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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.6964952

>One thing he’s noticed: “Many young people who died alone owned several computers but not a single TV.”

I will probably end up like this ;_;.

>> No.6964955

well, no matter how we see iy, we're all headed there, besides, this world we all live in was already sad from the first place

>> No.6964962

I haven't owned a tv since I was 14 and even then I never turned it on, I still don't understand why people like it so much. My family constantly pesters me to buy one when I have no use for it.

>> No.6964972

I have a TV, but that's because I run a media server and stream whatever I'm watching to that while I play games.

I do watch Jeopardy, but that's about it.

>> No.6964973

If you didnt see that before even outside of Japan you are an idiot.

>> No.6964977

I imagine it's the same reason my father pesters me to get a car when I don't want to drive anywhere.

>> No.6964979
File: 44 KB, 800x602, dangitbobby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not like you need a TV anyways nowadays with how powerful the internet is currently.

>Type in "King of the Hill Torrent"
>All Seasons are now only a click away

And then owning a Television became completely pointless.

>> No.6964980

You watch TV so you have more things to discuss with people you socialize with.

We do that all on the internet.

>> No.6964982

So wait, a society with a high percent of single people has a higher rate of people dying alone?

No shit. What's next, water is wet, so I can use it to moisten things? Fire is hot, so flammable things near a fire may burn? WHERE DO THE EARTH-SHATTERING DISCOVERIES END?

>> No.6964992

Why would anyone want a TV nowadays anyway?
Hell, I even bought a ton of anime DVDs I still haven´t opened because I don´t even own a TV or a DVD player

>> No.6965005
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It's that dang ENTER-NET these days. Kids don't go outside and play any more, I tell you hwat.

Bobby was on his computer for three hours yesterday. Every time I looked at the screen, he was watching those goddang chinese cartoons again. Uuugh.

>> No.6965011
File: 261 KB, 864x820, reactions0029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what would happen to japan if more Chinese immigrants are let into japan. I mean those chinese love sex as much as americans do

>> No.6965019

Sounds like people living the life, no pressure and responsibilities limited to staying alive. Funny to see women freak out when they feel that they are not the center of everything.

Same principles all around, I guess. I hear nothing but people talk about their lives, tv, and whatever shitty movie is in right now. I don't get why people thinking socializing mostly on the internet is a bad thing.

>> No.6965020

I know for sure I can live without a TV, there's very little I want to watch, and what I can watch I watch for free on the online websites, like Channel 4 and BBC. Those are the only good channels in the UK anyway. I do have a tv for my xbox 360, though.

>> No.6965037

Whenever I watch TV for a while, I feel less shut in. Hearing these TV personalities talk kinda reminds me how normal people interact. I feel less depressed and lethargic as well.

I think watching the news and talk shows can really help me feel connected to society, but I still never really get around to doing it.

>> No.6965045

This kind of thing is happening here, despite western society prioritising macho-ness more. Feminism is making most men give up on relationships, I mean seriously, what can a woman offer me except kids, which I can adopt? They are just money sinks, one of the reasons I far prefer male company. The only bad thing is women protest sex simulators like Rapelay saying it's demeaning to women; the truth being that it's actually just standing in the way of their desire to control all men. I think we may be going into a dark age of society, when Islam and Fundies have loads of kids while more 'progressive' areas are full of men either single and dying alone or pussywhipped men working themselves to death for a self entitled wife. I come from one of these families, my mum worked a part time job, but complained about it non stop, while my dad worked 9-5 and cooked and cleaned the house too. He couldn't leave her either due to divorce laws in my country pretty much giving her the right to everything.

>> No.6965052

>which I can adopt

You can't without a woman. Trust me, I've done a lot of research on this and pretty much every country doesn't allow adoptions to single people, especially males. The only times it really happens is within family.

>> No.6965056

>which I can adopt?
No, you can't. Adoption is a myth.

>> No.6965058

Ah. Well, I'm probably jailhouse gay anyway.

>> No.6965062

the only rational reason to get a permanent 3dpd is to procreate. but why should i do that? i see no point in unleashing more misery in this world.

>> No.6965065

I always had a fantasy of raising a male son to be female... heh heh heh. I should move to a third world country.

>> No.6965067

I bought a computer monitor. It can take an hdmi connection from my o!play media server and my ps3, which is really all I need. There was nothing ever on television anyway, and I can click on torrents and add stuff to the hard drives connected to the server.

Television is obsolete.

>> No.6965083

I have a girlfriend, but she doesn't know I'm into loli. If I had a daughter, I would make her into my maso slave.

There are no people that would accept someone like me.

>> No.6965087

When my parents died I used the inheritance to buy a 51 inch tv, which I only use to play ps3 games on. My apartment is fucking tiny, it basically fills one wall.

>> No.6965088

>Japan panics about the rise of "grass-eating men," who shun sex, don't spend money, and like taking walks.
Woah...I'm exactly like that.

>> No.6965092

Same, that's pretty much me. I spend enough money to eat, and occassionally I buy a PS3 game or a new part for my PC.

>> No.6965099

Someone post that obligatory comic, I don't have it saved.

>> No.6965101

Wanna go out and walk sometime?

>> No.6965108

>Many young people who died alone owned several computers but not a single TV
Shit, they're on to me.

>> No.6965109

Hello all my grass-eating contemporaries!

>> No.6965118
File: 357 KB, 810x1410, 1240418460272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one?

>> No.6965119

There's no reason to watch TV other than watching the news. And even that can be debatable, since 90% of all news aren't even news.

>> No.6965122


I pretty much only watch sport and listen to the radio because of the reasons you listed.

>> No.6965128

We accept you. Well... We would if you didn't have a girlfriend... normal.

>> No.6965131

Yeah, that's the comic that gave me my fantasy.

>> No.6965135

That's what gave you the fantasy?
Damn, I've had the desire ever since I first read Poju and became a shotacon.

>> No.6965142
File: 205 KB, 1024x576, shiori-kanon[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit i do this too

i also live with my parents and don't have a tv yet 3 computers


which is good, because i gave up on 3d a long time ago and am much happier now. shiori is my waifu

>> No.6965153

I hate Po-Ju. She's a good gateway into traps, but she draws penises FAR too big. I like little, worthless penises. I do enjoy how her traps often orgasm into their own mouths, though. My favourite artist for traps is abgrund, though I'd quite like to combine them into flat chested girls with small dicks. I really like curvy traps.

>> No.6965154

I understand that politicians want people to reproduce and corporations want people to buy stuff, but what's wrong with taking walks?

>> No.6965161

Pfft. Women walk, real men drive hummers.
that's the general idea. Personally, I ride a bike.

>> No.6965162

Only a matter of time

>> No.6965164

It's unmanly. You should be jogging instead.

>> No.6965169

Its a very broad generalization, and I'm sure most if not all of /jp/ falls under that umbrella.

Its not worth paying for cable with how absolutely terrible television is. I use my computer monitor as a TV for my console games, so that leaves me with no TV.

>> No.6965170


If you spend your time doing stuff you find meaningful and fulfilling, who will buy all those new cars, houses, etc.?

>> No.6965174

>>6965153 she draws penises FAR too big
But, that's the only good thing about Po-ju. And I wish there were more shota artists that drew like that.

>> No.6965177

>I like little, worthless penises.
I'm glad that someone else agrees. It makes no sense for the receiver to have a huge penis.

>> No.6965185

I dont mind proportions at all. Smooth lines and i'm fine with it. Be it small smooth loli bodies, or soft long women. Same with traps and shota.

>> No.6965190

Exactly. Oh yeah, a good trap doujin (that includes mind break, another one of my fetishes) was scanlated recently. It's the idolmaster, with Ryo. I sure wish I could speak Japanese so I could play Dearly Stars. Sigh.
Here's the link.

>> No.6965197

I don't mind a lack of curves, I find them more tolerable than horse cocks on traps. Ridiculous. My favourite trap doujins all have elements of mind break in them, they become a Shindol girl. (Dahootch's girls seem to have their minds pre-broken, they break so early. Not that I'm complaining)

>> No.6965201

It's very dangerous that people don't watch TV anymore. How are we going to brainwash them into becoming the consumer whores who make society go around by consuming things, if people just get all their entertainment on their PC, where advertisements can easily be avoided?

>> No.6965214

That's kind of funny when PCs do the same thing, just on a different level/approach.

>> No.6965216

Well, let's be honest here, facebook and twitter fags are still consuming whores

>> No.6965217

I really hate modern TV. I wish TBBT didn't exist. Hollywood nerds are the worst thing to happen to the world. Where were my legion of secretly intelligent cheerleaders just looking for someone to discuss Touhou with when I was in high school? Oh yeah, there were none, and the last I heard they had all become hipster 'nerds'. Well anyway. If you don't think 4chan is trying to do the same thing, take a look at those /mu/ stickies. moot wants to turn 4chan into a business, that's why he's making it look like celebrities browse /mu/

>> No.6965219

>collect hundreds of figurines
>call other people consumers
>force me to greentext to point this out

>> No.6965225

If you really want to prevent these people from destroying the otaku community, the only thing you can do is make /jp/ so tremendously shitty, moot has no option but to delete it. Then we migrate.

>> No.6965226

/jp/ - hypocrisy/General

>> No.6965227

Corporations have done a pretty good job at controlling what people do on the internet already.

>> No.6965231

There's a difference between buying something because it gives me DIRECT pleasure, and buying something in order to appear to be something else in the eyes of others (from which you would receive at most INDIRECT pleasure or no pleasure at all).

>> No.6965234

Or keep extremely high standards here.
Or simply migrate.
Or whatever, shit won't change because /jp/ is not a bastion of the Otaku community.

Oh, and migration would never work, it has been proved twice already.

>> No.6965238

Can you really tell those people don't have direct pleasure from their delusions? Because most of them actually do.

>> No.6965240

you think people buying the latest smartphone they don't even need don't feel "direct" pleasure?
You're delusional, sorry. The sooner you realize you aren't better than them in that regard, the better for you.

>> No.6965241

I like it here. I kind of wish we could migrate back to a full otaku culture board that allows some manga discussion too though with the same awesome userbase and no captcha. I miss the early days of 4chan.

>> No.6965244

>/jp/ is not a bastion of the Otaku community
I'm pretty sure Japanese Otaku would consider us closer to otaku than the self described Otaku of the west. That said, being an Otaku is not a good thing.

>> No.6965245

It doesn't work because /jp/ is still here.

>> No.6965246 [SPOILER] 
File: 428 KB, 1124x1600, w1240199849280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't really stand mind break. Then again, I never much liked rape, and mind break isn't too off from that.

Though, personally, I love pretty clothes. Traps in cute clothing sets me afire, both below and in my heart.

>> No.6965250

>It doesn't work because /jp/ is still here.
Then you suggest that most people would migrate then? That means it would be the same thing all over again.

But then you will probably say to me "The staff would be different obviously". Well that's true but also pretty idealistic like honest politicians and such. WHO would take care of it is the key point to this and also its success/ruin.

>> No.6965254

Did I say that everything that every normalfag buys gives them indirect pleasure?


But let's make it clearer using your example. There are people that buy the latest smartphone because they like their technology, enjoy using it or whatever. Obviously, this is direct pleasure. I'm talking about the ones that buy them only to appear tech-savy and/or rich (and yes, there are a lot of people like this).

>> No.6965255

This. It's not like it's physically impossible for us to migrate, it's just that it requires so much effort that people realize it's much easier to just stay here.

Though on the other hand, if /jp/ gets deleted, it might also be that people find it easier to migrate back to /a/ than to find a completely new place. /jp/ers in general are probably able to put up with a lot of shit before they really get motivated to change something.

>> No.6965256

Source please.

>> No.6965260

I forgot it, honestly.
Such a shame.

>> No.6965261

No the guy you are replying. There are people exactly like that in our "community" too.

Buying a lot of stuff just to have their rooms filled with crap and hold the image of a "true" one for example.

In the end is just a matter of certain people. And saying our situation is better is no good, because it's simply due the fact that there are countless more normal people than us and that makes they look worse in that aspect.

>> No.6965262 [SPOILER] 
File: 171 KB, 1128x1600, 1265317723096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate rape, but love mind break. It's a fine line for me, it's not really about the rape to me, it's about the pleasure being so great that she becomes addicted to sex. I love cute clothes too, my absolute favourite trap fetish though is penis garments. They are amazing. Pic is spoilered for a reason. I still dislike Po-Ju, but it was the best example I had for this. I also like it when they are wearing girls underwear but it only covers their balls. Oh desire!

>> No.6965265

I'm not saying it would be an ideal utopia. But I do think we would be free of raids and people that just come here to shit up /jp/ while mainly browsing a board like /a/ or /v/.

Sure those people might follow us at first but the mere fact the board is no longer on 4chan will have them die down.

All we can hope for is that a decent person runs the place.

But let us not turn this into a metathread.

>> No.6965267

A quick search on SauceNao pointed to "COMIC RiN vol. 14"

>> No.6965272

When you expect everything of someone and offer nothing in return, this is what happens.

>> No.6965278

Did I say that our situation is better? Or that there aren't people like that here?

NO, I DIDN'T. Why are you criticizing points that I haven't even made?

>> No.6965280

I used to post on /new/ a little bit when we had it, but just the fact that it wasn't on 4chan somehow deterred me. It's kind of like being detached from the community, it makes me feel weird. It's the same reason I listen to music I have on my computer on Youtube, somehow I feel connected to something larger than myself.

>> No.6965284 [SPOILER] 
File: 430 KB, 1168x1700, 124811994080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I can understand the addicted to pleasure fetish. Now that I think of it, there have been a few like that that weren't rape to begin with.

Though, I never understood the penis garments thing. They always looked so silly.

Some of my favourite clothing are all frilly and ruffled. No real idea why, maybe it's symbolic of pure femininity, but frilly clothing is the best.
And I'm so picky, for some reason, that it has to be the right amount of frills. You know the dress in the CCS opening? Too much. A boy wearing that would just look weird.

But this? Pretty much perfect

>> No.6965289

Because your first post said that people who watch TV are likely to be that way. Implying "we" are not, when it's not what happens, it's the same thing.

>> No.6965294

I'm torn on the issue. I love frilly clothing, but it's so large that it hides the feminine body elements that make traps so wonderful I think I prefer school uniform/stocking combo.
Something I feel combines our fetishes is this:
It's a shame the rest isn't translated, I get off more on the story than the pictures. I wish there was a dedicated trap ero story website.

>> No.6965296

Can't wait till we all have biochips that automatically make an emergency call when we crash.

>> No.6965308

Can't wait until we can upload our minds into the internet. Try and get me off the internet now, mom!

>> No.6965309 [DELETED] 

>Because your first post said that people who watch TV are likely to be that way

My first post? You mean:
Or maybe?
Or maybe you thought I was >>6965201 ?

>> No.6965312

Oh, I've read that. abgrund really does nice work. I think his HolicHolic piece is the only rape I've enjoyed.

>> No.6965313

>Whenever I watch TV for a while, I feel less shut in.
Same here.
The main reason for this, however, is that the TV is located in the shared kitchen, so people drop in randomly to prepare food, eat, and such.

I actually also just sit around and talk to people out there for no apparent reason, so you can say that it's making me more of a "real person" in a way.

People in the shared kitchen would probably agree that I'm less of a shut-in than what I used to be.
I guess it's just a matter of effort from my own side, as well as the people who have been living here for the past 6 months compared to when I moved in 2½ years ago.

>> No.6965314


2045 soon fellow stalker!

>> No.6965317

>Because your first post said that people who watch TV are likely to be that way

My first post? You mean:
Or maybe?
None of them seem relevant in any way

>> No.6965321

Oh yeah, and the penis garment thing, I like it because the penis is the manliest thing about a trap, and wearing something frilly on it (especially something that would make it difficult to penetrate something) feels like stripping them of their manliness. I find the idea that you will never penetrate anything and will only be penetrated highly erotic.

>> No.6965325

He's good. Shame about the third one. Full colour stuff is horrible. I don't know why, but I just hate it.

>> No.6965343

How do I deal with the sad panda again?

>> No.6965349

hey guys /b/tard here. I dont wanna start a new thread. what is this board actually about? i heard it was really bad, really borin and worse than /b/. i actually dunno about any other boards tho,.

>> No.6965373

Just get out.
I remember back in the days when people would say "murk loar" and whatnot, but it's a time long past.

"People" these days don't seem to have neither the time nor attention span to just sit around and observe anymore.
When I first came to /b/ I spent a year of nothing but lurking and saving silly pictures, then I started posting a little, but by then it had all gotten a bit dull.
Then I went to /a/ because the DESUDESUDESU spam got me interested in anime, and the rest of my story is about as boring as that, so no one would probably even want to read it.

>> No.6965414

clear exhentai cookie
go to e-hentai, log in
go back to exhentai

Should fix it.

>> No.6965433

I rly want to hear your story

>> No.6965435

Thank you.

>> No.6965439

This post got me wondering. I know this may seem something more suited to the mundane boards, but does /jp/ have a board -tan? My best guess is that it would either be an intelligent but lazy little girl, or a tall and skinny pale skinned NEET with bags under her eyes. During my time on other boards I've generally only seen the more popular boards personified, but never /jp/, the best board.

>> No.6965449

Why do you care about inconsequential things?

>> No.6965451

I has 3 PCs, 2 WM smartphones with wifi

AND ONE TV .. with no antena.
So its only to watch my old VHS

Ima die forever alone.

The true - I am grass in the ass boy
I dont wanna a girlfriend and decent job.
I just want to make enough money to pay rent and lurk on net.

Whitch is exactly when I am now.

I have a one week at month part time and thats about it.
Its fukken Paradise.

>> No.6965454

There's one drawing which I think contains all the boards, which portrays /jp/ as a gender unknown with thick, round glasses, hiding under a blanket.

>> No.6965457

I don't know.

>> No.6965458
File: 401 KB, 1111x1111, X-tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea but this is by far my favourite.

>> No.6965461
File: 13 KB, 192x320, jp tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6965468

We do have our meido, and Cornelia-chan for a short while... But nothing that personify /jp/ that's universally agreed upon.

>> No.6965477

We don't need this board-tan crap. It reeks of /a/ and /v/.

>> No.6965482

As if "meido" doesn't, but some faggots are plenty ok with it. A part of /jp/'s userbase really is no better than /a/ and /v/

>> No.6965487

That's pretty cute. While I'm glad /jp/ isn't really thought of much as a 'main' board, leaving that to /b/, /v/, /a/, /co/, /sci/, /x/ (and probably now /soc/), I still feel that it would be nice for /a/ drawfriends to remember their tsunder little sister... even if we don't want them to visit.
Looking over this thread shows nothing.
http://tiny url.com/5s4x3xg

>> No.6965488

I think we can all agree Freddie Mercury is a fitting -tan for /jp/.

>> No.6965489

It's a 4chan thing. But I know, no fun allowed etc.

>> No.6965493

You mean the part that adores Flanfly, Kuroko, Japanese birds, bawson, LOLAUTISM, and frustrated threads?

Yeah, I know.

>> No.6965506

>no fun allowed
Why do people always say that ?
Is is so wrong to prefer a board that isn't full of stupid unfunny shit ?

>> No.6965511

>no fun allowed etc.
Clearly from the outside.

>> No.6965520

Fun for him is shitting all over the fucking board.

>> No.6965542

A "board-tan" is in no way related to shitting up a board and whether it's fun or not is a matter of opinion.

Frankly >>6965477 is just try-hard "Am I true /jp/ yet?" behavior.

>> No.6965553

It will shit up the board just the way it did with /a/ and /v/. And no, we don't need that.

>> No.6965554

OP here. Thread is over, deleting in 10... 9...

>> No.6965560

/a/ and /v/ have been fucked over by their huge /b/tard graduate userbase.
