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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7004524 No.7004524 [Reply] [Original]

What are baby's first VN?

>> No.7004525

I got a baby's first right here
*grabs cock*

>> No.7004528 [DELETED] 
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never played an VN myself
+1 image

>> No.7004526

Anything that's discussed by more than 7 people.
Remember, as soon as something becomes popular it immediately becomes shit.

>> No.7004530


If you've heard of it, it's already too mainstream for me.

>> No.7004532

Half the fun is discussing the VN

And that becomes impossible as soon as a large number of children want to start 'discussing' it.

>> No.7004538

You're a child yourself if you think like that.

>> No.7004541

>ad homonin

>> No.7004545

>ad hominem

>> No.7004549

I don't want to play the devil's attorney here but most threads about "popular" stuff are generally filled with meme spouting retards from /a/v/ and the postiing quality in those threads is often quite low.
People don't want that in here, which can be kinda understandable since no one wants /jp/ to meet the same ill fate as /a/ or /v/.

>> No.7004552

>he feels the need to correct a deliberate grammatical error

>> No.7004555

>since no one wants /jp/ to meet the same ill fate as /a/ or /v/.

You're 2 years late, it happened, i could probably argue that /jp/ is even worse than those

>> No.7004559

If you want to look smart by quoting the name of a logical fallacy the least you could do is write it correctly.

>> No.7004571


>> No.7004565

I started with Drug x Bullying x Interpersonal relationship~, then ever 17 (mind blown), then kana: little sister, then Song of Saya, then Clannad (mind blown), then Fate/Stay night, then Sharin No Kuni.

I've only read 7. Too lazy to start again because I want to watch all 8 seasons of The Wire first before my mind concentrates on a different story

>> No.7004574



Do it, you'll thank me.

>> No.7004582

Tsukihime to round up your lineup of mainstreams that /jp/ will rage about. Be sure to mention how much you disliked Kohaku as well.

>> No.7004584

Even if it's so shitty there's no need to make it even shittier,maybe we could even make sure it gets better.
But hey, let's not start useless meta discussion n°1564516, those have never served any purpose besides adding more shit to the frontpage.

>> No.7004585

No, no no!

It's not Sharin no Kuni, it's Wheel Country, Sunflower Girl.

Get your shit straight you faggot.

>> No.7004588


you mean why haven't I read 50? because I am taking accelerated classes to start a career.


no voice acting. I've been avoiding it for that reason. Ever since I tried Kana, I've stayed away because a HUGE part of the immersion is taken away... yeah I know it's picky and dumb, but I read they are redoing it with voice acting, so I decided to wait

>> No.7004595


loool I typed them all in english but "sharin no kuni" is stuck in my head. wait who cares

>> No.7004596

Saya no Uta is babby's first VN. It's fucking weird, but it's like how Elfen Lied is babby's first anime.

>> No.7004601

death note*

>> No.7004612

I'd also rather have a vn with voice acting. And I still enjoyed Tsukihime a lot. I recommend you try it now, who knows when the remake will be released, and when it'll be translated.

>> No.7004608

>,maybe we could even make sure it gets better
We can't, once a board has fallen below a certain threshold, it can never be the same again.

Happened, to /a/, happened to /v/, happened to /b/, happened to /r9k/ and it happened to /int/ and /g/

>> No.7004611


Nah, I'd say both Elfen Lied and Code Geass are above Death Note when people are starting to get into anime.

>> No.7004621

Isn't it already translated? Other than fixing or adding some new lines in the remake, it's gonna be pretty much the same, they could just paste.

Will need a fuckload of editing and quality checking though.

>> No.7004623

>I read they are redoing it with voice acting, so I decided to wait
>I decided to wait

I hope you're planning on finding some kind of immortality serum or something.

>> No.7004630


Okay, that will be the next VN I read. I'll probably love it like you said

>> No.7004632

>finding some kind of immortality serum
I already drank one but I had to throw a couple of people into a volcano to get it.

>> No.7004634

After doing a search on the archive you are pretty positive that it was first posted here on /jp.

>> No.7004663

Tsukihime was baby's first VN about two or three years ago.

>> No.7004673

would Sekien no Inganock be considered baby's first VN as well?

>> No.7004676

why is /jp/ so bad

>> No.7004683


Elixir guy, phoenix guy, mermaid flesh guy, weird Chinese immortality involving semen guy... how many of you people are hanging on /jp/ anyway?

>> No.7004686

It has a english patch, so yes, it goes under 'baby's first VN' as well.

>> No.7004724

/jp/ - NEET for all eternity.

>> No.7004725

Because Touhou became popular in the west.

>> No.7004728

We're all immortal little girls around here.

>> No.7004745

The capital of Arizona is Phoenix. Well he might start an autism revolt if he gets rid of that guy.

>> No.7004753

>Okay, that will be the next VN I read. I'll probably love it like you said

And if you don't, don't worry about it. We all have different tastes right?

Do you like any particular genre? If you do then say it. Someone might recommend you another vn, you know, just in case.

>> No.7004768



Forgotten about me yet?

>> No.7004779

I hate America so damn much.

>> No.7004783

The current babby's first VNs are FSN and Umineko.

To find out whether a VN is babby's first or not, make a thread about it on /a/, then on /v/. More replies, more likely to be babby's first.

>> No.7004787

(You have to be careful though since both have anime adaptations and some /a/ and /v/ people will try to discuss it when they're only seen those adaptations and footnotes of whatever isn't adapted)

>> No.7004792


>> No.7004793

How the heck is this creepy?!

I LOVE this song and I wish I COULD PLAY THIS GAME :3

>> No.7004804

Game? Isn't that video based off some animu?

>> No.7004897

When is this coming out? will be waiting for the crack warmly.
