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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7019713 No.7019713 [Reply] [Original]

To: /jp/ mod
Subject: a board in need.

/x/ is now in need of a mod. kindly go there.

>> No.7019718

We have no mod, you idiot, else we wouldn't suffer from our own spam so constantly.
Go ask /a/.
Or get on IRC and see if any of the circlejerkers there are a mod.

>> No.7019715

Use IRC, you jackass.

How stupid can you be?

>> No.7019719
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>> No.7019723

We'll be fine, we have Quality Control

>> No.7019724

They're too busy making a mess of /co/.

How does it feel that there is a non-red board that's worse than /jp? Do you feel empty no longer being the shittiest "work safe" board?

>> No.7019728
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moshi moshi

>> No.7019729


>> No.7019741


Thx for telling me that...


>> No.7019749

Than who banned me twice in the passing month?

>> No.7019750

Just twice? Nigga you ain't even trying.

>> No.7019751

If only wasn't using public internet I would check it out. I need a good fap.

>> No.7019760

Correct, I don't
Yet I got banned twice.

>> No.7019772

What I don't get is why out of all of the boards you chose the one with all of the shut-ins and the one least likely to get any moderation.

>> No.7019773

Actually there really is.

>> No.7019775

why the HELL does every board come here for mods?
if your a mod don't get mad ok

>> No.7019783

What makes you think /jp/ has a mod?
We wouldn't have all this shitty nukespam and obvious troll threads.

>> No.7019787

Mod logic:
anime cap = 3days ban
nuke = japan general
otaku = japan

>> No.7019793

We need Hong, Remilia, or the VN status guy for mods.

>> No.7019795


One out of three isn't bad.

>> No.7019797

I'm kinda from /jp/
I think the mod here was a bit too hard
So i thought that if he split his attention perhaps /jp/ would be back to normal.
I mean, what kind of a /jp/ mod would ban meiling, of all people?

>> No.7019801

Don't mind if I continue that.

Daily dose spam = It's fine.
Totally sensless and useless thread with Japanese text on it = It's fine since I can't read but it's related.
NSFW image = Ban

>> No.7019805

No, you aren't.

>> No.7019806

Hong has posted NSFW images and gotten banned for it. Whoever is modding /jp/ lately really hates NSFW images, so I really doubt they'd pick him.

>> No.7019807


That's a .333 batting average. It's fine for baseball but I'd rather he hit every pitch.

>> No.7019809

oh ya i ment in general

>> No.7019812

So following your logic you think mods should be people that dump doujins and feed people with a spoon when they ask for source and gather material from Comiket, gather updates on translation projects and also some translation on doujins?

This is ridiculous. Those people are decent posters but that doesn't mean they are fit for a mod position.

>> No.7019816

Hey Sudo, post a NSFW image.

>> No.7019818

And you are? what define someone as part of a board?

>> No.7019821

I don't care what the current mod thinks, banning Hong means you're a shitty mod.

moot can't pick people who would be decent mods out of a group of Anonymouses. Those three, at least, have a tripcode and not only don't use it to shitpost and 'troll' to increase their e-fame, but actually contribute to the board.

If they contribute to the board, why not let them try out being a mod?

>> No.7019824
File: 909 KB, 1280x720, [Derp]_Gosick_-_07_(1280x720_x264_AAC)[03BD9AC8].mkv_snapshot_10.52_[2011.02.19_11.45.58].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't save NSFW images. Here's some anime, though!

>> No.7019825


The best mod would be someone who is here all day. I hardly ever see Hong or Remilia and VN TL only uses the trip for that thread.

>> No.7019836

Reported for ban evasion.

All three only use their trip when they need to, possible exception being Remilia who used to post with it regardless.

>> No.7019838


The joke here is that a lot of tripfags shitpost anonymously.

>> No.7019839

Quality Control for mod
He would rule with a iron fist.

>> No.7019840

Cycle of life on /jp/

>We need more a mod, I wish we had a mod, if we had a mod things would be different around here
>applications and promotions happen
>What a fucking shitty mod we got
>silent resignations

The cycle has occurred nearly three times now.

>> No.7019845

>silent resignations
Too bad AoC couldn't do that and had to be an attention whore.

>> No.7019847

I would enjoy that, honestly, if only to see how the quality of /jp/ threads went up as he fervently deleted all the spam and shitposting.

>> No.7019850

>All three only use their trip when they need to
This. It's easy to maintain a good reputation with a trip when you remove it for shitposts or anything else. We can never know if X will be a good mod or not, all the mods are people moot is friend of.

>> No.7019851
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let me help you with that.


>> No.7019852
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>The best mod would be someone who is here all day.
I'd humbly accept the position, then.

>> No.7019855

Your shitty CP thread got deleted, now delete this one.
Protip: use IRC.

>> No.7019856

inb4 mad people because he posted in his shitty threads.

>> No.7019860

Ignoring the last part, which is true, it is a safe assumption to make that someone who contributes to the board in a positive way will have the board's best interests at heart, and thus would be a better person to try out mod-ship with than a randomly picked person from /jp/.

>> No.7019863


Which tripfags are here all day?

>> No.7019868

go 2 HELL, stop reminding him
HELL yeah QC would

>> No.7019873

But have you ever stopped to think if those people who contribute to the board give a fuck about our problems? (which is something good from a poster)

I'm not saying they would suck at it but we can't simply assume they would be good.

>> No.7019874


>it is a safe assumption

No it's not. For all you know, they could be doing it just to have someone suck their e-penis while shitting all over the board while you're not looking.

>> No.7019880

Why should I? I'll get banned anyway.

>> No.7019883

Shut the fuck up Troll.

>> No.7019884


Yeah, give him more attention.

Only an idiot would be trolled by him, anyway.

>> No.7019891

Look, what I'm saying is that, since they care enough about the board to contribute to it in their own way, making them a mod would give them the ability to remove the shit stains on the board while they browse it. Given their reputation, it is unlikely that they'll remove, say, Hong's threads for NSFW, or Remilia's threads for illegal content.

It's a safe assumption compared to the alternatives.
Yes, they could be the Saten spammer for all I know, but it is unlikely.

I'm not saying they'll be great mods, I'm saying that it is safe to assume they won't be absolutely horrid despots. And on the off-chance they are, let them try out being mods under supervision.

>> No.7019894

Stop bumping this at least.

>> No.7019897

Shut the fuck up Sudo

>> No.7019900


Assuming things on an anonymous imageboard (or the internet in general) is beyond dumb.

>> No.7019904

Pssst, its a public trip.
You're basically responding to White Ren, except with a 12 year old flavor.

>> No.7019906

ok, I won't.

>> No.7019912
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>> No.7019915


Quit making fun of disabled people.

>> No.7019916

Thank you for enlightening me.
Beyond that, is there any reason why those three would make shitty mods beyond assumption that they're secretly shitposters?

>> No.7019917 [DELETED] 
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I agree, we don't need moderation.

>> No.7019929

Don't talk shit to my waifu.

>> No.7019931

You're waifu is a fat autistic 25 year old man.

>> No.7019934

I hope that was a typo

>> No.7019944

The bad grammar was intentional.

>> No.7019969

Mentally he'ss still a child and we only meet on the internet. Isn't it sweet?

>> No.7020155
File: 854 KB, 1280x720, [Derp]_Gosick_-_08_(1280x720_x264_AAC)[99CF59ED].mkv_snapshot_07.57_[2011.02.27_11.52.32].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not fat, autistic or 25. You really need to get with the times. I'm 26.

>> No.7020220

More like mods taking turns trying to handle the board and giving up. Not just for us, all boards go through mods every few months.
Wish it was people actually getting hired, but nope, just the same tired pool of people trying to make sense of all boards.
