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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 77 KB, 320x460, sumaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6989190 No.6989190 [Reply] [Original]

So I loved the first part of Sumaga that was translated and was pretty pissed when I found out that they were stopping translation because of JAST USA buying the writes to Nitro+ title localizations and what not.
Anyway that was like 2 years ago so I think we can safely say Sumage won't be fully translated any time soon by them or any other fan group.
I have a decent grasp of the Japanese language so I wanted to take a shot at my own little translation project as a learning experience and potentially something to give back to the community should I actually make any real progress.
I did a little research and found this
A program to extract the nss.npa files that hold the game script. Only problem is I can't seem to get that working.

so tl;dr can anybody give me some help towards getting started on this?

>> No.6989210 [DELETED] 

The reason why azns are less ashamed of their waifu collections than in the west is because parents like it when their son shows an interest in girls-having a son with 200 pictures of hatsune miku his bedroom, to the parents, just means he's got women on his mind and will likely end up producing grandchildren once his life reaches that point Iol where he starts socializing with women openly and dating.

>> No.6989207

Actually the project is still going it's just going slow as hell. I'd just like a confirm of an official release or not an expected release frame if that is the case or not.

>> No.6989223

God bless you.

I've already given up on translations and learned moonrunes a long time ago, but it's still nice to see games getting translated, and Sumaga really deserves it.

For help with the script, you might want to contact one of the hackers at tlwiki. Don't make it public, and don't contact any of the higher ups that might try to shut it down, but look for one of the hackers and contact them personally.

>> No.6989290

Thanks I'll try that one out.

>> No.6989319

>don't contact any of the higher ups that might try to shut it down

>> No.6989368

>I can't seem to get that working.

>> No.6989391

When I open the nipa.exe it auto closes on me. Not sure if its a compatibility issue or something.

>> No.6989424 [DELETED] 


>> No.6989440

doing it wrong. use command prompt or something

>> No.6989486

Actually, the project has moved about 20% since it was taken over by JAST a little over a year and a half ago

>> No.6989509

>634/796 ~ 79.6% spring is almost here, people. also, happy birthday Kurt Cobain (1967-1994). I salute the another translation project on /jp/ as well.

>> No.6989549

18 months for 20% is not anything like acceptable considering they made that initial 60% in a matter of months.

>> No.6989571

>translation project as a learning experience

>> No.6989596

you get what you pay for

>> No.6990214
File: 39 KB, 305x479, 1720f7b436f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their translation was good, don't bother.

As much as I love Sumaga I feel this might very well be a waste.
They were translating at extremely good speeds up until that deal of theirs, and well, if the deal was to be broken, I believe we could expect the fan-translation to become complete and released fairly quickly afterwards.
And if we get to see it released with a physical copy by the end of next year or so, even better.

But why not do something useful like applying for something amazing that actually needs help?
with a long lasting appeal and amazing features, or something.

Or perhaps something long lost and abandoned, like Gothderi. If anything it is quick and fun.
Or a sylistic game that went seemingly under the radar like "Oujou Ibun Daiichibun" http://vndb.org/v2998

>> No.6990366


>> No.6990532

Way to overtranslate something shitty. Even with the original guy, who's despite what you seem to know, is still working on it, it'd be released before you'd have translated a significant part of it. You are just throwing months of work out the window.

>> No.6990541

That's a cute dress.
It looks expensive though. I wonder if they actually make dresses like that, even for dolls.

>> No.6990579

I'm aware that this would happen and I'm ok with it since I would be getting good experience along the way.
I can waste as much time as I want.

>> No.6990598

waste it on something that isnt being translated then you wild nigger

>> No.6990609

Then translate Air.
Been stalled since forever and everyone would be grateful.

>> No.6990614

But it is still rather pointless.
You might as well follow >>6990214 's lead, or do something like translate the larger parts of CM3D.

>> No.6990615

Then find something else you like and translate that.

>> No.6990619

But they're taking so god damn long and I wanna do something with my Jap skills.

>> No.6990624

Or you could do as >>6990609 suggested. That was actually a great idea.
It's been dead for years now but it still has demand.

>> No.6990631

Is there a way to get Sumaga working on a 64 bit OS?

>> No.6990637

If you are using the eng patch, /jp/ built a new one for 64.

>> No.6990678

You may as well just retranslate whichever already released and well known fantranslation if you are dead-set on doing something so pointless.

>> No.6990701
File: 87 KB, 800x600, Mira Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, but they are still competent.
When they were actually working on it for real they were among the best and the fastest we have ever had.
All you needed to do was follow their svn deposits and it was obvious.

And they are still working on it, although quite noticably far more passively, but they are still working on it.
And you can bet, as soon as the situation change it will be released at lightning speeds right after.

Sumaga is among the absolute top favorites of mine, but I still can't advice for something like this.
You are sadly better off doing something else.

>> No.6990815

OP, you are a fucking awesome dude. Sumaga is definitely worthy of a translation.
If you seriously think that you'll finish your translation AFTER the current one, seriously think that again. They couldn't progress 10% after one whole fucking year, and even after they finish it, there's still a fuckload of bureaucracy until JAST releases it. If you need someone to edit images and stuff, I can help you out, no problem.
You have my gratitude and support on your eendeavours.

>> No.6990842

>They couldn't progress 10% after one whole fucking year
They finished 74% in not even roughly 7 months.

As soon as Demonbane gets released, and as soon as JAST and N+ can estimate how good/bad things will sell, the translation will pick up.
Why? Because if it is bad, it's fan-patch time, and if it is good it is official distribution time.

The reason as to why the speed has been slow, is because there is, in a sense, no need to translate it atm, as answers will be given in due time anyway.

This time, Demonbane is actually done, the engine was worked on, and it will be released for real.
Afterwards, we will get some insight on what N+ thinks of the market, and then we will see Sumaga one way or another. If their official path doesn't cut it, they will release it themselves.

>> No.6990850

*Should be 64%

>> No.6990942

No, not really.

As gckc said himself (http://tlwiki.tsukuru.info/index.php?title=Talk:Sumaga)), the only reason they progressed that fast was because when this project started they were still new to the whole translation thing, so quite a lot of lines had to be retranslated and edited once again. And of course, when the project started, gckc wasn't all by himself like he is now, and he wasn't full of, as I quote him, "some pesky IRL shit happened and is still largely happening". What I'm saying is that even basically rewriting and properly editing what was already done, the translation is still slow and dead.

But why is it slow and dead? Of course, it's because Demonbane is one the works, and just as N+ decide to get off their lazy asses, everything will be sorted out, and we will be able to enjoy Sumaga right away, huh? Awesome.

Well, not quite.

Do you realize how long does it takes to release a game officially? The ridiculous amounts of effort that go on cleaning, producing, marketing and then finally the buttfucking bureaucracy for a proper release? It takes a long time man. Demonbane is already on the works for a long, LONG time(actually it will be the first N+/JAST game released under their partnership), and look at it right now, we don't have a release date, the guys at Nitroplus still don't give half a fuck about the engine problems, and no prospect of this game coming out anytime soon.


>> No.6990955

Do you honestly think that it will be different with Sumaga? Actually, what makes you think that after Demonbane they won't go for Chaos;Head or some other game? Hell, for all we know Muramasa would be way more profitable in the western market. Speaking of which, JAST never even said a word about being interested in Sumaga, did they? I would be surprised if Demonbane is released before this semester ends.

With all that being said, in response to your point of "in time it will be done", you are correct, it will be done in time. But how long are we talking about here? Do you really think OP will take longer than 2 years to translate the 3 routes that are left on Sumaga? If gckc agrees on helping him behind the scenes, it will take even less than that.

So tl;dr. You are thinking too highly of JAST and N+ working schedules. It doesn't works like that.

OP, go for it. You will make it in time, and Sumaga is a fantastic eroge which is absolteu worthy of your efforts.

>> No.6991124

>the guys at Nitroplus still don't give half a fuck about the engine problems
But they finally did start to work on the engine.

And no one said it was going to be released right afterwards.
The point of the post was more in line of, their partnership has finally gotten started, and with that Sumaga will eventually be queued up on schedule. And when that date comes, the translation will most likely already be done.
But sure that doesn't mean it will be fast, but now Demonbane is at least finally getting released for once, and with that more will potentially follow depending on its sales.
I suppose one could expect 1-3 years depending on how they prioritize things.
But given general competition in the market, and approval from N+, I would expect somewhere between the first year and 2. considering it is one of the games with translation already done, and considering how well it did in Japan.

>> No.6991263

This is kinda what I was thinking. The last patch that tlwiki released had a good portion of the game translated which still leaves a significant portion of the game to work on. But if I couldn't translate that in 2-3 years time then I should just kill myself. Hell given a free summer I could probably make a huge dent in 3 months. I just need a way to extract the nss.npa file and start translating. But I think it might be an issue with my OS being 64bit for me not being able to run that program.

>> No.6991285

you still cant extract scripts? man

>> No.6991333

Nope. That was the point of this thread. If I could do at least that I would be disregarding the nay-sayers and translating whats left.

>> No.6991357

could you please decribe in detail what are you doing? i cant tell if youre stupid or actually have a problem.

>> No.6991408


If you can't figure out how to extract the scripts I doubt you're intelligent enough to translate correctly.

>> No.6991416

Man, you guys really shouldn't be so spiteful just because he isn't translating the game you guys want. Seriously, it's a very despicable behavior.

>> No.6991425

I downloaded the last released translation patch for Sumaga before this whole JAST US thing started.
its a small archive file that contains all of the shit that has been translated as well as what I need to translate.
Normally for most H-games they use the same extraction too so translation is pretty easy. But Nitro+ likes to be different so they needed a separate program to extract and repackage this shit since I'm pretty sure its stored in hex and not plain text.
So thats what I started looking for. A google search took me here
which then took me here
The last release of the extractor is from December of last year and apparently works to extract on just about all the Nitro+ titles including Sumaga and Sumaga Special

Thats fine and all but I can't for the life of me get the program to run. My guess is that the program is only compatible with a 32bit OS since Sumaga (and I guess other nitro+ titles) are the same.
Can't exactly test that theory out right now though unless somebody running a 32bit system wants to check it out for me.

>> No.6991435


No, someone else is already translating the game I want.


No, it works just fine on a 64-bit OS.

>> No.6991443

cool story bro. now tell me what are you doing with program

>> No.6991444

...You still dont have to act like a dickhead just because your life is a miserable nightmare.

>> No.6991455

If the old stuff was apparently unsatisfactory and the translator wanted to go back and redo it, wouldn't it be unwise to just go ahead and use that old stuff in the old patch? That sounds like a pretty silly thing to do.

>> No.6991456


I'd like to see you try to make me stop.

>> No.6991463

How can you be so sure? They said a lot of things, but did they deliver? Can't say they did.

But I get what you mean. Basically we are both working with assumptions and guesses here, so neither is 100% correct. However, I honestly believe that it is impossible for N+ to release Sumaga in the next 2 years, which should be more than enough for OP to finish his work.

>> No.6991467

I see
I extract the program from the .rar with the other files in there and try to run it. It comes up in a command prompt window for a split second the disappears.

>> No.6991480

hontouni retarded. put some effort in this shit dude.

>> No.6991483

I'm sorry, not even a competent person like me could fix the horrible living hell that you call "life". Guess we'll have to deal with you saying uncalled words until you decide to finally kill yourself some time in the next 5 years. Oh well.

>> No.6991487

I would definitely check over the old stuff and not just assume everything were perfect. I have this partially done patch from back then as well as a clean file from the game release. So no problem there. Just need to be able to start translation then people can tell me I'm stupid as much as they want.

>> No.6991494

OP, disregard those comments, it's mostly people being butthurt. I'm almost done with some pizza, I'll help you out in a minute.

>> No.6991497


Man, you are easy to troll.


Never heard of CLI programs?

>> No.6991498

Are you going to elaborate or just post useless weeaboo style comments?

>> No.6991566

Got it running now.
See how easy things can be when we just answer questions?

>> No.6991578

Open a command prompt. Navigate to the directory where the EXE is using the cd command. Type the name of the EXE. It will print out a brief help guide on how to use it, and then quit back to the command prompt. The reason it was flashing up a window and then disappearing was that you were not running it from a command prompt. If you do so, the text will remain on the screen after the program has closed, so that you can read it.

Man, I've heard of translators not knowing literally anything about the hacking side of fan translation, but dude... you need to learn how to use computers, seriously... everyone has known this since the early 90s...

>> No.6991579

shit, i type too slowly

>> No.6991595
File: 27 KB, 320x240, 1295799612162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you aren't retarded at all, just a troll!

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.6991606

Do you really, REALLY think that doing something like that is common knowledge between most of PC users? Oh man.

>> No.6991615


It should be.

>> No.6991622

Running from a command prompt when the program opens and closes instantly from a double click was common knowledge I thought, yes.

Well maybe not for the average Joe PC user but for someone hanging around 4chan should be a step above the average Joe. Or maybe that's just me overselling people

>> No.6991626

thanks but I already got it all extracted. And sure it was common knowledge in the 90's when windows still used DOS. Common knowledge is subjective.

>> No.6991627


If we wanted to type cryptic commands into the darkness, we'd be growing neckbeards and using Linux. People use Windows because it doesn't require you to know how to program just to connect to the Internet.

>> No.6991631

Yeah, except not everyone is a nerd and some people just use a PC to chill out.

I agree with >>6991622 on the 4chan user part, but honestly, it's not everyone who knows how to fuck around with those extractors, hell, the only reason I found out how to do it was when I fucked myself over trying to extract the CG set for Sumaga myself.

Either way, it looks like OP's problem is solved. If you need nay other sort of help, please let me know OP.

>> No.6991634


>cryptic commands

Yeah, no.

>> No.6991648

UIs exist and are popular for a reason. Go back to /g/ jizz over your gentoo.

>> No.6991649

This is just basic simple stuff. Maybe you would prefer an iPad.

>> No.6991660

> Rape Victim Heroine

What really? Who is it?

>> No.6991665

OP, are you sure you want to go through with this? We on the TLWiki project are still alive and working, you know.

It's a huge undertaking, as in "Sumaga is slightly larger than MuvLuv Alt."

Captcha: explain ungsta

>> No.6991676

Cant everyone just work together for once?
Oh wait they cant, they went official.

>> No.6991678

The people in this topic act like they never used DOS or something.

>> No.6991686


gckc could work with this dude.

I don't know why he would want to, though.

>> No.6991692

Not going to happen, gckc works with TLWiki, which works with JAST, which works with N+, which works with Baphomet.

>> No.6991693

/jp/ - Visual Novel Conspiracies General

>> No.6991713

I know you guys are still alive and working on it because every now and then I go back to check on the progress and it has been moving. But it slowed down to a crawl and I'm tired of waiting like a lot of other people. I know I probably won't get very far doing this on my own but its worth a try at least.
Kind of like the guy in the audience complaining at an athlete for not performing well enough. If he had the chance to do it himself he would shut the fuck up. Maybe he will do well or maybe he will fuck up. But damn it let him try.
If anything its a fun project and good practice for my Japanese.

>> No.6991744

Feel free and have fun, then; I just didn't want to see any wasted effort.

>> No.6992839

Uh, obviously not, but this is 4chan, and specifically this is a place whose denizens use aDvAnCeD p2p software like share and pd or even bittorrent (not so easy to figure out for the average gaiafag) to pirate visual novels written in moon language and then use applocale or change their system region in order to be able to play them, and then use text-hooking programs like agth to be able to get apply their fancy dictionary programs to the text of the games, or even use translation aggregator scripts to automatically machine-tl lines, etc. etc. etc.

So yeah, I expect /jp/ users to know that if a "dosbox" pops up and then disappears, they need to run the program from a command prompt.

I ESPECIALLY expect this of someone who thinks he is going to start a project to, oh hey, release a PATCH for a PIECE OF SOFTWARE.

>> No.6992884

I'd find this initiative stupid if it was another game, but I'm still pissed about the Sumaga translation.
Glad to see that we have the same good old JAST USA apologists on this thread. If Peter Payne was a nazi, they'd still find a way to defend him.

>> No.6992890

Axanael wasn't that good, and Sumaga looks even worse. Is it?

>> No.6992893

Not really.
I found it a bit slow at times but it gets pretty interesting in a meta way, at least the plot, characters and setting are better than Axanael
The writing/humor is kinda similar though.

>> No.6992896

Judging a book by its cover?

>> No.6992918

It's okay, it's one of those, games where you have to go through everyone ones routes cause they all link up in one of those "same period repeating situation". And true end is at the end.

>> No.6992920
File: 528 KB, 1280x1465, 1261588429980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6992923

hmm, in about 1 year my Japanese will be worthy of translating level. I'll translate games for you too /jp/ ;_;.

>> No.6992925

so where does witchhunt fit into all of this

>> No.6992926

Animesuki/R07fanboys are outside the scope. It's an old chart btw.

>> No.6992927

Independent 'we don't give a shit about anything else but our trainwreck' group.

>> No.6992932

This chart is all in good fun until you notice that Aninga is listed. Hell, might as well BCT and their Pissing Lover translation.

>> No.6992948

I can't wait what excuses Payne lovers will come up with when JAST churns out censored Demonbane, then again, I shouldn't expect much originality, it's not the first time.

Nobody cares cares about /a/ level vns.

>> No.6993045

Token, I admire your enthusiasm and appreciate your concern for state of the Sumaga project but you don't really have to do this. Not like this. It's not worth it.

To put things in perspective, there is roughly 3 megabytes of raw text to translate, and 2.4 is already done. The script is a total of 80680 lines and roughly 64544 are done. Even if you started from where the 20% patch(which, by the way, was largely awkward and awful because it was done fast in the initial excitement before the full reality of the scope settled in) ended, it would still leave you with, indeed, the remaining 64544. Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?

As they say, good things come to those who wait, so I wish to create no less than the most awesome translation ever, and if JAST decided to pick it up after Demonbane, that would be really nice too.

>> No.6993061

The story might be better but I still personally think Axanael really succeeded on making a cast of awesome, likable characters.

>> No.6993076

Demonbane and Sumaga will never be released. Moogy agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.6993167

Is that a warning? Or a thread?

>> No.6993169

*threat even

>> No.6993173

yes let us bash things based on our fantasies

>> No.6993176

He was just saying the project isn't stalled, and you're probably wasting your time as by the time you'll catch up their project will have already completed all the scripts and who knows what could happen after that.
The guy, like most of people who start translating "to learn the language" is seriously underestimating the size of the game and effort needed for something that in this case, is ultimately useless.

>> No.6993216

The only thing that's stopping this from succeeding is OP's motivation. It's obvious that the Sumaga translation isn't going to be done in less than 2 years, so in the end it's all a question of whether he can take all the piss on translating that.

>> No.6993220

I thought it was half completed?
OP is trying to finish the rest right? I mean it shouldnt take more 2years and might come out before JAST official translation.

>> No.6993223

Not to sound like a fag, Sumaga is one of my favorites of all time.
But it feels utterly stupid to work on it considering others are already working on it.

Also, if you are doing this in order to test your knowledge and translation skill, this also seems a bit off.
I mean, despite the massive text scripts of the thing, the language itself isn't the easiest, and it is full of special humour puns, plays on words of all different kinds and all that. Sure you could handle that? If I knew what you could I perhaps wouldn't be as sceptic, even though I still feel it's unnecessary.

But why not translate something else that have been mentioned in the thread? I bet you could find more suitable to your skill and task of learning.
That said, I hope their deal is either off after demonbane, or that Sumaga will be their third game out.

>> No.6993232

No, it needs to be translated from the start.
The first half of the thing was in dire need of editing.
He could possibly save himself some 20% work or something from carefully going through their scripts, but that's also a lot of work.

It would be an incredibly stupid choice to simply take the latest released scripts and continue onwards, because the latest released scripts don't cut it.
And this i also especially stupid considering how they have since then, been taking their time to re-edit their translation, hence the little to no progress.
So the old scripts have already been revised, and they were in need of proper editing for things to not go lost in translation, and for general consistency as well.

>> No.6993239

It has been half completed since June of 2009. Not only that, in exactly 365 days the translation progressed exactly 10.4%. That's two more years until it's done, and God knows how long until JAST decides to release it. I'd say around 3 years.

It's obvious that the quality will be way inferior, but no fucking way I can wait that long just to play the game, I'd rather read a sub-par translation instead.

>> No.6993241

You have that backward, it's not that JAST isn't releasing it because it's uncompleted, it's that the translator is going slower than before because JAST hasn't got any plans to release it soon, so he sees no point in rushing it.

>> No.6993245

You have a point. However, there is nothing saying that JAST will pick Sumaga as their second release. In fact, I find that sort of hard to believe, when they could finish games like Muramasa which would be much more profitable with western audiences.

>> No.6993260

>games like Muramasa which would be much more profitable with western audiences.
I find that hard to believe. The western audience is still at a stage where nukige and slice of life like Shuffle are the bestsellers.

>> No.6993264

Probably has something to do with the fact that there aren't many eroge avaible right now that run from that pattern.

>> No.6993265

Jingai Makyou was announced as their second release from the start.

>> No.6993266

That's even worse.

>> No.6993274

>Not only that, in exactly 365 days the translation progressed exactly 10.4%
Other than how there is no rush at the moment, there have been extensive, needed, and throughout editing.
So there is more to keep in mind than progress forward, and you should also remember how massive the game is. But this is also something he have done alone, as there is, as people have said, no dire need to work on it at the moment. The team will work on it properly in due time, wheras he is doing very much needed editing, as well as some translating at the moment.

>> No.6993281

>games like Muramasa which would be much more profitable with western audiences.
Opinions regarding quality and whatever aside.
What makes you think Muramasa would do better with the western audience? The whole "Samurai" thing? Really?
If anything Muramasa would come off as more foreign, wheras Sumaga would be more relate:able, even on the fantasy stuff.

>> No.6993291

Muramasa pretty much shits on the whole "samurai" aspect that Japan is obsessed about though.

>> No.6993292

Western audience does not mean mainstream audience, that would be stupid. Think about the weeaboos on this board, you know, the only fucking people who give a shit about VNs: which are we excited about?

>> No.6993293

If you're looking for a title to make a breakthrough as fantasy action story, I think Gekkou no Carnevale would be the best one out of of Nitroplus' liblary.
The core premise wouldn't be better to catch interest of anime fan who's new to VNs. "There's werewolves, mafia and maids. How could you go wrong with something as awesome as that!?"
Gekkou does have its faults, but premise alone is awesome.

>> No.6993294

>"samurai" aspect that Japan is obsessed about
You really believe what you wrote?

>> No.6993296

>the only fucking people who give a shit about VNs
Except, that's wrong.

>> No.6993301

And by that I meant the philosophy that is still very prevalent in Japan nowadays.
Though instead of "offer your life to your master" it's "offer your life to your firm" now, same thing really

>> No.6993331

>Muramasa pretty much shits on the whole "samurai" aspect
Well yeah, but it doesn't exactly change how the aspect is still there.
I mean, for reference, shitting on the old chivalry code of knighthood wouldn't make it any more relatable to easterners than it is for westerners.

>> No.6993349

>I mean, for reference, shitting on the old chivalry code of knighthood wouldn't make it any more relatable to easterners than it is for westerners.

But both Japan and the West love Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

>> No.6993491

God damn are you people still arguing about this?
I'm going to be doing this on my own time and I won't bother with status updates until a significant portion of the game is actually done. So from now until then you can just assume that I choked on dicks or whatever.
I say test my knowledge of Japanese but that doesn't mean I just started learning and I want to take on a huge title. I've been studying for about 4 or 5 years now. I would say 60,000 lines of Japanese would be pretty good experience towards becoming fluent.

>> No.6993508

It baffles me how people can consider translating as a way to become fluent. If anything, all it does is confuse things because you'll be constantly working with two languages in mind, and the quickest way to become fluent is use just one exclusively.
But who cares anyway, this project will never go anywhere so the sooner this thread dies the better.

>> No.6993600

What saddens me is that by the time you are done, they could be done, and when they are done, we could have two works translated rather than one.

Not be an ass, but you claim they are slow. But to be honest, I am not sure you would be all that faster, especially considering they are in the lead.
Your translation should take 1-3 years, even if you work on it with great effort. And it wouldn't be suprising if we would have gotten the game, or a date by them anyway.

I mean, sure you may argue that they are slow, but that doesn't make this path a faster way to make it distributed.
No matter if we are talking them or you, we are still talking abou years here.

I mean, by the time you have done as much as they have, they may very well be done, and by the time you are done, they may very well have released the thing.
But don't get me wrong, if you do this, and you do it good, as with great translation quality and everything, I would love it. But really, consider this.
But if you still feel motivated and happy about trying this, go ahead, but it is a massive project, that is also potentially futile.

>> No.6993622

Good luck, and enjoy your C&D when it inevitably comes.

>> No.6993633

implying they would be able to C&D me for translating something on my own time or that a C&D means jack shit.
Assuming I ever made any progress towards completion I would just dump the patch on 4chan. They can eat my dick.

>> No.6993747

Godspeed, OP. As someone who really wants to be able to play this game, you have my undying support. If you need help with image editing or whatever, please let me know.

>> No.6993783

>I've already given up on translations and learned moonrunes a long time ago


>> No.6993797

So the time when the VN community have progressed to the point where several parties translates the same things, seperately, but without working together, wasting effort, have finally come.
Just like with anime fansubbing

>> No.6993807

Well, everyone was supposed to be holding hands and singing the same song in harmony, but then Peter Payne came along and then everything was ruined forever and ever.

>> No.6993814

It already came with Flyable Heart and its two separate projects.

>> No.6993901


Actually, they gave up on doing that next and have started on some other project. My guess is Django or Gekkou.

>> No.6996808

Which has turned into 1 already.
