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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6992445 No.6992445 [Reply] [Original]

Ask a guy who studies academic Japanese language at degree level and has been living with a Japanese family for the past three months anything.

>> No.6992450

Where you at?

>> No.6992453

What made you think we'd care?

>> No.6992454

How hard is it to get work with that sort of career focus?

>> No.6992467

your wife is choking you and her mother is gonna stab is the ass with a 3 foot dildo while the father is watching tv and not giving a fuck so why did /jp/ jump off a whore?
you did say anything

>> No.6992468

Why are you(an adult?) living with a Japanese family. Also, "academic level" what does that mean? How many kanji do you know. Can you write them easily with the correct stroke order? How long have you been studying, also do you know any other languages besides these two? How is your accent, is that a problem? Like rolling the R's and shit. If I got a funky accent is it still okay to speak nihongo?

>> No.6992469

Looking through this board at the colossal amount of fail, I actually have no idea. What is this tohou shit?
Not as hard as you'd think: for example, if you know another language and Japanese besides your mother tongue (backed up by some form of assessment, ideally), you can go to an EU translation and interpreting school and work for the UN. Alternatively, you can sell your soul to the devil (even more so if you do dual Jap/Economics) and end up working for someone like Bloomberg.

>> No.6992477


>> No.6992479

Fuck off

>> No.6992482

For the lulz. Next.

It's a long story. The attached image explains some of it. Studying for 14 months from absolutely zero knowledge of the language, about 750-800 kanji. My handwriting is apparently better than most native's and yes, I do know the correct stroke orders. My accent is apparently perfect, if a little androgynous. Rolling your R's makes you sound like you're in with the Yakuza, but if you're obviously not asian/Japanese, that'll just be put down to you being Spanish. If you're anything like my Catalonian friend, it will also result in you attracting Yakuza guy's girlfriends with your manly drawl and thus get into shittons of trouble...

>> No.6992487

How do you know 800 kanji, but study as an academic level? I'm asking because I thought you needed like 2000+. It's better news if you only need less, so more power to you.

>> No.6992491

I was thinking about removing the carpet in my room and going with some nice oak flooring, should I go with a dark color, or something lighter and more natural looking? My walls are a light eggshell color if it helps.

>> No.6992498


>> No.6992499
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>> No.6992501

/jp/ - Japan/General

>> No.6992505

I think dark color would make nice contrast, anon.

>> No.6992508

It's an undergraduate course. The aim is to make you fluent in academic-level Japanese in 4 years. The third year is spent in Japan on exchange, at which point you're expected to learn the 2,136 kanji you need for daily use.

Oak's classy and will make a nice contrast to the eggshell. Go for it.

>> No.6992511

Dark. But deep brown stain finish dark, not blackish.

>> No.6992516

Definitely shouldn't go for oak laminate...

>> No.6992518
File: 28 KB, 284x290, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the answer to this question my picture.

>> No.6992521

Want to translate some VNs?

>> No.6992522

OP, I'm going to pick up a cheap plastic desk from the store tomorrow. The two colors I'm looking at are a white finish, and a light wood finish. The light wood finish is more visually attractive, but I feel bad about getting a plastic desk in wood finish since it's obviously not made of wood. Even though it would be more appealing, I might have feelings of guilt every time I notice the wood pattern and think, "actually, that's plastic under there, so you're only deluding yourself." Please help me out of this difficult situation.

>> No.6992524

The closest answer on the sheet would be pi.

>> No.6992531

Don't get the wood finish desk. Either tighten up and pay for a real wood desk - preferrably antique - or go with the plastic one and aim for a more Bauhaus aesthetic.

>> No.6992535

What the fuck is a VN?

Tripping so you know what the hell's going on.

>> No.6992540


>> No.6992541

Visual novel. God damn, you're in the wrong board.

The desk I'm looking at is about twenty five bucks. Since I'm not about to drop any actual money on it, white it is. Thanks.

>> No.6992557

Would be doable, but my iPod, which functioned as multiple Denshi Jishous, including Wisdom and the Jim Breem-developed one, got stolen last week. Translation now would entail trips to the university library and over 9,000 hours poring over the multi-volume Kenkyusha dictionaries anytime a word or kanji I didn't know popped up.

>> No.6992564

>What the fuck is a VN?
Sounds like this is a case of "must get the fuck out of here"

>> No.6992572

More like a case of 'your view of Japanese culture is hideously distorted and it's not the milk-and-honey land of kawaii huge-eyed futas and pocky you were expecting'.

>> No.6992576

>doesn't know what a VN is
did you even lurk this board for 10 minutes?

>> No.6992586

Give him some credit, at least he mentioned the futa. Maybe he knows more than he lets on.

>> No.6992590

No. I just spotted Japan/general on the list and needed to pass some time between oats and cooking an omellette and going to the gym. In my largess, I offered to answer any and all questions you may have about Japan and real Japanese culture from first-hand experience. And interior decoration.

>> No.6992596

Of course he knows more, he's just a really bad troll. Now that he had his durrhurr not japan, I hope he'll fuck off and reflect upon is great victory upon some autists on the internet.

>> No.6992597

It's like it's really 2008!

>> No.6992598

One of the male students keeps himself motivated by finding fucked-up porn on the internet, then messaging it to the other male Jap students on Facebook. You wouldn't believe some of the shit I've seen. Motherfucking eel porn was only the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.6992606

I'd be lying if after seeing the front page of this board, I thought any of you had a realistic view of Japan and Japanese culture. Shame really.

>> No.6992607

As that old 4chan saying goes, "lurk moar".

>> No.6992611

I'll tell you a secret: nobody here actually gives a shit about Japan, or it's culture, but we're well aware that it's not all MOE MOE KAWAII DESU. The JET thread on the second page is an aberration because /jp/ stops caring about shitty off-topic threads in the wake of raids. Which that thread is.

>> No.6992613

saging merely because I was linked to this thread and it already has 16 sages. lulz. OP, I'm sure you're a real swell guy.

>> No.6992618


>> No.6992631

You'd be surprised at how pervasive 'kawaii' culture is with the younger generation. To the point where I flat refuse to date almost all Japanese women. Passed up the chance to go out with a smoking-hot exchange student last year because she annoyed the everliving fuck out of me with her kawaii-ness.

The disconnect largely occurs when stuff that's universally popular with Western otaku/weeaboos/narutards is barely known by most Japanese people of the same generation. I have a friend who's 26 and has never heard of Akira, any iteration of Ghost in the Shell, has never seen an episode of Dragonball or Naruto and doesn't know what Macross is. It's very doubtful that he has ever heard of any of the 'moe' stuff, but I've never actually asked him. This is amazingly common, I've only ever met one Japanese guy I could discuss Macross with.

Well, thank you.

>> No.6992636

why are you getting a useless degree? Learn on your own you fucking nigger, jesus.

>> No.6992644

Why Japanese?

>> No.6992648

I have many regrets.

>> No.6992659

Little do ye know your own blessedness; for to travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive, and the true success is to labour.

>> No.6992662

If i learn Japanese, will the music I listen to become embarrassingly horrible?

For instance, if I listen to a song with a 30 year old women pretending to be a 13 year old girl singing about chocolate love, will my ball shrivel up and die?

This is an example of embarrassing music when herd in english. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHTViwFd3mo

>> No.6992667
File: 12 KB, 251x251, getoutofrainbows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why won't you get the hell out of /jp/? Your painful ignorance is showing just from the "Japan/General" remark, although I'm more inclined to believe that was your way of an "epic tipoff that im a trole XD".

Nobody on /jp/(Well, maybe aside from you) gives a shit about Japanese culture, we just like their obscure Otaku shit.


>> No.6992669

Well, when I was 6 years old, my parents took me to the Birmingham museum and art gallery. At the time, it had a permanent exhibition of Samurai items from the Sengokujidai. Fired my young imagination somewhat, started reading about Japanese history. As time passed, I got into Japanese cinema and other stuff, decided I wanted to learn the language. Degree course promised fluency in 4 years, decided to give it a go.

>> No.6992671

OP, do you have 5 bucks for me?
My premium acc on tenhou expired today.

>> No.6992673

It's 中出しの喜び, newfag.

>> No.6992678

My utmost apologies, my liege.

>> No.6992681

Not gonna lie, I thought J-pop was horrible to begin with. That said, I do really like some Japanese rock music.

Regardless, as soon as you understand J-pop lyrics, yes, your balls will retract into your spine, shrivel up and die. Fortunately, this will only happen once as almost all J-pop I've been subjected to recently seems to be from the same cookie-cutter template.

Interestingly, 2010 went down on one Japanese website as 'the year K-pop broke Japan'. Shit's huge there now. Isn't surprising, the music's just as insipid, but the production is much slicker and the girls are much hotter.

>> No.6992682

obscure troll methods, but I'll bite.

What kind of retard devotes his life to learning such a shitty language? hikkis on /jp/ learn the language for the porn, and because they have nothing else to do with their lives. Only the most hated of hated people learn Japanese because they think their culture is sugoooi!

Do you actually think simply knowing the language will make you employable? Do you realize how many people speak both English and Japanese? Do you realize that every person who majors in japanese is a weeaboo and is hated by both English and Japanese peoples?

If you've only been in for 14 months its not too late to do something that matters. You obviously have some drive, so pick a real fucking major and make something of yourselves. If you're that into linguistics, study something relevant like Pashto. Pashto linguists are making 200k a year, are highly employable and will be for the foreseeable future. Oh wait, you won't, you're a weeaboo.

Lastly, but most importantly, leave /jp/ and never return. This board is not Japan/General, and we hate Japanophiles such as yourself.

p.s. self study will net you fluency in 6 months - 18 months depending on the language difficulty and determination to learn. Or I suppose you could pay to get it in 48 months, whatever works.

>> No.6992686

Neither of those are ideal.

>> No.6992687
File: 222 KB, 408x480, good feelings and buttpleased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it feel like to be worse than the people you came here to mock?

>> No.6992691

>Implying I'm a troll
>6 months to fluency


>> No.6992692

Je ne sui this thread fucking blows.

>> No.6992695

I wouldn't know, having actually procreated with real, 3D women, the sensation is alien to me.

>> No.6992697
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>> No.6992700
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>3D women

>> No.6992701

I don't think this word means what you think it means.

>> No.6992702
File: 46 KB, 643x578, sdfsdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5$ is for a month, right?

>> No.6992708

I wasn't implying you were a troll, in fact I'm praying you are a troll and aren't really this pathetic.

And the US military language course for CAT I languages is 6 months, and people regularly score 3s. and that's retards in the military learning languages they didn't choose and aren't passionate about. Japanese being Cat IV should take 16ish. Don't laugh off your own incompetence.

>> No.6992709
File: 88 KB, 500x313, tumblr_l6dpx3qVIT1qzzxaqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, these are really shitty memes.

Here, have some quality content from /fit/.

>> No.6992710


>> No.6992711
File: 14 KB, 278x350, zoomjap smirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having actually procreated with real, 3D hambeasts

>> No.6992714
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>he thinks /jp/ is about Japan

>> No.6992717

>And the US military language course for CAT I languages is 6 months, and people regularly score 3s. and that's retards in the military learning languages they didn't choose and aren't passionate about. Japanese being Cat IV should take 16ish. Don't laugh off your own incompetence.
Defense Language Institute estimates that it takes 1320 hours of instruction to achieve full fluency in Japanese.

>> No.6992720

Yeah man.
Come on. You can make a pathetic neet happy.

>> No.6992722

You cannot become fluent in a language in 6 fucking months, even living in the target country. It takes years before your brain develops a good enough secondary linguistic network to cope with the cross-threading between your mother tongue and the target language.

The best Japanese student I - or anyone I know - has ever met took 18 months to get to near-fluency and pass JLPT 1 - and that was on top of living in Japan for a year and having a Japanese girlfriend who didn't speak English.

>> No.6992726
File: 66 KB, 450x373, tropicthunder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You cannot become fluent in a language in 6 fucking months, even living in the target country. It takes years before your brain develops a good enough secondary linguistic network to cope with the cross-threading between your mother tongue and the target language.

>> No.6992728

Yes, actually, you can. That's if you're not a cockmongling passive learner like most pathetic Japanese and employ the much superior active learning style.

Guess one way you can do that? read eroges

>> No.6992729

Unless you are motivated to all fuck and study sixteen hours a day, no, it's not possible. You are posting on /jp/. There is no way anybody here is motivated enough to sit down and work through that shit for sixteen hours a day.

>> No.6992730

But they only have 6 hour learning days, some days are review, weekends off, holidays off, test days, etc. Study 8 hours a day every day, would take 165 days, right around 6 months.

>> No.6992733

See >>6992728

>> No.6992734


According to research carried out in Japan, it's closer to 3,000 hours of listening to the language before it really takes hold.

>> No.6992735
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>> No.6992737

If it takes one man six months to learn a language, then it should take six men only one month to learn a language.

>> No.6992739

I grant you could if you were some sort of fucking genius, but Dirac and Feynman both taught themselves an entire undergraduate physics degree worth of stuff out of books in a year, but it's fucking unreasonable to expect the average person to do it.

>> No.6992740

Active learning, ACTIVE LEARNING. Do you know what that is?

>> No.6992743

This is correct.

>> No.6992744

It consumes ATP to pump in knowledge against its diffusion gradient.

>> No.6992745

Active learning is not a magical panacea that compresses the amount of time necessary to learn anything from Japanese to physics to calculus to a fourth of the time it regularly takes.

I mean, if you play sixteen hours of eroge a day, I guess that would rapidly accelerate your learning, but most people, again, don't put in that much time.

>> No.6992747

Yes, you can, every fucking year DLI pumps out new Spanish linguists after 6 months of training, full fluency 3 3 2 on DLAB. No, you will not achieve native speaker abilities, you could live you're whole life in a target country and not sound native, but you will be FLUENT: able to speak or write smoothly, easily, or readily, Score a 3 on DLAB, which is all that any employer would fucking care about. Not that knowing Japanese will get you employed, enjoy being a burden on your family.

>> No.6992748

Why is OP so retarded, /jp/?

>> No.6992750
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>learn language in six months along with entire class of students in the air force
>be told that you can't learn a language in six months, it's physically impossible

>> No.6992751

OP will never become a member of society.

>> No.6992752

But then, most people are imbeciles who employ a form of passive learning.

You will retain more information and develop an understanding of a subject faster with active learning by the simple fact -you're enjoying what you're doing-.

>> No.6992754

The DLI estimates that it takes almost three times as long to achieve Japanese proficiency as Spanish proficiency, for a native English speaker. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

>> No.6992756

Wow this thread went to shit fast.

>> No.6992757
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 1297401897839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a master troll.

>> No.6992758

I will when your sentence becomes comprehensible.

>almost three times as long to achieve Japanese proficiency as Spanish proficiency, for a native English speaker.


>> No.6992760

>Same base alphabet
>Latin-origin language
>Easy phonetics

Now, go learn 2,136 kanji and all their possible readings and compounds. You could do that in 6 months, I think. But then you wouldn't have balanced it with other disciplines such as speaking and listening, which is an eternal problem unless you're rich enough to book to the country of the language you're trying to learn for a while. Not to mention the large quantities of mathematically-precise grammar that you have to learn for Japanese...

>> No.6992762

Are you seriously comparing the wetback language spanish to Japanese? Stop being such a stupid tool. The difficulty of languages isn't all equivalent. If you can ride a bike in 6 months, then you can race a car in 6 months! Also, the people who join the military and study languages aren't stupid. If they were stupid, then they wouldn't be studying languages. You're seriously fucking gay. I don't like the OP either, but you're worse.

>> No.6992764

>mathematically-precise grammar

>> No.6992765

Christ sake read the thread,
>self study will net you fluency in 6 months - 18 months depending on the language difficulty and determination to learn
>18 months
>3 x 6 = 18

and, again, it will take a MAXIMUM of 18 months to learn for retards in the military. People in college should at least be above average intelligence. Not only that but if you really want to learn the language it will take far less time then that. You know, study on weekends, etc

>> No.6992766

Japanese grammar isn't so hard once you know how excruciatingly polite the language is.

Also, /jp/ doesn't give a shit about Japanese other than knowing how to read it so we can understand their porn games, so guess what? You just conceded defeat.

>> No.6992769
File: 37 KB, 479x591, 1284154706559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at me I know japanese
>100+ replies

>> No.6992771

>If you can ride a bike in 6 months, then you can race a car in 6 months!
Are you fucking kidding me? this is retarded.

>> No.6992773

If you can't comprehend that sentence, you had better go and teach yourself English before lecturing people on how to speak Japanese.

>> No.6992775


As long as you sage every time it's fine.

>> No.6992781

Maybe 'completely fuckin' alien' would have been a better way to describe it. It is quite precise, though. Exceptions to fixed rules of grammar are nowhere near as common as English. The major problems to contend with are frequently having 6 or 7 ways of saying what seem to be exactly the same thing, but actually have incrementally subtly different meanings.

>> No.6992783

Just because they're in the military doesn't mean they're stupid, you piece of shit. You seriously think you're better than anyone in the military, or stupid shits in college are? If it was 50 years ago, I'd maybe agree but kids in college today are stupid as shit; as an example, you. There is plenty of other stuff to do in the military other than study languages. If they're doing it, then they aren't stupid.

>> No.6992784

If they aren't stupid why did they join the military?

>> No.6992786

>99 posts and 15 image replies omitted

Why is /jp/ so bad

>> No.6992790

Why even debate? Its not even an opinion I am putting forth. The United states puts linguists through the Japanese language course in 16 months, scoring minimum 2+. Its not something you can argue for or against, its simply the way things are, I don't really know how else to say it.

The opinion part comes when I suggest that you are wasting your time and your parents money by spending 4 years on it, when its an irrelevant language to begin with.

>> No.6992794

This is how it should have read-

>The DLI estimates that it takes almost three times as long to achieve Japanese proficiency compared to Spanish proficiency for a native English speaker.

>> No.6992795

The Defense Language Institute is one of the best places to learn a foreign language in the world. And ILR level two isn't fluent, it's simply proficient.

>> No.6992797

I'm the one you are arguing with.
I'm not in college.
I'm in the US military as a linguist at the DLI.
People here are not above average intelligence.

deal with it.

>> No.6992798

Your sentence may be better, but the original sentence parses correctly.

>> No.6992799

If you can't understand something like that, then you aren't the intelligent one. Do you think they just teach linguists to any grunt that comes for basic training or something? There is every kinda job imaginable in the military. The specialized areas and academic fields require intelligent people regardless of being military or not.

>> No.6992800

OP is just mad because he knows deep inside how stupid learning Japanese is. Especially if you want to live off it someday.

I've been learning Jap for 3 years now, but I'm a neet who gave up on things like "future" and "employment" long ago.

Jokes on you.

>> No.6992801

What do you teach? Spanish, or Japanese?

>> No.6992804
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Firstly, it's my own money, secondly, I'd argue that Japan is not as irrlevant as it appeared a year ago, what with their currency suddenly becoming one of the strongest in the world. Anyway, I have a job interview for a £35k/per year marketing and publicity training postion to attend and a gym to visit. Probably won't be back, /jp/ - but thanks for a crazy hour.

>> No.6992805

Why are you still here, OP? This thread isn't /jp/ related.
Good riddance.

>> No.6992806

A lot of places are actually looking for people who have any degree, regardless of what it is. You could have a degree in folklore and get a job if your grades are good.

I hope you enjoyed your stay, but please, don't come back.

>> No.6992807

I think you're lying about various stuff. They don't turn out people fluent in Japanese in 6 months. You compared learning wetback lingo to learning Japanese to fluency in 6 months, so you're obviously trolling, or just butthurt and lying.

So, I take it you're a poly-linguist? I guess you're fluent in 5 languages, or what?

>> No.6992808

This anon is actually the master troll in this thread.
Cunning military linguist - obsessively posting on 4chan. Buhahahahaaaaa...well played.

>> No.6992821

Only native speakers are teachers here, aka civilians.

Come on man. OP says its impossible to learn a language in 6 months. I reply that all CAT I languages are easily learned in just that(such as Spanish). Its also been posted multiple times that Japanese, being a CAT IV language is a 16 month course. A motivated person could shorten that 16 months significantly by studying on weekends etc, or natural talent.

and no, but lots of teachers here know upwards of 10 languages. Pretty neet.

>> No.6992827

Okay, I missed that part. I agree, it's completely possible to learn a language to fluency in 6 months, but not Japanese for a person without experience in kanji. Unless you're some kinda linguistic genius or level 100 autistic, those are exceptions I suppose.

>> No.6992831

Active learning.

Then again, I really AM 100% autistic.

>> No.6992842

Is it that hard to believe? go to your local recruiter, tell them you want to become a linguist, pass the test. I think there was also an air force anon in this very thread.

>> No.6992842,1 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone who isn't OP and isn't saging the fuck out of this thread needs to get out of /jp/. For once, I can agree with that reaction image.

>> No.6993511
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>Is it that hard to believe? go to your local recruiter, tell them you want to become a linguist, pass the test.

It should not be too hard if you are a cunning linguist

>> No.6993543

Damn, you'd have more luck in /tg/ than this thread.

At least /tg/ are interested in other cultures, even if it's just to add more colour to their settings.

>> No.6993544



>> No.6993545
File: 110 KB, 600x600, 27b65db57809649d7f68ba106625c8fn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>118 posts and 16 image replies omitted

>> No.6993567

