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6999999 No.6999999 [Reply] [Original]

Tsubaki thread

>> No.7000032


>> No.7000048

Well deserved good sir.

>> No.7000066
File: 108 KB, 788x596, tsuuuubaaakkkkiii[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was?

>> No.7000080

Why the >>6999999 get of course.

>> No.7000109
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>> No.7000112


just checking

>> No.7000118
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Man she's cute

>> No.7000122


>> No.7000147
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>> No.7000168

She was lovely, her family was lovely as well.
I say her route had the most warmth, and I would argue her route also had the best closure.

I really, really liked her and her route.

>> No.7000171
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>> No.7000172

I feel sad for this thread....
Even though the 6999999 is just as important as the 7 M
This thread is like this because Tsubaki is not so interesting....Actually she is pretty plain and boring...
That makes me sad because i kind of liked her family....

>> No.7000177

She's not boring. She's adorable. She's the perfect waifu, the perfect person.

>> No.7000178

Gets aren't important at all.

>> No.7000180

So, where's the >>7000000 get? Did anyone even mention it at all yet?

>> No.7000184 [DELETED] 

>durr durr the 7M get
Please get out of this board, right now.

>> No.7000202

Just look at the VN you guys are discussing
If this was not supposed to be the 7 M get to incite rage on all the /jp/ers who hate it i don't know what this thread is for, since G-Senjou no Maou is shit

>> No.7000204
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>> No.7000205

not canon

>> No.7000210

>incite rage on all the /jp/ers who hate
/jp/ doesn't hate it, they hate the fanbase
>since G-Senjou no Maou is shit
Disagreeing here

>> No.7000215

Wait, we're supposed to hate G-Senjou now? Goddamn it guys. I thought YMK, Saya, and Wanko were enough.

>> No.7000213 [DELETED] 

/jp/ hates the plot holes

>> No.7000218

There aren't any plot holes. The twist was just very predictable.
And I don't think anyone "hates" g-senjou either, disappointing though it was. You're overreacting and being silly.

>> No.7000223


I swear to god that's some autistic motherfucker who's always in these threads

>> No.7000229

I have to say I found Tsubaki to be the worst of all the heroines. And I'm not saying she's a bad one, she's just... nothing special.

>> No.7000230

Just look trough the archive, it is the average /jp/ opinion

>> No.7000225 [DELETED] 

It's because because YMK and Wanko are terrible.

>> No.7000235 [DELETED] 

It's funny because Wanko and YMK are terrible.

>> No.7000239

When g-senjou no maou came out first and the threads /jp/ had during the couple of years it was available on moon before it was translated, the general opinion was : not as good as sharin, but still good.
Then the retards came and shitted up the board.

>> No.7000248

There were plot holes. Fuck off

>> No.7000250

To that i agree
Her whole route is just
"BAAAW WHYS my life so shitty? WHAT, you want to give me a better life? NO WAY , evil temptations BEGONE!! because i love my family becoz their all XBAAWWX HUGE"

>> No.7000258

Go ahead and list some, then.
I don't mind correcting you.

>> No.7000266

Kanon's route: Maou says he won't be getting any more headaches because he found love (implying he is kyousuke and won't become maou anymore)

When Kanon is in the shower it goes to maou's perspective where he is in the same apartment.

The headaches are never mentioned again after the revelation

>> No.7000273

What kind of a shitty argument is that?
The whole point is that her life wouldn't be better with the money you thunder-cunt.

>> No.7000276

It's just the opinion of some vocal minorities.
I remember the threads here when it was released in Japan, most people liked it a lot even if they all thought the twist was stupid

>> No.7000282

You're stupid. The woman Maou is with is Tokita Yuki.
The scene transitions are a simple trick to make you believe Kyousuke is Maou.
Kyousuke doesn't actually have any mental problems.

This was all there in the visual novel.

I don't think you should be criticizing anything with such subpar reading comprehension.

>> No.7000284

And that's a plot hole because...?

>> No.7000285

You just forgot something
When a VN get translated, her score drops 2 whole points here on /jp/
So even if G-Senjou was a 9/10 in japan
Here on /jp/ it is only worthy a 7/10

>> No.7000286

>Kanon's route: Maou says he won't be getting any more headaches because he found love (implying he is kyousuke and won't become maou anymore)

>When Kanon is in the shower it goes to maou's perspective where he is in the same apartment.
How did you infer that it's the same apartment?

>The headaches are never mentioned again after the revelation
What would be the point? They were only mentioned so that the player suspect Kyousuke of being Maou.

>> No.7000289


9? 9!? 9!!!!

Moar like TsuBAKA!

>> No.7000293

Personally, I found Mizuha to be simply adorable. And I loved Kanon because Ushio Okazaki.

>> No.7000294

G Senjou no Maou topics

Anonymous2: No sir, that is incorrect because XXX

>> No.7000296

>Kanon's route: Maou says he won't be getting any more headaches because he found love (implying he is kyousuke and won't become maou anymore)
From what I remember of the game, in Japanese, that part was written in a way that didn't specify that Maou himself found love.
Basically you just have to think that Maou went away because his brother found love.

>> No.7000297

Hey you, don't even bother with him
He is just that tripfaggot that strayed too far from /a/
So he obviously have shit taste

>> No.7000298

Maybe, instead of saying it was a plothole, it would be better to say it was a very cheap and stupid trick?

>> No.7000300

I was so ready to do tsubaki's route, but then stopped caring when she decided not to be badass afterall.

>> No.7000301

>The woman Maou is with is Tokita Yuki.
She was a virgin, why would she be in the shower?

>Kyousuke doesn't actually have any mental problems.
He got headaches when he got stress, did you even read the VN?
And you didn't address the first thing I said.

Looseboy defense force is full of faggots

>> No.7000305

That's a problem with some fags in /jp/, not that game.
It's kind of funny how they acts like they read masterpieces after masterpieces when everything they talk about is fucking Umineko and FSN

>> No.7000309

Thats how I thought of it. I wasn't mad because of plotholes, I was mad because I considered it dishonest writing rather than a genuine plot twist.

>> No.7000311


What the hell is the Looseboy defense force?

Maybe you're getting too worked up about this.

>> No.7000316

>Looseboy defense force is full of faggots
Look at him talk about the writer like he is an expert, how cute

>> No.7000317

I'm not talking about the writer, I'm talking about the retards defending the plot holes, faggot.

>> No.7000318

He did have memory problems, like short term memory loss, and not fucking remembering his first love.

The memory loss was actually caused by Kyouhei's act. He was trying to create a perspective overlap and make Kyousuke believe that he himself is Maou in order to summon Blick Winkel.

>> No.7000331

>Basically you just have to think that Maou went away because his brother found love.
Based on the final route that is really likely...

>> No.7000332

>I'm not talking about the writer, I'm talking about the retards defending the plot holes, faggot.

You've only stated 1 plot hole so far.

>> No.7000334

I think it was decent. Not bad, but not really good either. It had a few ups but some major downs. Theres a lot better, but a lot that are definitely worse. They could have made main ending not a pile of crap if they changed the last chapter. If it had a better ending, I would consider it to be quite good but since it is a shitty ending, it is ok at best.

>> No.7000336

Yeah, you should have just gone with that from the start.
You know, Anon, just because you don't like the way the author handled something doesn't make it a plot hole.

>> No.7000341

It's funny because you still haven't address the first plot hole I listed

>> No.7000345

Why was maou getting headaches in the first place?

>> No.7000346

It's funny, because you haven't yet provided any other plot hole.

>> No.7000348

I did in the first line. Kyousuke and Maou were always two separate people. You just jumped to the conclusion the writer wanted you to.

Also, please stop calling me "Looseboy defense force", I was just as disappointed by this game as you were. I'm just a little more rational about it.

>> No.7000347 [DELETED] 

All of your shitty 'plotholes' have been explained in past topics, go look through the archives or something.

People that explain why things aren't plotholes to retards who don't know what the word means apparently makes you a member of the looseboy defense force, apparently

>> No.7000351

All of your shitty 'plotholes' have been explained in past topics, go look through the archives or something.

Explaining why things aren't plotholes to retards who don't know what the word means makes you a member of the looseboy defense force, apparently

>> No.7000353

Explain why Maou would stop getting headaches and why he was getting them in the first place

>> No.7000354

The plot hole was addressed.
Maou wasn't talking about himself, he was talking about Kyouhei.
Blame the translation if you must.

For the woman in the bathroom, it's just a cheap trick not a plot hole.
You could even say it's just a random woman and it wouldn't be a plot hole.

>> No.7000358

>Maou wasn't talking about himself, he was talking about Kyouhei.
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.7000363

I'm not going to argue on any others until he admits that the one I named was one.

>> No.7000369

>Explain why Maou would stop getting headaches and why he was getting them in the first place

Maou was getting Headaches?

>> No.7000371

>Maou says he won't be getting any more headaches because he found love

No he doesn't. Don't oversimplify things.


1. Maou never says that he himself has found love.
2. He never directly tied love to the headaches.

>> No.7000372


In Kanon's route Maou says he isn't going to be getting any headaches anymore because he found love

Plot hole

>> No.7000376

I meant Kyousuke, just a mistake.

Maou was planning on letting his brother be happy if he got better and found love, that's why he goes in another city in every routes except Haru.
Of course it's different with Haru for obvious reasons.

>> No.7000380

He says it's a new sustenance

Stop trying to cover your ass

>> No.7000382


>> No.7000392

[nm t="魔王"]“The man who has lived on until now with evil as his nourishment has discovered a new sustenance.”[np]
;;[nm t="魔王"]“いままで憎悪だけを糧に生きてきた男が、あるものを、知

>the man

>> No.7000396

>;;I like this line a lot. You think maou will disappear as in evade detection, but this line lets you know he actually thinks he will disappear (i.e. the personality will. yeah, maou=kyousuke in tsubaki's and kanon's routes) - pondr
Fucking retarded. Looseboy really needs to get his shit together

>> No.7000402

You do realize you're on the wrong here? Judging by this thread one could assume G-Sen was filled to the brim with plot holes. And yet I've only seen one so far.

>> No.7000406

>Tsubaki chapter
>Consensual sex in the missionary position
>Holding hands

>> No.7000407

Kyousuke being Maou in Kanon and Tsubaki's route is canon confirmed by looseboy himself.

You don't have to try to argue around that.

>> No.7000408

I'm not going to try and argue more than one plot hole at a time.

People don't even want to believe the first one was.

>> No.7000414

Yeah looseboy forgot to cover up his shit so he just claimed the other routes were in alternate universes

>> No.7000415

I wasn't even the guy responding to you, but your attitude is pretty dickish. Just because something is enjoyable doesn't mean it is beyond criticism. Even if one is expecting stupid writing, doesn't mean it shouldn't be criticised.

Stop being such a blind fanboy.

>> No.7000418

Only this pondr guy need to get his shit together, fucking retarded.

>> No.7000424

Bring source and I'll believe you.

>> No.7000433

Oh man this is hillarious.

The looseboy fags where trying to argue that maou not being kyousuke in the other routes made perfect sense, then it turns out looseboy said that isn't even true.

>> No.7000444

Go buy the G Senjou no Maou Visual Fan Book and look at looseboy's interview in it.

>> No.7000448

>People don't even want to believe the first one was.
I do, and I also have a hard time finding any other plot hole.

But if no one else wants to add anything I'll just go back to wanking off to something disgusting.

>> No.7000457
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My Tsubaki thread is ruined.

>> No.7000471

Headaches were a plot hole.

After the headaches could no longer used to try and trick you into believing kyousuke was maou, they disappeared from the game

Even though he became really stressed, they were never brought up.

>> No.7000501

>After the headaches could no longer used to try and trick you into believing kyousuke was maou, they disappeared from the game
Yes they weren't mentioned again. Does that necessarily mean he stopped having them altogether?

>Even though he became really stressed, they were never brought up.
I, for one, thought Gonzou's dead should have been enough to reduce or stop his headaches.

>> No.7000533

You can't just say he was really stressed. We have no way of knowing that. Being in a stressful situation doesn't equate to being under more stress.

His headaches suddenly disappearing is consistent with the rest of the game in which he finds love, opens up to others, finds a purpose in life, and his headaches disappear. When Gonzou mentioned it was common in people who 'bottle up stress', Haru thinks to herself that he was always alone with no one that knew 'the man behind the mask', further building upon this theme.

If anything, if the headaches had persisted, that would be inconsistent with the rest of the game.

>> No.7000539

Speculating so much to try and pass off this completely illogical situation as not a plot hole

>> No.7000544

Not to mention being in the middle of a fucking war zone ought to kick his survival instincts into gear.

>> No.7000556

Looks like it's true


Also loose-boy call Kyousuke and Haru's daughter "Eri" though it's not a definite name.
Was her name said in the drama cd? Didn't listen to it.

I'm a bit disappointed by this, though it's not like I ever saw G-senjou as more as a fun hollywood style thriller story.

>> No.7000559

Except this is all obvious stuff that fits well thematically with the game. You can close your ears and go "LAH LAH LAH PLOTHOLE LAH LAH LAH" all you want but it doesn't change anything.

>> No.7000566

Those headaches are not even the biggest plot hole.
Haru which is supposed to be a genius cant even differentiate a 10years old Kyousuke and his much older brother.

>> No.7000569

It's not completely obvious and if it was true than it would have been mentioned.
VNs like this have a habit of spelling important things out like this when things need to make sense. They didn't even bring up the stress after the twist

>> No.7000574

Mizuha is better

>> No.7000578

Also it looks like the original plan really was to have Kyousuke be Maou in every routes but they changed it pretty late for some reason which explain all the fucking delays.

>> No.7000582

What? That doesn't say that Kyousuke is Maou.

In fact it says that he's Le_ouch.

>> No.7000584

So I said this in the other thread but I'm still pissed at the way things were left with the other heroines in the epilogue. Need 2nd epilogue.

>> No.7000589

Except there wasn't a single instance where Haru seriously thought Kyousuke was Maou/Kyouhei/whatever. The game goes out of its way to state that. Whether you think it's hard to believe or not, it's not a plothole.


>> No.7000592

Greatest route? Yeah, greatest route.

>> No.7000602

>Kyousuke be Maou in every routes
Overall the game would be better if this happen. We just wouldnt have the bittersweet epilogue but I guess they might come out with something different if that was the case.

>> No.7000611

Sorry, I just put that small funny summary from the site I got it from.
I read a more detailed summary and yes it does say that Kyousuke is maou in the alternate worlds.
The lelouch thing is just a joke from looseboy to show where he got his inspiration

>> No.7000617


Why the fuck didn't he rape her?

>> No.7000619

That explains everything.

He was supposed to be Kyousuke, but they had to go in and edit things to make him the brother, and in the process they forgot to change some things creating plot holes

>> No.7000624

Because consensual sex in the missionary position and kissing is far superior

>> No.7000643

They probably did this because looseboy didnt know how to fit maou and haru into a good ending.
Romeo > shitboy

>> No.7000661

Wait, bigger plot hole here than "lol headaches."

Someya says it'll be useless to track Maou once he leaves the business, but didn't Maou say that Kanon was his sister?

>> No.7000679

Can't you fucking stop with this shit?
Even if I agree that the whole scraping Kyousuke as Maou thing is lame, this guy still wrote Sharin no Kuni and even G-senjou isn't bad at all despite all, at least I had fun with it.

>> No.7000681

>but didn't Maou say that Kanon was his sister?
Did he?

>> No.7000684

From the older threads the fanboys argue that Maou is just roleplaying as Kyousuke.

>> No.7000685

Sister of your brother is your sister, no?

>> No.7000687

Yeah, when they were talking about the other figure skating, he was asked what he thought of Kanon. He said not much, she's his sister but she could be taught a lesson

>> No.7000694

Not when Kyousuke is adopted

>> No.7000707

That's was directly stated in chapter 5, actually(that he was pretending to be Kyousuke to frame him) so of course you would 'argue' that.

But the issue is that Maou gave away his identity so he shouldn't be impossible to track. Which... I don't know. Someya probably just figures that he was feeding him bullshit since Maou would never give anything important about himself away.

>> No.7000718

[nm t="染谷" s=som_7010]“I believe you know Azai Kanon?”[np]
;;[nm t="染谷" s=som_7010]“浅井花音を知っているだろう?”[np]

[nm t="まおう"]“Yes, of course. She's my sister.”[np]
;;[nm t="まおう"]“ええ。私の妹ですよ”[np]

From the common route.

>> No.7000722

>Yeah, when they were talking about the other figure skating, he was asked what he thought of Kanon. He said not much, she's his sister but she could be taught a lesson
You sure he didn't just think that? It strikes me as odd that he would reveal his "identity" like this.

>> No.7000746

>"What an interesting joke. (...)"
He didn't believe him.

>> No.7000754

An interesting tidbit from the comments.
The nametags (which don't show up until Chapter 5) have both a まおう and a 魔王.

>> No.7000882 [DELETED] 

A slut for this shitty bitch?
Cool story, bro. Shitty route, become a bitch. Hate her.

>> No.7000888

A thread for the shitty bitch who had a shitty route?
Cool story, bro.

>> No.7000906
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At first, I tried to justify her every action with: "She's been through a lot"

But when this scene came up, I knew I had enough of her bullshit. Tsubaki is the shittiest heroine.

>> No.7000917

What the fuck? She stopped being like that in less than a week

>> No.7000938

After whining so much about her brother coming back home just to treat him like shit, you actually expect some people to like her? Get real. She's boring, anyways.

>> No.7000939

What? I'm not only talking about her conceited side, I'm also talking about her clingy, pushover and hysterical personality. Tsubaki's shitty all around, shitty at being a bitch and at being a doormat

>> No.7000944

She was very happy when he came home, it wasn't until he started acting like a bratty faggot did she treat him like shit. And that stopped soon enough.

She's by far the best heroine. Most adorable, most interesting, most nice.

>> No.7000973 [DELETED] 

ITT: TLwiki shills meetup

>> No.7001017

ITP: FH dev proves once again he does not know what shill means.

>> No.7001028

Tsubaki > Mizuha > Tokita >> Usami > Kanon

>> No.7001040

Ririko > Kanon > Natsumi > Usami > Sachi > Mizuha > Tokita > Touka > Tsubaki

>> No.7001037 [DELETED] 

Sup Moogy

>> No.7001041

Don't take this retarded shit out into other threads, god damn

>> No.7001047

Sepia > Saburou > Eiichi

>> No.7001052

So you want to play it that way, eh?

Tsubaki > Mizuha > Tokita > Touka > Ririko > Usami > Sachi > Kanon > Natsumi

You went full retarded having Natsumi in 3rd place, it immediately discredits your entire post.

>> No.7001063

To be honest, the "lol Natsumi is teh worst" guys floating around in large numbers are the ones going full retard.

Not even the worst Sharin heroine(that would be Sachi)

>> No.7001069

Natsumi is the worst heroine by far. At every point in the VN she was annoying. When she was depressed she was insufferable and when she cheered up she was just as bad striking that stupid pose. I wanted to beat her to death every time she wouldn't be listening to you while you were talking

>> No.7001074

Oh, and you're one talking having Tsubaki on first place and Kanon almost in the same category as Natsumi.

This is how it should be:
Ririko > Usami > Touka > Tokita > Kanon > Sacchi > Mizuha >>>>>> Tsubaki = Natsumi

>> No.7001078

At least Sachi had the best end.

>> No.7001079

I forgot how rude of a body Tsubaki had.

Her and Kanon had my favorite sex scenes. I would have liked Haru's if shit like "RUB A DUB DUB" didn't happen.

Gonna go reread those now.

>> No.7001083

So people don't like Tsubaki because she wasn't nice enough to her family at one point in the game even though she was the nicest person in the fucking game?

Fuck you faggots

>> No.7001085

Just going to say: Usami fucking awesome.
all the other character in G-Senjou no maou are just really build up sidecharacters.

Usami is just so damn adorable and amazing.
IN SHORT: Tsubaki has nothing on usami, he is wore a fucking goddamn penguin suit. PENGUIN SUIT!

>> No.7001091

Go back to gaia faggot

>> No.7001092

No, you're wrong. I, for one, didn't like her because of how retarded she was all along. Believe me, I would had burnt that damn diary of hers if given the fucking chance.

>> No.7001093

Shit taste, shit taste everywhere.
Yuki > Everything else.

>> No.7001096

How was she retarded? She was just a nice, cute girl.

I find it criminal to call Tsubaki retarded but not Kanon. She was much worse in that aspect

>> No.7001108

Being so nice it's retarded by itself. Only a true retard would follow along and trust whatever other people say. At least she got somewhat better latest in the game.

Kanon was just putting a fake persona, and ignoring all around her except for what she was best at. She did so given how strong her conviction to be the best is. Nothing bad with that.

>> No.7001109

*later, sorry my mistake.

>> No.7001120

No one even knows that is anymore let alone uses it.
Go wank off in a dark corner, your mother doesn't even like you.

>> No.7001126
File: 141 KB, 492x600, BUTTFRUSTRATED..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7001134

Rizu > Ririko > Miou > Natsumi > Miku > Touka > Mizuha > Kanon > Usami > Tsubaki > Sachi

Yeah I didn't like Haru nearly as much as some others.

>> No.7001141


>> No.7001147

Oh right, I guess throw Mina in above Tsubaki.

>> No.7001153

Shut the fuck up you autistic
Get some taste

>> No.7001156

PENGUIN SUIT is good fapping material so fuck you and your mother.

>> No.7001163

Let me guess, one of those retarded Natsumi haters?

Please... Probably didn't even playe her after story.

>> No.7001160 [DELETED] 

Let me guess, one of those retarded Natsumi haters?

Please... Probably didn't even player her after story.

>> No.7001184

So being completely fake is better than being a genuinely nice person?

You people are the worst. Tsubaki was pure love.
Cute, innocent, and devoted

>> No.7001210

Certainly fits the enjoyable-to-corrupt part too.

>> No.7001243


>> No.7001338

Is her after story even translated yet? There is no excuse to like Natsumi, I don't want to hear her bulslhit.

Sakura and Kohaku had it 10 times worse but managed to not be such insufferable cunts

>> No.7001346

>excuse to like a character

You're not seriously that retarded are you

>> No.7001365

Natsumi is such as shitty character people try to make up excuses to like her

>> No.7001368


>> No.7001414

Ririko > Mina > Touka=Natsumi > Sachi

I kind of like all the GSen heroines pretty evenly except for Kanon with Haru edging up a little bit because she's funny.

>> No.7001437

In the thing you just linked to he literally says his evil heart is full of love and that this headache will probably be his last one.

>> No.7001441

Hell, he even says he will fucking disappear.

>> No.7001472

1. You're fucking slow
2. Read the rest of the thread
3. Stop abusing the word "literally"
4. "The man" now has love. Intentionally vague.
5. Both "love" and "last headache" are mentioned, but there is no implicit causation.
6. Looseboy has already said that Kyousuke is Maou in that route.

>> No.7001480

No the causation was implicit. And the only reason Looseboy went with the bullshit "every route is in an alternate universe" is because he fucked up

>> No.7001490

Global temperatures have risen over time.
The number of pirates has declined over time.

Conclusion: the declining number of pirates increased global temperatures.

>> No.7001491

More like while he was in the middle of writing it they announced it. Forcing him to rush. It happens all the fucking time.

Besides, I'm gonna go with the ending is what he wanted (Kyousuke jailed, Usami pregnant, etc.) but he was probably meaning to put more chapters and shit in (seriously, most routes were probably going to be as long as Tsubaki's). It would have made the game a shitload more tragic.

Can't make a list so I'll make a tier chart.

God Tier:

Mizuha (I say her ENTIRE Chapter [Yes, not just her Route the whole kidnapping everything] was probably nothing close to what Looseboy originally intended)
Usami (Though I only really liked her before Chapter 5/her route)

Okay Tier:
Sachi (I honestly don't know why I didn't put her in Great tier. I guess there were too many negatives. I can easily understand her laziness but other just plain piss me off)

(This and shit tier are separated by a huge difference. I'd rather say its on a different scale all together).

Natsumi (I can't really remember why I hated her so much as I haven't played it in about a year but I remember I really fucking hated her and her route and the after story)
Tsubaki (Slut)

>> No.7001494

Shit you're autistic. Just fuck off.

>> No.7001495
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looks like he was playing a bit "loose" with the story!

>> No.7001659

So what's your point?

>> No.7002633

How was she a slut? See this

G-senjou girls (My taste):

Usami > Tsubaki=Tokita >>>>>> Mizuha=Kanon

Usami was the best girl in the game.
Beatiful, good taste, funny and cute side, not annoying, Very inteligent.

Best moments in the game are thanks to her.

Tsubaki is the second best.
Most beatiful girl in the game and also cutest one, great person, inteligent and very cheerful family.
Tokita is the third, but i thing is so close that i put her and Tsubaki on the same level.

Beatiful, VERY INTELIGENT, good at listening to other people problems and interesting girl overall.

The 4 chapter was shit. However, when she appears and it´s revealed that it´s the mastermind, fucking awesomeness begins.

Kanon was ok- good tier in her route, but in the rest of the game, it was completely bullshit tier, being only retarted.I mean, ok she was cute and cheerful, but that´s all.

Mizuha isn´t the same as Kanon. In chapter 4 was great but in her route... WTF happened!?
She just transform herself in the tipical harem girl, being more boring than what she was before.Also, she is only cute when you fuck her.

Seriously, i thing that all of you hate Tsubaki because she is the perfect girl that you will never have.


>Being so nice it's retarded by itself. Only a true retard would follow along and trust whatever other people say.

Who´s fault is? I think the fact that 80% people in the world are pieces of shit and Tsubaki was born in a family where everybody was devoted to each other and fair is not her fault.If all of us were like her family, shit would not happen anymore.

And even if the last thing doesn´t really matter...seriously... isn´t Tsubaki a great girl even with that? C´mon guys, stop being retards.

>> No.7002659

I agree with pretty much everything you said.
Personally I would just switch places with Tsubaki and Usami.
I loved Tsubaki. Her love and warmth was genuine.
And you aren't retarded just from being nice. To begin with being that way is the ideal, it is just that people grow tough and scarred from living harsh lives. It's not as if she is dumb or anything, she could go through the same process as everyone else, though such a good childhood is bound to shape some lasting traits, but so what? Nothing wrong with it.

>> No.7002690

Thanks man. I knew i wasn´t the only one.

I love my top 3. If i don´t have the chance to chose Usami and they only give you the choice to stay with Tsubaki, i wouldn´t mind. The same goes with Tokita.

>> No.7002713
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Whenever I look at that face I couldn't care less about people hating on her.

>> No.7003062

Thank god there are more than a few Tsubakifriends in here.

>> No.7003120

tsubaki is mai waifu, her route was the most enjoyable, I liked the good end and the bad end was fun in an evil sorta way.

>> No.7003144
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>> No.7003202

shit character. mizuha's route was best. if you disagree you're objectively incorrect

>> No.7003290

Your mother was objectively incorrect in having you.

Also mizuha's route was shit even though she was a good heroine. Her part in the main route was better

>> No.7003294

>>7003202 status:
[]not told
[x]told on the g-string

>> No.7003834

One thing is being nice, and one thing is just being retarded and dense as fuck, and Tsubaki was clearly dense as fuck.
Her brother was never a faggot and she decided to go and be a bitch to him after being a bitch to Usami who was helping her out even if she had her benefits, and to everyone else, especially the very brother that she whined all the time about. I hate how all of her faggotry was "solved" in just a minute. Her route was boring and I didn't even read the sex scenes. She's not bad looking, but neither are the other girls.

And what's with people comparing her and Kanon? Kanon was a million times better than her, and actually had a brain. She wasn't fake and was cute. Fake =/= Hiding your emotions and weaknesses and focusing on the positives and what you're good at. She was cuter than Tsubaki, anyways.

If you think Tsubaki is a great heroine, you were clearly thrown at a wall as a baby.

>> No.7003841

Superior and actually good and not annoying as fuck Tsubaki.

>> No.7003875

The core of Tsubaki's problem in her route was, that although she had never had a bad childhood/life, she had never really been like other girls her age.
Social relativity you know, that kind of stuff is among the things that affects the mind the most. You can in theory be shit poor, but not feel needlessly bad about it if everyone else in your view has it just as shitty. Likewise you can be a rich bastard and still feel bad because you aren't as rich as everyone else around.
Tsubaki had a great life, but she lacked what others had, and what she had couldn't relate to others.
This coupled with Mao/Kyousukes manipulations led to her being a bitch about the things interfering with her trying to change, and the whole thing about moving out and reach out to the things that always felt normal, was also a conflicting thing as she actually moved away from something good.

But her problems was never really "solved in just a minute". She never really fully left her past persona/feelings/life behind her, so naturally she could move back when noticing she couldn't just leave like that. But keep in mind, even when she accepted that she couldn't leave all that behind, she still hadn't outright accepted to drop all the other things she had aimed for, it wasn't until later these things sort of conjoined somewhat.

>> No.7003907

Usami fucked her over so that she could catch Maou.
Her brother was a little bratty faggot and yet she was nice to him for except an entire week.

Tsubaki = best heroine

>> No.7004091

>Her brother was never a faggot

Her brother was an annoying selfish faggot.

Being a kid doesn't give you the right to be selfish. That'll just led to him being spoiled when he grows up. Tsubaki was a saint to put up with that little shit as long as she did.

>> No.7004148

Usami > Mizuha > Ririko > Sachi > Tsubaki > Kanon > Touka > Natsumi

>> No.7004511

How the fuck was he selfish? he's a little kid, what the hell do you expect? And when he came back, he wanted to spend time with the sister he always loved and hadn't been with in days. Better have been still kidnapped than come back to a bitch of a sister like her.

>> No.7004536

Wanted attention 24/7. Even if the person was busy, he still whined for attention.
Stole Tsubaki's money to buy snacks whenever he wanted
Would wine if he didn't get what he wanted

He pretty much treated Tsubaki like a slave, expecting her to do whatever pleases him.

Selfish brat.

And like I said, being a kid doesn't give you the right to be selfish. A toddler that's unable to do anything for himself, yes. An 5+ year old kid? No. Spoiling a kid like that is not a good because without proper discipline, he will grow up thinking he can get whatever he wants and expects the world to revolve around him.

>> No.7004572

How can you possibly like Usami? She was annoying for 99% of the game. Even when they were dating. She seemed nice in the epilogue but that's it

>> No.7004903

Could you people stop posting the same shit again and again?

From what I can see only a couple of people like Tsubaki and have been posting on this thread and defending her non-stop. Even though I don't like her I will admit that she has her charms like all other heroines, but admittedly she is also annoying as fuck.
Anyway, you guys should be doing something else instead of repeating the same things mentioned in the posts above, people's opinions won't change even if you whine and quote about it endlessly.

Polite sage.

>> No.7004912

It's just that Tsubaki being nice doesn't make her inherently inferior. Yeah she was nice to the point of being delusional sometimes, but there is nothing wrong with that considering her upbringing

>> No.7004970

Being too adorable is a crime now evidently.

>> No.7005895
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>> No.7006681

10. RYU07
10000. NASU

>> No.7007052

Sure, but it isn't really any different than 10 posts in a row telling everyone how she sucks.
People posting why they like her can't really be any worse.

I also actually believe most people are either fine or indefferent about her, with a few people who like her and a few people who dislike her.
And who the majority is between the ones who like her and those who dislike her, I don't know, but I doubt you could know either.

>> No.7007056

>1. SCA-JI

>> No.7007961

I think we can all agree people who don't like Tsubaki are bad people.

>> No.7007981

Are you even trying?

>> No.7008907


Who is SCA-JI?

>> No.7009004

Writer of Tsui no Sora and Subarashiki Hibi.
The guy who made that troll ranking obviously doesn't shit about writers though

>> No.7009013

>The guy who made that troll ranking obviously doesn't shit about writers though

Why, because he insulted Nasu and Looseboy, or because he ranked Ryu07 so high?

>> No.7009027

Well I'm pretty sure the 3 games that Looseboy has written so far are probably all better than anything Sca-J had done in his entire first 10 years of writing

>> No.7009034

No, because he only cited obvious ones, for example putting Urobuchi in the second place show that he doesn't know much.
Where is Maruto, Murasaki Hiei, Ou Jackson or Narahara?

>> No.7009185

More like SCAT-Ji, amirite? Would fit better considering his \
writing "talents".

>> No.7010513

Won't argue with the rest. But why are people always discussing Narahara as if his writing is objectively on another level without doubt compared to Urobuchi's?
Now I am not saying Urobuchi is some master writer or anything, but I really don't quite see why Narahara would be either.
They are both good at what they do, but both have flaws in their writing. Then sure, the majority can't critisize Muramasa when it isn't translated, but that doesn't mean his writing is superb without flaws just because a few fans got through his writing in Japanese said so.
Not even all the Japanese like him. Likewise with Urobuchi of course.

>> No.7010527

I'm the guy you quoted and I think he's pretty skilled, but putting him in first place, in front of those names shows the guy can read only translated games and is going with the subahibi hype.

>> No.7010546

Who are these guys and what eroge have they made.
I only know the Baldr Sky writer.

>> No.7010650

Probably because Muramasa is much better than anything Urobuchi ever wrote.
Urobuchi is a good writer but he doesn't have a breakthrough eroge, all his works are short and without much substance.

Maruto: Chocolat, Parfait, Sekai Dame, White Album 2, Konnyaku

Jackson: Sorechiru, Oretsuba

Narahara: Hanachirasu, Muramasa

>> No.7010780

What did Urobuchi wrote anyways?
I know he did Saya

>> No.7010798

Phantom, Vjedogonia (probably misspelled), Kikokugai, that Equilibrium fanfic game, Satsuriku no Django. Plus a few novels like Fate/Zero and other shit no one outside /jp/ knows, probably.

>> No.7010806

He wrote a DnD style novel with a dark elf protag.
For his eroge, they are all 1mb and lower.

>> No.7010819

Her bad end was way too short.

>> No.7011094

No love for Setoguchi huh. Looks like everyone only read his stuff translated and thus kinda butchered.

>> No.7012018
File: 1.33 MB, 2553x3608, 2e44f0224ad0f97a6777aae566c41e5852af7378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was lovely you know.

>> No.7012223

The lovliest

>> No.7012336

>I say her route had the most warmth
>Tsubaki is not so interesting....
>Actually she is pretty plain and boring
>She's adorable.
>She's the perfect waifu, the perfect person.
>She's by far the best heroine.
>Most adorable, most interesting, most nice.
>She was just a nice, cute girl.
>a genuinely nice person?
>Tsubaki was pure love.
>Cute, innocent, and devoted

Judging from this thread alone, I think I'd like this Tsubaki person. She might be a little like mai waifu and she looks really adorable, too.

What VN is this?

>> No.7012347

maou is his sister

fuck you

>> No.7012348

G-Senjou no Maou.

It's not that great and she's basically a side heroine

>> No.7012367

It's okay, I just want to read something heartwarmingly cute right now. Her route might have some of that. Already downloading - it can't be that bad if someone has even translated it!

>> No.7012385

>heartwarmingly cute right now.
i hope you're trolling.. if not, get out of /jp/ asap until you've completed the game unless you want to get spoiled

>> No.7012409

and don't come back until you finished the game since people are prone to post the ending picture (which contains one of the biggest oh shit moments) without spoiler tagging.

>> No.7012947

Heartwarmingly cute would be Mizuha, in my opinion. So much love.

>> No.7013080

>She might be a little like mai waifu and she looks really adorable, too.
Fuck off with that shit.


>> No.7013459

That sweater looks fantastic on her

>> No.7013487

It looks even better on my floor.

>> No.7013511

But then the sweater would get dirty.

>> No.7013579

I know ( ≖‿≖)

>> No.7013598

...Parallel world? Okay fuck that bullshit, he fucked up with his own writing.

>> No.7013602

Until you get to her ending that is.

>> No.7015092


More like it's damage control on his part.

Honestly all of his stuff except Sharin is pretty shit-tier, and Sharin was only good because it was themed around stuff that you simply don't see in eroge.

>> No.7015101

It's pretty normal to consider heroines routes as an alternative "what if" in visual novels (unless there's an overall plot that takes precedence), I don't see why suddenly this means he "fucked up".

>> No.7015108

Yeah it's basically the only path he could have taken to do what he wanted to do with chapter 5, since there's absolutely no plausible reason you could present to have Maou just give up on his plans(unless you kill him off somehow which would be even worse) He also needed to construct character routes in which the 'chapter 5 secret' would be preserved. This method also helps to put more fuel into misdirecting the readers that Maou=Kyousuke.

The construction may be a little offputting to a lot of players but it's pretty obvious there's an intentionalness to it all. Let's not start flinging baseless crap because we hate the game.

>> No.7015141


Because the premises for both the true route and the side routes has to be the same for anything to make sense.

I've said this before, but you don't think people would be mad if in one route the requisite mysterious character was revealed to be the protagonist's aunt, and in another route to be his adopted sister?

Trust me guys, this was in no way intentional. Looseboy fucked up.

>> No.7015146

>I've said this before, but you don't think people would be mad if in one route the requisite mysterious character was revealed to be the protagonist's aunt, and in another route to be his adopted sister?


>> No.7015179

But all it says in that thing someone pasted is "Maou is le〇uch", and considering they have the same voice, how is it in any way confirmed Maou is supposed to be Kyousuke in the other routes?

>> No.7017586

>how is it in any way confirmed Maou is supposed to be Kyousuke in the other routes?
Because looseboy confirmed that the other routes are in alternative universes and he obviously did that because the routes don't make sense otherwise. There are plot holes if Kyousuke isn't maou

Originally Kyousuke was supposed to be maou for the entire game but it was changed during the development
