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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6980065 No.6980065 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a thread about negative things?

>> No.6980074

No we can't

>> No.6980071


>> No.6980077

Well, why not? Carry on you cute little rascal.

>> No.6980081

Is /jp/ not negative enough on its own for you?

>> No.6980083

Numbers less than 0 and blank spaces in artwork are pretty okay.

>> No.6980091

I love all of you so much. I really do.

>> No.6980101
File: 469 KB, 933x1330, 1285234014241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you too Anon, you're my only friend.

>> No.6980104
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There's too much love in my heart for that.

I wish I had friends to share this love with. I used to be sad that no one knows I exist, but now I'm okay with it. My life is happy!

>> No.6980116

Not yet. Eventually /jp/'s negativity will gain sentience and become an entity in its own right. During the act of seperating itself from /jp/, it will end up removing everything undesirable about the residents of /jp/, leaving absolutely negative about them. Since /jp/ dislikes being male, we'll all be cute girls. Since /jp/ dislikes being poor, we'll have all our needs covered. Since /jp/ dislikes having to age, we'll all stay young forever. Since /jp/, however it may attempt to deny it, dislikes being alone, we'll all be relocated into the same place, preferably a great mansion. We'll also have all lewd thoughts cleansed from our minds, so we'll be able to get along together perfectly and live as gentle, elegant maidens from then onwards, regarding each other as sisters.

The reason /jp/ has so many shitposters is that the truth was revealed to those people, and they're trying to increase /jp/'s negativity and reach this threshold sooner.

Meanwhile, the mass of negativity that split itself off will live its eternal life as a feeble, ugly, homeless old man, perpetually starving and destined to never find companionship.

>> No.6980117
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>> No.6980123
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>> No.6980128

>it will end up removing everything undesirable about the residents of /jp/

Confirmed for taking a millenium

>> No.6980146

We will be timeless little girls though! With no fear and anxiety, living with infinite love~

>> No.6980153
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>> No.6980157
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>> No.6980184
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peace and love

>> No.6980188
File: 1.17 MB, 1270x1683, ANGRA_MAINYU_by_leahcorrine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once we are all in the mansion, the negativity of /jp/ will manifest into a great being of pure evil, which will destroy the mansion with one malicious swipe, murdering every single anon in a single movement. It will then go out to destroy the rest of the world. Mankind will survive, but suffer heavy losses. Hundreds of millions of lives are lost, entire countries are destroyed, and the resulting chaos causes a world-wide war. All because /jp/ tried to evade its problems rather than solving them.

>> No.6980211
File: 113 KB, 526x295, shitfacedniipah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6980230

But weakness and stupidity are undesirable qualities, so the negativity creature would be unspeakably weak and stupid. All it can do is making angry posts on the now-abandoned /jp/ about how much he hates people, while we drink tea and exchange cooking recipes in our mansion.

>> No.6980264

When we talk about this, I sometimes wander if I am the only person who actually does love the people here and would abandon everything to go to the mansion. Instead of people being ironic or whatever. Maybe I am really mentally ill.

>> No.6980269

>I sometimes wander
>Maybe I am really mentally ill.
Yes, yes you are.

>> No.6980280

F-fuck you, anonymous. So cold.

>> No.6980285

You're certainly not the only one. I love /jp/. It's an odd feeling when you spend the day wondering how much you'd give up to help a single anon, if you can make the leap of faith, dropping everything so that you can try to scrounge together enough money to get an apartment fit for two, hoping that they'd be willing to follow through on their side of the deal, that they really are willing and not just typing lies anonymously on /jp/.

But, if I don't trust them enough to make the leap myself, how can I scrutinies them?

>> No.6980329

I can only speak for myself, but yes, I'd do the same. I also don't mind if I have to make sacrifices if it means I can live a happy life together with other Anonymous as cute, immortal young ladies. Permanently losing my sight or having a frail body prone to fainting after any form of exercise, for example, would be perfectly acceptable prices for such a life. After all, it doesn't matter if I will never again see during my eternal life if I can have the companionship of fellow maidens wishing the best for me, who would read books for me or help me find my way around the mansion. And since on /jp/ we're all in the same boat, I wouldn't have to hide anything, feeling completely at ease in our mansion and gently enjoying my days together with the only 3D people I care for, supporting my /jp/ sisters not for money or social status (needless to say those would have no place in our mansion, we'd be free of all temptations unbefitting for a young maiden) but because I genuinely want them to be happy.

>> No.6980356

Remember you've said this anon. One day, when everyones dreams have come true, I'll be the one to come and save you. I'll cut your eyes out tenderly, it will be the final gateway to reaching your dreams! After that you'll never have to see the disgusting reality you've lived with for so long, you'll just have the mansion, surrounded by love and caring.

>> No.6983483

I know I probably sound pretty self-consumed and pretty stupid but I used to be a hikki NEET and for four years now I've been on the track to being normal. I now take online courses and work at a family restaurant on the weekends. I have pretty much no problem talking to people n>>6980264
ow even if I do worry a little it's nowhere close to how anxious I used to get. I feel like I'm a perfectly normal person now. My problem is I've never wanted to become a normal person. I know my old self would hate me for the person I've become and I don't want to be the person I am. I have no confidence in the person I've become but it's just an ordinary kind of feeling. I would much prefer being the person I was and want to be even if that used to come with overwhelming feelings of guilt.

I wish I could go to a mansion with you guys but I feel like I would just be rejected. Sometimes I do daydream about becoming successful and being able to support people as hikki NEETs because I don't want others to end up feeling the way I do now...
