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6943325 No.6943325 [Reply] [Original]

Today is the start of the MMD cup, so here's a thread for it since I plan on keeping track of it and would like to see what others find to be the best videos. No finalized videos have been uploaded yet, but I imagine some will start coming in soon enough.

Nico tags that will be used in videos:

Nico tags/keywords that are likely to be used in the best/most interesting videos:
MME or MikuMikuEffect

MMD Cup Wiki links:
Main page: http://www31.atwiki.jp/mmdcup/
Mylist(s): http://www31.atwiki.jp/mmdcup/pages/189.html

With some relatively recent developments, it seems like the program is growing too fast for it to be possible to watch this cup without thinking about what things will be like next cup, but even in just the last few weeks major things have developed which no one has shown off yet. MME has started to branch into areas which I'm not sure Adobe Aftereffects can reasonably touch, such as the recent half-Lambert(sp?) shader, the SSAO filter, etc., and Kinect has recently been adapted to track new body areas. Considering what even I can do with the program, I'm sure it the best producers won't fail to disappoint.

If I were to say I was most interested in one video it'd be Lobelia's since he is more or less the best effect-maker I know that's participating.

>> No.6944803

bump <3

>> No.6945357

A page has been created on the wiki for finalized entries.

Wiki link:

Wiki mylist:

If I remember right, the three categories this year were:
E for strange/outlandish things(could be wrong here)
感 for emotional videos
萌 for moe stuff
Interpretation of the categories appears to be unrestricted, however, so they're loose guidelines at best.

There's only around 30 minutes or so until it starts.

>> No.6945382
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for people who read the op post and thought "half-lambert? is that tasty?" or something to that effect, here's a video to demonstrate it since it's pretty new:


it's an effect that pretty much styles mmd's graphics to those of dreamy theater on the ps3's. which is absolutely incredible, although i prefer graphics closer to handdrawn work. these aren't different models, by the way. before the effect is applied, they look like normal mmd models.

>> No.6945429

It's begun. A lot of different videos just got uploaded to Nico.

I'll probably be watching and post the ones I like the best as I go along.

>> No.6945441

>porno pool
>old hag models
>same shitty idol dancing as always
dammit japan learn how to choreograph. waving your arms around like a mime isn't dancing.

>> No.6945447

Oh, and I would have posted something about that but I was about ready to sleep when I made the OP. I'd post something about the SSAO filter, but it hasn't been well documented yet by videos(I learned about it from Japanese users, not videos), but from what I can understand it's essentially an effect that produces advanced shadowing. It's a little hard to tell what it actually does without having seen it in action.

>> No.6945556 [DELETED] 

can't load shit cap'n

been watching since the start and i've only been able to load two videos for a total of 7 minutes playtime.

>> No.6945559

can't load shit cap'n

been watching since the start and i've only been able to load two videos for a total of 7 minutes playtime. nicovideo quality service at its finest.

>> No.6945954

Finally got to load Lobelia's video.


Probably my favorite so far, I love seeing what MME can do. But >>6945559 is right, it's almost impossible to load videos.

>> No.6947144
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The motions in this video are amazing.

It's supposed to be a parody of an intelligence experiment, by the way(where you give the subject a goal and see if it can figure out a method of solving it).


Oreimo OP parody. I've never seen the OP, but I guess it looks... unique. I don't think he quite hit the mark in trying to mimic 2d animation, though. It's clear he concentrated on mimicing it via frame rate/choppiness, coloring, and linework but I think he should have tried eliminating more shadows and other lighting effects if he was going for that.

>> No.6947165

not hawt at all.

>> No.6949573

bump because i imagine this won't live until i wake up if i don't.

hoping to have better luck with nicovideo tomorrow. what a fucking shitty website. i guess i can't expect everything to live up to youtube's capabilities, but hoping just one video will load for 15 minutes straight(which is understating it) is awful.

>> No.6949655

Oh god, I can't stop laughing.

>> No.6950926


This was a good one. I've never seen this effect before(I'm assuming it's MME and not Adobe AE), he must have developed it for this video. It does a much better job of imitating 2d hand-drawn work than whatever combination of effects was used in >>6947144, not that it's a perfect imitation yet. I guess it's really closer to a cel-shaded look or something in between. I'd post an SS preview but it's in economy mode...


This one is an imitation of a certain intel commercial. It copies every scene pretty accurately. Pretty well done, but maybe not worth watching if you haven't seen the commercial.

>> No.6950956


I don't know what this is reproducing, but he did a really good job in a lot of ways, especially showing expressions and relative speed of different objects in space. It would have been really good if he improved a few of the models(for Earth and space debris in particular) and a few effects such as depth of field.

>> No.6951193

That would be the third episode of MS Igloo.


>> No.6952281


This is just amazing. To summarize, Miku demonstrates how DDR is really played. I don't have any criticisms this time. Probably the most genuinely entertaining out of what I've posted so far(as opposed to aesthetic appeal, charm, accuracy of imitation, etc.) that doesn't rely/centralize on memes.


Westerner's video. I'd only watch it if you find bad English funny(and even then only up to 1:15), it somehow combines both bad Japanese and bad English. From a visual perspective it's better than most of the stuff that comes from the West, I suppose, but it's really just random scenes, characters, and effects slapped together after their nonsensical conversation ends.

Distribution for maid costumes for Lat miku and Rin(for anyone interested in them the password is Amadeus), dancing to a new traced motion for the song Amadeus. Wasabi is a fucking god at tracing motions.


>> No.6953550

Perfect English

>> No.6953801

that was too good.

whatever comes of this cup, i don't think i will ever find a video i love more than misrua's nekomimi switch dance.
i really have to question if it's even completely mmd...

>> No.6956680

anyone who knows shuuzou might like this.

i can't avoid linking this(おにい☆たん). it's overflowing with imouto power.

>> No.6957979

>Nico tags/keywords that are likely to be used in the best/most interesting videos:

Pardon me for sounding like a newb, but what are these and why would they search the best videos?

>> No.6958759 [DELETED] 

MMD rendition of TLS. Really well done, but be warned that nothing exciting/interesting happens if that's what you're in for; it's basically just showing the opening scenes of what a game could look like using MMD.

An MMD rendition of Usatei(Touhou). I think the only thing he changed to accomodate was the comic-strip layout scene.

I don't think people here are going to watch more than a few videos if any(perhaps unless they see something they really like immediately), and probably out of boredom at that, so it was just a way of helping people narrow down their choices with what I consider to be good bets since.

If you want reasons...

The first one is the tag for the Lat model, which I added simply because the Lat model is the one most often used(by quite a bit, or else I wouldn't have mentioned it) by good producers/for serious attempts at videos. It's not that the others aren't used, but searching for a specific model really narrows down the choices and the Lat is the best bet.

The third one is the half-Lambert shader, which I added both because it's the most graphically revolutionary new MME effect and as a bet because it's likely to be used by someone good due to that.

>> No.6958800

MMD rendition of TLS. Really well done, but be warned that nothing exciting/interesting happens if that's what you're in for; it's basically just showing the opening scenes of what a game could look like using MMD.

An MMD rendition of Usatei(Touhou). I think the only thing he changed to accomodate was the comic-strip layout scene.

I don't think people here are going to watch more than a few videos if any(perhaps unless they see something they really like immediately), and probably out of boredom at that, so it was just a way of helping people narrow down their choices with what I consider to be good bets.

If you want reasons...

The first one is the tag for the Lat model, which I added simply because the Lat model is the one most often used(by quite a bit, or else I wouldn't have mentioned it) by good producers/for serious attempts at videos. It's not that the others aren't used, but searching for a specific model really narrows down the choices and the Lat is arguably the best bet.

The third one is the half-Lambert shader, which I added both because it's the most graphically revolutionary new MME effect and as a bet because it's likely to be used by someone good due to that.

>> No.6961568

A black and white video of Zureteiku. The imagery matches the lyrics well.

This guy is probably one of my favorite MMD producers. Stupid videos, but they're fun. You might remember him from "The angel Miku is a weapon"(Tenshi no Miku-san wa Buki"). Probably not worth watching if you're an "intellectual" or don't understand Japanese, though.

This video has really good sense. It's also apparently the guy's first distributed Vocaloid work, which seems amazing.

>> No.6961676 [DELETED] 
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what... the fuck...

>> No.6962302
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what... the fuck...


>> No.6963221

At this point in the cup, the most interesting/visually impressive videos are usually going to be found just by going down the official cup mylist and viewing whatever has the most views. Should be common sense, though, I guess.

Kinect has been used quite a bit in this cup and it's made a big difference in motion quality. Not surprising as for the past month or so it had almost no activity.

This man... is a master. Date with Miku. Much better than his last piece, which was still very good; last time he used a lot of camera angles the Lat model does not handle well. Well, it is traced, though.

This goes up there with the best. It's an Ice Climbers parody. Obviously took a lot of work and skill; the camera work and motions are both great.

Another Bad Apple video, this time using actual models. Good enough.

Accurate tracing job of a baseball game.

>> No.6963492
File: 23 KB, 527x383, 20110214 233123 0026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this guy? I've seen him in a few videos.

>> No.6963623

>i can't avoid linking this(おにい☆たん). it's overflowing with imouto power.

My god...it's...imouto overload.

>> No.6963626

From El Shaddai, an upcoming BL game.

>> No.6963627

I can't stop replaying this.

>> No.6963643


when you see it, you'll shit bricks

>> No.6963782

A virus infects Miku and co., turning them into Final Fantasy(?) like bosses. Fighting ensues. Pretty well done if I do say so myself.

>> No.6963830



>> No.6964000


I loved this one

>> No.6964633

Fucking economy mode. When do these videos go back to normal mode? Why do they even go in to economy mode?

>> No.6964735


>> No.6964814

Yeah, that one is second place on the current ranking list here(the DDR one linked earlier is 1st by quite a bit).


>> No.6964859

>why do they even go into economy mode?
i would go into a rant about how nicovideo is basically an extortionist website, but instead i'll just say that they don't really have a good reason.

my hatred of nicovideo aside(i spend more time trying to load videos than actually watching them, and yes i know that you can't be actively loading more than a few videos at once), your best bet is to try using nicofox to schedule times to download videos. economy mode is active from around 7pm to 2am japanese time, according to wikipedia.

>> No.6966255

Wow, primetime? Thats fucked up. I see your point.

>> No.6966430


Someone mind telling me the name of the song at the second half of this?

>> No.6969239

that was fucking amazing.

>> No.6969283


the best

>> No.6972537

That was one of the ones I was looking forward to this cup. I have to wonder who that guy is or what he does. He makes incredible motions and that video is brilliant at some points.

You can see his other videos on his Mylist(http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/6007693--although not all of them are as amazing as this and the ones I've mentioned). The motions I'm talking about are the Monstar one and the Daisuke one.
He's the only one I've ever seen make motions look as good as Misrua's, even in MMD cup-winning videos.

>> No.6973687


>> No.6974167 [DELETED] 
File: 783 KB, 1280x720, 240177_10_d0_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did i not know misrua had a zoome account?

and why does it seem that many of the people on zoome make better videos than the nicovideo people?

for example even this looks better than most of what i usually see on nicovideo although it has its weak points: http://zoome.jp/MikuNikuDance/diary/11

oh well, i'll post these pictures misrua made because they're amazing for being MMD screenshots.

>> No.6974171 [DELETED] 
File: 947 KB, 1280x720, 240177_11_d0_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for example even this looks better
and when i said that i was referring to the overall smoothness of many of the motions, the dance/choreography itself left a lot to be desired, although i'm pretty sure the point was just being cute(i approve).

>> No.6974178 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6974182 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6974186 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6974201


sage this, honestly.

>> No.6974369 [DELETED] 
File: 770 KB, 1280x720, 240177_11_d0_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot one

>> No.6974375 [DELETED] 

Hey, janitor, I forgot this one.

>> No.6974396

Too lewd

>> No.6974405 [DELETED] 

That is chinese I fucking pedo go die I shit ass fuck me op you'll cum inside my pleasure fucking shit ass dicks like I am mum.

>> No.6974423

So, what the hell is the MikuMikuDance cup ?
whats the point of it ?

>> No.6974532

What do I use to download videos from zoome.jp? For example, this: http://zoome.jp/misruA/diary/8

>> No.6979353

