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File: 241 KB, 616x1000, Dance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6942872 No.6942872 [Reply] [Original]

In my opinion, ZUN's finest composition is Reach for the Moon, Immortal Smoke.

What say you?

>> No.6942874

I agree, good sirrah.

>> No.6942878


>> No.6942887

The only thing ZUN is decent at is making music. His shooters are shit.

>> No.6942879

I disagree.

>> No.6942897

I prefer his games over others. The bullets are prettier, the graphics have a more "gentle" tone and not the polution that is on other games.

>> No.6942923

what the fuck, is op's picture farting fire??

>> No.6942925


Guys, this is importer! D:

>> No.6942932


It's a dress you plebeian.

>> No.6942935


Oh, hi not Derek.

>> No.6942940

I do not agree. However, I respect your opinion.

>> No.6942945

ZUN's music is just 2 tracks remixed 9000 times

>> No.6942949

Mokou's theme is boring

>> No.6942954

>I do not agree

then why u don't sage?

>> No.6942964


>> No.6942967

You don't talk shit about my waifu's theme!

>> No.6942969


Because he's an arrogant ass who thinks his opinion is worth all of our attention.

Also, sage does nothing.

>> No.6942973

Oh anon you card.

>> No.6943022

so are his games

>> No.6943024
File: 153 KB, 1132x785, 1296126699705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a nice theme, but not quite there in my opinion.

Native Faith or MoF stage 5. I feel like he mixed up the music for Sanae with the stage song.

Sepette for the dead princess has is my favorite though. Anyone else feel like they've heard the same melody for this same song somewhere else? I could swear I've heard something very similar composed by someone else. I listen to way too much music to remember the names of everything though.

>> No.6943032

Yeah I noticed the
>has is
Pointing it out myself before some one disregards my entire post based on a small error.

>> No.6943047

>has is

Sorry, I can't hear you over your terrible grammar.

>> No.6943076
File: 141 KB, 400x400, 1279983799244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Bad Apple!! is.

>> No.6943079

Agreed. Epic video is epic.

>> No.6943087

You're all morons

Parsee's themes are the best

>> No.6943104

You have pretty bad hearing

>> No.6943110

it's ripped off from beethoven
can't find the original, but here have a remix.

>> No.6943112


I think you have bad hearing.

>> No.6943118

Sure, paying homage to a PD melody for 10 seconds is ripping off.

>> No.6943121


Pathetique, Anonymous. 3rd movement, I think.

>> No.6943126

Sonata pathetique third movement, thanks anon. I've been looking under Chopin, Liszt and Bach for the longest time and could not find it.

>> No.6943127

I beg to differ, I think that ZUN was at his best when he composed "Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossom of Sumizome"

>> No.6943132

same thing. he took a melody from another song into his own.
I like it the addition, it's as if to show off how old remilia is by having a classical tune in her theme.

>> No.6943133
File: 121 KB, 750x750, 1296697617133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kid's festival ~ innocent treasure is my personal favorite.
though, there are only 2 or 3 song I DON'T like.

>> No.6943137

Beethoven actually ripped that out of Remilia's theme. Remilia came first, after all.

>> No.6943157

Am I the only person that thinks he's been getting better? Even though MoF has my favorite soundtrack overall, I'm extremely impressed with some of the songs in the later games as well, one of them being the first stage in Fairy Wars.

>> No.6943163

Hellsinker has better music than Touhou.

>> No.6943166

Nope. The downward spiral started after 7.

>> No.6943184

I thought a lot of people agreed that IN had the best soundtrack. He's been getting better in my opinion as well. UFO was fantastic, although the last few songs were not so great. FW was great all the way through.

>> No.6943204

Why is IN's considered the best?

>> No.6943206

You are small time

>> No.6943214

I like solar sect of mystic sun or something Utsuho's theme

>> No.6943218


Everyone likes it. Big deal.

>> No.6943228


I'd actually like to hear pre-MoF tracks remade with whatever style ZUN uses now.

>> No.6943234


Sun Worship of Gnosis ~ Nuclear Fusion

>> No.6943248

Because every song is pretty cool.

>> No.6943250

because people have opinions, especially about the arts/music/literature/games
yeah I know blew your mind right

>> No.6943261

Nice cop-out, faggot. Still doesn't explain why IN should be the best.

>> No.6943270

Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom is a much catchier name.

>> No.6943273

I enjoy Reach for the Moon but I don't think it is ZUN's finest work. There are other pieces that I enjoy just as much as Reach for the Moon.

>> No.6943279

That's not a cop-out dick weed.

>> No.6943282

Border of Life is probably my favourite final boss theme, but that's just because it has a FINAL FORM version. ZUN really needs to do this more often.

I think I'm the only one who really likes Gensokyo Millenium, though.

>> No.6943283
File: 338 KB, 640x948, 16386390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because of 「懐かしき東方の血 ~ Old World」


Well... it's my favorite track from IN, anyway.

>> No.6943287

>I think I'm the only one who really likes Gensokyo Millenium, though.
I like Gensokyo Millenium, it's in my top 10.

>> No.6943291

Old World has nothing on Cinderella Cage's TRUMPET STRENGTH

>> No.6943292


IN's soundtrack was always strange to me. At first I didn't care for it much, but after a few listens I started to like it more. It's really grew on me, although I still wouldn't call it my favorite.

>> No.6943307

>I like it the addition, it's as if to show off how old remilia is by having a classical tune in her theme.

I'd say it's more to hammer home Remilia's European origins.

>> No.6943329

Halo > Touhou

>> No.6943335

What kind of child are you? Real mature people play CoD.

>> No.6943346

I think you mean Quake III Arena and Unreal Tournament 1999

>> No.6943411

I think you mean Counter Strike 1.6

>> No.6943431

I think you mean Halo.

>> No.6945578

3rd eye was better, but I can't really judge which was the best
