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6995124 No.6995124 [Reply] [Original]

The arcfag is still going? Whoa.

It's funny how you think "IT WAS DAYTIME" is some kind of an excuse instead of a huge glaring weakness. If Arc can die during day, she can die. End of discussion. She can't just expect to conveniently have all her fights happen during her hour of power. Proof: SHIKI FUCKING RUINED HER SHIT.

And really, how does this "daytime" and "Gets power from the moon" stuff even work? if somebody, say, teleports here to the center of the sun, isn't that daytime all the time? Or what if somebody destroys the moon? Or earth? Or etc.

Really, any character who has a weakness related to a time of day is small time. Typeverse itself has a whole bunch of scarier motherfuckers. For instance, that guy whose voice makes you believe anything he says. Why he isn't ruling the world already I have no idea. He could conquer it in an afternoon if he got into a talkshow.

>> No.6995139 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6995142
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Here, have Bearakuma.

>> No.6995158

I missed an Arcueid-centric powerlevel thread?

Damn, now I am sad.

>> No.6995164


It's a pun.

>> No.6995171

Because she is a vampire, true ancestor or not they are still vampires, think those old Dracula films.

That's pretty much the simplest and best explanation.

>> No.6995756
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Do you realize that pretty much any other character in the Nasuverse has lines (can die) with the exception of Arcueid under the Moon and ORT? Because to be fair we don't even know if the other Types also lack a concept of death. Also you seem to be forgetting that Arcueid never fights on the day, and even if she were forced to fight on the day against a powerful enemy, she'll probably just use her power to create a lunar eclipse by accelerating the Earth's rotation, which should be easy for her, considering she managed to turn the moon red in MB.

Also Shiki only managed to kill her because Arcueid doesn't attack humans, and she was shocked that a normal human would have dared to attack her. Therefore she hesitated. However, this will never happen a second time.

And Arcueid gets power from the Moon because she is a cooproduction of both the Earth and the Moon. So she is only a perfect life form under the Moon.

>> No.6995761

>For instance, that guy whose voice makes you believe anything he says. Why he isn't ruling the world already I have no idea. He could conquer it in an afternoon if he got into a talkshow.

Kurogiri Satsuki just wanted a happy life.

People named Satsuki are never allowed to be happy.

>> No.6995765

>People named Satsuki are never allowed to be happy.


>> No.6995766


>she'll probably just use her power to create a lunar eclipse by accelerating the Earth's rotation, which should be easy for her, considering she managed to turn the moon red in MB.

Yes but that wreaks some pretty bad havoc if you forgot.


>> No.6995775

>Because to be fair we don't even know if the other Types also lack a concept of death.

Black Barrel.

Ain't lacking it now.

>> No.6995786

>However, this will never happen a second time.
and yet it does, under a full moon during ciel's route.

shiki manages to severely wound arcueid who at that moment's already berserk, so even more dangerous after fucking the earth up and turning arcueid's god mode off.

>> No.6995788


Type-Venus hits you with a guitar anyway.

>> No.6995806

V.V is an entirely different entity.

>> No.6995812

Types do not lack a concept of death.

They just cannot be killed unless you can kill their planets/moon, or you have weapons like the Black Barrel that can seal them (yes, even it can't kill Types), or, be the user of Slash Emperor.

In Arcueid's terms, she can't be killed because like how Roa got exploded into nothing but his ankles, Arcueid has fast regeneration if you can even manage to "kill" her.

For the OP, Arcueid is ArcheType Earth. She is the de facto Type of Gaia. But she is made from a race that was modeled by the Type of the moon. That's why under the moonlight, she is virtually indestructible like other Types. She's a hybrid of two environments.

Also, inb4 someone says Types lack a concept of death, no you're doing it wrong. Stop mixing shit up.

>> No.6995825

>and yet it does, under a full moon during ciel's route.

Ah yes, I suppose Shiki is an exception, since Arcueid trusted him more than anyone. So it's only natural for her to lower her guard around him.

>who at that moment's already berserk

Yes but she only went berserk after Shiki slashed her neck. Moreover, Arcueid managed to come back to her senses after piercing Shiki's chest, since she herself told Shiki that she didn't want to kill him.

>> No.6995830

>It's funny how you think "IT WAS DAYTIME" is some kind of an excuse instead of a huge glaring weakness. If Arc can die during day, she can die. End of discussion. She can't just expect to conveniently have all her fights happen during her hour of power. Proof: SHIKI FUCKING RUINED HER SHIT.

Well, OP. Let's just put it this way.

Arcueid is usually completely unbeatable and should be nigh unkillable even during the day.

Shiki has eyes that allow him to kill anything he understands. Shiki basically remakes reality with its own rules.

If Arcueid never got seen by Shiki, she wouldn't have had trouble finishing off anyone in Tsukihime. Too bad Shiki saw her and that's the start of the story.

>> No.6995836

Can the Beyonder beat Arcueid?

>> No.6995843


the Beyonder only loses when he feels like losing, or when losing has a more interesting outcome.

>> No.6995856


>Also, inb4 someone says Types lack a concept of death, no you're doing it wrong. Stop mixing shit up.

You're still operating on fanon, though.
Logical, but still never canonically accepted or explained. As far as we've learned, the canon line is that "Ultimate Ones do not have the concept of death". Another, separate line is that "ORT is immune to the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception".

>> No.6995860

Only if he didn't want to fuck her.

But this is the Beyonder.

>> No.6995867

Shiki only managed to see a line under the Moon because she still wasn't completely recovered. Since she used 80% of her power in order to revive. Under normal circumstances she simply lacks a concept of death on the night, hence her lines aren't there (it's not that they can't be seen, they simply aren't there).

But it has been stated that ORT lacks a concept of death, which is why it has immunity to the MEoDP. Arcueid under the Moon is no different, as shown in MBAA and according to what she stated on the the third day of Tsukihime (before Nrvnqsr invades the hotel).

>> No.6995868

>"Ultimate Ones do not have the concept of death"
on Earth
>"ORT is immune to the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception".
the same way Servants are, because Shiki doesn't understand their concepts yet

>> No.6995876

>ORT "can't" die because he doesn't follow Gaia's concept of death

Oh Gain concept of death again. It was stated that ORT cannot be killed by the MEoDP because it doesn't have the concept of death, not because it doesn't have Gaia's concept of death, since ORT can still be destroyed physically. It's the same for Arcueid under the moon, she doesn't have the concept of death. The Aristotles are the planetary embodiment, which is why they don't have a concept of death because in order to kill them you'll need to kill the planet first; why do you think Arcueid loses her invulnerability to the MEoDP after the Earth is dotstabbed? Why do you think it was stated that as long as the battleground is Earth, ORT doesn't have a single weakness? Think about it.

>> No.6995961


>V.V is an entirely different entity.

Not really, the soul of Type-Venus lived on, though its body was severely wounded (not utterly destroyed, she said she could still move it, though doing so to escape Type-Saturn's rain would doom humanity completely because her wing-trees would rupture releasing all her angel-spores. In addition to destroying the city built atop her "corpse", which is the largest node of remaining humans anyway). She just had a new method of understanding, thanks to eating human concepts to reform herself.

>> No.6995978

That's right, the lunar concept doesn't have anything to do with no lines on Arcueid. If it was ORT and other things that are sort of alive but not alive, it's reasonable. We don't know how they work yet on the most fundamental level so how can we even imagine them dead right? Maybe someone with the Eyes in a Star Trek type of era can see something on giant flying fishes or black suns thanks to greater collective knowledge, but CM or ArcheType Earth, as far as we have seen, have very organic looking bodies and are reasonably conventional compared to our other friendly extraterrestrial neighbors. In a physical body sort of sense.

The lines seen through the MEoDP are the lifespan of existence taken form. And in MBAA, a scene with Ryougi meeting Arcueid. Shiki doesn't see lines and in this case it's obvious it's not because she can't see them, but it's because for Arc, death doesn't exist. Then we see Shiki interpreting the lack of lines, as meaning her lifespan is really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, long (into the hundreds of millions). I mean, it's not like she's measuring anything, but what's important here is that Shiki' own take on the lack of death = lifespan.

So what we have here is;
Lifespan so loooooooooooong it's not funny = no lines (not restricted by place of origin)
I dunno lol = I can't see lines (some correlation with place of origin)

>> No.6995981

Which brings me to the ORT not having a "concept of death" bit. Indeed, the "not having a concept of death" is just another way of saying the former, rather than the later. How much of ORT's immunity is due to it being alien and how much of it is due to it being Mercury incarnate? I doubt any other friendly neighborhood extraterrestrial, whose very existence is like a monkey throwing feces on everything we ever believed about the workings of nature, can have an existential lifespan that matches one of a planet. Unless, they happen to be the embodiment of a planet or they themselves exceed the planet. Celestial bodies live on a scale far greater than any person can comprehend, hence, why the Earth chose to use a celestial body instead of anything lesser to correct it to whatever its supposed "Real of the World" (TM) was supposed to be.

tldr: Arc and ORT don't have a concept of death because they are the embodiment of their respective heavenly bodies; Arc: Earth/Moon, ORT: Mercury.

>> No.6996031
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>still discussing TYPE-MOON powerlevels
