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[SPOILER] No.6987116[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

uhh mushroom fucking

>> No.6987120
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it's ze!

>> No.6987133

That's an incredibly awful and idiotic idea. First of all, it's unhygienic, at least wash them before using them.

>> No.6987138

I cringe every time I see this.
You don't put things that can easily break off into orifices where they don't belong, dammit!
Not to mention dirty forest mushrooms.
I mean, sure, it might look like it fits(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phallus_impudicus)), but trust me, it's a bad idea.

>> No.6987154

Sticking fungus into a yeasty vagina, what could go wrong?

>> No.6987161


>> No.6987163

It might not be hygienic, but it is fucking hot.

>> No.6987275

I agree. In fact, that is my fetish. You see, there is a certain stem rust fungus, Puccinia monoica, that takes over rockcresses, halts development of genuine flowers on the plant, and forces it to grow imitation flowers from its leaves. Those brilliant yellow pseudoflowers attract bees as effectively as genuine ones, and the fungus even facilitates the production of nectar and floral scents, but the pseudoflowers bear the fungus' gametes instead of pollen. The fungus is, in effect, using the exact same method of pollination its host utilizes, but instead of producing its own flowers, it hijacks a plant and forces it to blossom the way the fungus wants it. Curiously, the pseudoflowers mimic not the rockcress' own flowers, but those of other plants in the vicinity.

So if it worked on humans, you could imagine that Puccinia monoica would affect young girls, halting their development, making them grow large fungal penises and giving them an intense lust for other girls. When two "infected" girls have sex, fungal gametes would be exchanged and the fungus can reproduce, eventually converting more young girls (I suppose the conversion would also involve dickgirl rape.) Since the fungus prevents the development of secondary sexual characteristics, the affected girls would stay loli forever, and since the affected cannot reproduce, within a century the male and older female population would die off, leaving a perfect world inhabited only by little dickgirls. Since parasites such as strepsipterans and pearl mussel glochidia are already known to extend their hosts' lifespan, it'd be possible for them to live for centuries afterwards, until loli scientists can discover a way to create new little girls to be infected by the fungus, and they would eventually develop into a master race of little girls with penises.

Like Dulce Report, but without oversized breasts. Or the Arume except with mushrooms instead of tentacles.

>> No.6988442

