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7010966 No.7010966 [Reply] [Original]

Do you talk to yourself (or your waifu), /jp/?

I've always had a habit of imagining conversations I might have with with people, not that I ever did, but that hardly mattered. When I found a waifu, it became normal for me to imagine conversations we would have together. I'd always thought actually speaking out loud would be absolutely crazy, but it's something I started unconsciously doing a while back. It started as a whisper, but now I can have completely 2-sided conversations with myself (or whoever I want), and it's actually kind of nice.

I can't be the only one, and I'm kind of curious. Anyone else?

>> No.7010980

Every day.

>> No.7010976

I do that all the time, projecting my own reality is perhaps the greatest form of escapism I came across, granted it's also the hardest to perform.

>> No.7010984

I talk to myself out loud often.

As for talking to other people in my head, I haven't done that out loud, I do it in my head along with imagining them, out loud would break the illusion.

>> No.7010987

No. Being a shut-in by nature who dislikes conversing with others is already bad enough.

>> No.7010993

I only talk out loud to myself in the mirror.

>> No.7010998

i constantly do it. i also talk back to characters in eroge, very loudly (kinda like Kirino in Ore no imouto).
then again i talk all the time in general.

>> No.7011011

I did it exclusively with my stuffed animals.

And I'm still talking with them right now.

>> No.7011013

I talk to my cat. She confirmed that you're a faggot, OP.

>> No.7011014

There's nobody on /jp/ except you, OP.
You've been having a conversation with yourself this entire time.

>> No.7011016
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I do, though I feel bit awkward about it, but it comes naturally. Or I might imagine someone talking to me and talk back.

>> No.7011020

Sort of like this, though when I imagine others talking to me, they aren't clearly defined as anyone I know, so I don't have random out-loud conversations with touhous or anything, more like different sides of myself.

>> No.7011020,1 [INTERNAL] 

All day, mah nigga.

>> No.7011037

I developed a 2nd personality.
We talk to each other whenever I'm not busy with anything.
He helps me to sort out my thoughts.
We also can switch places if I need to be........rough.

I'm probally just making things up and my personality is not really split but I figured out that this way of thinking makes me pretty happy

>> No.7011048

All the time, literally all the time.

>> No.7011062
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>Do you talk to yourself

All the time.

>or your waifu

I'm not sure how you can have a relationship with someone and not talk to them.

>> No.7011073

I've always had this woman clothed in white to talk to inside my own head, ever since I can remember. I always seem to consult her by default before making any decisions that can't be made on pure logic. She comforts me when I make mistakes. Sometimes, I think that if I could just delete her, I'd be forced to become more sociable out of soul crushing loneliness, but naturally, she would argue against that.

>> No.7011111

I don't, i have this bunch of friends that are always with me and we do really crazy shit.

But did i tell you i'm a witch?

>> No.7011124

>i'm a witch

Any luck locating Gensokyo?

>> No.7011148

I only talk to her in my head. I have little conversations with her where I imagine what we would talk about on a normal day. I'd come home after a day of work and she'd have dinner ready, we eat, talk, cuddle, that sort of stuff. Works for me thanks to my overactive imagination, I guess.

I do talk to myself when I'm trying to come up with ideas for stories, though. Usually mock conversations between two people musing on the events in the story. I probably should write these stories down sometime, possibly into a standard novel.

>> No.7011163

>Do you talk to yourself (or your waifu), /jp/?

All the goddamn time.

>> No.7011172

This thread is a good sign for you /jp/

Talking to yourself and being aware that you are doing it means that you are still sane
The problem will be when you start to talk to yourself and stay unaware of the fact that you are talking to yourself

>> No.7011175

I have dreams that are like life. It is hard to differentiate between life and dream sometimes. That is the closest I know to your feel.

>> No.7011180
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The problem is I don't really know what little girls are interested in. I don't want to talk with her about something she'll find boring.

>> No.7011201

Well, two options here since this is /jp/. One, you could talk to her about what you'd be interested in if you were a little girl, or two, you could talk to her about a variety of things to figure out what she likes and doesn't like.

>> No.7011207

I guess I'll could read a story with her and ask her how she would act in that situation.

>> No.7011211

Don't worry. Everybody talks to his waifu, at least in his head.
People who don't, just like using that character for fapping or sexual fantasies. That's not a waifu.

>> No.7011213
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I envy people who can treat their waifu as a real person. I can only feel attraction for 2D characters (probably 3D too, I haven't really tested it out), not the kind of affection you would need to have in order to dedicate yourself to her. In a word, I don't know the feeling of love. My immersion in fantasy worlds stop long before the point where I could hold a conversation with a fictional character.

I would say that I'm a dreamless man. It's not that I'm emotionless, I can still laugh and smile. It's on the inside that I'm completely dead.

>> No.7011222

All i read was
>"Baaaawww i am not autistic enough"
Try hitting yourself in the head a couple of time, but do it with something hard like a brick
Soon your apartment will be filled with waifus

>> No.7011225

You seriously can't love and therefore don't know the feeling of loneliness. Man I'm jealous

>> No.7011229

Maybe Kuroko isn't your ideal girl after all. Either find one or make one up from scratch.

>> No.7011235

You mean people who make friends to stave off loneliness love them and just don't like manipulating people? That's a laugh.

>> No.7011243

That's true, but would you really give up on pleasure in order to be immune to pain? I think I would be more comfortable with feeling lonely than barely feeling anything at all.

>> No.7011252

Yes,actually that's exactly what I'm trying to achieve.For me the pleasure isn't worth the pain.
Are you immune to sexual desires too?

>> No.7011257

Maybe you still haven't found your waifu.
They are the crystallisation of your ideals and beliefs, not your lust.
If your main occupation while thinking of her is fapping, she is not a waifu.

>> No.7011261

I run theoretical conversations in my head all the time, I was doing just now while browsing /tg/ before I saw this thread. I was dreaming up a gundam based campaign where the players would be a team of guerilla fighters that would have to keep capturing new mobile suits and scavenge weapons rather than have a stable of gundams.

Chances are I'll never run the game but it's fun imagining all the potential behind the idea, I'll have mental dialogue for pretty much every creative idea I come up with. If I really like it and think I could pull it off, I'll speak with someone about it.

>> No.7011258

I talk to myself pretty frequently, but it's always vocalizing my side of an imaginary conversation to see what it would sound like, to see if I sound genuine when I say it. It's always when I'm alone, though. Sometimes if a lot of conversations are going on around me and I'm reading, I read aloud to attempt to cancel it out.

Rather than a waifu, I usually just imagine myself talking to people I wish I was brave enough to befriend, especially ones that I regularly trail around through whatever means. It feels creepy, but I'm constantly reassured that "it's only shyness." I'm not sure whether or not to take much stock in it. I wish I had friends. ;_;

Actually, when I was younger, I'd imagine dramatic scenarios with me in Hyrule and I would be everyone's best friend and I would make everyone's relationships go right and Link would make me his best friend and we would save different lands AS A TEAM.

I remembered reading an article that suggested a link between depression and daydreaming. Here's a study about it. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/641165

>> No.7011265

I find myself talking to myself about my interests a lot, or sometimes re-running conversations I had years ago before I became a neet. It just goes automaticaly.

>> No.7011268

No. I'm closer to overactive in that department.
There are plenty of cases where I can be attracted to a girl without thinking of her sexually at all, but there's still no emotional attachment. I can't exactly deny that the right waifu for me is out there somewhere, but it's hard to believe when no one has come close so far.

>> No.7011269


Now those are just plain examples for anxiety disorders.
Even if you're into polygamy, making the whole world(the real one at that) your waifu is a bit too much.

>> No.7011272

i did but i'm not that autistic anymore nowadays

>> No.7011273

Same here.
I've been cooking up a giant Dark Heresy campaign for the past week, drawing maps, compiling the dramatis personae, writing scripts, coming up with encounters and missions, finding fitting pieces of music I could play, and planning the entire story out from the debriefing to the final encounter in the Planetary Governor's palace.

Even though I haven't played a game of Dark Heresy in over a year, and have completely lost contact with the people I used to play with.

>> No.7011287

>anxiety disorders

Really? But what am I anxious about? Not that I'm denying it, just that I wouldn't know. I always thought it was part of my creative process.


Well it's lots of fun to produce an adventure in and of itself so there's nothing wrong there. Plus you may use it one day.

In fact, I don't suppose you'd run an internet game over IRC would you? Because I'd play, if it's at an appropriate time of day for a britfag and you don't mind me vanishing over April while I work at a temp job.

>> No.7011292

You are afraid of messing up in a real conversation. That's why you prepare beforehand.
You probably also remember every little mistake you made in a conversation up until now.

>> No.7011301


Yeah, you know I think you're right.

>> No.7011354
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I also have this "woman in white". She's my waifu.

It's an interesting case, as she seems to show a wide set of characteristics, while not being completely limited or defined by them. A fully-feldged archetype.

I intuitively know and recognize her, but she manifests through a lot of characters, and this leads to me having various degrees of attachment to them.
Pic related

>> No.7011367
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Every day, with interesting characters in any media or even real people.

When I was doing a history report recently I tried to imagine what Sir Francis Drake would have to say about the state of the world at the time.

I used to be a psyc major so getting inside a characters head is fun for me and I love the idea of someone like Ender Wiggin ripping me a new asshole on a philosophical level.
