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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6971858 No.6971858 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6971870
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>> No.6971873
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>> No.6971877
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>> No.6971882
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>> No.6971886

Why on earth would I care about any news from LA? Not clicking

>> No.6971885
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>> No.6971890


>> No.6971891

So, it was all a dream, huh. That silly cat.

>> No.6971894

Because ZUN!bar lives in LA and he is kind of cute.

>> No.6971895
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>> No.6971897
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>> No.6971903

>In this view, women, ..., just love louts, even when they pretend they don't

>> No.6971905

/jp/, where the living envy the already dead

>> No.6971901

ZUN!bar lives in Afghanistan.

>> No.6971918 [DELETED] 

LOL, normalfags. It's like the birth of something more mediocre than the already mediocre. Mediocrity to the second power.

>> No.6971919

think of all the time you miss of the afterlife by being alive. those that died thousands of years ago had sooo much more time there ;_;

>> No.6971922

I read that entire article.

I want 3 minutes of my life back.

>> No.6971926

>Unsophisticated, lazy, misogynist males may be the primary model for today's young American men. Ugh.
Stopped reading here.

>> No.6971951

I sort of fall into taht category, in that I don't really try with women much, since it's a pain in the ass that I really don't want to deal with. I don't give a fuck about wine.

I don't like football, I don't drink. I wear jeans and a shirt whenever possible, because they're comfortable. I live near a park so I hang out there a lot. And winter is starting to wind down, so the weather is getting nice again.

What's supposed to be wrong with that? I enjoy my simple, quiet life.

>> No.6971957

The comments are a better read than the article. It's like I'm reading /jp/.

>> No.6971994

Who the fuck is retarded enough to be influenced by ads, anyway? Who the fuck even watches TV these days?

>> No.6971996

Why is it that every feminist assumes that any part of a man, either in what he does, what he wants, or what he sees himself as, has to do with them as a main factor. Holy shit, are all women this self-centered?

>> No.6972009

You know, unlike most of /jp/ I'm not misogynistic(a little bit misanthropic if anything) nor do I pretend to be, but that article still cracked me up.
Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.6972011

American women are (the last generation) your mom/your father etc, this gen doesn't look that bad, the women seem more chill and smarter.

>> No.6972014

Its stems from a long standing belief that, while women are incredibly complex and multi-leveled creatures, men are really only motivated by food and sex.

>> No.6972036

Long-standing as in, created in less than 60 years, right?

>> No.6972063

What world do you live in?

>> No.6972066

>It was women who decided that they needed men like fish need bicycles. Now they are angry because the bicycles spend their time drinking beer and playing video games. Why should a fish care what a bicycle does in its spare time?


>> No.6972081

Perhaps a poor choice of words. By "long standing," I simply meant that it has been around long enough to be accepted by many as fact without question.

It's complete nonsense of course. And things like what this article mentions are prime evidence of that. Men in considerable numbers are seeing that the path in front of them is simply not worth it and choosing not to play the game.

I could certainly see the argument behind it.

>> No.6972085

It is funny that every woman I have ever told that I have no intention on getting married or having children act horrified where as most of the men I have told this to say any number of things. Those things include "good thinking" to "just don't settle on any one philosophy"

Not 2011 America, that is for damn sure.

>> No.6972100

Sounds like someone needs to learn to deal with it.

>> No.6972105

I would like to move to your country. Because where I live, women are more and more loudly proclaiming a ridiculous sense of entitlement just for being a woman.

I don't feel the need to bow to someone's whims on the off chance I might get laid. I'm content to work on my career (Oh god they know i'm not a NEET now), playing on my PS3 or PC in my off hours, reading some loli, and rubbing one out into a soft silicone tube filled with lube if I feel horny. And the onahole doesn't possibly get pregnant when I want to come inside it.

>> No.6972119

>I would like to move to your country. Because where I live, women are more and more loudly proclaiming a ridiculous sense of entitlement just for being a woman.

American women are the creme de la creme of selfish bitches with an overbearing sense of self-worth and entitlement.

Stay home.

>> No.6972130

As it turns out not all women anywhere are like every other woman.

>> No.6972139

Sadly, trying to as much as suggest that to the general populace of /jp/ is a wasted effort.

>> No.6972165


Have you ever heard the extremes of the feminazis in Japan? Why the fuck do you think like >1/3rd of the population of guys in their 20s now is "vegetarian", e.g not very interested in sex or marriage etc? Because their women are fucking golddigging abusive bitches.

They're also part of the core trying to ban ero of all kinds from anywhere they can because they (in a roundabout way) think that men shouldn't have the choice to simply not give a fuck about women. Actually that's the way things are in a lot of places. Some women are independent and smart, choose wise majors for their degrees and can succeed perfectly fine without a man. Others, even if they are smart, still are ultimately lazy in that they either get a shit degree and expect their future husbands to support them, or they get a decent degree but don't use it for the same reasons.

Think about it, if you were raised by someone who gave you the impression that little else in your adult life matters more than picking a good husband, you'd kind of sacrifice your own independence and exemplify your own feminist rights, and of course make yourself as beautiful as possible because if you're really pretty then they hope that guys will just give them shit and tolerate their bratty attitudes better, for no logical reason other than the hormonal attraction.

>> No.6972188

This is why so many Americans dont like American women. Foreign women have a better reputation for a reason.

>> No.6972203

She mad

>> No.6972220

It's kind of depressing, I don't want to date, but I love children so much and I want grandchildren to dote upon when I am old and senile.

>> No.6972251

You can post on /jp/ when you are old

>> No.6972256

Feminism is a failure.

I will explain why simply. Women are attracted to power, men are attracted to youth and beauty. Women however are now demanding power but that doesn't take away their biological need to find a mate with power. This is why women aren't marrying and having children.

Men want youth and beauty but they're bombarded now by society who tell them what they want is wrong. Then they're told that all the things that make them male are bad, like their competitive nature or their sexualization of women which is a natural part of their biology.

Who's having the children now? The pro feminists? Or the Mexican housewives? When children are raised will they have parents at home in a pro feminist house or in a traditional home with a mother that stays at home? Who's raising the children? TV? That certainly won't work. It just breeds men like in that article.

We are literally breeding ourselves out of existence and the fault lies squarely with the women's movement which seems to think that the worst thing a woman can ever become is a mother.

We've been lied to and it's sickening.

>> No.6972258

well I don't know, don't take my word for it, i go to college because i would of killed myself by now, so the women there don't seem too bad, you have to realize that our generation(if you were born in 1991) might not be as bad as the last. some even play video games and don't mind nerdy guys. but of course I only just stared college this year, so its just from looking in through a window. Im sure there's penalty of the same American women, that we all know of. Im not getting married until i find a girl of pure heart, maybe some European chick or Chinese chick, I already know japanese women are now "westernized" so fuck them too.

>> No.6972264

Feminism is selfishness, plain and simple selfishness.

>> No.6972278
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>The lout is not exactly a reversion to the old macho stereotype. He isn't tough, muscular, steely, monosyllabic, able to build a car engine or a house singlehandedly or sail around the world solo. He's not a sophisticate either, a Dos Equis most-interesting-man-the-world type. He doesn't dress to the nines or know his wines or drive a Porsche, and he isn't able to make witty cocktail party repartee.

This section bugged me. Why should I care if a guy doesn't drive Porsche or know his wine? Big-fucking-deal.

>> No.6972328

She's a stupid bitch, ignore her. She has no clue what she's talking about. She's confusing social class and masculinity. Being a man isn't defined by what you do, but if you do what, you want to do. She even talks about fashion, like men ever concerned themselves with it. Men simply wanted high quality cloth,textures and durability, which isn't how women describe fashion at all. They get into seasonal colors and other stupid shit by following movie stars. Our "fashion" is timeless and isn't defined by trendy faggots in hollywood every season.

>> No.6972336

The worst thing you can do in life is live by other people's expectations of what you should be, whatever they are, whether they are good or not.

You determine what you want to be no matter how you approach the choice: you consciously decide to become something, or you let yourself be carried by the current of other people's actions upon you, i.e. being shaped.

There's no such thing as an "archetype" person: just an individual who lets others squeeze him into that mesh. People who consciously make the choices that define themselves are usually the most interesting people, not the ones that know which wine to use for what occasion, or have the prime minister of Timbukfukistan on speed dial.

>> No.6972359
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>Our "fashion" is timeless and isn't defined by trendy faggots in hollywood every season.

Though he did make Man in Black, which is a song I never really liked, as it made him sound like a Vietnam pansy.

>> No.6972490

Well said, however, I'll expand your point.

We can analyze male and females by watching their behavior and judge them by how masculine and feminine they are. Doing this is, of course, checking their sexuality (sexuality includes behavior, it isn't only about what genitalia you have). Masculine men (true men, those who deserve being called men) want to dominate and act upon that desire. Feminine women, on the contrary, want to be dominated.

It's obvious, then, that in the case of men, they'll want to dominate beautiful women (they are the hardest to dominate, but also the best). But what happens with women? Being dominated means, of course, being impregnated. Because, as all of you should know, a feminine woman is the happiest when she is with her children (which is why she tolerates whatever they do). And since her wish is to be impregnated, it is evident that she'll want the best man to do so (the strongest and healthiest), so that her children are also born healthy.

That is how out biology works us. It is the root of the old sexual system

>> No.6972511

Where does feminism come from then? It comes from defective women, women who simply can't be feminine (AKA actually be women), because they are ugly. That is why they seek to get revenge against all true women. By making a woman "equal" to a man she loses all the advantage she has, that is, being sought upon because of her beauty. She is forced to work and has to delay having children in order to secure her well-being. By the time she has done so, she'll be older and uglier, so she won't be able to get a good man for her children. And that is why they grow neurotic and unpleasant.

So yeah, the only ones that gain something from feminism are ugly pseudo-women. In the past they would've died lonely and unwanted, but not now.

>> No.6972518

You are fucking retarded.

>> No.6972525

Would you care to explain why or will you just hurl insults like the retard you are?

>> No.6972528

What does any of this have to do with /jp/?

>> No.6972532

"Neal" is a strange name for an angry feminist.
When I scrolled back up to check the author, I was expecting a Ms somebody.

>> No.6972542

If only any of this at all applied to those of us that have no cares whatsoever for traditional (or any for that matter) relationships.

I see what you are going for op, but just because there are men out there that have given up on trying to please women does NOT make them our kin, they are normalfags all the same. Even if it did it wouldn't make this thread any more /jp/ related anyway

>> No.6972572

It seems to be a form of the "grass-eating" male phenomena that's cropping up in the US increasingly frequently.

>> No.6972590

I'd say that there isn't such thing as a grass-eating phenomena. Grass-eating implies that there are women out here, while all I see are pseudo-women that aren't sought upon by any more or less intelligent male.

But that's feminism. By making females more manly, males become more feminine and the whole sexual spectre collapses

>> No.6972605 [DELETED] 


I don't think you read the article; she's complaining 30-something ex-frat boys getting loaded and watching "the game" and being insensitive as though it were a new idea and not a dated stereotype from the 80s.

Though I also don't see the purpose of this thread apart from pointing and laughing about how it has no relevance to any of us.

>> No.6972616


I don't think you read the article; she's complaining about30-something ex-frat boys getting loaded and watching "the game" and being insensitive as though it were a new idea and not a dated stereotype from the 80s.

Though I also don't see the purpose of this thread apart from pointing and laughing about how it has no relevance to any of us.

>> No.6972633

I agree with a lot of this stuff, to be honest. It's not true that the "strong silent type" has vanished, I mean, we still have action movies and thrillers all over the place. James Bond still exists. But men are pandered to so obviously and so insultingly in beer commercials and Adam Sandler movies that you can't help but be ashamed of the whole thing. I disagree that it's a response to feminism's success, but honestly whatever the origin of this is it's besides the point.

I don't care if you're lazy. I don't care if you're stupid. /jp/ is lazy and occasionally stupid and this is fine. What is insulting is when advertisers and moviemakers figure they can make a cheap buck by creating a man who is slothful, intellectually lazy, beer-swilling, unkempt, small-mindedly misogynistic, and sex-oriented, and proud of all these things as if they symbolized "manhood", as if anything could symbolize an entire gender, an entire fifty percent of the species. At the very least, if we're going to have a stereotype to live up to, make it one we can respect.

At least we still have the Old Spice guy.

>> No.6972634

>By making females more manly, males become more feminine and the whole sexual spectre collapses

Then shouldn't we be getting closer to actually becoming the little girl?
Not so much in the physical sense, but feeling more like it.
I guess that's the most important part of it for me.

I'm probably too weak for playing the role of a little girl, after I've thought about it a lot.
Stuff like chopping wood and fixing a gate in the garden is actually some of the manly stuff I wouldn't want to be without.

>> No.6972652

>This section bugged me. Why should I care if a guy doesn't drive Porsche or know his wine? Big-fucking-deal.

The point the author seems to be trying to make is that the image of the man's man seems to be lost in modern times, a point I don't entirely believe is accurate, but that I don't find objectionable. We should stick to our ideals, even if we acknowledge we don't live up to them.

And the Porsche and the wine are just emblematic of the "finer things in life". Sure, you personally may not own a Porsche or care about wine, but they're symbols that stand for a lifestyle more refined than watching NASCAR and UFC and drinking six-packs all day in your underwear.

I mean, /jp/ may be composed of NEETs, but they're still NEETs that are aware of the idea of class. It's embodied by most people's waifus, after all.

>> No.6972660

I really don't think they care if it was written by a man. They'll still bitch anyways and imply it was a woman behind it.

>> No.6972673
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If /jp/ doesn't care about dressing nicely and being the embodiment of class, then how come we still have Yuuka threads?

>> No.6972674

>Then shouldn't we be getting closer to actually becoming the little girl?

This is cause for celebration then!

>> No.6972685

Men can be feminists too. Horribly misguided men.

It doesn't make them any less stupid either.

>> No.6972705

I believe OP may have been thinking of these passages when he thought this would be related.

>Of course, embedded in loutishness is the idea that the lout is irresistible to women even as he disdains them — in fact, because he disdains them. In this view, women, who have allegedly been overpampered for the last few decades, just love louts, even when they pretend they don't. As this male fantasy goes, men are so cute when they act like galoots. So not only does he not have to make concessions to women, he can do or say whatever he wants without any consequences because in lout culture insensitivity is the new sensitivity.

>But if loutishness is an attempt to re-create a pre-feminist world where women knew their place, in its disdain for women it may also betray its desire to re-create another world: a pre-masculine world. So much of loutishness is narcissistic and infantile — again, proudly so. So much of it is gleefully wallowing in irresponsibility, in a lack of maturity, in self-gratification and a general indifference to other people. This may be the real male nirvana, and it suggests that the ubiquitous culture of loutishness speaks to something less obvious and perhaps more interesting than anti-feminism. It speaks to a widespread desire not to have to be men at all.

>> No.6972727

And just as I read this thread a commercial for Hall Pass comes on the TV.

>> No.6972757

Touhou is the exception, I find touhou to be the exception for everything I know and trust.

>> No.6972765


It's not that I don't care about those kinds of things. I just don't prioritize appearance over the substance of the soul.

That said, I'm gonna take a shit on the floor here.

>> No.6972779

I believe that appearance is the embodiment of what people want to be perceived as, and what a person wants to be perceived as is almost as important as who they really are.

Taking a shit on the floor indicates that you simply aren't interested in what other people think of you, which is admirable in and of itself, in a repellent sort of way.

>> No.6972802

What people are=/=what they're perceived as=/=what they want to be perceived as.

They're all completely different things. Having the word perceive doesn't give them a relationship.

>> No.6972810

No, you see, part of who you are is who you want to be. And outward appearances are a manifestation of how you want other people to see you.

>> No.6972832

Who you want to be? It feels like a question you'd ask as a child.

Your outward appearance isn't necessarily what you want it to be, and however it is, doesn't determine how others perceive it. Also, that implies people actually want others to be able to actually perceive them too.

>> No.6973193
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>> No.6973825
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