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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6948404 No.6948404 [Reply] [Original]

JP was formed and I came to visit.
Severals months later I didn't visit this site for a year.
Then I came back several months ago.
I think it's been like 1/2 a year so far and I haven't managed to make a thread that hasn't been deleted.
What exactly is /jp/ about? It seems like /a/ now except it's boring.

>> No.6948411

It's pretty much what this copypasta tries to convey.

No, we believe that you're ruining our pasttime. Which is 4chan and (to a much lesser extent) anime/vidyagaems/etc.
I come here to be among the filth like me. The misogynists, the pedophiles, the transsexuals, the irreligious, the gays, the bi's, the racists, the otakus (and by that, I refer to the dakimakura-owning, waifu-loving dirt of society with posters of 2D anime girls all over the walls. The guy who spends all his money on a better computer and multiple anime figures to litter his walls and shelves).

I do not come here to listen to how and your girlfriend had a tiff and you want help getting back together.
I do not come here to listen to your preaching about how easy it is to lead a normal life.
I do not come here to AIM or MSN or otherwise 'chat' with you.
I do not come here to listen to your disgusting drivel about how you spend time everyday watching anime with your girlfriend and need a recommendation for another.

If I wanted any of that shit, I'd go to gaiaonline, or myspace, or facebook.

No, I come here to look at pathetic losers post their fantasies about dating their 2D lover.
I come here to see pedophiles exchange erotica involving underaged minors.
I come here to watch stormfront refugees fabricate various 'evidence' about how other races are inferior to whites.
I come here to view the tips and stories given by crackheads and druggies addicted to oxy.
I come here to revel in the filth of humanity so that I can feel at home.

I've already done as best as I possibly can to filter shit out. I've got the 4chan filter, I can hide individual posts, I can hide threads, and various other annoyances taken care of, but it doesn't help nowadays.
If I wanted normal, I'd go somewhere else.
But you do not understand this desire, and so will respond with "LUL4CHANIZSECRETBASE" or some other nonsense rather than actually argue for your staying here.

Fucking normalfags.

>> No.6948420

/jp/ was made for everything in /a/ that wasn't Anime or Manga:
Touhou, Visual Novels, etc.

It was made so that /a/ could be just about anime and manga.

Look how well that turned out.

>> No.6948444

/jp/ seems to be deprived of any creativity.

>> No.6948463


That's why we just take it easy.

>> No.6948473

Stop bumping this fucking shit. God damn.

>> No.6948474

>I come here to revel in the filth of humanity so that I can feel at home.


>> No.6948479

I wonder how /a/ would have turned out if /jp/ had never been created. Would we have been able to keep the Naruto threads out? Would posters still give half a shit about grammar, and would people try to construct decent arguments?

It may have been doomed anyway, just from the nature of the medium attracting a younger audience.

>> No.6948490


Whoa nelly! Back up a second. Are you trying to imply the pieces of trash at /b/ are human?

>> No.6948502

/a/ would be how /a/ is today except with the odd touhou thread.

I personally like /jp/ because I can find a VN thread one day and next week it will still be there.

>> No.6948533

I think /a/ would be different if all of /jp/'s frequenters still went there. Indeed, I remember a time when Bleach, Naruto, One Piece, and Negima threads were insulted just like translation request and Japan threads are rejected here. I have to think part of the reason that stopped is because a large percentage of the older members of /a/ switched over to this board instead.
