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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6943386 No.6943386 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, do you like NTR?

>> No.6943392

Sure.... I'm the Alpha waifu stealer after all.

>> No.6943390


>> No.6943394


>> No.6943393

me on the left

>> No.6943400

I don't like the " your tiny penis can't satisfy me anymore"-type. It hits home.

>> No.6943406
File: 233 KB, 500x500, aye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you suck my dick for it, OP

>> No.6943407


It's not like you'd ever get to user it or anything.

>> No.6943414

Tried it out in real life once. Not for me.

>> No.6943418

What anime is that?
Is that NTR?

>> No.6943419


>get to use it

My penis? You're right, my size will prevent me from using it.

>> No.6943420

Kimi ni Todoke S2
Yes, it is.

>> No.6943423

he said "user" it, nimrod


>> No.6943429


It's shoujo. What do do you think? She'll get raped, likes it, gets pregnant and the male lead has to take care of "his" child.

>> No.6943437


You want to fight, faggot? I may have a small penis, but i can beat your faggot ass around the globe!

>> No.6943439

It's a doggy dog world out there, your just pansy ass fuckups

>> No.6943440

Hell no.

>> No.6943443

yeah sure internet tuffguy

>> No.6943447


Look at this backpedaling faggot. Just look at him. You scared faggot boy?

>> No.6943459
File: 55 KB, 451x220, npr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but I like NPR

>> No.6943465

I fantasize of being NTR'd all the time.

I don't know why, it just makes me feel good.

>> No.6943473

>faggot boy
Stop saying things like that.

>> No.6944162 [DELETED] 

As you can see, I hate everything now.

I don't know. I was going to try it, but my Windows partition is fucked over and I've been forced to use my tiny Ubuntu partition for several weeks now.
I've never completed a VN before. I've played a little bit of Ever 17, and FSN but I don't have them any more because they were on my broken laptop.
Also, I gave up on FSN after reading the damn explanation of Saber's past that essentially said that even though she's King Arthur, she's a shitty leader because she's a women... Even though according to the legend itself, Arthur is a perfect, glorified king. It was the last straw after that scene where he was angrily chopping food and the childhood flashback thing.. It's not necessarily the sexism, it's just I really liked the idea of an awesome, strong, knightly women with fucktastic powers that could kick the shit out of anyone and was part of a famous legend... and yet this idea was slowly sapped from as you start to realize that not only is Arturia not like that, but that's not even how they want you to see her. Ever. No matter how illogical it is..

I haven't yet found a VN that works with Ubuntu besides FSN...
I have some presumably cookie-cutter eroge with NTR content which doesn't work and I tried doing some shit with instructions that (appeared to) involve using some GPL/freeware/whatever tool which installs IE to get certain files to somehow configure Wine so that it works better...
It seemed so easy at first, too. It looked like all I needed was a font to make the damn filenames read correctly (they show up as question marks and a get an error about the filenames), but apparently, nope.

In fact, now I can't eve get the ISO to mount (or at least, act like it's mounted) for some reason.
I hate everything now.

>> No.6944172 [DELETED] 
File: 831 KB, 1600x1200, 578e0e5019b7432a258a2f59a935f846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love NTR.

>> No.6944174

I don't know. I was going to try it, but my Windows partition is fucked over and I've been forced to use my tiny Ubuntu partition for several weeks now.
I've never completed a VN before. I've played a little bit of Ever 17, and FSN but I don't have them any more because they were on my broken laptop.
Also, I gave up on FSN after reading the damn explanation of Saber's past that essentially said that even though she's King Arthur, she's a shitty leader because she's a women... Even though according to the legend itself, Arthur is a perfect, glorified king. It was the last straw after that scene where he was angrily chopping food and the childhood flashback thing.. It's not necessarily the sexism, it's just I really liked the idea of an awesome, strong, knightly women with fucktastic powers that could kick the shit out of anyone and was part of a famous legend... and yet this idea was slowly sapped from as you start to realize that not only is Arturia not like that, but that's not even how they want you to see her. Ever. No matter how illogical it is..

I haven't yet found a VN that works with Ubuntu besides FSN...
I have some presumably cookie-cutter eroge with NTR content which doesn't work and I tried doing some shit with instructions that (appeared to) involve using some GPL/freeware/whatever tool which installs IE to get certain files to somehow configure Wine so that it works better...
It seemed so easy at first, too. It looked like all I needed was a font to make the damn filenames read correctly (they show up as question marks and a get an error about the filenames), but apparently, nope.

In fact, now I can't eve get the ISO to mount (or at least, act like it's mounted) for some reason.
I hate everything now.

>> No.6944181
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>> No.6944185

Wait, shit. Addendum to spoiler: But let's not discuss that.

>> No.6944189

NTR in Kimi no Thinghappens, really?
I guess I'll never watch it then~

>> No.6944200
File: 543 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Kimi_ni_Todoke_2nd_Season_-_00_[BF735BC4].mkv_snapshot_11.40_[2011.01.05_01.21.07].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it doesn't.

>> No.6944208
File: 82 KB, 676x746, 1297310025071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sparkles and bubbles the anime.
I never managed to watch more then 1 episode, it was to much for me.

>> No.6944215


This is why you got banned last time. Quit it.

>> No.6944218

No it isn't, actually.

>> No.6944221

I used to, there was something strange about getting angry that really appealed to me.

Then it happened to me in real life. I now I m more bitter than ever and drown my anger in lolicon and rape doujins! THANKS INTERNET.

>> No.6944227

For some reason it suit Sawako.
But I still like the Saten one.

>> No.6944229

Sawako is pure.

>> No.6944230
File: 267 KB, 1100x1192, Truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The downside to NTR is that it fuels my misogyny to the max.
I will never be able to trust a female EVER.
...This is probably a good thing.
>Picture kinda related.

>> No.6944231

you mean that bubbles and sparkles anime has ntr in it :(

>> No.6944238
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Sadako is pure, just like me!

>> No.6944245

Find and date a semi psychotic girl with dependency issues and a strong dominant side.

It'll be just like dating a yandere, and she will never ever cheat on you. But all those cartoons you watch will make her feel rather jealous and she may set fire to your computer in retaliation. Afterall, why watch porn when you could just live it with her, she'll do ANYTHING, for you.

>> No.6944250

Yes. I am so accustomed to the feeling I get when a girl I like is with another guy that not feeling it is strange and frightening for me.

>> No.6944252

Been there done that. I once put my shoulder on a girl at this bbq in front of her; she stabbed my hand with a grilling fork. I still have the scar to this day.

>> No.6944261

If it's one thing that can break a depression and make you feel alive, it's the constant threat of death, or worse.

Though, once you move on it's a bit of a hassle to lose the first girl. Even so, nothing is quite as satisfying as a yandere for me.

>> No.6944266
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Kazehaya was an annoying little shit anyway

And nothing of value was lost

>> No.6944274

Yeah, that's pretty much the reason I don't get why people fetishize yandere. Such a shitty archetype.

>> No.6944282

Only good thing in this thread

>> No.6944285

I might have been stabbed but I would date a yandere again. Sure its not perfect but shes as loyal as it gets. I didn't use her or anything terrible like what a lot of people fantasize, I treated her like a normal girlfriend and honestly I would have kept on dating her too if she didn't try to kill me then herself. In the end she failed and killed herself. Its a shame.

>> No.6944294

I'm too scared to kill myself, and I wish someone would kill me every day. But if I could have a beautiful girl kill me, that would be fantastic, especially a girl I love. The idea of it is very romantic. A glowing angel purifying me from this world.

>> No.6944307
File: 67 KB, 960x720, 1297311789189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as i hate the world and all that..
I think you need some help bro~

>> No.6944319

I m not trying to talk you out of your suicidal thoughts or anything, so don't get me wrong.

I m sure you'd change your train of thought if you had someone who loved you. You should do what that one /jp/er did; he put up and ad for someone who would love him like a girl. He wore some cute clothes and had an older gentleman fondle, hug, and do general sexual things to him. You could always be that older gentleman if crossdressing isn't your thing. I m sure many people from /jp/ would be into it.

>> No.6944323
File: 150 KB, 1000x708, 1296613339202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think you understood what I was trying to say. She would be like my knight in shining armor, and kill me to save me from living a terrible life. No one knows what can happen after you die. If I did just stop existing and rot in a hole, that is neither a good thing nor a bad thing.

It would take true love to do something like that for someone. Most people only have lovers for selfish needs like emotional support and sex.

>> No.6944329

I'm not into sex, and a relationship based on physical stimulation is not real love.

>> No.6944342

I find your ideals noble, but I think you've got the wrong type.

Yanderes are for people who don't want to die. It's about as intense as a 3D relationship can be.

However there are other girls who would enjoy the whole double suicide thing. Keep this in mind, you need to be after girls who likewise want to die, or you will be suffering some disappointment dealt by reality.

>> No.6944349

I would do whatever makes her happy then. I am a selfish person, so I would still want my request fulfilled.

>> No.6944354

I used to be the same as you. I wished for someone to take my life away as some sort of dramatic and romantic gesture. I m not saying you'll see things this way ever, it could be just me for all I know but these days I feel okay.

I used to think that if I ever got over those feelings there would be nothing but a promise land of happiness; I can tell you now anyone who tells you that is lying. There is no promise land, theres only a simple peaceful calm that waits. Its not a bad thing, but life isn't all that interesting either. Life isn't so bad if you put away your depression; without it your mind is more clouded and your depressive realism is pushed aside. Sure you can argue that living such a falsely positive life is meaning less, but why suffer when you're too scared to take your own life?

>> No.6944362

Chase after other depressed types.
You'll have trouble attracting a yandere anyhow with low self esteem. Try the emo or attention whore crowd, there you're likely to find someone who wants to die and could be convinced to do in.

Yanderes are hard to find and can't be seduced like normal girls, either you set off their bells or you don't even exist to them.

Also, you're looking at potential torture and rape over a long period instead of death in some cases. Consider who you want to give that kind of control to.

>> No.6944369

People like us aren't fit for such fancy deaths.

You will spend your last moments withering away.

>> No.6944372

This the dumbest post I read all day. The worst thing about it is that you're probably in your mid-twenties too.

>> No.6944380

This. The only way most of us are going to kill ourselves is throw poor health habits over a very long time.

And even if we manage to, it would be a quiet affair without a note and without a fuss. And even that is too dramatic for most us.

>> No.6944385

That is why I dream of someone comforting me, and telling me its alright. I would not die alone then, I would die in comforting hands.

As for the matter of living a false happiness, I do absolutely nothing with my life in the first place, so there is no reason for me to live. The only thing that kept me going before was my family, who would be the only ones to be hurt from me killing myself.

I live on my own now, and I do not feel the same attachments or responsibly I did anymore. If my family really loved me, they would not be so selfish as to try to talk me out of it, or mourn me. Mourning is nothing more than a person crying over how THEY wont be able to leech more off another.

>> No.6944387

I don't think you understood my post.

I was inferring that those dramatic deaths were too unrealistic. Sure they maybe interesting and the people who ignored you may finally remember you one last time but they're too immature to want.

I was trying to tell you that if you put those thoughts aside and spend sometime stepping outside your comfort zone and doing what you want, you'll see that life is okay. I am doing well myself these days, I m no longer depressed and I see myself as a productive member of society (this doesn't mean I'll quit my VN's or stop browsing /jp/ by any means).

All I m trying to say is that things will be okay if you let them and once you see this you can do other things like finding someone to love.

>> No.6944396

NTR doesn't work when it's told from a female's perspective.

>> No.6944399

> spend sometime stepping outside your comfort zone and doing what you want,

What exactly do you mean by this? All I want is to do absolutely nothing. Its too much of a hassle to learn how to do anything worth doing.

>> No.6944406

I am ambivalent about NTR, I neither like nor dislike it. I played a few and fapped.Then I was like ,meh.

I do however have a huge mind control/hypnosis fetish and it boggles me that no one has combined these two yet. It would be good for NTR or the flipside,netori.

>> No.6944414

Most people like you and me (or at least the old me) are too reserved and fear others opinions.

I'll give you can example. Today I had a midterm for my chem class. I got on the train and saw a girl from my class looking into her notebook reviewing some stuff. I leaned over and asked her if she was prepared for the test while smiling. I think she didn't understand me (shes one of those transfer students from another country) and she just smiled and continued. I don't really mind if she thought I was a creep or not, I just took it as if she didn't want to talk and continued listening to my music.

Instead of being reserved fearing opinions and always not being able to do or say certain things just go ahead and say what you want. If people want to say something behind your back why does it matter? In my school there about thousands of students, I will probably never see any of them again after one semester. Don't let such minor things bother you.

Also this isn't anything that hard to learn, you just do what you want instead of letting worries put you down.

>> No.6944432

If you didn't care that event on the train wouldn't have been worth noting. Either the whole thing is fake, or you're lying to yourself.un

>> No.6944437

Thats just silly. I didn't remember it until I was thinking of a situation to give as an example.

If I asked you to remember a time when you tied you shoes, I m sure you could but it doesn't mean that was a particularly enjoyable or embarrassing event.

>> No.6944447

I typically don't remember anything that hasn't happened within an hour or so. I would just likely make something up.

>> No.6944458

You sound like a normal, so of course you wont agree. I've rationalized this entire thing out, and that is how i came to my conclusion. This is not a matter of me being depressed, I could keep living doing nothing, but I just do not want to. I'd rather not exist at all.

>> No.6944479

Well then in your case that is just a bit strange, but I can tell you most people are able to remember back into at least the beginning of the day reasonably well.

I assume that was directed at me.
I may sound like a "normal" but if you had seen me last year I m sure I would be much worse than most people in /jp/.

>no job
>no school
>slept on average at 6am for 13-14 hours a day
>no friends
>don't leave my room/house unless its between 3-5 am to sit in a park or shop at 7-11

People change a lot in 1 year if they have a sudden realization. I was never trying to preach some sort of lesson to all of you but I just wanted you guys to know if you ever want to it is possible to do. Besides, most people think once you become "normal" you're really just throwing away your personality and interests but I still read VNs and browse /jp/, nothing has changed besides the fact that I m okay with my situation now.

>> No.6944509

Everyone does that.

>> No.6944510

Hypnosis/mind control is actually pretty common in NTR. Not as common as magic rape drugs that make the girls into sluts, but still common.

>> No.6944528

Every time I have time off from work I just revert to how I lived when I was a NEET. If I have more than a few days off, I'll likely be horribly depressed by the end of the break.

>> No.6944550

/jp/ - new /r9k/

Seriously, what the fuck is going on?
Either kill your fucking selves without whinning or get the fuck out and do something to your life.
You fucking vermin!

>thread will be deleted in 5
