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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6979378 No.6979378 [Reply] [Original]

What holds you from making your own game/vn/novel/comic/etc?

>> No.6979381


>> No.6979383

I can't write and my drawing skills are lacking.

>> No.6979391

I have a pretty awesome idea for a few games (a particularly epic online SPRG for one) , I really do not ever want to learn programming though. So they will stay ideas.

>> No.6979394

I cannot draw.
My writing is average at best.
I have years of violin experience but I don't think I can compose.
I do know Python so I guess I could use Ren'py.

Bottom line: I'm not creative and I'm lazy.

>> No.6979399

It's unrewarding and I don't want to waste time something like that.
Other people are getting paid to do that shit, I'll leave it to them.

>> No.6979403

It would suck.

>> No.6979409


Because all games nowadays fucking blow. Last good FPS game, 2004.

>> No.6979410

I can draw nor can I compose well.

>> No.6979419

TF2 wasn't released in 2004.

>> No.6979421

Drawing; I want to learn, though. Don't want to let my ideas die with me.



Get the fuck out.

>> No.6979432

Q3 was released in 1999 though.

>> No.6979433

My prose is decent, but I can't draw and I've tried learning programming for a year and couldn't get it to stick(Java). Plus it'd be unrewarding. I'd rather stick to learning Japanese and translating things.

>> No.6979434

Im too antisocial to find an artist and im only starting to learn how to play piano so it'll be a long time before I can compose.

>> No.6979440

TF2 isn't good either. It's very average. Compared to Quake 3/UT2004/Savage it's just bad. Game was designed for people to be bad at it.

>> No.6979445

Actually... I AM. It's a nascent project, but we've got writers, an artist, and somebody who can handle the music all set up.

>> No.6979448

Can't compose music, can't draw worth a crap, don't know the first thing about programming and probably too dumb to learn it decently and on top of that I don't have the money to hire people to make my game ideas. About the only thing I can do is write.

>> No.6979454

What would it be called?

>> No.6979479

Not enough time, and no good at writing nor coming up with story ideas.

>> No.6979488
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how the HELL do i draw inside my laptop?

>> No.6979494

Absolute lack of creativity. I have trouble even with naming characters in games, so I don't think I'll ever be able to write a decent story.

>> No.6979498
File: 58 KB, 400x533, chen_yukkuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got a few stories in mind for a 'don't make me leave my chair' type of thread but i wanna know how the HELL to draw in my laptop

>> No.6979506

Buy a tablet

>> No.6979539

OELVNs are regarded as shit. I can't draw or program.

I'd write a novel but I'm too lazy to write that much.

>> No.6979548
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Time constraints.

That's not to say I'm not making progress. It's just slow going.

>> No.6979601

guys stop bringing the "i don't know shit about programming" argument.
you have renpy, you have onscripter, both are ridiculously easy to use and even some professional companies use them.
why would you make your own engine for a game that's probably free and short anyway? it's not like you're a professional company who has to deal with piracy and other shit.

>> No.6979609


Because all the games I want to make would be difficult to make and long, even the simpler ones.

>> No.6979612

No one is arguing anything. They're just stating reasons why they can't make their own VNs. Using Ren'py still requires knowledge of Python and basic scripting concepts. Seeing how /jp/ is lazy, anyone who doesn't know how to program here will likely never bother learning for the sake of making a VN.

>> No.6979619

When I was 14 me and a friend made what could be considered a VN (but really shitty) in flash. I really want to upload the entire project but I never finished it and lost a large amount of progress in a computer crash, leaving me with only a few scraps of the project left.

I'm considering doing the same now, but longer, except I can't draw for shit. I can do all the programming myself, flash is childishly simple in that regard. I might just make placeholder characters then create a trial and showcase it to /jp/ in a week or so, then if a drawfag likes it they could help me draw sprites. The only problem is the only creative work I've ever done and been complemented on is erotic, which I'd rather not draw about. Well anyway I'll give it a shot. Flash is ridiculously easy to use, if anyone wants any simple pointers I can give them in this thread, and the drawing tools are similar to photoshop, so you can create semi decent art and UIs without the help of a drawfag.

>> No.6979635

I want to make my ideal RPG which would be released on steam and save the RPG genre.

>> No.6979637

i know nothing about programming or Python and i still find Ren'Py extremely easy and intuitive. everything you need to know about Python is explained in the manual, really.

>> No.6979664

I'm still trying to develop an good style, but I hope to make a comic, even if its a short one for the hell of it

>> No.6979673

My lack of writing ability and drawing skills. Which are the 2 main things needed. My programming knowlege is still basic, and even then I probably would proabably be using an engine rather than coding it from scratch.

>> No.6979675

can't write
can't draw
can't program

>> No.6979691

I've probably done about 200 unfinished games in my life.

Began back in the good old Klick and Play days. Carried on to Games Factory and then Multimedia Fusion. Did a quick dip into RPGmaker and that old Sierra engine. Also did Duke Nukem maps, Blood maps, Half Life maps, Lode Runner levels.

Creating stuff is fun. But I've never managed to do anything completely on my own, due to lack of artistic talents.

>> No.6979695

I occasionally come up with some key idea or concept, but I can never flesh it out. If I was motivated enough, learning the technical basics isn't that hard--there are tons of tutorials out there--I just never dedicate the time and energy to do it. So...laziness.

>> No.6979696

I'm very confident in my writing and I can program fairly well, and I could maybe sorta kinda compose.
I can't draw for my life, though, and either way I just don't have time. Maybe later in life.

>> No.6979704

let's see...
i'll gladly make one if i knew someone who has a good script and wouldn't get bored with making a VN after a week. i can handle the graphics and programming, know guys who'd make good music for free, just where the hell do i find writers?

i myself can't think of any story that wouldn't seem like shit. tried starting a project with various friends o mine, but nothing interesting would come out of it and they would give up on it quickly.

i'll just wait till someone on /jp/ suddenly gets inspiration and offer my help. i'm too lazy to actively look for writers.

>> No.6979708

Art. I've started on everything except for the artwork.

>> No.6979717

try sharing your ideas here, if the project is good can always find people who provide art and music. it's insane to do the whole VN alone, it's an awful lot of work.

>> No.6979790
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I have already made my own game though.

>> No.6979798

Honestly VNs don't take that much if you have a lot of free time.

>> No.6979936

Laziness. And I don't mean laziness as in 'I haven't attempted it and am too lazy to try something new', I mean SERIOUS laziness. I am lazy to the point where it's problematic. If there's a deadline or something else that forces me to complete shit in time, I can be really productive (I have actually made multiple games with other people because of this), but otherwise productivity is saddeningly low.

>> No.6980237

It's a convenient excuse to not do anything.

>> No.6982079


>> No.6982120

9000 hours in paint and gamemaker?

>> No.6982135

I have a few good story ideas, one in particular that I think would be really great. I just can't write or draw for shit.

↑99% of /jp/

>> No.6982180

I've been trying to make my own game and I haven't given up yet. The main problem I have is I'll get started on something, hit a roadblock or decide the idea was crappy to begin with and lose motivation.

Right now I'm attempting to learn UDK at someone's recommendation and so far it's been annoying trying to implement a non FPS game.

>> No.6982187

I have an idea for one, but my writing skills are pretty shit and I need to work on my drawing style/anatomy etc before doing something like that.

>> No.6982188


>> No.6982232

I can't draw and I'm not creative.

>> No.6982250
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cannot draw
cannot compose music
bad writer

>> No.6982252

Even if I came up with an interesting story, I am not a very good writer. I'm even worse at coming up with dialogue.

>> No.6982258

/v/ recommended me assembler for games and i think i got trolled because it looks fucking hard

>> No.6982259

Have the same problem. It's so disappointing when you meet a problem that you can't find an answer to from google nor think of a workaround. Then you just kind of give up... Doesn't help that modern games(vn excluded) are terribly complex.

>> No.6982272

Don't know any programming languages past absolute basics.
Can't write for shit.
Can't draw.
Can't play any instruments.

Also I'm too old to pick up most of the above.


>> No.6982277
File: 83 KB, 800x732, 01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume you're trolling, but just in case you aren't...

In programming, there's 'low-level programming languages' and 'high-level programming languages'. When somebody says 'programming', they generally mean the latter. Assembly is a low-level programming language, Java and the like are high-level programming languages.

The latter consists of code which basically says stuff like "print "hello", repeat that 10 times, then raise the player's amount of lives by 1".

The former...it would be more like, "load an H into memory, load an E into memory, load an L into memory, load another L into memory, load an O into memory, load an x coordinate to display the text into the memory, load an y coordinate to display the text into the memory, then for each letter in the memory call the appropriate function to draw it on the screen, repeat the above actions 10 times, load the player address into memory, calculate where the life total of the player is in the memory, load that value, raise that value by one, write that value back into the memory".

Low-level programming languages are mostly used to create stuff to make high-level languages work. The high-level implementation works because at some point somebody went through all the trouble to create a low-level implementation for it that can now be called with a single command.

>> No.6982282

>Also I'm too old to pick up most of the above.
Bullshit. Unless you're on your death bed, you can learn anything at any time.

>> No.6982307

Lack of time. I do know how to program, which means that I have a job, which means that I'm pretty drained in my free time.

>> No.6982313

Maybe to you a perspective of "If I start practicing drawing (or whatever) now I'll get good when I'm 35" sounds good, but it doesn't for me.

>> No.6982320

You know... You learn stuff like writing/programming/... because it's fun for you and not just because you want to be best and publish your great stuff on 4chan.

>> No.6982358

>making comic
Everytime I think about doing it I imagine that autistic kid from /v/.
I can't program at all, I don't understand math and programming at all.
>novel - wrote few short stories that had "original" ideas and people were too shocked with my sick writing style.

But in Gensokyo I will have a lot of free time to do these things.

>> No.6982376 [DELETED] 

I can write stories, took up computer courses including programming in college, and was practicing drawing anime style since high school. I have a couple of stories that might make for decent short VNs and two big non-inclusive stories that might span a couple of VNs each.

But I get distracted easily. And can't keep a deadline.

>> No.6982449

you dont have to understand math to program though

>> No.6984663


>> No.6984755

Lion and Mugen are making their own apparently.


>> No.6984768


Mugen can go fuck himself. I don't want to hear anything about that dick anymore. What an asshole... just for a few pesos more.

>> No.6984769

>Lion and Mugen

...... Together?

>> No.6984777

Was your family affected by mugen's onion smuggling as well?

>> No.6984781


No. Lion's still working on his Dusk project or whatever which no one seems to be showing any interest in. No idea what the fuck Mugen's doing.

Which is kind of sad, because of all the shitty /jp/ projects out there right now it actually holds some promise.

>> No.6984788

My answer is the same as before, but with one addition: I am embarrassed by my shit-tier writing. I know I can get better, but getting better requires writing manure and getting it savaged by three or four people who know what they're doing. And then going through that process again and again until it stops being shit. And it's hard to get myself to do that. :(

>> No.6984799

lack of Japanese proficiency
lack of resources

>> No.6984817

>>which no one seems to be showing any interest in.

Sad truth.

>> No.6984824

> :(

>> No.6984832

Still working on my Saten dating sim/text adventure.

Text adventure programming is harder than it looks! You have to think of anything and everything the user might input. And even then you have global commands ("kill self" ends the game anywhere) and commands that change from room to room ("go north" in room X sends you to room Y, but "go north" in room Y does nothing).

Meanwhile, today's RPGs and FPSs are just long, narrow corridors with one entry, one exit, and maybe some treasures on the side.

>> No.6984968


>Tell people to stop using emoticons.

Just go die in a hole already. You guys are just as bad as them.

>> No.6984972

Not really.

>> No.6984987


Yes really.

>> No.6984988
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>> No.6985005


Where's that side-story, Lion? Still waiting....

>> No.6985022

>Tell people to stop telling people to stop using emoticons.

Just go die in a hole already. You guys are just as bad as them.

>> No.6985052


>Tell people to stop telling people to stop telling people to stop using emoticons

Holes are bad, don't fall in them.
