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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7014213 No.7014213 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7014215


>> No.7014218

That's okay. I also jacked off thinking of a boy.

>> No.7014220

That actually makes me very happy.

>> No.7014222

That's gross.

>> No.7014224

We were in the same bed. I hope so.

>> No.7014226


>> No.7014221 [DELETED] 

HELL yeah OP, I'm pretty decent...at least 3 girls I had a crush on prolly did. but since they all got boyfriends and one of them got preggers they'ire all fucking sluts

>> No.7014227

Since I have cybersex with men all the time I don't doubt it

>> No.7014238

Being straight, this still pleases me. Very much so.

>> No.7014241

Does it still count if it's online and they think I'm a 14 year old girl?

>> No.7014243

Yeah Beau told me in detail about how rousing my performance was in Cyrano De Bergerac.

But Just because the gay is widespread doesn't make it /jp/ related.

>> No.7014245

I fap to the thought of this.

>> No.7014246

Oh boy...boy HELL no
And I'm taking my comment with me

>> No.7014252
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I don't think this is true...

Maybe who I was pretending to be, but not me myself...

>> No.7014253

Oh wow. I never even thought of that. I wouldn't be surprised if it never happened though.

>> No.7014261

/jp/, I have a proposal.
Let's fap to the thought of each other.

>> No.7014273

I highly doubt that.


>> No.7014280


um... no

>> No.7014283

I'm fapping to you right now, anon.

>> No.7014285


I've given up fapping. You guys can do it to each other though.

>> No.7014292


>> No.7014293

Hm, I wonder if anyone on /jp/ is morally opposed to the gay

I'd imagine everyone is pretty open minded but you get some surprises

>> No.7014299

That's uh... kinda disturbing

>> No.7014310
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I don't particularly like it. I'd rather everyone were straight and girls outnumbered men 20 to 1 but personal preferences aside they can be okay people and If they keep it to themselves they're more than welcome to their perversions.

I mean I'll never have my harem end, but for every man that goes gay I get a little closer.

>> No.7014317


People can fuck whatever they want, but gay people shouldn't be allowed to be married.

>> No.7014321

Some mixed gay kid at my high school told me I was cute. So I suppose him masturbating while thinking of me is a possibility

>> No.7014324

What, why? Why should you get to say if two people can get married or not?

>> No.7014331

Well as far as the governmental perks they should get those but as far as christian ceremonies go its like kicking the religion in the teeth.

>> No.7014336

kill yourself

>> No.7014342

You have gay christians though

>> No.7014372

Yeah but the devout bible types kind of follow that No being gay god said so rule.

I mean if they want to have their own sect that ignores that fine by me, Just don't go to catholic church and expect them not to have a fucking moo moo.

>> No.7014377

How about we just get rid of state sanctioned marriages and you can all have whatever shitty little ceremony you damn well feel like?

In any case you shouldn't get a tax break for being a faggot nor should the government use a convoluted tax code to push social engineering,

>> No.7014379


One man, one woman. It's been that way since the beginning of time, regardless of religion. Why do gay people want to change that?


Why should the government give benefits and tax breaks to those that can't have kids to raise and contribute to society? It's silly.

>> No.7014382


I doubt it. There are plenty of better looking people for guys to think about.

>> No.7014387
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But I have no identity. My face was burned off in my childhood due to a frying pan accident.

>> No.7014390

I doubt that.

>> No.7014391

>One man, one woman. It's been that way since the beginning of time, regardless of religion.

How retarded are you? Marriage has existed in loads of alternate forms for centuries, not just the sanitised christian version of the last thousand years. There's no reason it shouldn't change for the times

>> No.7014396

>as far as christian ceremonies go its like kicking the religion in the teeth.
Give me one reason why I should care about offending a bunch of deluded fucks with the most mind-knowingly stupid views on sexuality, and indeed, everything else in the world. I don't want to kick religion in the teeth, I want to beat it in the face with a two-by-four filled with rusty nails, douse it with gasoline, and drag its flaming corpse behind my truck. And good riddance.

Nobody on earth should have to cater to religion, ever.

>> No.7014403

>One man, one woman. It's been that way since the beginning of time, regardless of religion.

>In the southern Chinese province of Fujian, through the Ming dynasty period, females would bind themselves in contracts to younger females in elaborate ceremonies.


>> No.7014404




>> No.7014408

>Nobody on earth should have to cater to religion, ever.
We don't but we want to. Religion makes things that are hard to understand, a bit more easier to let go. It's not like people in underdeveloped nations can afford science research or education in the first place.

>> No.7014412

That's probable.
In fact, I'm pretty sure I know exactly when it happened.

>> No.7014413
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inb4 200 posts having nothing to do with the topic

>> No.7014414

There's a fetish for everything, anon-chan ( ≖◡≖)

>> No.7014415

Preach it brother! - wait, that sounds wrong somehow....

>> No.7014418

Don't even get me started on the ancient Romans.

Regardless, we are obviously responding to a troll. There is no one on 4chan who actually believes this, let alone on /jp/. Still, it's generating insightful if off-topic discussion.

>> No.7014420

It's not like they can adopt or anything. Being gay is not something you choose, you should not be punished for it.

>> No.7014422
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The topic was gay anyway.

>> No.7014425


Hey, dumbfuck.

Should a father and daughter be allowed to get married?

>> No.7014430

Some gay kid in high school wanted to confess his love to me. Good thing he didn't do it directly because I'm not gay. That's was pretty damn weird though.

Well at least SOMEBODY like me ;__;

>> No.7014431

Why the fuck do you care if a father or daughter should or should not get married? Are you going to cry in horror if it happens somewhere? Grow up.

>> No.7014432

What does that have to do with anything?

There are pretty fucking basic reasons why that's a bad idea

>> No.7014437


Marriage is a privilege, not a right. 99% of this board will remain single virgins, is the government punishing them?

>> No.7014438

one, that has nothing to do with religion

two, if the daughter is an adult, and there is no evidence of abuse in the past, then yes. If they want kids they should probably adopt or find a sperm donor or something, though

>> No.7014443




Now what if the father is infertile?

>> No.7014445

No but your number crunching skills are.

>> No.7014450


That's a pretty big jump. Do you normally ignore the opposing argument and just rant?

>> No.7014453

You should have hooked up with him anyway. It was probably your only chance at a relationship.

>> No.7014458

>Now what if the father is infertile?

Then I think it's still pretty messed up, then again I'm not them so I shouldn't get to say anything about it

>> No.7014462

/jp/- bullshit

>> No.7014465

>There are pretty fucking basic reasons why that's a bad idea

O rly? and what would those be?

>> No.7014472

What if the father is in love with the daughter and vice versa?

>> No.7014478

>O rly? and what would those be?

You seriously cannot be this stupid

>> No.7014479

Honestly, if you're a femanon this is basically guaranteed.

How does that make you femanons feel?

Would you ever be part of a bukkake circle?

Do you fantasize to rape?

>> No.7014485

what does infertility have to do with anything?
people form relationships and get married for many reasons besides procreation, and we have this little thing called "birth control" nowadays

>> No.7014489


>There are pretty fucking basic reasons why that's a bad idea

Shut the fuck up you fucking mouthbreathing Christian redneck. What the fuck are you even doing on 4chan? How dare you tell other people what they should and shouldn't be able to do with you sick, twisted morals. Go read the Bible and kill yourself.

>> No.7014491

Coming from someone who thinks they have enough experience with relationships to judge incest? On /jp.

0/10. Go read something on actual morals.

>> No.7014492
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>> No.7014493

What are you on about? The bible loves father daughter incest

YOU try reading it sometime

>> No.7014496

Holy shit. Faggot alert.

>> No.7014497

Produce these "reasons" and defend them (if you can), and we shall see who is stupid

>> No.7014498


>people form relationships and get married for many reasons besides procreation


>> No.7014501

Wow you guys are pathetic. Can someone please summarize what the issue is so I can wrap this up and watch it 404?

>> No.7014503

People with retarded christian upbringings show up and get mad

>> No.7014507


Gay people want to redefine the definition of marriage so they can get discounts on family insurance and tax breaks.

Hardworking straight people that have children to support do not like this.

>> No.7014508

Marriage is for expressing your love and committing yourself to another person completely. Now how does that exclude homosexuals in any way?

>> No.7014515

>Can someone please summarize what the issue is

post about male fantasies turns into more general discussion of sex and relationships and then collapses into bickering about incest between people with a brain and moralfags

>> No.7014517 [DELETED] 

>>7014379 One man, one woman. It's been that way since the beginning of time, regardless of religion.
Not necessarily, it's only ever been touted that way. I find that as time goes on sexuality and gender identity (keep in mind I'm including the physical body in this) is more of a spectrum then a well defined either-or.
Human categorization isn't always infallible.

>Why should the government give benefits and tax breaks to those that can't have kids to raise and contribute to society? It's silly.

With this logic, couples that choose to be childless (a popular decision in first-world countries) or couples who are unable to bear children due to fertility problems shouldn't get tax breaks either? Are you implying that quiverfull families are even _more_ deserving of tax breaks? I get it. You're breaking things down in to easy to understand absolutes to make life easier, but the world isn't as clear-cut and elegant as a math problem.

>> No.7014519

Homosexuality is disgusting and people who do it should be publicly stoned.

End of discussion. There is no excuse for it.

>> No.7014521

/jp/ - Normalfags/General

>> No.7014527

sex. companionship. love. tax breaks. immigration. because they got drunk.

>> No.7014532

I don't get why people hate the bible. It's fun to read. I wouldn't believe it, but that's because I've been exposed to science related principles and evolution all my life. I think that religion has a grasp on people because it relieves the stress of having only one life by promising another.
Well I guess you would have to take numbers into account, but since straight families will overlap gay families by a large margin, I think you need to be a bit more lenient. Do you tie the concept of Marriage with a particular religion or is it separate from such?

>> No.7014534

He'll try to produce reasons but ultimately fail miserably, because all arguments in favor of controlling relationships and sexuality are based entirely on petty morals left over from religious institutions in the dark ages. They are meaningless.

Almost everything we believe about sex today was created by religion. In other words, what a deranged 'prophet' wrote thousands of years ago is controlling who you are allowed to marry and in some cases what you are allowed to do with your body.

The world is a fucked up place, ain't it?

>> No.7014535

>>7014379 One man, one woman. It's been that way since the beginning of time, regardless of religion.
Not necessarily, it's only ever been touted that way. I find that as time goes on sexuality and gender identity (keep in mind I'm NOT including the physical body in this) is more of a spectrum then a well defined either-or.
Human categorization isn't always infallible.

>Why should the government give benefits and tax breaks to those that can't have kids to raise and contribute to society? It's silly.

With this logic, couples that choose to be childless (a popular decision in first-world countries) or couples who are unable to bear children due to fertility problems shouldn't get tax breaks either? Are you implying that quiverfull families are even _more_ deserving of tax breaks? I get it. You're breaking things down in to easy to understand absolutes to make life easier, but the world isn't as clear-cut and elegant as a math problem.

edit - whoops forgot an important word

>> No.7014528

What about childless couples? What about useless parents that churn out hordes of kids?

Should they still get tax breaks too?

>> No.7014547

Other than myself, you mean?
...oh wow, that actually pleases me.

>> No.7014554


>sex. companionship. love.
Don't need to be married to do that.

>tax breaks. immigration.
So basically, marriage is just a way to get free shit.

>> No.7014550


>> No.7014553

>Produce these "reasons" and defend them (if you can), and we shall see who is stupid

50% chance of congenital birth defects resulting from inbred genetics?

>> No.7014556

ah shit, this is pretty moe. I think I may fantasize about this tonight. fuck, I love being my gender. Feels good man

>> No.7014557


They shouldn't. And if they took all those financial incentives away completely, I guarantee you gay people would no longer give a shit about marriage. It would turn into a religious ceremony.

>> No.7014562

>I guarantee you gay people would no longer give a shit about marriage.

So you can instantly tell what a group of people you hate is thinking?

Wow, you must be the fucking king of empathy

>> No.7014561

When organisms mate too closely within family lines, they tend to make it more likely that abnormal, recessive genes will be passed on to their offspring. This means that their children are more likely to be born deformed or with other genetic related problems

>> No.7014565

That's a reason not to have kids, not a reason to not get married

>> No.7014566

It's not 50%, it's double whatever the standard risk is, which naturally depends on the family's history.
(In most cases, this is negligible. It takes several generations for inbreeding to become a serious problem.)

That said, a father fucking his daughter is wrong for plenty of moral reasons, so don't sweat the details.

>> No.7014572

Damn, I just thought this thread would be a pick-me-up for lonely anons on a Friday night

I didn't realise this board had so many christfags

>> No.7014570

Girl here, provided you were cute enough I might date one of you guys.

>> No.7014575

/jp/ - Gay Culture

>> No.7014576

Guy here, provided you were cute enough you'd already have a boyfriend.

>> No.7014574

>Should a father and daughter be allowed to get married?
>NOT: should a father and daughter be allowed to have children?
You fucking failed, try again.

>> No.7014583

>I didn't realise this board had so many christfags

Me neither they ruin everything nice.

>> No.7014584

>>sex. companionship. love.
>Don't need to be married to do that.

as I said:
>people form relationships and get married
>form relationships and

and whether you want to get married or not for those things is a personal decision.

>So basically, marriage is just a way to get free shit.
For some it is, yes. You asked why people get married or form relationships, and I gave you some of them. I didn't say they where all good or noble.

>> No.7014591

> wrong for plenty of moral reasons
could be, but isn't always.

>> No.7014588

How nice that you can pick and choose the aspects of marriage to fit your answer

Protip: sex is a big part of it

>> No.7014589

>Don't need to be married to do that.
Why not? Marriage is one of life's biggest goals. Find the right person to love and (hopefully) spend a lifetime with them. Marriage is an important part of any culture. It isn't wrong to want official recognition of your commitment to someone. Why should people be denied that? Why should they be excluded from that?
