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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6981312 No.6981312 [Reply] [Original]

>wtH !hWtHG71Z1c

>> No.6981319
File: 22 KB, 150x150, 1283969730529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wtH !hWtHG71Z1c

I seriously don't know what to think of this trip. I really don't

>> No.6981318

Why give tripfags even more attention.

>> No.6981323

Think more, #ELL

>> No.6981325


>> No.6981330

oh cool sum1 did one of these 4 me xD

>> No.6981335
File: 30 KB, 360x450, 1297879225-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's no fun when anyone can be him. Like Alabama.

I thought you might like this, /jp/. It's awesome as HELL.


>> No.6981345

>complaining about tripfags getting attention

u jelly?

>> No.6981349

>It's no fun when anyone can be him. Like Alabama.

I don't know what that is.

>> No.6981355

Nice off by two bro

>> No.6981358

We are not unreasonable or intolerant people.   We are your neighbors and friends and relatives.   We are completely normal people who live completely ordinary lives except for one thing --we cannot understand the attraction or value of sports.   Don't misunderstand us -we believe in fitness and staying healthy.   There's nothing wrong with a neighborhood softball game or shooting hoops in the driveway.   But we think there is something wrong when people base their lives on the outcome of a game.   We think there is something wrong when grown men collect baseball cards and are willing to pay for the opportunity to watch other people play and have fun.   We think there's something wrong when people think we're unmanly or not a true patriot because we don't follow sports!   And we especially think there's something wrong when our favorite show is interrupted for a *&@!^%$#@!! sporting event!!!

why the HELL is that video disabled on mobile devices like my itouch, guess I'll check it out on the PM

>> No.6981366


You forgot your tilde, man.


>> No.6981380


Gee who could this be?

>> No.6981395

the clone or the sweety dude...or both, zing! as HELL xD

>> No.6981399

HELLa nice dubs, homeslice.

>> No.6981407

Nice doubs homeslice

>> No.6981421

and they said I would be gone by now
[ ] told
[ ] fucking told
[!] [/spoiler]HELLあ[/spoiler] TOLD

>> No.6981469




>> No.6981485

trolled hard

>> No.6981499


Hi five, man.

Fuck 'em.

>> No.6981504
File: 19 KB, 400x500, hi5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ status
[ ] Told
[ ] Fucking Told
[X] My Little Sister can't be this Told

>> No.6981507

Why are we giving him attention.

I was hoping he'd leave if nobody replied to him.

>> No.6981512

not bad though it is creepy...as HELL

>> No.6981516

the perfect clones that is
ima sleep soon

>> No.6981602

He's better than the original tripfags /jp/ had. As an expect, white ren. that guy is a piece of shit. I know his tripcode is public, but he originals were faggots and even now the guy who wastes time using it is an annoying faggot. Also people like currybutt, jones and suigin. Talk about fucking retards who should get lost.

>> No.6981733


I thought that one was actually very amusing. Thank you for that.
