 dollars.

>> No.7028040

thats like.... your opinion with no basis anon

>> No.7028045

Recettear succeeded because of how cheap and accessible steam is.
Steam doesnt sell 18+ games or is there other reasons for this besides stupidity?

>> No.7028047

Fuck, whats with these Names. why couldn't they just use the Chinese names ;_;

>> No.7028048


Like I said, Mangagamer has stated Shuffle was their biggest release profit wise, and that was a bit over 1000. Selling 2500-3000 should EASILY pull a profit if they pulled a profit at 1k with Shuffle. Its not like Shuffle is an unknown product, either.

>> No.7028058

if i have to say, its because of the gameplay and the 18+ label? then again i dont have any definite proof about my statement, nor are yours

>> No.7028062


Steam has made it their official stance that they don't consider visual novels games, so they won't carry them. Nor will they carry 18+ games

>> No.7028066

How do I increase the speed of the auto mode? It's slow as shit. Increasing Auto Scroll does nothing.

>> No.7028067

good, nobody on /jp/ would want this. you guys should go to some form or something.

>> No.7028068

Go to encubed or something. Faggot.

>> No.7028073

Woah what? Making VNs easy to buy and possibly cheaper? Who would want that?

>> No.7028080

you cant be serous, if you dont know why then your not from around here.

>> No.7028083


>> No.7028088

To be fair, prices don't matter if you really want something. Before I really knew about the internet, I was happily buying PS2 games for like sixty euro (even really shit ones).

>> No.7028111

Where the fuck is the voice patch? Enough of this sucking each others cocks in anger.

>> No.7028114


I can wait a bit. I don't think my heart can take hearing Rinrin say "Onii-chan" constantly...

>> No.7028117

Grr I really want to play this but I don't want to ruin the experience without the voices, will the patch pop up anytime soon? I need my VN fix but I finished reading everything else.

>> No.7028146


Probably at least a week. It seems Mangagamer has really screwed with the files to make the hackers need to work at it

>> No.7028150

The guy who's making it said something about how MangaGamer rearranged/split like 1 or 2 lines in every script file. So it isn't as simple as copy and paste the voice files so he has to go through pretty much every file to add them in.

>> No.7028580

You must be new here, if you missed DCIF and DCII, even if you don't like them.

>> No.7028622

Apparently the game sold 500 copies in a single day already. That's pretty good, maybe we'll see an official voice patch before the unofficial one?

>> No.7028639
File: 844 KB, 816x638, screen14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this protag is cool. Since this is pretty much how I would be. Refuse to kill cute girls and just go with rest of it.

>> No.7028704


Unlikely. We won't get the official patch instantly as soon as 2000 copies are sold.

Even though Kouryuu has promised that he will make sure that it's given top priority they'll still have to deal with the seiyuu companies.

>> No.7030172

at least now we know why they had to delay the game for a month, they needed time to screw with the scripts. I tried saying that in a comment on there site and strangely it didn't get approved i wonder why........

>> No.7030327


If we ever see an official voice patch I will eat the cum filled sock that is currently on my dick.
