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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6967150 No.6967150 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any jobs /jp/ does to fund themselves while not having to leave their house ever?

>> No.6967161

No, about 10% of /jp/ is composed of rich little girls, living in grandoise mansions. Those of us who aren't so lucky act as their maids.

>> No.6967160

Nothing? I need to eat ;_;

>> No.6967167

Just get a job flipping burgers or working the cash register at best buy....

>> No.6967170

There are more pages than just page 0.

>> No.6967172

I import anime and manga from Japan for people.

It works like this:
1) Someone request x or y to be imported
2) I add it to a list of things to import
3) Once my list is large enough (there are a few things that need to be met shipping wise) I place the order(s)
4) I pay for a bulk order to be shipped from Japan rather than a bunch of smaller orders, saving me and the customer on shipping
5) I then send the items out to the orderers once they arive, making a semi-decent profit

It takes a bit longer for the people to get their items, but they (potentially) save quite a bit on shipping, and I make a profit from it.

>> No.6967175

Is it bad that I'm tempted to drop out of a university course leading to 30-40k+ a year to work some mundane job in a convenience store, just so I can shut myself away quicker?

>> No.6967173 [DELETED] 
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you try monetizing with blogger and ad-sense?

>> No.6967183

Who pays to ship it from you to the customer?

>> No.6967186

Bro, I need your site or your e-mail nao, please.

>> No.6967188

Depends on where they live, how much it will cost to ship to them, and how much their order costed them to place with me in the first place.

>> No.6967190

In the interest of remaining anonymous on here, and at the risk of driving people to my competitors, just do a Google search, there are plenty of people that do what I do.

>> No.6967194

how much profit do you make with this?

>> No.6967195


I need someone to import my hentai goods. I can't find a proxy service that has the balls.

>> No.6967196

Invest into forex. If you stay at home all day you can watch the charts all day long to your advantage.

Even with a capital of only 1000$ usd you can make 50-150$ per day if you do it right.

First find a broker and make a demo account. You can use this one: http://www.fxopen.com/OpenDemoAccount.aspx
Play around with the charting software and stuff and you will get the hang of it.

For more info, use this site: http://www.babypips.com/school/

I've learned nearly everything from this site.

>> No.6967197

>30-40k+ a year
What's bad is that you're not in engineering.

>> No.6967199

I live in, and run my business out of Canada and its damn near impossible to get hentai past our customs services, so I dont deal with hentai either. Sorry.

>> No.6967203

It causes me extreme sadness that I will never be able to import my loligoods.

>> No.6967207

You shit, you already tried this in another thread:
(which OP should be posting in)
This only proves how you are trying to scam /jp/ anons. I'm going to screenshot every fucking time I see this advert and use it again you.
/jp/ DO NOT listen to this shit, he just wants you to waste all your money so more suits who invest lots of capital use his site, and they actually do make a profit.

>> No.6967219

This is now a thread about importing my loligoods. How does I get loligoods imported?

>> No.6967221

Being an engineer in the US is the shittiest Job ever.
You get no respect
It's always your fault
You have to keep the promises everyone else makes
Companies have no problem working you to death, since Engineers = nerds.

I was so happy when I traded in my 6 figure engineering job for a shut in friendly work from home job where I work less than 10 hours a week.

>> No.6967235

The best way to make money is to fake autism. It's easy, and profitable. No one really exploits it other than fellow hikki NEETs since normals want to appear normal, plus they want to get jobs eventually... Or they are retarded.

>> No.6967242

Am I the only one that things only taking random part time jobs would be fun? I bet a part time gas station attendant or part time retail store employee would be fun.

>> No.6967246

>make money
­>by faking autism


>> No.6967273

The government gives money to asspies. I get around £800 a month.

>> No.6967285

Alas, I'm from the UK and now the US, I hope you didn't think I meant $40k and not £40k.

How does one go about autism money after diagnosis. I'm semi confident I could pass as autistic, I probably am autistic judging by some of the diagnosis criteria I've seen - it's shockingly close to home in most areas.

>> No.6967288

Not exactly a job, but I bet on sports. I get good tips which mean I win like 90% of bets. $500-1000 a week.

>> No.6967295

They'll tell you how to get money after they diagnose you. If they don't go to a citizens advice bureau or job centre.

>> No.6967296

Do you know anybody who does this? I ask because I'm curious whether you actually know this for a fact, or you're pulling stuff out of your ass as people usually do.

>> No.6967300

I am somebody who does this. I have no doubt most everyone on /jp/ is lower on the autistic scale than most people. If you can't get diagnosed with aspergers then you must live in a really 'backward' country, since most doctors in at least the UK are really liberal and feel too sorry for you to notice.

>> No.6967304

I went to college with a friend who regularly received checks for OCD, so it sounds realistic enough. It's not the first time I've seen it recommended either.

>> No.6967307

Good for you then. You're probably in a very very very tiny minority though.

>> No.6967317

He was faking it?

>> No.6967311

I thought everyone on /jp/ did this, except me...

>> No.6967314

How the hell do you go about getting diagnosed? It sounds a bit obvious going to the doctors and asking for a diagnosis, then hinting about how to receive support afterwards...

>> No.6967320

I don't know how it works other places, but in my country, even if you've been diagnosed with something, you'll only get support if it's actually causing you enough trouble to not be able to have a normal job. Many people with something like aspergers are still able to function somewhat in society.

>> No.6967326

Doesn't really change much to be honest, unless the U.K. is another world.
Jobs in Germany and Switzerland were pretty much the same (though better, in the US I was getting paid $140k and working ~90 hours a week, CHF 170K for ~70 hours a week.)
The problems being that sales makes promises you can't keep, management spends all its time fiddling with milestones and cockblocking.
Just not worth the stress to me: I'd rather make $50k and work less than 20 hours a week taking it easy than $100k+ and being massively stressed all the time.

>> No.6967330

I didn't ask them, they told me about benefits I should be entitled to. The people at the place where you apply for the benefits don't ask questions, either.

>> No.6967331

Oh no, he wasn't faking it. But you can get payouts for a disability and if you read up on the diagnosis criteria for autism I'd be surprised if it didn't hit home with half of /jp/.

I generally took it as a joke, but after reading it enough of it applies to think I'm at least mildly autistic and passable enough to fake my way to a check. Alas, I'm afraid to go to the doctors, but doesn't that scream that somethings wrong anyway?

>> No.6967334

Nope. All I had to do was get rejected from a job, I scrawled in the application form. Now I never have to leave my apartment again. I'll get benefits until they day I die.

>> No.6967337

Crippling fear of talking to people or going outside, an inability to interact socially. After a few failed interviews that are put down to poor social skills etc I'm sure you can claim your autism is making job seeking difficult.

>> No.6967365

I'm curious, what is your business?

>> No.6967375

What if you have had a job before? I was technically employed once before, will that count against me?

>> No.6967384

Well if you got fired no, if you can spin 'quitting' into something like it got too stressful, or there was too much interaction, then no too. If you quit for another job or quit for school, then it might hurt you.

>> No.6967387

I presume money would be hard to get if still in school?

>> No.6967396

OCD friend got his money while in education, he got it while working too though iirc.

No idea what the criteria is or if it would apply to autism either.

>> No.6967399

Yep. If you're under 18 then they will demand your parents come to the diagnosis. If you are in school by choice, it will definitely hurt you.

>> No.6967402

BS EE + Diploma Physics -> Masters CS
Working Equiv to a BS in god knows how many useless subjects because I'm dumb.

Jobs were mostly Ubiquitous Computing and Embedded Chips/circuits. Dabblings in biotech, bio, sciences, etc on an application basis.

I liked the work, the stress was just too much.
On top of being /jp/ and having to deal with 500 people daily.

>> No.6967407

I like to think I'm a pretty smart guy and I can't even translate this.

But anyways, this is for your business now? Or for the job you quit that had too many hours?

>> No.6967413


Oh man, this sounds like what I'm about to get myself into, and I get easily stressed out. And yet I'm too afraid to just give up and not try for it. Oh well, I guess I'll see what happens.

>> No.6967426

Just take it easy with life; and wait until the spirit of /jp/ turns us into little girls and everything works out. That's what I do.

>> No.6967437

That's my field.
My job now is as an ohshit guy at a company I did business with. I fix things that people break and push through problem projects. The work is entertaining enough and changes so quickly my sort attention span never gets bored.
the stress was mostly from the people part (and by extension terrible management/business), not the work.

Just do yourself a favor and show interest in management after a few years. Junior or Intermediate Dev was usually Ok. Senior Dev can get nasty depending on the company.
Maybe by the time you get up there the bullshit labor requirement (no engineer in my company worked less than 60-70 hours) will have enough precedent that you can sue in the US, or your company might actually plan things on the Europe side.
Don't get stuck in the yesman loop of overtime and stuff, value your free time and make friends.

>> No.6967481

I've been thinking about if I want to be an Engineer or not for the past few months. I think your posts convinced me. That just sounds way too stressful for me.

>> No.6967494

I sell my body on craiglist, i have at least 2 costumers every night.

>> No.6967498

I've been lead to believe that the current economy is shit in the US and I won't be able to find and keep a decent job with any matter of skills/schooling anyway, so why even bother looking?

>> No.6967501

Lol I tried signing up for the army and they are basing everything on what I did back in highschool, fucking retards.

>> No.6967524

Nothing is wrong with majoring in it. I would encourage you to do that if it interests you. your degree should be something you like! especially if it is an engineering or other hot market.
if its business or art reconsider.

If you have friends that can help you it gets a lot easier.
and like I said to >>6967413
first few years are alright, its when they start to pay you big money ($80k+ in US)
do like >>6967426

if you aren't going to take a subject that challenges and interests you don't even bother with a decent school. just get a business + it degree at pheonix or something and graduate with no debt and be replaceable. Some trades are ok like plumber, electrician etc. (not devry)
I'm just a high strung guy who can't handle the bad management that plagues tech jobs. start-ups and small companies are fun but I like my field so I'm stuck.

>> No.6967530

My main concern with engineering is the amount of interaction that might be required, and it sounds like its going to be a lot more than I would like. I've been looking to go into computer engineering, hoping that that would allow for more individual work, but I don't really know if it would.

>> No.6967566

If you want to make money, CS involves more social interaction than you'd think.

>> No.6967576

go for small companies that are not top heavy. the more devs (or promoted devs) there are the better.
Comp E is wildly different depending on the complexity of the project.
Programs are by far the most complex things people build, and the industry is new so most companies are terrible. Complex = lots of people, often top heavy. Its probably the worst market to work as an engineer for a shut in.

HOWEVER the skills you learn can lead to decent work if its alright with you that you aren't making top dollar.

Don't go into it just because you use a computer though - think about what you want to do, talk to people in the major, etc.
I didn't want to be a downer and stop people from studying what they like, rather I was trying to warn people that it isn't a solo, I do what I want easy thing, and that they should keep other options open because its very possible the standard (high paying) engineering job won't be for them.
might delete my posts if it causes people to stop doing what they like cause I think it sucked. I know its easy to change /jp/er minds.

>> No.6967736

I wasn't really looking into being an Engineer because it's something I was interested in. I was looking into it because it's been kinda expected by my family that I would become some engineer and make lots of money. It also always seemed like it could potentially be an easygoing field with little interaction.

I'm thinking of going with pure math now, so I'll have the options to teach or use it as a springboard for engineering. Plus I like math.

>> No.6967749

sounds asian.

>> No.6967834

it used to be.
the problem is parents force people to be an engineer and sacrifice what they love for money.
they teach them that everyone hates their job, and if you aren't making every possible cent you can, you aren't trying enough.
as you push it out more and more the job gets warped.
I used to have to deal with a few people. Many people who are 'engineers' now would instead be management + middlemen to other departments with some project involvement to keep ideas from both sides flowing.
Now I need to be connected to web of 500 people because everyone is expected to be 'social'. I have to be able to explain this technical detail and why it concerns my manager, their manager, the customer, the customer's company, that guy on the other end of the project that is doing something completely different, that secretary at the front desk, etc. Instead of doing what I am good at - solving the problem. Half the engineers carry the other half because people clearly take work they aren't suited for and hate it, etc, etc.

People in my master's courses in CS felt that they shouldn't have to learn calc! and that math is worthless because CS is about programmer doing random things until they work.
are you kidding me? It's only the common language that every scientist and engineer speaks

not my blog, so I'd end it there.

>> No.6967870

Comp Engineering graduate here. Just putting in my 2 cents that I had a good time studying it in college and there's a lot of different areas for you to go into depending on the courses you take/your interests (digital hardware design, software development, security, networks, etc). I think what I enjoyed was that you could take something you learned in class and relate it directly to what you experience daily using computers.

The dean of my department gave the class the advice that whichever engineering field you go into (assuming you're into engineering), the best one to pick is the one you're most interested in. Don't think about the money or the workload.

What was already said about having to communicate with others is true though. I'm sure this varies to some degree depending on the job you do/the company you work for. As long as you're not a jerk to people, you'll be okay.

>> No.6967882

I go to college and trade forex, over the last 4 years I've turned a 2k account into 50k.

I don't have to leave the house, but the income isn't all that reliable. I went a whole year in the red, but I earned it back.

>> No.6967911

Speaking about the idea of "engineers," I actually had a moment today where some db admin labeled himself and his team as engineers. I kinda laughed to myself about this, since this particular guy has to have everything spelled out for him (literally like a set of detailed instructions) or he won't do anything. Everyone who isn't in management like to append "engineer" to their title these days.

>> No.6967929

Killing me, but I know exactly what you mean.
I've taken to calling most of those guys "Business ITs". It helps now that the tech majors are spreading out with things like CIS, MIS, Networking, Software Engineering and more different subjects.
CS is just like a general Math degree. It applies to all of those things, but they aren't the focus.

>> No.6970625

