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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6975581 No.6975581 [Reply] [Original]

What's /jp/'s favorite madoka character?

>> No.6975587


>> No.6975595

The one that's not gonna die a horrible, horrible death or be really fucked if lives.

>> No.6975596
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madoka and kyuoko
any1 with redish pink hair and eyes are hot as HELL

>> No.6975599
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Mami. Hope she comes back from the dead somehow.

>> No.6975602
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>> No.6975606

Kyouko > *

>> No.6975610

Kyuoko > Everything

Her design is just way too hot. And her magical girl outfit is incredible.

>> No.6975611


>> No.6975612
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Silly Yukari, a hag can't be a magical girl!

>> No.6975621

After this ep

>> No.6975623
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This cutey right here. Just look at this cutey, isn't she cute!

>> No.6975630
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>> No.6975632

Homura, I wish to smell her thighs and hosiery.

>> No.6975636
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The one that got all of the good fight scenes.

>> No.6975669

Awesome /a/ thread bros.

>> No.6975748
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>> No.6975753

We sneer at me fucking newfags/normalfags, my shonenshit big 3 threads, quasi-/V/ mentality and everything else that makes /A/ suck fucking balls.

>> No.6975766

Charlotte. I want to rub cheese over my dick and trick her into licking it. Worst case scenario she'd leave me dickless, but I guess I'd use my wish on a regenerating dick and everything would be okay.

>> No.6975814
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>> No.6975845

I was going to just ignore and hide this thread as usual, but I felt that I should tell you that you have horrible taste for liking the biggest bitch in the entire show. Good job, it takes some effort to be like that.

>> No.6975861

The only part of Madoka I saw is a two minute clip (two clips?) where Mami does her whole summoning rifles and swings them around elegantly blowing shit away with some of Yuki Kaijura's trademark battle music playing the background has her summoned arsenal revolves around her. Then she summons a gigantic cannon to blow away a teddy bear, which summons a gigantic snake thing (the music stops) and promptly eats her while she stands there with a dumb look on her face.

I can't the series seriously anymore.

>> No.6975886

Well shit, I can't speak English either.

>> No.6975931

I doubt you care, but said gigantic snake thing moved in bullet time, so Mami didn't have enough time to react.

>> No.6975944

Maybe I will pick it up sometime, then.

>> No.6975959
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There’s three main reasons I can point out why people follow madoka:
1. It’s SHAFTxShinbo: slideshows, head-tilts, random shots of an eye or a mouth, random frames of irrelevant bullshit inserted for no verifiable reason- what will they think of next?
3. Yuki Kajiura is doing the music.
My response to those three points is this:
1. It’s always the story, and never who tells it. A good story will stand on its own, regardless of who tells it. People that watch SHAFTxShinbo often forget this and go on and on (at length) over how amazing they think SHAFTxShinbo is. They pore over thesauruses and congratulate themselves over how unique their superlatives sound in each others’ ears. Ultimately, it’s the hysteric and masturbatory fans that ultimately drive me away- it’s never about the show, it’s aaaaaaaall about SHAFTxShinbo.
2. It’s nothing more than a nihilistic Theatre of the Absurd. If you think about it, ALL of SHAFTxShinbo’s works fall into this category in some form or another. Again, if thought were given, there are dozens of magical girl shows that deal with despair, death, tragedy, etc going back ten or twenty years. If you disagree, then simply say that it’s a magical girl show with faustian overtones and leave it at that. If you look at it that way, It’s nothing we haven’t seen before, and thus not particularly worth my attention. How many magical girl series have existed since, say, the 80′s?
3. Yuki Kajiura. Uhhh, 'kay.

>> No.6975965
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so hot..

>> No.6975971

>It’s nothing more than a nihilistic Theatre of the Absurd
Goddamn it not you again

>> No.6975980

Mami ;_;

>> No.6975997

being meguca is suffering

>> No.6976000

I just added that phrase to my filter.

>> No.6976001
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>> No.6976019

Definitely not Slutaka.

>> No.6976022

Honestly Madoka is really cute. She has pink hair and is pretty.

>> No.6976031

Fuck I don't understand why magical girls don't like being magical girls. Not only do you get a wish, you become a fucking lich to boot (except your appearance doesn't even suffer, you're still a cute girl but now with a phylactery) and your job is beating up mentally unstable little girls with your newfound magic powers. I'm totally okay with beating up mentally unstable little girls if I get to be a fucking lich.

You can die on the job, but fuck it, so can anyone.

>> No.6976039
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Mami = Kyouko > Homura > Madoka > A Certain Frustrated Sword Girl

>> No.6976041

Dude they get mutilated and mogu mogu'd. Plus they have the mental strength and killing knowledge of a 5 year old.

>> No.6976048

You have to kill witches to remove the taint from your soul gem or become one and be killed by a magical girl, which is inevitable and means QB eats your soul likely sending you straight to hell after a short, violent life.

>> No.6976049
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what the HELL is mogu?

>> No.6976047
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I want Kyouko to break my limbs and make me her plaything.

>> No.6976046

>Fuck I don't understand why magical girls don't like being magical girls.
I agree I'm sick and tired of that boring old plot device. If Madoka doesn't get past it this week I'll probably drop it.

>> No.6976051

I don't understand why you all seem like Kyouko so much.

>> No.6976054


>> No.6976055

She's hotblooded, likes eating and has a pitiable backstory that explains her character.

>> No.6976059

Not to mention the wish you make, QBs end of the bargain, rarely does anything but screw you over even more because hes the Genie from Fairly Odd Parents crossed with Mephistopheles.

>> No.6976068

/jp/ - /a/

>> No.6976078

That voice. I want Ai Nonaka to stomp on my dick and tell me what a worthless man I am.

>> No.6976086


This would be the best show ever if that asshole cat was voiced by Norm McDonald.

>> No.6976090
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Kyuubee, of course.

<-What's her radius?

>> No.6976121

Them being dumb as bricks is their own fault. And the witches we've seen so far usually get killed before they know what hit them, you only die if you're, well, dumb as a brick. Mami was an exception since she normally kept her calm, she only died because she was careless and it made quite an impact amongst other magical girls, indicating that once you get past a certain point, job hazards are not as bad as Homura makes them sound to be. But then, I'm not a battle-worn magical girl and Homura is, so I guess her view holds more strength here.

We haven't had word on what happens to the soul besides getting jammed in a gem, since the contract certainly doesn't state anything on it. Maybe when you turn into a witch and get killed, Kyubei eats the grief seed collected, absorbs the magic and poops out your soul, and you'll be free go to whichever afterlife awaits you right out of his impeccably white ass.

If you do turn into a witch, that's great too, all evidence points towards your barrier being your personal paradise fueled by people you kill, which isn't a big loss because they probably later join you as your familiars in your awesome private wonderland. Gertrud was an elegant ojou-sama with her rose gardens and butlers serving her, Charlotte had all the sweets she wanted and then some more (no cheese though), Elly could lock in anything she wanted into her display cases, probably alongside the PVC figurines she had from back when she was human. If you were a witch, you could construct your barrier as a great mansion, "invite" other /jp/ users by killing them and recruiting them as your familiars, and live together for eternity while elegantly drinking tea and playing VNs as cute little girls. Well, at least until a magical girl comes along and ruins your fun.

>> No.6976175

Japanese for OMNOMNOM
