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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6997758 No.6997758 [Reply] [Original]

>Japan ranked 91st out of 128 countries in the World Economic Forum’s annual ranking of gender-equal countries presented on Thursday, the lowest ranking among all high income countries except for South Korea and five Middle Eastern countries.

>> No.6997763

How does Gensokyo rank?

>> No.6997762

Good, less feminazi tards for them.

>> No.6997765


>> No.6997769

ITT we discuss how the US will never get the highest rating even though it bends over backwards to cater to the feminine ubermench

>> No.6997772


>> No.6997771


>> No.6997774

Fuck Japan

>> No.6997776

AMMMURRRICAH only succeeds at eating, killing, and angry immigrants, though Eurostan probably beats them at that.

>> No.6997779

This is why I hate anime and manga

>> No.6997784

Oh man, women have to take care of the household while the father works his ass off. How fucking oppresive!

>> No.6997790

How can you be so stupid?

>> No.6997801
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>Take care of household

You mean give up her career and be put into hiding from any meaningful existence for 3-4 years while the husband goes out to bars nightly and cheats left and right.

>> No.6997804

This thread is an eyesore.

>> No.6997807

Seems great, I'll be over here in dark blue feeling great.

>> No.6997810

It always sucks to be born with a vagina, no matter where you are born, but at least in Japan you don't undergo infibulation, or get stoned for adultery if your uncle rapes you.

>> No.6997811


This is why I like anime and manga. Still somewhat free of femminist political correctness.

No waifus on western media, only ball-busting independent strong dyke "wo"men.

>> No.6997819

When a man doesn't work, he's irresponsible and lazy. When a woman doesn't work, she's a stay-home mom.

When a man dumps a woman, he's a jerk and she's a victim. When a woman dumps a man, he's worthless and she's strong and independent.

If a couple has a child, the woman will always get custody and the man will always end up paying out the ass for child support.

Men are expected to pay for pretty much everything. Women expect equal pay and miss months of work due to childbirth and other feminine problems.

A woman who rapes a boy gets probation. A man who rapes a girl goes to jail for 20 years.

Yep, sure is gender equality here in the United States. Second class citizens all the way.

>> No.6997821

Japan lagging behind western nations like usual? What a surprise.

>> No.6997822

So, a girl needs to be weak and subservient to her man to be waifu material now?
God damn it, /jp/.

>> No.6997830


Careers are overrated. More people working, less wages.

Family is more important. Muslims know this, and that's why they'll win.

>> No.6997828

Fun thing is that men are responsible for enabling most of those double standards.

>> No.6997834

It's just that it seems the only type of woman you're allowed to be attracted to is the strong, ball-busting, independent kind of woman. It's the fact you have no choice. People judge you differently if you say you prefer gentle women to strong women. Both are valid traits to be attracted to but people will be more inclined to consider you a misogynist if you say you prefer gentle women.

>> No.6997854

You're exaggerating.

>> No.6997863

Japan proving itself to be the best country yet again.

>> No.6997865

Nope, you're just propagating your retarded delusions again.
Stop that, it's unsightly.
Just because you see something in the media, doesn't mean all real people act like that, save for the sheep who live their live according to talk show hosts' gospel. And opinions of those people shouldn't matter not only to /jp/, but to intelligent people anywhere.
But wait, you'd have to meet actual people to know that, so I guess you're excused.

>> No.6997876


Any kind of waifu material on western movies or series would be pummeled by femminists for "not being good gender roles" or some bulshit like that.

Say something about it and you'll get "you just can't handle strong, indepedent women".

>> No.6997889

No it doesn't show in western TV because it's not what the audience would like to see.

Not men or women. Men want to see kick-ass sluts and women want to see strong independant women.

>> No.6997890


This begun with "this why I like/hate anime and manga".

Not actually about real people. 3DPG and all that. Only that Japan still has the creative freedom to create characters that wouldn't be tolerated on the West, for not complying with femminist standards.

>> No.6997898

And yet no one would think of condemning a movie for a male character that went against so-called male stereotypes. "He's not Rambo or Jet Li? Negative representation of men as soft and gentle!"

These double standards piss me off so much. Feminists should kill themselves.

>> No.6997913
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>> No.6997918


I don't know about women and I guess a lot of men like sluts.

I personally sometimes want to watch Major Kusanagi/Sarah Connor types, and sometimes some kind, pure waifu.

I can get such variety from anime, not much from western media.

So please Japan, never change.

>> No.6997921

That's utter bullshit.
Unless, again, your one and only definition of waifu is "subservient to her man even if he treats her like shit" because that's pretty much the only thing that you would be hard pressed to find acceptance for in decent part of the western culture, but not even everywhere..
I'd be damn glad if the strong ball-busting women were as ubiquitous in western entertainment as you make it out to be, since that's the type I like, but it's simply not fucking true.

>> No.6997928

Sion climbed off the anime figure and walked disgustingly across the grass to greet his lover.

>> No.6997930

Jp/ is not for traveling to japan, please note it is a board dedicated to Otaku culture, not japan itself.

>> No.6997932 [DELETED] 


What the fuck?

>> No.6997942

>South Africa, rape capital of the world

What the fuck?

>> No.6997948


I don't know why you keep talking about subservient. Being kind and loving, not-a-sassy-bitch is being subservient?

>> No.6997958

You don't know what I am talking about; my tenshi seems pretty legit.

>> No.6997961

You see the problem with /jp/ discussions of this shit is that it almost always reduces down to the usual hurr durr feminist v. misogynist role playing.

This ranking's main focus is not on the polar opposites of the gender types but the general assessment of general equality ( i.e. money, jobs, political & corporate power)

At the base level, Japan subjugates its women as lesser human beings, it punishes their very essence through the hierarchical and cultural structures. This has a synergistic affect portrayed in the media.

There is a good reason the fertility rate is so low, and it isn't just the recession. It is the fundamental fact that having children for women's basically hampers and damages their career outlooks for a lifetime.

>> No.6997972

No, but being kind and loving is PERFECTLY ACCEPTED in the western culture, no matter what your persecution complex might have you believe.

>> No.6997973

>kind and loving

Such people do not exist in reality except your own mother.

>> No.6997975

I never saw what's supposed to be so bad about having to stay home all day while someone else is earning the money.

>> No.6997981

Nothing, except if you have no choice in the matter.

>> No.6997985

It is better than molesting real children.

>> No.6997993


Japan subjugates most men too. But no feminist cares about a salaryman who get karoshied.

>> No.6997997

Personally I'd love that, but it's best when people have the choice. The problem is that while now women are getting the choice to go out to work, society still discriminates against men who choose to stay at home and let their wives work, it's seen as 'unmanly'

>> No.6998004

How the fuck is gender equality measured?

>> No.6998008

There's at least as much indignation in the west about karoshi as there is about the gender inequality in Japan.
Hell, I'd say there's more.

>> No.6998006

>your own mother.

Not really, I turned highly narcissistic(Possibly as a psychological defense mechanism) thanks to her.

At least she didn't give a shit about me as long as I stuck around so she could extract alimony payments from dear old dad.

>> No.6998011



>> No.6998015

Poor americans and their fucked up culture.

I live in country with 0.69 stats and I never heard about "feminazi". Women can get the same job as men and get paid the same. If some one can't do job they get fired, doesn't matter if its man or woman. If she preffers to "have family" it's her choice and doesn't do bs like in america about "women strong". And so far most of really important women (not some second rate "pop music stars") are from this region.

>> No.6998019

Since it's an economic forum, it's probably wage equality, which is fairly quantitative.

>> No.6998020

I think you overlooking a huge point that raising children directly impacts their economic well being, be it through health care coverage, employee hiring practices and health issues.

A stay at home dad, doesn't deal with the after affects of childbirth and may or may not take a cultural shunning for his feminine role. But at the end of the day, a man could walk away from the role and is never considered on the same level of liability.

>> No.6998024


Japan is not Saudi Arabia, you know.

Our problem is that feminists think you can have it all. Well you can't. A day is only 24 hours long. If you have a demanding career your family life WILL suffer, and viceversa.

>> No.6998027

The reason why azns are less ashamed of their waifu collections than in the west is because parents like it when their son shows an interest in girls-having a son with 200 pictures of hatsune miku his bedroom, to the parents, just means he's got women on his mind and will likely end up producing grandchildren once his life reaches that point lol where he starts socializing with women openly and dating.

>> No.6998030

That's completely not true, though.

>> No.6998040

Sort of funny that some of the countries deemed as "gender-equal" are known for having lots of racial conflicts.

>> No.6998045

Umm yea, there is a reason the feminist movement was centralized in American culture and then spread it's effects across the globe you dumb faggot.

A lot of people in backward and rigid class societies would of never changed to accepting basic equality rights if it weren't for the civil and women's rights movements. It's easy to sit here now in the future and point out the extreme character types that have occurred over four decades but never about the premise of what the fight was originally about.

>> No.6998041

"Don't worry, Akira. You might be 40 years old, unemployed,a virgin, leeching our money to indulge your worthless hobbies and a social outcast but look at the bright side. Considering all the badly drawn, prepubescent kids you have on your walls I know you are interested in girls." said the mother, hardly chocking back her tears of desperation.

>> No.6998046


And also highly misleading, as in thinking women earn less because companies are evil and sexist, not because different career choices and/or hours worked. And of course, by not counting the value of being a homemaker.

>> No.6998047

I'd say we should get rid of families altogether. They are completely redundant in modern times.

It's not like man still has a job watching out for velociraptor attacks while women breastfeed.

>> No.6998064

The institution of marriage that is rapidly changing nowadays. Europe is far ahead of the curve and the States are catching up in partnership roles as well and the evolution of modern type mixed families.

Japan is the very definition of ball and chain marriage types.

>> No.6998066

...they usually take the wages of different genders working in the same position in studies like this.
But don't let me stop you, you can always say that women earn less because they're worse at their jobs.

>> No.6998071


In the long term it won't matter. We are commiting demographical seppuku and Japan too.

>> No.6998078
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>> No.6998088

>A lot of people in backward and rigid class societies would of never changed to accepting basic equality rights
And they'd continue living being perfectly fine and happy with that.
Good thing america had to ruin it for them, though.

>> No.6998093

Women there could study even before americans did get their commercial "equal rights". It was one of first country with ALL EQUAL rights including voting, higher education, working rights and marriage rights. Already 50 years ago around 50% of work force were women. Already in middle ages women had first real "equal rights" not some commerial nonsense like in usa.

>> No.6998095


I just don't understand why a company would pay more to a man, just for having a penis. If women are just cheaper nobody would hire a man.

The CEO must be really, really evil. Less profit, just for giving the finger to feminists!

>> No.6998097

Say that to your next date, I'm sure you'll win points.

>> No.6998097,1 [INTERNAL] 

Holy fuck, you really are far removed from reality, aren't you.
I'm kinda envious.

>> No.6998097,2 [INTERNAL] 

I think feminists should practice what they preach. If they want equality, they better kiss maternity leave and alimony and everything else goodbye.

The obvious truth is that men and women aren't equal, and you can't force equality without losing whatever it is that makes men men and women women. Instead of this stupid gender war bullshit, why don't we focus on treating all people well?

>> No.6998097,3 [INTERNAL] 

It would help to take you seriously if you were aware of what "equal" means in this context.

>> No.6998097,4 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not being serious. Are you being serious?
If so, why would you be serious in a thread like this?

>> No.6998097,5 [INTERNAL] 

