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6992637 No.6992637 [Reply] [Original]

Why does japan have so many nuclear power plants? You'd think they'd be more averse to it what with the whole "Having nuclear bombs dropped on them" thing.

>> No.6992649

Because they're a good source of energy and only retards would equate them to disastrous weapons of destruction.

>> No.6992664

>small island
>large hightech industry
>no natural resources left
>nuclear profit!

>> No.6992665

It's funny how people are scared of "nuclear."
That's why we call nuclear magnetic resonance imaging MRI instead of NMR.

>> No.6992690

>Why does Germany have so many coal-fired power plants? You'd think they'd be more averse to it what with the whole "Having combustible bombs dropped on them" thing.

>> No.6992705

The United States had more atomic bombs dropped on it than Japan. We should have 50 times more nuclear plants than they do.

>> No.6992724 [DELETED] 
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>No nuclear power plants

>> No.6992725

Actually, this is our constant reminder that we still have a score to settle with the rest of the world.
...maybe it's the same with those Japs?

>> No.6992727

Just like Zimbabwe! You can be proud.


>> No.6992742

Heh. I see Austria is listed as having none.
But we do! It's fully functional and ready to go. It's just people were too pussy to ever launch it.

>> No.6992749


So you might as well not have it.

>> No.6992761

Because it's the best, safest and cleanest source of energy.

>> No.6992768

That's the most retarded thing I've read in a long while.
Why not ask BEFORE you build that fucking thing?

>> No.6992770

Why does America have so many airplanes? You'd think they'd be more averse to it what with the whole "Having one rammed into one of their most important buildings and killing thousands of people" thing.

>> No.6992774

>A narrow majority of 50.47% voted against the start-up.
That's sad.

>> No.6992779

Wait, this thread isn't on /int/? Fucking hell.

>> No.6992782

The Japanese people were struck by nuclear power, and saw its awesome might, so they embraced it.

How come I haven't seen any personifications of the Fat Man and Little Boy by Japan yet? I know SOMEONE must have made some.

Bonus points for female or shota.

>> No.6992792

Nuclear energy is the ultimate power, able to burn souls into ash. How could they not take advantage?

>> No.6992802


>> No.6992812

When compared to the Japan's total death toll in World War II, the atomic bombs are almost hopelessly insignificant. The US killed more Japanese civilians with conventional bombs than we did with the nukes. We firebombed Tokyo until practically the entire city burned down long before nuclear weapons were on the table. There is no reason why the bombs should change any of their policies in the present day. Vastly overrated event in history.

>> No.6992809 [DELETED] 

>Nuclear power plants
>Implying a risk of nuclear explosion

Nigger you just went full retard.

>> No.6992815

Because nuclear energy is moe~

>> No.6992816

Are you implying that's a good thing?

>> No.6992824
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nuclear is good resource :)

>> No.6992833

They've got essentially no natural energy resources of their own, and never got spooked by near-meltdown of a plant like the US had (Three Mile Island), so they just kept building because they're a very practical way to get power for a small-ish, resource-less country.

Also they're very high-tech compared to coal plants etc, and obviously Japan has a fetish for the most advanced stuff available.

Also pollution might be another thing, while nuclear power generates radioactive waste, it's easier to store/sequester it than it is to deal with coal pollution fucking up air quality (which is already poor in big cities and China already demonstrated can be a big problem); in a small country like Japan they could choke up fast if they've got countless coal plants everywhere.

>> No.6992837

>nuclear powerplant in flipland

>> No.6992843

Why do Jews use soap and have lampshades?
