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File: 328 KB, 328x444, ivis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6963619 No.6963619 [Reply] [Original]

Last one 404'd.

>> No.6963631

Make sure to file a complaint against the janitor if this occurs again. CB is just as much a Japanese game as Ar Tonelico or MMD.

>> No.6963660


You're either a genius or a moron. Either way, bravo.

>> No.6963683

New janitors were just inducted and so they're being watched closely. Negative feedback is going to get noticed.

>> No.6963703
File: 87 KB, 360x360, Open-RO-Lucky-Cube-ALPHA-Recieve-Ivis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6963710

765 rolls total

Breakdown by Color:
227 gold balls (30%)
178 silver balls (23%)
187 bronze balls (24%)
173 red balls (23%)

By Result:

4 Lily Rain EVE (0.5%)
28 Lancerlot (3.7%)
38 Contradict (5.0%)
33 Garulabird (4.3%)
36 Psycho Formula Type-2 (4.7%)
41 Thorala Frazia (5.4%)
47 Jikun Long (6.1%)

43 Aquila Mk2 (5.6%)
27 Air Raider (3.5%)
36 Zero Saber Custom (4.7%)
38 Lucheer DP (5.0%)
34 Lucheer DB (4.4%)

45 Auto Beam Rifle (5.9%)
41 Raid Rifle (5.4%)
51 Buckler (6.7%)
50 Cheer Pom-pon (6.5%)

173 Slot Protector Alpha + Tune Up Set (22.6%)

eve rates are probably slightly low due to sampling bias. real values could be as high as 2-3%. it's possible she might be subject to non-random quotas like slot machine jackpots.

>> No.6963753

Where did you get that info?

Also thought that one person bought all those.

>> No.6963762

oh man.

BRD and DOS must be prepared for this guy for the time being.

lucky bastard

>> No.6963819
File: 263 KB, 800x600, 1297745343376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys, this could easily be a shop. Lots of people got Ivis from cubes during the beta. He could have just cut the middle part of the screen out from one of those screenshots and pasted it over a screenshot of him opening a new lucky cube from official service. I highly doubt CS would put rare, expensive, and unreleased robots inside of the FREE robot cubes.

>> No.6963831

it's combined data from results posted here and on the forums. I only used info from people who had rolled at least 50 times in order to get rid of bias from people who got eve in the first 5 rolls and jumped onto the forums to brag about it, but apparently that created a bias going the other way. I don't think it's very significant though so you probably shouldn't spend your autism money trying to get one.

>> No.6963832

Not a shop. GMs Miso and Tempura confirmed and congratulated him.

>> No.6963835

you can see the beginner pass from the beginning of official in the item list so he would have had to shoop only the ivis box and overlay it onto the background. I don't think it's fake since people have reported getting ouka and eve from cubes too. you can see clan chat from hotglue at the bottom so it was probably some autist who spent millions of UC to get those 5 cubes in the first place though.

>> No.6963837

And you know this because...?

>> No.6963841

They told that to everyone who PMed them. Ask yourself, they are in wiz Ch 3.

>> No.6963895
File: 446 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20101015_1256_38_449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right, Gliese 581 is on History Channel right now, on the Universe. They're talking about Gliese 581d ... but not 581g (which isn't confirmed yet) nor 581c.

Oh well.

>> No.6964077
File: 146 KB, 600x652, 1297666449243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget ;_;

>> No.6964091
File: 67 KB, 600x600, 1279257653300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a robot fan who also wants to be the little girl, I'd like to get into Cosmic Break. But I also abhor games that allow you to use money to get an advantage.

Do the destitute have any chance against the rich in this game?

>> No.6964094


2 things: Autism + Luck and you'll rock

>> No.6964104

I do pretty fine and I haven't spent a dime on this game. Though I did some of that surveys and offers crap for RT(cash shop currency). Though it's still possible to get by purely with UC(normal game currency).

And with a fuckton of luck and time you can get high powered premium bots like the person who just got Ivis one of the strongest bots in the game out of a random robot cube.

There are plenty of robots/moebots that are viable to play you can get fairly easy.

Try the game out yourself. If you join a clan that's particularly autistic like Hotglue then you could probably ask it for tips on how to play and build your bots which will also help.

>> No.6964107

Free rt offers..
Two rt bots given via rank awards.
[RO] cubes in UC Garapon 2 that may give a free rt bot, with each part having three slots that are tunable.

Beyond that, all you really need is skill. A good non-rt player can beat rt players. Some of the rare drops in the game actually trump rt weapons (stardust cannon, ballistic launcher, etc.)

>> No.6964111
File: 579 KB, 600x800, 1248647516775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Luckily for me, I have large amounts of both of those. I take that for a "yes" then, so I'll try it out. Is there a beginners guide or something? A /jp/ guild?

>> No.6964112

If you want to be the little girl-bot:
-You can make a pretty good living as a healer with the Winberrl support bot or the free Koko Gaap support bot. Be prepared to get ganked a lot.
-If you have very good piloting skills, the Seraph form of the Crimrose is a very good flying bot. It does take some grinding to acquire though.
-There are certain cheap tactics that make the free melee attack moebot, the Jikun Long, viable. However, they require good reflexes and a bad connection to the server.

>> No.6964117
File: 252 KB, 850x850, 1289451873480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love and play a lot of robot games, armored core/etc, so I was thinking I'd go Air. I'll try to get a "Seraph form of the Crimrose " then.

>> No.6964118
File: 128 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110215_0933_45_084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm preparing warmly.

>> No.6964122


Come at us bro

>> No.6964127

Hotglue in the WIZ faction is as close to an official /jp/ guild as there is. There aren't really that many 4chan guilds that are still alive other than Hotglue and Men of Destiny.

Though there is a wiki, you clan should provide all the guidance you need.

>> No.6964128
File: 824 KB, 1280x1024, SeraphCrimrose01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6964135
File: 155 KB, 582x845, 1235092856931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pretty. I like her already.

Hotglue in WIZ. Ok. If anyone in the thread is in that guild, I'll be on when installation is done. Kind of a shitty name though, doesn't seem very autistic.

>> No.6964147

I want to play this game. I even spent $8 on a brickgale so I would have a good robot to use. every time I log in though and see people with garapon shit I get discouraged and shut the game down. I just can't enjoy myself when there's so much stuff out of reach.

what the fuck is that?

>> No.6964148

Protip: Get a Hellingal and grind a Crimrose to Seraph form. You now owned the sky.

>> No.6964150


Air Raper

>> No.6964211

Well if you have a Brickgale, that means you have his awesome BS. You can fit on any other small AIR bot.

>> No.6964213

Ivis meet bugsycait troll arm makes her completely useless for a short while she can still run away though

Ballistic launcher you have my attention what's that

>> No.6964217
File: 386 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20110214_1752_53_439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do pretty well with UC only bots by exploiting weaknesses in the game engine. The most notorious is the Frog Lander but the Accel Saber is practically the same, they're both available for UC (in game money).

You can also buy unslotted normally RT bots for UC, I recommend at least 1 of each but if you just want something useful right straight out of the box Ijuna Kamui Nagi. Since you're joining Hotglue they can tell you how to use it.

Here's me in UC only bots (Daruma Star, Beezle, Parabaroid). You'll be frustrated at the beginning as you're learning and people are being fags killing you again and again but as you get better you can do all right and never spend a dime.

>> No.6964222

I spent lots of monies.

I have a garage full of slash blades, blast bazookas, and every other weapon you'd ever want. I also have a very nice collection of bot parts.

However, I am still a mediocre player. I just barely get top 10. Every now and then I luck out and get top 5, but those are usually flukes.

So yeah, RT isn't everything. Now, if you have a person with RT who is also skilled, then just forget about it, they won the game, don't even bother fighting them.

>> No.6964232

This also accelsaber has really good parts
IMO his booster and arms are great +3 tec on arms alone
another ingame bot that's really good are red squealers gotten from arena prizes or arcantus drops

>> No.6964235

I hate you. I don't even care about winning, I just like trying out new builds. I spent all of the beta getting 15th using different builds I had thought up and was perfectly satisfied. now that's impossible unless I want to spend out the ass.

>> No.6964240


Ask for tips. Win the game.

>> No.6964243

Btw guys they took out bazooka from shop right?

Also did they nerf bugsycait arms? Ammon it is just 70 or was it always at 70?

>> No.6964247


I don't think they removed bazookas from steel riders.

>> No.6964248 [DELETED] 
File: 537 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20110211_0152_45_576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so you know, you can get first place if you play aggresively.

Pic related.

>> No.6964251

Buy a Steel Rider, steal it's Bazooka, junk it.

>> No.6964254

Normal bazooka hasn't been in the shop during official service as far as I know, but Steel Rider comes with one for 8000 UC (I think). Minibazookas are still in the shop.

>> No.6964256

Slashblades are devastating with high tec specially on a bot with Frau legs which is my current bot

blast bazookas get a lily rain level it up she is a devastating s art at high levels very mobile

Learn to cart your bots better don't just add soo many cost carts just so you can add your favorite weapons to it and ignore the others

>> No.6964263 [DELETED] 
File: 373 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20110214_1801_54_845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so you know, you can get first place if you play aggresively.

Pic related.

Other image failed me. Curses.

>> No.6964265

Enjoy dem tune up parts

>> No.6964268
File: 535 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20110211_0152_45_576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so you know, playing aggressive can net you first in every game.

Image related, Red Squealer prototype crushed enemy repairing bots.

Last 2 images failed me. Double curses.

>> No.6964278
File: 702 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20110201_1508_08_196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image related, again.

>> No.6964283

I only really played with seraph and destructor for a long while, got pretty high results - top ten almost always and fairly often 1-5 with awards while usually maintaining a score not higher than 1500. You're limited to a few bots with UC, but skill plays a huge part.

Having said that, I have an astoundingly much higher amount of fun kicking ass with my Saggy and Ouka and Air Raider than I did with my Destructor and my Seraph. But when it comes to Epoch my seraph flies again...

My original Winberryl's still the same workhorse over Ellen, though.

>> No.6964351

I believe it's already been that low so you don't spam it as often.
Just got my bugsy yesterday and still can't stunlock melee land units properly. The lag fucks it up and lets them punch me just as the arm activates, and they still don't get stunlocked.

>> No.6964604
File: 233 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110215_2150_40_953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy freakin crap you guys look what I got from the login campaign!

>> No.6964625

Cool shop bro

>> No.6964687

>Player: Tempura

I believe it.

But be fair and share with the rest of us, okay?

>> No.6964732

can I have a lily rain eve? or at least a crim-chan?

>> No.6964754

Man, I want an Eve.

>> No.6964758


I just want a stupid ABR. Garulabird arms are fine too. I keep getting garbage from these Garapons.

At least I didn't pay for it though. I'd probably quit if I did.

>> No.6964762

Convince your folk to hand us 50Rt for that Frau incident already, Tempura. I'm still a little off-put that there's no rollback and bug abusers are all but rewarded by getting vast amounts of an item barely inferior to one that normally costs 5000UC.

>> No.6964776

Dude, stop being butthurt about that already. All those chocolates that were gotten from Frau were nerfed into uselessness and people were so busy getting chocolate from Frau that they didn't even bother tuning up with them before the nerf.

All the exploiters have now are a bunch of free cosmos harmonics that are worse than the UC shop one.

>> No.6964782

I'd give you one of my 10 ABRs but sorry, not able to.

I rolled 188 times and no luck with Eve.

>> No.6964785

>people were so busy getting chocolate from Frau that they didn't even bother tuning up with them before the nerf.

20 of which I put to good use tuning 2 3-slot Destructor AMs with TEC and some other knicknacks.

>> No.6964795

>All the exploiters have now are a bunch of free cosmos harmonics that are worse than the UC shop one.

That UC shop one also costs 5000UC each. That aside, it's not that I care about the near-insignificant advantage they've been given after the nerf. The "Oh okay sure, you can keep the chocolate despite being greedy faggots. If you weren't abusing the Frau bug on purpose, well, guess you should've done it." attitude is what ticks me off.

>> No.6964802

post your results I need more for my stats. I want to get at least 1000.

>> No.6964803


The UC shop Cosmo Harmonics is only 1000.

I still agree with your point though. All they did was fix the bug and hardly did anything to bother the people abusing it.

>> No.6964828

the people that were abusing it were the same people that spend $4000 on shit game. cyberstep cares about money more than integrity or pleasing the playerbase.

>> No.6964833
File: 24 KB, 527x386, testivis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way captcha when I posted that was absolutely perfect.

>> No.6964840


>> No.6964991

I think when you join the workforce, you'll find out that just about everybody mostly cares about pleasing the people who give them their paychecks.

In before
>join the workforce

>> No.6965043

If that really was the case, CB would have never gotten to the state it is now.

"Why fix old stuff when we can just put new better stuff in the garapon and have people pay for it?"

>> No.6965046


That's exactly how cash shop games are supposed to work. It's easy money to just add better stuff.

>> No.6965054

Worked for CB JP, didn't it?

>> No.6965097
File: 97 KB, 555x453, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alt F4

>> No.6965106

Did it?

>> No.6965229
File: 380 KB, 1024x1280, 4e72824377a5426cc8342dda7b85d61c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lily Rain's ass vs. Shino's ass. Which one wins?

>> No.6965271
File: 321 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20110215_0957_53_532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koko Gaap in her storage container

>> No.6965287
File: 219 KB, 500x563, Lily Rain 08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lillybutt, hands down. The bare-butt shino skin is a close second but lilly has those delicious cybernetic frill polygons.

This ivis drama is only the coming of the storm. When she is released in a garapon it will only get a hundred times worse.

I'm going to go ahead and suggest she gets put in the shop for 200RT. You KNOW people will pay for her. The only way to get people to stop bitching about her is to give everyone the chance to use her.

>> No.6965298

>bare-butt shino skin

happen to have a screenshot? My curiosity is piqued.

>> No.6965301

>Everyone a chance
hm. And I also think you are samefagging there a bit.

>> No.6965306
File: 104 KB, 260x340, Lily Rain 05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, new bot idea.

Flat chested crim model with +5 fly over default crim, more streamline and aerodynamic.


>> No.6965310 [DELETED] 


>> No.6965311
File: 106 KB, 260x340, Crimrose 05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong image.

>> No.6965324
File: 158 KB, 450x600, 5b2f2642d7bcf22446a54dd1071ba2af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


AIR Winberrl sounds awesome

>> No.6965332

Except that >>6965229 was taken from danbooru and what little lilly images I have are from the fansite kit.

I'm at work I downloaded the pack just now so I had some images to use in response.

>> No.6965358 [SPOILER] 
File: 180 KB, 560x740, 1296858882410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at work

let me cocktease you.

>> No.6965385
File: 81 KB, 400x404, 1289850775581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Boofy.

>> No.6965400

>Flat chested crim model
Crim chan?
Shino? (why does shino even have crim-style boob bracers?)

>> No.6965402 [DELETED] 

There needs to be a S SUP robot that makes a circle like Koko Gaap's, except a bit larger (think Greynaut attraction/repulsion fields, but on the ground) and instead of giving Hyper Shot/Long Range, it quickly deplates the boost of any AIR unit flying above it. It should be quicker than the Booster Leak status at least, ideally the depletion is instant and only leaves 0-2s booster time. Instead of taking down LND like Greynaut/Winberyl do, her job would be dropping errant enemy AIR in maps that lend to them well (Sunset City, Green Field, Deep Forest) right into the powerspot if they aren't careful enough, since it works a caelo usque ad centrum they'll get hit no matter their altitude. Terrifying in Temple Site for obvious reasons.

I guess you could call it Gravity Circle and say that she hailed from a high-gravity environment, so she's free from any unnecessary protrusions such as breasts. Now Winberyl can finally have a comrade in the washboard chest adult department.

>> No.6965413

There needs to be a S SUP robot that makes a circle like Koko Gaap's, except a bit larger (think Greynaut attraction/repulsion fields, but on the ground) and instead of giving Hyper Shot/Long Range, it quickly deplates the boost of any AIR unit flying above it. It should be quicker than the Booster Leak status at least, ideally the depletion is instant and only leaves 0-2s booster time. Instead of taking down LND like Greynaut/Winberyl do, her job would be dropping errant enemy AIR in maps that lend to them well (Sunset City, Green Field, Deep Forest) right into the powerspot if they aren't careful enough, since it works a caelo usque ad centrum they'll get hit no matter their altitude. Terrifying in Temple Site for obvious reasons, effective against the usual S AIR harassers as well as Shaden. The former are near impossible to kill if they play smart or have Broad Radar, so this robot is their comeuppance.

I guess you could call it Gravity Circle and say that she hailed from a high-gravity environment, so she's free from any unnecessary protrusions such as breasts. Now Winberyl can finally have a comrade in the washboard chest adult department.

>> No.6965423

Why not just stun them?

>> No.6965429

Because they're in mid-air, that's what.

>> No.6965446

If the AIR has enough elevation (eg. around Izuna BS altitude), they'll take the stun like a man and get the hell out of Dodge. Even they do drop straight into the enemy ART, they still have a good chance to dash away from the circle, regain their boost and fly away, so it's not like depleting boost is particularly strong anyway. Besides, S AIR dropping into the enemy powerspot and getting gangraped is always a great sight.

For additional fun, since it affects all enemies that utilize boost, it should also drop Short Boosters mid-flight in case anyone gets ideas about hopping around the PS in swarms.

>> No.6965479

Really, these threads have nothing to /jp/. It's just /v/&hotglue posting these threads about random mmo games they actually are playing and putting pictures they found on google images, "this game is about taking it easy!" and calling this /jp/ related.

No it's not - and if you want own thread for your games and in other places they 404 too fast then ask mods for /mmo/ board or something like that.

Thread saged and reported.

>> No.6965501

but...you didn't even sage

>> No.6965515

Yep, its surely easier to convince moot and a bunch of mods that we need another board, instead of you hiding one single thread occasionally. We appreciate you're input.

>> No.6965549

Dear new-friend, you need to learn how does sage work in /jp/, outside of your usual board.

No one on /jp/ likes these threads expect cross-board posters like you.

>> No.6965568

Sure is attentionwhoring in here.

Also, Red Squealer BD, where can I find one?

>> No.6965604

keep playing arena eventually you'll get one. I've never seen one drop anywhere else.

>> No.6965609

I got around 3 of them on arena.

>> No.6965704

I got mine from Arcantus.

(What's the point of Arcantus if you can get all of the useful Arcantus drops from arena as well?)

>> No.6965953

Shino, but we lack more an official pic of her from behind.

>> No.6965966
File: 9 KB, 160x147, material2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems you can get it anywhere in arcantus or the arena

>> No.6965974

But you can't get blocky or WOOOOTREE from arena.

Or some of the other cool parts.

inb4 'blocky is shit'

>> No.6965991
File: 164 KB, 318x438, crimrose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just started last night, did the tutorials or whatever. I want to go air so besides my other 3 shitbots, I have my base parts Crimrose. Tried to do an arena match and got fully raped. Question is, where do I go and what do I do from here? Just grind Quest mode for cash or what?

>> No.6966002

You can, I got Wootree from arena. There are no arcantus only drops anymore.

>> No.6966017
File: 55 KB, 553x472, crimrose aaaaghbhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.. what

That's retarded.

>> No.6966030

Can someone please post the Shino ass skin? Thanks

>> No.6966051

If you're using a starter Crimrose, mount a Wide Beam Gun on her, and just hunt Land units all day.

Don't ever touch the ground near an enemy; anything can crush you in a matter of seconds if you're caught and stunned.
Stay clear of Art units, some missiles have viciously good homing that can stun knock you out of the air on hit and send you to your death on the ground.

>> No.6966066
File: 247 KB, 800x600, shino6d267f3c49941f0fe626d858c211587b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6966085

Did you fight in a room that was circle rank restricted? Arena matches are the fastest way to get money and parts. Doing few missions might be a good idea too. Just join some easy/normal mission room in central area. You can get some usefull weapons and parts from there. Grinding Arcantus quest isn't a bad idea either.

As for your Crimrose, shop minibazooka and beam weapons are good for her.

>> No.6966109
File: 217 KB, 500x563, Lily Rain 07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go run Arcantus some using your drops increasing tickets. You'll get some decent weapons and parts and tune up mats as well as getting much more used to the controls of the game, etc. etc. all while not having the sad feeling of getting your shit pushed in all the time.

Personally I run Arcantus whenever I want to relax and just do something simple while still being constructive. And while you can get Arcantus drops from arena, it's not anywhere near as fast as actually running Arcantus.

>> No.6966136
File: 211 KB, 750x750, 1297462153798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alright, thanks a lot.

>> No.6966143

how do i get micro bazooka?

>> No.6966182


Micro Bazooka is a drop.

>> No.6966190


I have gotten them from Gigan Buster and Starcluster missions and from bee quest. Not sure if they drop from them at the moment though.

>> No.6966238

CB is a difficult and surprisingly complex game. It also has little to no player balance; it wll cheerfully let you walk into a room and fight against master players armed with the best hardware, if you want to. You have weak bots, so play very defensively. Your first priority should be staying alive and only taking shots when you know you won't get hit back.

If I were you, I would start by playing the first ten levels of the Arcanus quest or Bastagant mission on easy to get the hang of maneuvering as air. I suggest staying in the rank limited arena room (the circle room near the bottom of the list) if you want to play in the arena. Do not join any of the Bastagant quests, especually not 3 star level, until you are fairly comfortable with your bots.

And, of course, joining a clan and asking more experienced players to teach you is the best.

>> No.6966243
File: 4 KB, 128x256, Shino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, enjoy your lewd Shino.

>> No.6966254

I wonder when we'll get the battle rating system.

>> No.6966263

Oops, typo. Substitute "Starcluster mission" in place of "Bastagant mission".

>> No.6966271

ok thank you anon

>> No.6966300

Keep in mind the what grade a room is before you join it. C and up you're likely to just get raped.

Also keep in mind the ranks of those on the team you're going to be fighting. If you join a VS BRD and all the BRD are hexagon ranked while your side is mostly circles, triangles, and diamonds then expect your team to get steamrolled.

Ranks are those littles symbols besides a player's name. That rock that looks totally different to any other rank is ore the lowest rank, after that is the circle.

When you rank up as a circle 7 times you get to triangle. Four more rankups to move up to a different shape everytime after that.

It goes rock>circle>triangle>diamond>pentagon>hexagon>star>jewstar.

There's a few more past that, but so far nobody has ranked past jewstar yet on ENCB, but Kanbara the leader of Hotglue is getting close.

If you keep in mind the strength of who you're fighting then you shouldn't get your shit pushed in that much.

Also for now avoid fighting any bot that looks like it's hopping. Those bots will wreck those who are inexperienced.

Also if you need a clan, just PM Kanbara or one of Hotglue's subleaders for an invite. Usually at least one is always on. Hotglue hangs out on channel 3 by the way.

Also last tip. Type advantages. Abuse them whenever you can. Basically AIRs>LNDs>ARTs>AIRs.

Airs can shoot most lands from the air without much consequence especially if they lack a long range weapon. Lands will just wreck an artillery if it goes close enough for melee. Artillery will shoot down air for huge damage.

However a skilled player can overcome these type advantages. Since these advantages are slightly more weapon based then actual bot type based they can be totally circumvented.

There's a lot of nuances to this game really. Just keep trying and don't get discouraged.

>> No.6966494

type advantage is bullshit.

LND can get their face raped by ARTs if they're doing it wrong(by having a ping less than 300)


ART can just FLY OMGOSH, LND is avoided.

>> No.6966541

20rt is nothing compared to what people waste on the garapon machines

fun facts:
if we assume the probability of getting eve is 5% then your chances of not getting one after 100 rolls is 1 in 169

if the probability of getting one is below 3.3% your chances of not getting one in 100 attempts is higher than your chances of getting one on the first try

if we use the calculated probability of .5% your chances of not getting one after 100 attempts is 1 in 1.6

>> No.6966562

>LND can get hit by one barrage of my missiles oh god it's still slowly coming this way I'M BEING KICKED TO DEATH

>> No.6966613

In reality there are only two robot types

Those with short boost, and those without short boost

>> No.6966641
File: 1.76 MB, 1200x848, 14946796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody interested in buying an account with EVE on it + quite a bit of other things? I'd be willing to hear offers. It's on DOS though...

>> No.6966655


>> No.6966804

You are right, but those type advantages can be reversed easily too.

AIR: I guess I should chase those hoppeOW STOP NO NOT THE BAZOOKAS
ART: Oh, missed that Stealth System AIR. No problem, eat Misside AMs... Wait, is that a Ripper Scy-WHY IS IT HITTING ME FOR 120 PER SWING
LND: hop hop hop hop hop/kick kick kick ki...ah shit Eve cannon/railgun/missile salvo from unreachable ART on a ledge

It all depends on your weapons. If you're using a bazooka hopper, you won't fear AIR despite your beam weakness. If you're a Frau LG AIR, you may as well try kicking careless Destructors.

>> No.6966808
File: 209 KB, 1024x768, 0586FDE6-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mahou Shoujo CS-chan

>> No.6966848

what else you have?

>> No.6966887

How does the cash shop play a part in this game?
Just cosmetic items, or do I have to spend my autism money to be any good?

>> No.6966927

Still a faggot GM as usual I see.

>> No.6966929


>> No.6967057

I'm sorry, I have WAY too much experience killing hoppers.

>> No.6967093

They sure are mad as hell.

>> No.6967139

First Rennylop on CBJP, now Ivis out of Lucky Cube. Devil's luck right there, Hakua.

>> No.6967218

If you have a little money, you can get a fair amount of extra firepower. If you have a shitload of money, you roll the garapon and get a lot of extra firepower.

Ultimately, a fool with a tool is still a fool though. There are a lot of easy to kill Eves and Oukas out there.

>> No.6967232


>> No.6967277

Is there any proof that he has the bunnies?

>> No.6967420

I have a "support beginners pass" (along with some bots and flags) that I got because I made an account in beta and never logged in.
Should I use this thing or save it?

>> No.6967444

Save it until you're experienced enough to know how to make it worthwhile and there's some sort of other bonus event to stack it with. You can never ever get another one of those.

>> No.6967553

I've killed plenty of inbound EVEs using Destructor CN + 2 bazookas/2 grenade launchers (pretty fun if they went on fire, they'll be forced to move towards you, increasing the chances of hitting them more.)

>> No.6967659
File: 51 KB, 746x295, friendcircle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats up with the DOS clan "friendcircle"?

I always see them at or near the top of the clan ranking, but nobody ever talks about them and they don't seem to be entering the tournament. Are they /jp/ related or is the name just a coincidence?

>> No.6967867

I'm not sure I've ever heard of them here so probably not. They lack notable players I guess. The a5 guy is one of their only notable players being a froghopper in every situation including epoch. I think Quazm is one of their other notable players. He's on FriendCircle, right? I don't really remember. I can't think of anyone else notable besides that.

I'm guessing they just have a lot of members who are active, but not particularly great. If that's not true then feel free to correct me.

>> No.6967962

I remember someone saying they're pinoys or something like that.

A lot of them do lag like crazy so it might be true.

>> No.6968055

BRD has plenty of that + Mommy's credit card.

>> No.6968135

I'm not really sure. Though there have been reports of botters lately and I've heard that clan accepted one into their guild.

LOL. Realistically enough, the highest spenders wanking about how much they spent in-game(and proud of it) are WIZ

>> No.6968162

Only big spenders in WIZ is egyptian prince and that guy who spent 500 for 3 eves. Doesn't compare to the collective BRD's got.

>> No.6968171 [DELETED] 

guys what a good Ouka cart build?

>> No.6968175

Oh god, all the cute robots cost real money. I'm going to end up spending more than I want to on this. ;_;

>> No.6968413
File: 201 KB, 821x646, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is possibly the greatest feature to ever grace an MMO.
Does anyone know what can open the .cs2 file one gets from 'export parts'?

>> No.6968723

The export option creates a png.

The save and load options work with cs2 files. The import and export options work with pngs.

>> No.6968756
File: 243 KB, 800x600, cosmic 2011-02-15 18-03-15-95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a pitiful sight.

It was worth seeing him ragequit just before the end though.

>> No.6968774

by the way, those squares really make the life bar harder to see, fucking faggot isn't autistic enough with his wallet that still needs to resort to petty tricks

>> No.6968823

you would think everyone would want to gang up on him regardless of how much hp he has left, or any allies who might be near him. he needs to level up his paraiah status some more.

>> No.6969184


Shino Exroad, Crimrose (and Seraph), Lazflamme, Lily Rain, Kamui Nagi, Jikun Long, Tesladonna, Winberrl and Koko Gaap are all obtainable through in-game money or rank-up rewards.

As for the RT/cash ones, just do some surveys if there are any available in your country.

>> No.6969605
File: 198 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110216_0807_28_434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today looks like another lucky day.

>> No.6969667
File: 3 KB, 300x57, you taetae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you

>> No.6969678


To recap that's
Spending hundreds of dollars on the game
Using any cheap trick that exists to get a further edge
Alt-f4ing before you lose

I really hope we win the clan tournament, it would feel so good to see their anguish

>> No.6969690
File: 169 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110216_1838_42_818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. I got a Slot Protector Omega from the campaign prize, and I had 5 Cosmo Harmonics Gamma and a Handmade Chocolate Gamma at hand previously. Tried tuning up my Viper Shield, ABR, Halloween Bat and Tesladonna LG, succeeded 6 times in a row.

Incidentally, this completes my Thoarla. I can't wait to get raped in crown rooms for using S AIR weaponry on a L AIR.

>> No.6969983
File: 705 KB, 1024x1280, Lily Rain 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/, I was wondering. The last time I played was during the beta and there was this horrible interface/menu/garage lag. Have they fixed this at all?

>> No.6970017

Yes its all been fixed, opening garage is instant now. I almost forgot about how horrible it was back then.

>> No.6970039

funny to see how lenient GMs are despite all that. Seems any sort of discipline will lower the already pitiful population.

>> No.6970070
File: 259 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110215_2358_02_751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

berzelius is a miracle of the universe

>> No.6970105


explain this!

>> No.6970111

That would be a GM transformation event sir. I always ask for Volcanics because I love his melee attack. Or CS-chan, the real one that has 10,000 hp and can kill 18 people at once.

>> No.6970156

A quick question to airfags, do you use propeller bits, and if so where do you farm them?

>> No.6970179

In the fight against Everything'sFine, where do we stand?

>> No.6970221

arcantus, arena or uc garapon

i seldom use them because i never have enough

>> No.6970524

cosmic bump

>> No.6970837

Wow, Kanbara is eightstar already.

210000 more points until he hits crown.

>> No.6970883
File: 139 KB, 800x640, destructor girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6970887

I use slayer bit.

>> No.6970901

autism overwhelming

>> No.6971328

what weapon is that? not like I'll ever get one though

>> No.6971603
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, [Nutbladder]_Puella_Magi_Madoka_Magica_-_04_[087B2DC7].mkv_snapshot_15.16_[2011.02.15_22.45.22].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eve back in garapon on JP server with new hair color


Also some new L size land

>> No.6971677

yay, got Koko from the garapon after rolling x20 3 times, I almost have no UC now though.

>> No.6971698

Enjoy not having any slots to tune.

>> No.6971775

If you want to have fun, stop trying your best to get as many rank points as possible when you get to hexagon rank.

I bet it's something silly like an M-9 Bayonet.

>> No.6971876

I'm starting to believe in the garapon quota theory. I got koko the first day after a few rolls and never got her again. Also when uc2 gara opened I got several gold balls in just a couple of rolls. Then I hardly got any after the first day.

>> No.6972345
File: 393 KB, 800x600, winb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Badass faglanders

>> No.6972357

Hotglue will win.
They have Ivis and EVE.

>> No.6972390

Hotglue isn't fielding the Ivis.

>> No.6972391

>Hotglue will win.
>They have Froglanders.


>> No.6972394

Hakua can't play next week, he's not even an alt for the tournament.

I'd say we have even chances, we have some pretty amazing people regardless of what bots they're in.

>> No.6972403

Yeah, because JUST hotglue has EVE. And the Ivis won't be participating.

>> No.6972430

As far as Everything's Fine vs Hotglue, I'm more worried about NoFunAllowed than Everything's Fine.

>> No.6972435

Hotglue's roster is pretty impressive considering how many people quit but not even Ivis can save Hotglue against the endless onslaught of burst fire Bugsycait hoppers with 800 ping that comprise Everything'sFine.

>> No.6972472

The ping is exactly why they can't win. When people see the tournament and realize that HKers are abusing their connections to teleport all over the field there will be a shitstorm to rival all shitstorms.

Last time I played against BRD 2 members of EF were in teleporting crims that because of it were unkillable monsters. Once that's seen as the reason they're winning the GMs will be forced to pull them or every fucking person in CB will ragequit.

Which is why I'm more worried about NoFunAllowed who seem competent enough and have fagbuilds of their own.

Those goddamn bees

>> No.6972474

They did merge with trolls & loyalty.
Their combine autism will kicked those ETFfags back to Hong Kong.

>> No.6972512

I was under the impression that most of ETF's HK players won't be participating.

>> No.6972524

As if Loyalty actually was something to care about.

>> No.6972611

So how hardcore is Hotglue anyway? I've been thinking of joining a guild for a change of pace (been guildless from the beginning), but I really don't want to just accept one of those random invites.

Are they even recruiting? And what is expected from members in terms of playtime or scores? I only play maybe 10-20 arenas per day, usually getting good scores, but I don't want to compromise with something I might not be able to keep up.

>> No.6972613

>As if most of Loyalty's good players hadn't quit long ago.
Fixed that for you. I didn't even know they still existed.

>> No.6972629

You're obviously new to /jp/.

Also, Hotglue isn't recruiting. Go join Snowflake or some other shitty clan.

>> No.6972643

Not really, still thanks for the info, I might check them out.

>> No.6972715

I'm pretty sure that it is the M-9 bayonet.

>> No.6972729

Actually Hotglue pretty much just accepts anyone who asks for an invite while saying they're from /jp/.

Also pretty much nothing is really expected of skill for those who join Hotglue.

>> No.6972744


Remember to use a lot of emote when talking in clan chat.

>> No.6972795
File: 580 KB, 946x1280, new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The recolored Eve looks pretty badass, actually. And of course, some wealthy SOB gets one within 15 minutes after it came out.

They also added chibi-Winberrl to the same garapon. *sigh*

>> No.6972835

Tarantulic is an Arcantus drop.

Bunny sisters next week.

>> No.6972904

ETF copying Hotglue's strategy to win OBT2 tourney? Interesting.

>> No.6972960

Looks Chinese for some reason. Not sure why.

>> No.6972986

It's because her dress is kind of like a cheongsam/china dress.

>> No.6972995

shock-knife buff, really? I've never seen anyone use that shit.

>> No.6972997
File: 106 KB, 809x631, cloaks1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New lnd bots in JPCB gara.

>> No.6973007
File: 116 KB, 1280x1024, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coolest looking land type.

>> No.6973011

Koko Gaap plays a trick on Winbell with a cursed BS ... where have I heard this before? Goddamn it CB, can you come up with something different?

>> No.6973042

this whole thing reeks of Exia Repair.

>> No.6973090

Prepare your anus if ETF and Snowflake arent taken out in the first round.

>> No.6973154

wasn't that a ripoff of black getter to begin with?

>> No.6973156

The two new bots are great. They look like wild west gunslingers and the animations for gun drawing and the knife-and-bomb combo are well done and really slick. I hope these guys are brought over to CBus soon because they are just too cool.

>> No.6973178

>ETF and Snowflake
Snowflake did worse than casualglue in the OB tournament and ETFs are just snowflake outcasts judging from the comments here that said that the HKers arent participating.

>> No.6973198

I think Hotglue is going to lose. Everyone else has like half of their team with EVE and the other half full tuned air loop bullshit.

Autism might not cut it this time. I hope I'm wrong. That flag would be nice. Maybe Tempura can rig the bracket again to give the best clans the top spots.

>> No.6973297

Snowflakes team is a joke that can't even get their vent in order let alone use any of the fag builds properly

>> No.6973388 [DELETED] 

rul34ing renny Lop

>> No.6973544
File: 109 KB, 234x294, gainar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That actually looks like Gainar from Godannar

>> No.6973566
File: 84 KB, 431x486, 34536342475474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Parts for the robot Tarantulic have been added as Arcantus Quest drops.
What the fuck are you doing

I blame Choja.

>> No.6973642
File: 90 KB, 1102x843, img.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man its gonna be a hard round 2

>> No.6973649

Can't help but notice that ETF has the easiest group.

>> No.6973653

god that lnd looks badass

>> No.6973660

What would be best cartridge for a seraph crim? Quick Jump or Quick Boost?
Planning to get 7 cap, sniper sight and stealth (not interested by a izuna LG build at all).

Any tips? Rather cautious, as it doesn't seem we can get star coins for the moment, so no cartridge rest ;_;

>> No.6973683

Looks like they split up the major clans nicely.

We SHOULD win block B easy, then face snowflake if they make it.

>> No.6973692
File: 53 KB, 1102x843, youhearditherefirst.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First and second place are too close to call.
Snowflake will take third.

>> No.6973701

get both

>> No.6973720

urusai! urusai! urusai! urusai! urusai!

>> No.6973736
File: 312 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110216_1945_44_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/toy/ representin'

>> No.6973745

what do you mean we can get starcoins and cart resets are in star coin shop

>> No.6973781

Finally, an M sized Railgun!! I totally shouldn't have bought the L railgun, it fucking sucks

>> No.6973787

That's a really tough choice. I always get both on my air bots because I just can't decide that one is better than the other.

>> No.6973799

... I said "it DOESN'T seem we can get star coin", which implies we cannot get reset cart, as you don't have that currency. Duh.

That's exactly the issue, and to be honest, I don't think sniper or stealth would be effective without the other (well, stealth is prolly more functional I guess).
But due to crim being so dependant on tuning, I don't think you can fare well without the 7x cap cart.

>> No.6973800

Did you remember to turn on voice chat so people will be distracted with cries for pancit and adobo?

>> No.6973805

If you use Brickgale BS, you could use that to reach max altitude in an emergency. So you could do without Quick Jump.

Otherwise, I think Quick Boost is the lesser of the two. It just feels sooo incredibly sluggish without Quick Jump.

>> No.6973868

Team Hotglue:

- Hotglue
- SDGO_Trolls

Team Everything'sFine:

- HK players
- ex-Snowflake fags

Whoever wins, LOYALTY gets everything.

>> No.6973971

I'll be absolutely thrilled even if Hotglue gets second. I just want that fan and magic neck. That banner thing isn't that cool since it's not aproper flag

>> No.6974015

>52: Florette
>Player Name: Zyxn
>1st Place Clan: Hotglue
>2nd Place Clan: EveryThing'sFine
>Player Name: k@mpfer
>1st Place Clan: EveryThing'sFine
>2nd Place Clan: Hotglue
>Player Name: Florette
>1st Place Clan: Hotglue
>2nd Place Clan: EveryThing'sFine
>this is legal right

You could have at least posted them from three different accounts...

>> No.6974037 [DELETED] 

>Good players

hue hue hue hue what?

>> No.6974043

I'll be pissed if I don't get that golden Pepen again. I got one in the beta, but it was sadly wiped.

It may be overall useless, but it's cute.

>> No.6974050

Huh, there are people guessing that both Hotglue and Snowflake will get 1st and 2nd place and vice versa. However with the way the brackets are set up isn't this impossible?

>> No.6974052

will eve gara disappear next week?

>> No.6974058

Why is Florette using Zyxn account?

>> No.6974062

Yes it's impossible. People are just stupid.

>> No.6974065

Yes. It pretty much shows how stupid the CB community can be. Don't mind it.

>> No.6974069

Who do you guys think is going to win block D?

The other 3 blocks look pretty much set. Snowflake, Hotglue, and Everything'sFine.

However Block D there will be a match between EFB and NoFunAllowed.

Which one do you guys think have a better chance of winning? And which one do you think stands a better chance against Everything'sFine?

>> No.6974071

They wouldnt spend so much money on a game if they arent stupid.
Cant believe the guy that spend $1000+ didnt qualify for the tournament.

>> No.6974074


Nofunallowed only has a few notable players while EFB's have been autists since the beginning.

>> No.6974075

Who spent $1000?

>> No.6974076 [DELETED] 

EFB was plain since the beginning.

>> No.6974078


>> No.6974081 [DELETED] 

>got evee on my 76th, 77th, and 82nd rolls out of 250. One of my friends just got her on the 8th roll out of 10
>naruto original character do not steal avatar.

Why am I not surprised?

>> No.6974089

Since the #2 autist of Hotglue Florette is playing in the tournament, I dont see how Hotglue will lose now.

>> No.6974094

>Naruto avatar

Oh, didn't that fellow whine for six pages straight about how Hakua getting an Ivis out of a Lucky Cube was a blasphemy, demanded a server wipe for the sole purpose of removing that Ivis, and claimed that "Cyberstep just lost $1000" that he would spend trying to get an Ivis (which he constantly calls Aivisu-chan)? And if I recall, he had a seperate thread about how Lucky Cubes should be limited to UC robots only because Garapon/RT robots were unfair to paying players. Despite you know, the fact that paying players can get the exact same cubes and if the cubes were removed everyone but him would start complaining.

I like him. Internet is a bastion of dumb people, but he's on a whole new level.

>> No.6974096

This world is very fair.
They compensated his stupidity by making him rich.

>> No.6974100

Remember what happened to the other clan that everyone though would win the tournament? I bet they haven't even been practicing any team tactics.

>> No.6974132


Hotglue didn't either. They didn't even want to set up vent. Anywho, weird how everyone and their mothers are betting on hotglue winning this time even though everything's fine is topping arena rankings.

>> No.6974134

They are the defending champion after all.

>> No.6974135

Yes, I find that very odd too. It's like everyone's ignoring the elephant in the room. I think ETF will get first, actually.

>> No.6974158

Where's MoD? Did they not register or not have enough CP?

>> No.6974164
File: 21 KB, 382x210, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is going on? Everyone trying to get Tara?

>> No.6974165
File: 7 KB, 103x123, 1246627020286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is tarantulic back

i have ruined the game

>> No.6974169


That wouldn't be as funny


Because I dont want to actually play cosmic break and someone offered me an account that fagbots already set up for the tournament


Didnt register(in time)
Probably due to confusion over who to register them. Shame, I wanted to play for them


I wouldn't bet the farm just on me. I'd say it's really 50/50. It will depend on how badly the hkers lag

>> No.6974183
File: 66 KB, 579x317, 1286384270511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I installed Fiesta and made a character a couple hours ago and still no 18 RT

>> No.6974189 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 363x588, 1270389246849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be cheering for you guys tomorrow. I'm not aware of how the other clans are in terms of skill/lag/money since I'm not playing anymore but do they really lag that much as people say?

>I bet they haven't even been practicing any team tactics.
Really now? We never practiced anything in particular except for simply playing as usual. No vent, not nothing. I can't help but laugh at people who actually use that kind of thing for CB.

>> No.6974193


To be fair, Everythingsfine inflates their arena rankings by alt-f4ing out of matches before they lose, as has been plainly demonstrated

>> No.6974223


HKers lag pretty badly, but on the upside, due to connection stress, they might lag out of the match entirely which would give us an easy victory, and be pretty hilarious.

If you want other clans to spectate assuming you're logging in to do that, I'd watch the snowfags. Their lineup isnt that great, but they're all loaded with some nice rt toys. EFB has about half their autists, so they'll probably do well aswell.

And watch NoFunAllowed because I'll be playing for them with a set of frogs, unless they can get their entire clan on(which, of course, also makes up their entire tournament roster).

>> No.6974246


Give it some time. They gave it to me.

>> No.6974250 [DELETED] 

Anon Oh yeah! Be cheering for me guys tomorrow. Fuck me for reminding you of shigofumi.

>> No.6974256

Fuck of retard.
Acting like Cordelia is so last year.

>> No.6974269

I did it too, maybe they will e-mail the rt later...

>> No.6974307
File: 424 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20100706_2235_11_793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Hotglue goes up against NoFunAllowed (which would be unlikely but fun) I would actually be forced into a tournament match. Which would be ok I guess and pretty humorous. Too bad Hope didn't qualify (it didn't have a chance in hell).

I need my 3rd blocky already Cyberstep. Please to be having it dropping from Arctanus, thank you.

>> No.6974311 [DELETED] 

You can stay in kig for usually a good few hours before you need a break. Don't worry about it, anon; You can stay in kig for usually a good few hours before you need a break.

>> No.6974391
File: 328 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110217_0855_46_722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lios, you're really dumb.

>> No.6974403

Took me a day or two to get it. Feel free to uninstall it right now. It should still go through.

>> No.6974588
File: 39 KB, 209x243, chibi-winberrl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awwww, a sleeping chibi-Winberrl. Isn't she cute?

>> No.6974715

It takes approximately a day to get the rt.

>> No.6974731
File: 117 KB, 500x600, 12371010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you very much for the reassurances, anons.

>> No.6974765 [DELETED] 

>implying Hotglue could easily beat a clan with fagloads of Rt using UC builds.

Enjoy losing to Snowflake three weeks from now.

>> No.6974774

>implying Hotglue could easily beat a clan with fagloads of Rt by using UC builds.

Enjoy losing to Snowflake three weeks from now.

>> No.6974778

I would not feel bad about losing to Snowflake. I doubt it, but I wouldn't feel bad.

>> No.6974831


Hotglue has been sponsored by spyware into having enough rt to get a few bots.

>> No.6974878

Damn it, BRD. If any of you are reading this thread then join that VS WIZ room with 3 Hotglue in it.

>> No.6974913
File: 633 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20110217_1322_31_879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hotglue ninja joining my rooms and picking on noobs.

>> No.6974915
File: 152 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110217_1048_02_299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breaking news

>> No.6974928 [DELETED] 

Stop being such an attention whore, jesus christ.

>> No.6974933


No Games: The Game

>> No.6975047

>tourneyfags picking on noobs

Haha oh wow.

>> No.6975052

Well this isn't a good sign. Everyones voting Hotglue 1st, EF 2nd, but as history shows most people guessed wrongly in the past (Snowflake 1st, other fags 2nd), so if the results are opposite from what most people think it could be bad for us.

>> No.6975096

I voted for NoFunAllowed, am I allowed to make multiple votes with my alts? I wonder.

>> No.6975098

Don't worry. As long as they have Minamitsu and AppleMecha in the their lineup Hotglue will never lose.

>> No.6975102

>am I allowed to make multiple votes with my alts?


>> No.6975132
File: 700 KB, 1024x768, CB-MH12f3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interrupting tournament faggotry with art faggotry before the thread dies

I skipped my classes today so I could finish this.
I kind of regret the direction I took with this one, it's not really Cosmic Break-ey enough.

>> No.6975138


It's funny because Florette and Minamitsu are probably going to dc during the tournament

>> No.6975147

i like it

>> No.6975149

It's shit and you really should regret your actions.

>> No.6975150


you interrupted our tourneyfaggotry for this?

>> No.6975166


>> No.6975207
File: 21 KB, 654x667, hawin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, more botters.


>> No.6975247
File: 58 KB, 458x454, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at this faggot.

They should make public which union spent the most money so far.

>> No.6975303

>chibi winberrl
I am throwing wads of cash at my PC so hard right now.

And now I'm thinking of making a JPCB account.

I'll try to get in game in a few hours to play around, anyone up for a team area?

>> No.6975320

I remember once Florette had his whole gang and they STILL could not beat a handful of EF.

However, this was back then he was just using shitty UC bots.

>> No.6975358

HG reminiscing of old times in clan chat right now... oh can't wait till we drop this game and make new memories in another fotm!

>> No.6975405
File: 345 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20110217_2145_21_718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that new quest bot good or what?

>> No.6975503

Looks like Hotglue is underestimating EF too much. :3

>> No.6975534
File: 23 KB, 414x419, 1295070269909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reporting a bot
Still first place

I love you Metal

>> No.6975550 [DELETED] 

I should not judge a company based on just one game or two, both kid and akabesoft2 did their fair share of shitty games I know.

>> No.6975591

I don't know, someone said its body is not available, if that's the case than no, if it's body IS available than yes because it has a gun that auto slows people. That's pretty neat.

>> No.6975605

Vyolets has one.

>> No.6975615

Time to waste time in arctanus!

>> No.6975645

>>6975098 As long as they have Minamitsu and AppleMecha in the their lineup Hotglue will never lose.
アウ~ティ~ズム パ~ワ~アッ

>> No.6975649

I'm confused, are these all supposed to be the same person? but I'm pretty sure I've seen kampfer and florette playing against each other before.

>> No.6975827

K@mpfer != Kampfer
two different accounts. One is Florette with infinite Accel hoppers

>> No.6976206

To summarize Hotglue's intense preparation for this contest

>Kanbara: Hey Autists are you willing to tourneyfag
>Some yes, some nos, some Fuck CBs
>Everyone who answered yes is on the tournament roster

No special builds
No cheap tricks
No vent
No mass rt spending
No grinding for tarantulic

This is literally what you're all getting worked up about
They dont even expect to get first

>> No.6976234

We just started grinding for Tarantulic actually.

>> No.6976262

Tarantulic parts only drop from the spiders in the Red Gates of the desert and canyon areas, correct?

>> No.6976503

Why would you be put on the roster?
Sabotaging for hotglue? That is low.

>> No.6976566
File: 269 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20110213_0005_00_689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you too, anonymous.

Also, Wulfgar got a massive boner when I shown him this.

>> No.6976625
File: 175 KB, 800x600, 12381754_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump limit ;_;

>> No.6976627


I think he's implying that he doesnt think nofunallowed will get enough people online, and thus if florette is fighting for hotglue instead of using that account, he'd have to fight for you, and thus be badly beaten as he has a terrible record against the hotglue autists

>> No.6976820

That would probably be WIZ with the faggot in the forums.

I know that guy who has that commando.. he's just extremely lucky.. got the eves in 2 5x rolls.. seriously

>> No.6976962

God the chainsaw is really slow, it's like doing tai chi when you're using it. It's much faster when you combo it off other melee attacks but you can hardly hit air units.

Also did anyone painted their chainsaw pink?

>> No.6976982

yeah but that was after like 80 rolls. he's just some rich faggot with a gambling addiction.

>> No.6977581

Ugly art that is bound to lose the contest.

>> No.6977695


Let's hope the judges have a trisomy amputee fetish.

>> No.6977747

Sorry to burst your bubbles but the winner is going to be either tourist, akihex or asymiss.

>> No.6977830

>1280 cost
>Eve has 1300 max capacity
Yeah, he must be REALLY lucky in that case.

>> No.6977988

Autism~☆ Power~☆

>> No.6978314
File: 6 KB, 145x145, 1295143001374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6978464

New thread

