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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 363 KB, 800x600, img_cache_t_180984_2_1294352099_png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6942180 No.6942180 [Reply] [Original]

Bugs and chocolate/general

Previous thread past limit >>6919212

>> No.6942383


autism everywhere

>> No.6942406

I finally broke 2200 points on the EVE mission.

But not on my account.

Why does this keep happening?

>> No.6942407


>> No.6942452

It seems offers are based on IP. I have the same offers missing from the wall with 2 different accounts even though I only did them with one.

That might mean one account can double up on offers done in different places.

>> No.6942513
File: 211 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110210_1541_07_538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me back my crim cyberstep.

This shit isn't funny.

>> No.6942525
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Ain't that some shit.

>> No.6942547
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unlimited chocolate works

>> No.6942558

What's the list of people for the tournament?

I was hoping to create a guild for extra people wanting to be involved on DOS or BRD but with the restriction on guilds joining there simply isn't time to grind unless people are REALLY serious.

>> No.6942565

How many prizes are within the UC gara 2?

>> No.6942566

you lucky bastard

>> No.6942572

So what's in there?

>> No.6942579

inb4, froglander

>> No.6942593

Holy shit i'm drowning in shining feathers

>> No.6942616


For the record, I got a Geograsis G-Type.

Meh, It's still a Rt Garapon bot, but nothing spectacular as far as I can tell.

I would have had ultimate trollface on if it was a Lily Rain EVE or something.

>> No.6942756 [DELETED] 

This dude's pretty annoying, bumping me off. Does any bot learn absorb bump at lv1?

>> No.6943051

Dual slayer bits everywhere.

Fucking Cyberstep.

>> No.6943062

Why is Frau such a slut?

>> No.6943065



>> No.6943172
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>> No.6943238

BOOF, you bastard. I don't know whether to love you or hate you right now. I'm bordering on line of both.

>> No.6943301
File: 2.40 MB, 2000x2400, 13503901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need fanart to commemorate Frauday.

>> No.6943403

someone must draw her being gangbanged and covered in chocolate bukake style

>> No.6943428
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>> No.6943445

Eheheh, Frau gave me chocolate!

>> No.6943446

do server 2x from 6pm-9pm stack with some exp/uc/drop boost item?

>> No.6943449

White Day Event March 14th

For one week only you can purchase gifts to give to the moebots hanging around in cosmic break in exchange for a moebot's kiss item.

Anyone speaking to frau with more than one hundred chocolates in their inventory receives a moebot's slap item instead, and is stripped of all their uc and rt.

The second part is not announced

>> No.6943460

I love this 15 second choco glitch

>> No.6943469
File: 341 KB, 1298x1058, FrauChocs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Fraulentine, I've got classes

>> No.6943532

What the hell is the point of using a VM? Can you tab out of the window and it'll keep rightcliking or something?

>> No.6943537

Yeah, I'm pretty sure all bonuses stack.

>> No.6943563

jesus fuck, I've been getting a lot of gold balls compared to yesterday, but they're all NOT lucky cube

>> No.6943568
File: 270 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110210_2009_26_525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish this was real.

Also, Froglander vs shino for hopping. Support your argument.

>> No.6943637


>> No.6943641

>Also, Froglander vs shino for hopping.

Accel Saber

>> No.6943645

Froglander is cheap as hell, when the enemy kills it they gain almost nothing from your death and because you can get it at level 1 it's even CHEAPER. Equip dual lance bits to ultra troll your enemy but you'd need level 2 for that because you tore it's arm off so it could hop at level 1 you bastard. Get it to level 3 for increased shield trolling.

Shino is ok.

>> No.6943798

452,000 UC spent on the UC Garapon 2.

I rolled DOZENS of gold balls, I even got 2 Pterano HDs in a fucking row TWICE.

And still, no Lucky robot cube.

Look, I wasn't expecting to be rolling in cubes, but I couldn't get at least ONE? I didn't just roll 50k or something like that. I rolled nearly half a million!


>> No.6943800


Why do you want the cube so much? You probably would have gotten a froglander.

>> No.6943804


>> No.6943829

I don't care if I got a cannonballer or froglander. I just wanted to feel like the system works.

>> No.6943843 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x887, 13588685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frauday footjobs for all.

>> No.6943849

> herr victor
What a fucking faggot. I fucking hate him. What sort of man wears a midriff? Terrible!

>> No.6943909
File: 374 KB, 800x600, 4702724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we will be shutting down for short maintenance
Goodbye unlimited chocolate.

>> No.6943910

>Closing Channel

>> No.6943919

Well game closed for chocolate fix most likely. I managed to get my Thoarla to 30 Tec and 28 Fly. Almost managed the last high fly tune. But game closed right after I got some more drum magazines.

>> No.6943920
File: 8 KB, 265x34, lastchoco;_;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6943927

So are they going to ban everyone who exploited the chocolate bug?

>> No.6943930

so what's gonna happen with the 2x now?

>> No.6943931

If they ever did, enCB's players will quit

>> No.6943933

You're aware that they're most likely taking out all chocolates in this maintenance and not just fixing Frau, right?

Should of used some of those gammas when you had the chance.

>> No.6943938

Unlikely since some big spenders were abusing it I believe. I remember seeing asura arms in the crowd so I'm guessing that at least some of those people were RT spenders.

>> No.6943939

I-it's not like i wanted your chocolates anyway Frau!
You can have them back i don't caree!!

>> No.6943941

They're probably going to change UC gara 2 prices also, it's hard to believe that they would price it differently then they did in jpCb when it's pretty much the same stuff.

>> No.6943942

Wow...They didn't even waited for the end of the event
How cheap are they....

>> No.6943943


>> No.6943948

Damn, i was using my 3x 3 hours item
I hope they refund me

>> No.6943954

I gave packet my chocolate anyway so yeah!

It's only a matter of time before she can no longer resist my charm.

also packet garapon when

>> No.6943956

lrn2read anon, it only counts when you're ingame

>> No.6943962

Packet's too soft and squishy for combat. Too bad she would have rivaled Lily Tits EVE in terms of Zio-gias fat cells.

>> No.6943968

>You're aware that they're most likely taking out all chocolates in this maintenance and not just fixing Frau, right?

Whhaaaaat? I hope not. They go out of their fucking way to not even try to give us our prizes, but they go through all the effort to remove all those items?

>> No.6943971

oh fuck frau was giving away tune up chocolate? I talked to her 3 times and only got repair.

>> No.6943973

think about it!

M sup bot (tits too big for S)
Core weapon calls random weak monsters to fight for her.

>> No.6943983

I know it does
But i still want a refund
What if my dead grandmother funeral was right after the event ended and i had planed everything to go exactly on time
Its not my grandma funeral, but i still have some important things to do

>> No.6943991
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>> No.6944001

>NOTE: Feb.10 There will be a temporary maintenance today, starting from 7:30PM PST. Please log out to protect your data. Thank you.

>Please log out to protect your data. Thank you.
i hope my data got corrupted, because i had just failed 3 78% tune ups just before the maintention

>> No.6944002

I doubt it would be much effort to remove all the chocolate. It could simply be a masswipe of all chocolate in all inventories. Or they could simply change all chocolate items into null items, and have the event change to give out proper chocolates. The chocolate event's only been out for one day and you were only supposed to get four chocolates a day so I doubt a mass wipe would trouble people who didn't abuse the glitch too much.

>> No.6944017

>you were only supposed to get four chocolates a day
Hoping this wouldn't be the case. Because just after the regular maintenance I got a choco from Winberll and Seraph, then an hour before this shutdown I got another chocos from the same moebots I mentioned.

>> No.6944021

Unlike JPCB, these fuckers don't even give out 50RT for their fuck ups. That's quality service right there.

They fucked up TWICE in a single day.

>> No.6944025

Hmm, maybe it's per every 12 hours then. Lily Rain also gives out chocolate in the Ground area if you didn't see her by the way.

>> No.6944075 [DELETED] 

i wonder what they will give us IF they do give us something for this emergency maint

>> No.6944074


Oukas can be gotten from Robot Cubes from garapon apparently.

>> No.6944089

better give us some RO cubes for all these fuck ups

a person can wish

>> No.6944098

I only got a few tune ups in. I should have kept going until my slot protector broke.

>> No.6944141

So the repayment for emergency maintenance was interrupted by another emergency maintenance that people's chocolate supplies be removed and frau's generosity corrected.

Maybe we'll get some apology RT this time.
One can dream

>> No.6944151

Don't worry, they gave out thousands of Rt in chocolate gammas to the cluster of exploiters who won't get banned like they should.

>> No.6944153

I hope they get banned, at least temporary banned till the end of the tournament.

>> No.6944160

Hey I had my computer with cb clicking all day. I better get compensation for my electricity and internet usage.

>> No.6944161


Man why don't you whiny fucks go back to rynex's forum or /commu/ or the fanforum or whereever the hell you came from

You're asking CS to ban a third of their playerbase. Enjoy having no active arena rooms at all.

>> No.6944167

CB is back up.

>> No.6944178

do you have chocolate in your inventory?

>> No.6944179

FUCK YEAH! I hope they do!

That's obvious abuse of an exploit which is a bannable offense in every MMO I've ever played. You should have realized it was an exploit and left it alone. Giving an unfair advantage to players who abuse an exploit is WRONG.

>> No.6944180


Chocolate stays, frau fixed.

>> No.6944187


>> No.6944197

gamma 8%, beta 6%, alpha 4%

>> No.6944201

what about the x2?

>> No.6944335

>x2 UC, EXP, and Drop multipliers again from 10:00 PM to 12:00PM PST, Feb. 10th

>> No.6944337

>x2 UC, EXP, and Drop multipliers (6:00 PM to 9:00 PM PST, Feb. 10th),
we have decided to turn on x2 UC, EXP, and Drop multipliers again from 10:00 PM to 12:00PM PST, Feb. 10th (2 hours) in compensation!

>> No.6944391
File: 238 KB, 650x822, frauday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The liquid on her body is obviously chocolate.

>> No.6944473

You have the shameless audacity to try turning this around into me being out of place when you likely stood around for hours exploiting an obvious bug to gain an unfair advantage?

The fact that the GMs aren't banning swathes of people speaks more for their integrity than anything I've seen yet. Even worse than leaving that clan with the GM icon around for weeks.

>> No.6944481

enjoy your +4% harmonics, choco farmers

>> No.6944507


no, it's not really right to ban people when people didn't know how long it was suppose to be inbetween chocolates.

More importantly, we're doing haku right now during the 2x event. Log in and do them with us you fags.

>> No.6944526


50 people in each channel were doing it.
150 players.
Cosmic Break has 500 players. The people doing it were some of the most active ones that happen to have bought the most RT aswell.

I'm simply pointing out that you're asking for them to kill their main source of income, which they'd have to be retarded to do.

But then again, you're also retarded, so I can see why you think it'd be a sensible thing to do.

>> No.6944561

Unfortunately, your ideas of what should be passable is indeed in line with CyberStep's only care: money. Maybe they should hire you. But anyways, keep on, the anticipation of what idiocy you will spout next is quite exciting.

I have a hard time believing there would be many (any?) innocent people--people who thought nothing was wrong when one single moebot (out of how many, five is it?) was handing out chocolate endlessly. And that's before bringing up camping the bot in expectation of it disappearing, or talking about how it's broken in clan chat.

>> No.6944571

JPCB when they fuck up: 50Rt
ENCB when they fuck up: 2 hours of double experience and a retarded solution where they give out unfair rewards to bug abusers.

Real fair there, guys. It makes me wonder why I even log on to ENCB for my daily campaign item.

JPCB didn't reward anything for the bazaar event mishap, but the point stands.

>> No.6944576

>But anyways, keep on, the anticipation of what idiocy you will spout next is quite exciting.

For someone who's whining about something he can't even change on a board he's not native to, you sure are smug.

>> No.6944580

Speaking of exploits back in beta if you lagged yourself you could potentially turn 1 weapon/bot lucky cube into hundreds, if it was still in I might have stayed wwww

>> No.6944585

JPCB only did the 50 Rt reward like 2 times ever, and the fuck ups were bigger fuck ups than a simple extra maintenance.

>> No.6944597


Not the point. You can't expect people to stop doing something because it may possibly be wrong.


the chocos are worthless now.

>> No.6944695

>>6944021 Unlike JPCB, these fuckers don't even give out 50RT for their fuck ups. That's quality service right there.

You are FUCKING RETARDED. That only happened like twice, and there's an extra maintenance pretty much every Thursday now.

Stop spouting repeating things you read on the forums that you don't actually know shit about..

>> No.6944714

So they've now basically 10 UC fodder? What the FUCK is going on in Tempura's head? The long list of stupid shit Tempura has done to CB stretches.

This punishes those who didn't choco farm.

The people who used their choco gammas still have their tuned up shit.

>> No.6944737

does the superman graphic really increase your chances of getting gold balls?

>> No.6944738

8%? Haha oh wow.

This is hilarious.

>> No.6944761


Well it's less about chances and more the graphic indicates what your rng spread is. You see it doesn't fetch a new number for each ball, it gets them all at once. The three graphics just indicate the overall range of your numbers. Superman just means you've got a high average. Could be all silver. Car crash means a low average, could be 19 blueballs and one gold.

>> No.6944814


>> No.6944850

Stupid windows, I wanted to farm choco all night but the pc got suspended to save energy after an hour. Got only 30 gamma.

more like no superman = no silver/gold balls

>> No.6944864

so the eve garapon is always superman because it doesn't have any blue balls?

>> No.6944869


>> No.6944879

Not quite. What animation you get determines the highest possible reward type you can get. Superman animations make gold balls possible to generate, but it doesn't guarantee that you'll get one.

This creates a really bad outcome too. If you rolled 20x and got a car crash or hopping on the treadmill before the rolls started, you're not getting anything special for all 20.

>> No.6944881


>> No.6944972

Stream of ORCA getting raped by Hotglue:


>> No.6944974


>> No.6944998

And yet you continue to fall back on the "you don't agree with me, therefore you aren't from /jp/" tripe.

>> No.6945023


>> No.6945080


Well you're not in hotglue. You aren't in one of the other two /jp/ clans in cosmic break that exist soley to not be part of hotglue. You aren't one of the loners who's too antisocial to be in a clan.

So if you're native to /jp/, you obviously must not like us very much, or we must not like you.

>> No.6945136

Why are those fucking outsiders still here?
There is only like at most 10+ active people in /jp/ that still play regularly. Even if they want to gloat and insult hotglue shouldnt they do it elsewhere like /commu/ or whatever retarded cosmic shit fansites floating around elsewhere?

>> No.6945183

does anyone have any tips for aiming with the abr or shooting be below you from high heights?

>> No.6945218

But you're wrong, as usual.

Apart from that, the only reason I even care is that it's just quite saddening to see clumps of Hotglue members happily exploiting away, and others being so ostentatious as to DEFEND such a practice. Oh well.

>> No.6945314

>hotglue abusing mmo exploits
>not expecting this from their long history of doing so

Holy shit you really aren't native here are you

>> No.6945349

>I'm sick and tired of seeing hotglue cheat for tournament and getting away with it in MMOs.

>You are all a bunch of fucking cheater. The most unprofessional, the most selfish and the most disgusting game hackers/cheaters that I have seen. I can count on one hand the number of hotglue I've played with that are legit clean players. Everybody else is an lowlife cheater and hacker.

>You expect them to be fair players in guild/clan tournament but they just go around clan hopping, fixing the tournament, aimbotting and end up cheating their way to victory. It's like I've never experience such blatant cheating in a game before, though I guess it shouldn't be a surprise. I shouldn't expect an autists to play the game fairly and not resort to cheating their way to win.

Lurk moar faggot.

>> No.6945358
File: 83 KB, 1148x705, RO cubes..what are everyones thought? *including those who spend $200 on a gara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow

>> No.6945364

/v/ faggots all cheat. Hotglue included.

>> No.6945386

/v/? what /v/?

>> No.6945399

But I'm in DOS ;_;

>> No.6945699
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x1920, ScreenShot_20110207_0643_52_483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there some secret to the login prizes or am I just really lucky?

>> No.6945756

You're lucky. Every single one of my login prizes has been shit so far.

>> No.6945909
File: 292 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110211_2136_01_109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The quality of newbies are awful lately.

>> No.6945924

Well, they don't really have anything to learn from do they? You can't learn a lot from just watching here.

This game seriously needs a guide for beginners like the one on the JP wiki.

>> No.6945990

So is this game fun? Thats all I want from an MMO but everything just feels like a fucking chore and ends up being boring in a PvP aspect.

>> No.6946040

this game is fun

haters gonna hate as usual

>> No.6946051

oh wow

>> No.6946060

It's fun if you can get past the rage you will feel getting owned by more experienced players.

>> No.6946068


>> No.6946106
File: 252 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110211_2143_40_265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeh, oh WOW!

>> No.6946123

>hunting down stock lilys and crims in a helingal
For shame. Truly, for shame. It's like walking into a toddlers playpit, putting on bigger diapers than everyone else then talking like it's a big thing when you brag you managed to kick sand into everyone else's faces.

>> No.6946127

play to win, faggot

>> No.6946141


>implying Hellingal is some kind of god in arena.

I have seen a dozen RT bots in there as well and Izuna. Izuna can out preform Hellingal any day.

>> No.6946146

This isn't playing to win.
What's the matter, faggot? Can't keep up with the big boys?

>> No.6946149

u mad cuz im styling on your pubbies? Oh wait, the "big boys" do that too

>> No.6946158
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>> No.6946181
File: 297 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110211_2317_07_890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Silly Winberrl. You are so awesome!

>> No.6946186

No, I'm mad because you're a faggot.

I don't do it, because I'm not.

>> No.6946197

What a scrub. Go be a loser somewhere else, faggot.

>> No.6946214
File: 562 KB, 800x600, 1294417173760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more moe!

>> No.6946230

>>6946197 Go be a loser
That's fucking rich, coming from you.

>> No.6946248

haha I know you are but what am I

good one, Anon

>> No.6946253

Izuna, when leveled and loaded with the right weapons and cartridges, can toast Helingals, it's true.

However, Helingals are murder in lower level matches because of their teeny tiny hitbox and homing missiles though. I regularly use mine in lvl5 rooms while leveling my new bots and whenever I have to pull out my roflcopter I score 3-4 kills with it on average. Helingals are pull-out-and-play competitive at the very moment you buy it.

>> No.6946588

>>6945314 >>6945349
The fact that there were exploiters previously in Hotglue, such as when the clan was left unsupervised in Mabi, really doesn't mean a thing. It is indeed true that when no one is watching, many of you just run amuck without a regard for anyone but yourself. Especially when the active clan size has been reduced to a handful.

That doesn't make it any less pathetic.

>> No.6946611


Protip: Look at the screenshots of the people macroing frau. Notice anyone special? Maybe Tablecat?

There was never a time when hotglue wasn't full of people like this.

You're the odd man out.

>> No.6946631

Dear lord give it a rest derpmeister. As soon as I realized what was happening I backed off because I knew the GMs would do something about it. The GMs did something about it. Why in god's name are you STILL complaining?

>> No.6946639

You guys had fun yesterday, did you? I wanted to post, but for some stupid reason, 4chan keeps turning the recaptcha invisible from late afternoon to early morning (can one of you kind anons please tell me how to fix this? it gets really annoying from time to time when the party has heated discussions).

repost from my commu thing:

Unfortunately, a couple of players thought that this bug was unfair and that we shouldn't abuse it. The chocolates themselves were not very powerful, being 10% less effective than the worst type of item you could buy with cash money. In the same day, there was an emergency maintenance and all the old "farmed" chocolates were nerfed to being worse than the item that you can buy in the shop with game money. The new chocolates retained the original values, but they were at their working "15 hours per chocolate" setting, so all the players had to do now was log in, grab their chocolate, and log out. No point in staying, so might as well leave them be.

On the other hand, the players who reported the bug suddenly act like they were heroes of CyberStep. Good job, so you fixed a bug that brought people together. What's your reward? Less people to play with. In a PvP-oriented online game. They also wanted all the players who used this exploit to be banned even though most of them who used the bug were high paying customers. Apparently, all they wanted was their self-gratification that they saved the game from utter destruction.

>> No.6946701

>Apparently, all they wanted was their self-gratification that they saved the game from utter destruction.

Huge faggots, are they?

>> No.6946787

Indeed, I am, sadly. And that's why, among other worse things, I had enough of dealing with Hotglue. I can still whine about it though, or call you out on acting carelessly when you do idiotic things like publicly exploiting.

I suppose I do have quite unrealistic expectations for the caliber or integrity of members, though. It's just my own bias and hope after having seen my guilds in two games suffer from sweeping bans due to exploiting. Myself included, of course, I had gladly participated in it because it was amusing.

I didn't report anything, and why would I? I didn't care at all about the situation other than being troubled by what I saw.

>> No.6946804


Well enjoy being eternally butthurt then I guess

>> No.6946902

That's not really an accurate description, I'm taking it quite easy now without having to deal with any of this. Thanks for the thought though!

>> No.6946953

What does that zero step ability that zero saber has even do?

>> No.6946960

you instantly teleport up to an enemy within range. Even into air.

Which means arm it with dual slayers/Haku, teleport up to someone, they die. If they try to run, just teleport right back up

>> No.6946962

Makes you move forward instantly while spinning. Any melee weapons you use in the combo gain 50% more force.

Yes, it's like Cart Step except it has shorter distance travelled and doesn't require the charge animation.

>> No.6946979

>I had gladly participated in it because it was amusing.

i did the same because it was kinda fun

>> No.6947002


i did the same because i got trolled by Winberrl's FLAT chocolate

>> No.6947038

Say I tune my crim to 32 fly.

Does she have 32 fly when she is promoted?

>> No.6947059


>> No.6947077

Any sauce on this? The usual links don't give any clue.

>> No.6947103

it's a fsn manga about illya, I think she's a magical girl or some shit like that
no porn if that's what you really wanted to know

>> No.6947107


Kaleid-Liner Prisma-Ilya.

>> No.6947113

I received two chocolates from frau, after that I proceeded to log off and do something better with my time.

>> No.6947117

Well, fuck. Thanks.

No porn? Really? ;__;

>> No.6947215

God skinning is time consuming.

Trying to make a plug suit Lilly

>> No.6947219

I don't know, but has anyone tried saving the file, and editing it externally? If this is possible, I would love to edit it on a tablet.

>> No.6947243
File: 16 KB, 128x128, raven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can export the files and edit them in PS/Gimp/whatnot, yes. It's the only way to really get some things to show up properly. And even then they still look like shit when I try because of the pallete limitations and odd way it imports.

Maybe someone could figure out what the exact interaction is between the internal pallete and the external pallete to get great colors. For example, trying to import something like this onto a flag ends up with a hideous result if it's not tinkered with.

>> No.6947257

Also, is there a chart detailing exactly how the template for leg/body determines the location? I usually find it through trial and error, it's rather annoying.

>> No.6947274

I'm not certain, but I believe you can overlay the part's polygon edges onto the picture. Other than that, I somewhat doubt there would be a chart for it, due to the wide variety of polygon shapes on different bots.

>> No.6947299

I'll look at the source code when I'm bored.

>> No.6947552 [DELETED] 

>sneek around back to enemy power spot
>winberrl healing 11 teammates on the spot
>rush in with mighty byne, punch center of mass
>98 damage to each player

30 seconds later I get 5 kills and go from 17th to 1st

>> No.6947562
File: 971 KB, 1500x1500, 15117024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sneek around back to enemy power spot
>winberrl healing 11 teammates on the spot
>rush in with mighty byne, punch center of mass
>98 damage to each player

30 seconds later I get 5 kills and go from 17th to 1st

>> No.6947570

You know, I always hear of these amazing performances, but whenever I log on and join your shitty 5- rooms, you play like shit. Just bad luck or something?

>> No.6947573 [DELETED] 

Babby's first PS backstab rush with a LND.

>> No.6947597 [DELETED] 

That's not an "amazing performance". It's something easy to do without any skill, you just have to be lucky.

>> No.6947677

>sneek around back to enemy power spot
>winberrl healing 11 teammates on the spot
>rush in with mighty byne, punch center of mass
>98 damage to each player
>got trolled by winberrl
>unlimited beamspam works
>1900 cost
>team lost


>> No.6947679
File: 575 KB, 1024x768, alpha_as_fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wimps. This happens to be the match in question. BOOF fights like a true man. Look at that contrib, look at that damage, look at that cost.

>> No.6947702

how does Boof do more melee than you if you have an Ouka

>> No.6947716

My first bot died right at the end.

>> No.6947726

because boof is a MAN

>> No.6947754
File: 126 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110211_1736_07_823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cost is a concept I fail to understand~

>> No.6947758

I want to make a Kyuubey skin. What robot parts would be appropriate?

>> No.6947762
File: 21 KB, 500x375, anasfwgtd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BOOF is the ultimate example of taking it easy.

I think that's why a lot of us like him.

>> No.6947781
File: 224 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110211_1742_56_299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6947792 [DELETED] 

>missile joint and toybox cruise missiles

shit nigger what are you doing

>> No.6947851

dude you only need the linear guns, take away the missiles

>> No.6947857

>missle bit
They suck for your bot. Switch to a sniping unit or something. Your tec/str ratio is too low for the missle bit to be maximum effective.

>> No.6947862

hey BUF, what happened to your eye?

>> No.6947903

Is there any fast support robots? I am currently looking at getting Medi Aide since she has Tough Wonder Bit, Wonder Rate Up, and Growing Wonder, all nice carts.

Also, don't mention CS-tan, I have her second version and I assume she's supposed to be fast so she can sit on the enemy's face and explode like the jerk she is.

>> No.6947932
File: 124 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110211_1822_13_914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fetal alcohol syndrome.

Alright. Please talk me out of wasting 3 hours skinning this to look like yoshi.

>> No.6947955

Funny thing is, it doesn't even look like Yoshi.

>> No.6947983

It's not skinned yet, silly!

>> No.6948028

I fucking hate those morons that do 4k damage with 8k cost, and then the team loses because of 400bp. It doesn't matter if you place 1st, it's your fault your team lost.

>> No.6948044

rolled eve, got garula and raid rifle

>> No.6948045


Also, in this game I never thought it mattered who won or lost because shuffle. I've never gotten mad when I lost, I HAVE gotten mad when I got kicked after a fight but that's my own damn fault.

>> No.6948051 [DELETED] 

Some people find competition to be fun.

>> No.6948118
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>> No.6948182
File: 29 KB, 400x400, adviceCStemplate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone fix this for me

>> No.6948187
File: 51 KB, 225x225, avatar8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the original png

>> No.6948203
File: 50 KB, 225x225, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this?

>> No.6948228

thank you very for that, but I wanted to put it on the advice dog template (unfortunately the thread that google picks up for the super blank advice dog template got deleted and putting CS-tan's head on the normal advice dog template is how I got >>6948182)

>> No.6948281

What is the story behind this?
Use CC to buy RT and then call the CC company to cancel the transaction?

>> No.6948353
File: 777 KB, 1280x960, 16330937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He had a game card number generator.

>> No.6948361
File: 57 KB, 407x405, Advicedog_template.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first result from google

>> No.6948434
File: 154 KB, 800x600, DATCHOCOLATE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh, I thought that exploded with the thread, now just to figure stuff out and clean up CS-tan for pasting



>> No.6948476


You're just a bad player. He did 10 robots worth of damage while losing only 8.

>> No.6948505

>be ouka get to a enemy cluster
>hop around spamming beam slash
>wb charged dual slayers
>hop around more slayers do all the work with beam slash spam

IMO hop ouka is great

>> No.6948548

Is the dragon fang any good? Can someone who has it post a ss?

>> No.6948553


just play a hopper if you're going to do that. you'll run out of duel slayers anyway.

>> No.6948584
File: 750 KB, 1696x2185, 16233876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>run out of dual slayers

Somebody hasn't been rolling UC Gara 2.

>> No.6948596

if you aren't going to use her sword you might as well use ouka dayu. the umbrella shot is pretty beastly if you tune it up a little.

>> No.6948604


Nah, save your money for uc gara 3

>> No.6948605

>run out of dual slayers

Uc2 makes you swim in hella dual slayers I have 153 in stock not running out soon

and uc2 gives good amounts of magic ammonite and shining feathers

>> No.6948635

I use her sword droping down on arts mid hop do a small combo and get out
AIRs gotta go down for more boost at some time

>> No.6948716

I hate to agree with that guy but he only killed 3 people. Which means he cost his team 5000+ points while killing anywhere from 110 for a bee or a frog up to 1500 for someone with a decked out bot with stars. Now, I don't know about you but 5000+ points with an average gain of say ... 800 per kill or 2400 is a negative cost to gain ratio. The other bots he shot up can just go back and heal and it's like he never shot them at all.

The numbers don't tell us. For all we know he did amazing damage to a bunch of bots that were easily killed by his teammates. We just don't know.

>> No.6948753

I saw a hopping ouka in arena last time. I haven't laughed that hard in a while.

>> No.6948772

>>For all we know he did amazing damage to a bunch of bots that were easily killed by his teammates. We just don't know.

Which is why him doing more damage then take is good enough.

>> No.6949199
File: 92 KB, 321x549, FrauwithDragonfang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first does a jab and the second attack does a uppercut that sends an opponent into the air

still working on skinning this

>> No.6949246
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>> No.6949358
File: 82 KB, 360x360, Have-Spike-Bit-repairing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6949549
File: 113 KB, 700x900, 5d4282bb775673e1cffcb87fa6639052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6949569
File: 81 KB, 360x360, FRAUDAY-There-will-be-a-temporary-maintenance-today-starting-from-730PM-PST-Please-log-out-to-protec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6949956

I wants a black haired winberrl is there really one?

>> No.6949965
File: 475 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20100611_1845_22_487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6949989

On a vesca is that obt?

>> No.6950028
File: 86 KB, 360x360, WHYDOIHAVETWOCSCHANS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6950099

Anyone have any tips on how to aim properly with air? Most of my shots miss like crazy. I'm good at fighting other air with my mini bazooka, but my air to ground accuracy sucks.

>> No.6950137

only shoot while you're moving forward

>> No.6950236

>Got my EVE after over 220 rolls. Bitter win...
Nowonder CS is laughing to the bank.

>> No.6950258

>Got my EVE after over 220 rolls. Bitter win...

Who are you and what's wrong with you?

>> No.6950267

Do you even know what the greentext function does? Obviously it isnt me.
More shocking revelation that CS business plan is working fine.
>Just started a paypal account
>Cbf to ever use complex mind fucking credit cards so I'm just going to buy a moneypak and charge $20,000 on it or something

The server will never die as long as people like them exist.

>> No.6950317

Is it just me or is all of the fucking AIR in the game suddenly using bazookas?

So annoying. Some how, even though bazookas take away from the AIR stat, they're still able to chase and hunt me down like a dog.

>> No.6950341


Good air uses them to take down other airs. It's actually one of the best ways to beat air.

>> No.6950355

auto beam + shield is still the superior combination for non-scrubby players

>> No.6950366

How much of a difference do force tune ups make compared to str or tec? On melee weapons you lose speed if you tune force.

>> No.6950383

A force tuneup is 3%/6%/9%, always rounds up. Every TEC above 10 is a 1,6% boost to damage, rounds to nearest integer. Every TEC lower than 10 likewise reduces your damage by 1,6%, to nearest integer. Every STR above 10 is a 2,5% boost to damage, every STR for below 10 is a 2,5% decrease, both to nearest integer. On weapons, force tuneups are better than STR tuneups, but truth be told you should tune weapons with rapid/reach/status effects instead and get your damage boost with STR/TEC tunes on other parts.

>> No.6950400

Why do you eurofags have to use commas instead of decimal points, it's so confusing.

>> No.6950506
File: 62 KB, 457x456, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you guys have some new "acquisitions"

>> No.6950511



>> No.6950516
File: 700 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20110212_0117_42_529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Or you can just do the most damage, get 10 frags, and not die.

>> No.6950528

what do you mean?

>> No.6950774

>Anyone have any tips on how to aim properly with air?
-Shoot at your target when they are moving directly toward you or away from you
-Lead the target a bit; it helps.
-Use weapons with faster bullets. Bazooka is not a great choice against ground targets both because the bullets are slow and because ground bots have blast gaurd.
-Make mini-strikes. Get in close, fire shots, fall back. The shots will more likely hit when you're close.
-Carry a weapon with a lot of ammo.

>Is it just me or is all of the fucking AIR in the game suddenly using bazookas?
>suddenly using bazookas
LOL. Bazooka has been the standard air-to-air armnament since final beta.

>> No.6950807

I've been playing this game since the beginning. I know all about bazookas. The difference was that I suddenly saw a jump of EVERYBODY using them, not just some people like it has been before. I play AIR, so I am very sensitive to these types of changes. I feel it big time when other AIR bots start using bazookas.

>> No.6950855

I saw Rynex as the first one to start the air-to-air trend with bazookas at the start of OBT2.

>> No.6950859

There was "trend". People always did that. I know I did on OBT1 at least.

>> No.6950873

The bazooka thing went big around week 2-ish of 2nd beta. Before that it looked like 1 person with a bazooka was wrecking airs left and right.

>> No.6950892

ABR, garapon only, yeah fuck you too pal

>> No.6950947

Why are beam rifle lilies so popular?

>> No.6951013

Recommended tune ups on a garula arm?

>> No.6951027

Rapid, Rapid, Rapid/Force/Reach.

Your bullets are never fast enough, even if they're rifles. I'd go with full Rapid even on very fast weapons like Cruel Railgun.

>> No.6951055

What explosive weapons can one mount on a L-Sized air?

>> No.6951066

Genbura arms... Oh wait, you need AURA for them and there are no L AIR units with AURA.

Just use Stardust.

>> No.6951095

Does the SDC count as an explosive weapon damage wise?

I need something for air-to-air, my Thoarla is dead meat 1/3 of the time when I encounter bazooka wielding Seraph's and Izuna's.

>> No.6951124

No ammo? I already tuned one slot with +10% ammo, but still runs out quickly. Though now with izuna legs the arms last longer.
I wish I had an air raider to put these garula arms, I really liked helingal's weapon.

>> No.6951127

SDC is beam. L air should be hovering over enemy PS and showering them with omega anyways.

>> No.6951132

Bomb launcher

>> No.6951137

The Stardust Cannon is a beam weapon. There really is no effective defense that L AIR has against S AIR other than staying near a few ARTs.

>> No.6951205

The best defense L Air has against zook airs is Tengu BS. Fly as high on a map as possible and abuse the long range of stardust cannon, then when you see a zook air coming for you use Tengu BS to drop down faster then they can and depending on the map you should be so low you're out of the range of their bazooka. This works best with float dash because you stay at just above ground level instead of having to rise up a bit to fly like you would without it, possibly putting you into range of their bazookas. Tuning fly also helps a lot too but that should be obvious.

And if you're a cash whore, Air Loop + Tengu BS is great to abuse map design since a lot of ledges are just a little too high to get on when at max altitude and air loop takes you right over it and anybody chasing without air loop can't follow you anymore. It's also great for flipping through the tiles on Tiling Float.

>> No.6951209
File: 213 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110212_1040_29_784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the total of omega slut protectors increases to five

>> No.6951232

Speaking from experience, dropping down is the worst thing you can do. They're inescapable, and getting below them is easier for them. My AIR bot has stealth system, and even with dropping from the highest height to the floor and going through the tunnels, they still kill me.

The only thing you can do is fly to the nearest friendly ART and hope he doesn't have his head up his ass and helps you out.

It's a real damn shame because I don't fucking want to put bazookas on my AIR just to deal with those annoying fucks. Who's bright idea was it to give bazookas to AIR? That's like giving missiles to LND. There's a reason why Rocket Launcher is garapon only.

>> No.6951268

Why aren't you tuning up?

>Who's bright idea was it to give bazookas to AIR? That's like giving missiles to LND.
Speaking of that, JPCB now has missiles that can be used by AURA AIR.

>> No.6951302

Poor advice. The guy is using a Thoarla, presumably untuned, i.e. he's moving slowly. The S air catches up to him 2 seconds later and bazookas him to death from above. And he can't even shoot back.

Stock Thoarla + stardust cannon is good at close air support to protect your arts and PS from wandering lag-kuns and other melee units. The SDC is devastating to them and they can't hit you when you're flying unless they slow to come at you specifically, which just lets you hit them even harder.

>> No.6951315

>I don't fucking want to put bazookas on my AIR

You can't even do that on L-sized airs. No blast weapons for them.

>> No.6951366

If you're staying close to your Arts in an L Air why not just use a Baltheon? Thoarla is bad. The only advice I can give is tune fly as much as possible, don't be too aggressive and just attack Lnds that come at you. Zook airs aren't that hard to deal with, but untuned Thoarla is just so big and slow that she can't do anything without attracting a lot of attention and dying without being able to run away.

>> No.6951493

Because there is a difference between "staying in range of your arts" and "camping on top of your arts the whole round". I am even less a fan of the Baltheon than I am of the Thoarla.

>> No.6951516
File: 442 KB, 800x600, 5add19e594221eea0ce692052645601d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So, pink hair has a ring of thorns
Black is tornado of thorns in front
Blonde is also front thorns
White it thorn wall?

Correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.6951532


Blonde is like, the worst fucking one.

>> No.6951539


Pink is circle of thorns, yellow is wall, blue is line. The rest are the same types with different hair colors.

Pink and orange
Blue and black
Yellow and white

>> No.6951555

And pink is still the best?

>> No.6951574


Depends. Yellow and blue both get moving burst and don't have locked arms (the shop pink Winberryl doesn't either, but you need to pay for that). Yellow can make a wall that can trap fliers and the line that blue makes can catch enemies that need to go through narrow areas. Blue is the best when enemies are trying to escape through any sort of tunnel or hallway and has the longest range.

Pink is good, but melee will still mess you up pretty bad if they are close enough to hit you. It all depends on how you play. If you get good at aiming the vines, yellow is great, but blue is pretty much the best unless you are getting surrounded.

>> No.6951677
File: 666 KB, 800x600, 55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6951700
File: 535 KB, 800x600, 103efbc9aefbd9aefbd85efbd8eefbd8fefbd93efbd93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6951708


Squealer's Punchs > Byne's Shields

>> No.6951791
File: 337 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110212_1830_55_043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But can Red Squealer into Johnny Bravo?

>> No.6951812

You forgot to mention that Ellen and Vesca have boost run and broad radar, something the normal one doesn't.

Which makes her shitty.

>> No.6951817

>negatron rifle


>> No.6951828

Well yeah.
Still haven't got my Stardust

>> No.6951871

fucking uc2 garapon
I already got several gold balls and still no silver ball

>> No.6952161

for non-rt use beam rifle + beam machinegun, or ammo/range tuned beam machinegun + shield

>> No.6952177
File: 205 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110209_0059_21_087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not too good at drawing faces.

Or playing the game in general.

>> No.6952185

Got 47 RT right now.
I really feel like buying myself a Maxis, as it would be a welcome change from all my AIRs and my Lily, but I'd like some of your thoughts on it first.

My monthly budget for this game is 40 RT + some from free offers by the way.

>> No.6952188

Lookin awesome bro

>> No.6952332

BRD here. Hotglue just got stomped and they plan to enter the tournament what a laughing stock.

>> No.6952339

Maxis is pretty darn sweet if you can play keepaway and only enter matches with quite a lot of people in them. On their own they're toast vs even two land bots, though, strictly very effective support units.

I like mine with a shield and an axe.

The Mk2 is an improvement.

>> No.6952360

Were you playing these Hotglue? Or were you playing scrubs?

Clan Name: Hotglue
Union: WIZ

Regular Members
1. Kanbara
2. Zyxn
3. Minamitsu
4. Luvia
5. AppleMecha
6. Vyers
7. Ristelle
8. Mori-tan
9. FunThingsAreFun
10. sibladeko

Alternate Members
1. K1
2. Kieli
3. Rathalos
4. ShoE
5. Hakua

>> No.6952394

Half the people from that list.

>> No.6952417

screenshots or it didn't happen.

>> No.6952439

Maxis is a glass cannon. If your teammates protect you, you can wreck stuff from miles away with impunity. If somebody gets in close or it gets swarmed, the Maxis dies pretty quick. It's awesome for chokepoints like Tundra Wall and (to a lesser extent) Tiling Float.

>> No.6952467
File: 62 KB, 1197x722, CosmiCalc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would this work?

>> No.6952581

Yo dawg...

>> No.6952972

To be honest the linear cannons just means you can't maneuver while CHARGIN YER RAILGUN and you die horribly since you need to stay still for 2 seconds before you fire. I've tried sticking a linear cannon on it, it just makes you take massive damage and your targets get out of range too fast/maneuver until they're right in your face.

Not worth it in my view. Just stick with continuous jump-shoot-jump.

>> No.6952985

Hmm, no entry in the tournament from Snowflake or MoD or SDGO_Trolls? Weird.

>> No.6953028


They still have 4-5 days. Efb hasn't registered either.


stop falling for crappy trolls.

>> No.6953619


MoD isn't sure if they can keep up with the autism armsrace, so they're probably not entering because they dont like the prizes.

Trolls either quit CB or merged into hotglue.

Snowflake is being super secretive and spying on other clans and doing a bunch of horseshit that wont matter in the end. Basically they'll be entering at the last second.

>> No.6953635

>Hanging out with my fellow Scrubglue members and losing in a brd room stacked to the gills
>"This is too autistic for me, I'm out"
>"Why does hotglue always quit when they lose"
>put on froglanders, receive 4v15 statboost
>win game
>fucking gamestop

Autismal as Fuck

>> No.6953639

Get out of here troll.

>> No.6953666


Game he's talking about did happen, but he's distorting a few key facts.

1: NoFunAllowed co-stacked the room with everythingsfine to even the odds.
2: There was only 4 of the people from that list playing
3: By stomped he means winning roughly 3:1, with the best victories only being by about 4k
4: I presume he's the usual everythingsfine friend, so here's the funny part where taetae and asukuu regularly got outplayed by Navy Spheals in those matches. The HKer little red couldnt even place

>> No.6953678

would like to know monetary differences between that brd room vs wiz

>> No.6953788

That's more than half. Nice try Florette :)

>> No.6953845


Keep trying, K1 hasn't been on all day and they came and went.

You know damn well that Rathalos and Kielie didn't appear until the last two games, that minamitsu dced after the first game, and that Hakua was there, left, came back, and left again. Me and Kanbara were the only ones consistently in that room.

>> No.6953865

fucking poser.

>> No.6953961

Thread reeks of EverythingsFine cuntbags.

>> No.6954003

You mad SnowFlake?

>> No.6954039

accuse anonymous of everything

meanwhile i will accuse bugsycait of ruining sup robots forever

these burst fire hopping bazooka shock shielding maggots who practically make all other sup robots except for repair berryls useless

>> No.6954051

Only thing I remember was Hotglue kicking EverythingsFine's iHop's collective asses all day in OBT3 to the point where they'd be too scared to play in a vs WIZ room. So ironic how they whine about lack of vs WIZ rooms and alt F4 whenever they're in a losing state.

>> No.6954134

One game.

If we played 'em ten times, they might win nine.
But not this game. Not tonight.
Tonight, we skate with 'em.

>> No.6954238

Hey Tempura you should hold another lottery for this clan tournament, but this time you should increase the needless drama by making the award RT, and including betting odds for each clan

Everythingsfine 1:2
Hotglue 1:4
Snowflake 1:4
EFB 1:6
NoFunAllowed 1:8
Mediocre tier noname clans 1:16
Shit-tier noname clans 1:100

Trust me it'll be awesome

>> No.6954296
File: 149 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110213_0014_30_858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6954448

The Hope guild will win with its 1 member, MARK MY WORDS.

>> No.6954648

Maybe we could do some kind of betting where the prize would depend on how many people bet on which team... So if you bet on an underdog and the underdog won, you'd win a bunch of Rt.

>> No.6954674

Wiz is doing quite horrible despite having the most members.

>> No.6954685

>Many members of WIZ really like charging to their own deaths

>> No.6954729

Current clan tournament entrants to be accepted by cp generation

Armada Lolicon

Adjusted by likely entrants who have not yet entered


RIP loyalty
Faggots they may be, but I wanted to beat them atleast once more before we all drop CB

>> No.6954756

Some clan with a bunch of CP should let all of Loyalty join their clan and play in the tournament for shits and giggles.

>> No.6954826

Anyone do the Gamefly offer? How long did it take from payment to receiving Rt?

>> No.6954861

Haven't got mine yet. It has been a week, contacted customer support after two days. They told me they are "cooperating with Cyberstep" to fix the issue.

>> No.6954870


Alright. I'll just bug Super Rewards, Gamefly and Cyberstep every day until it is there then.

>> No.6954891

It took me 4 business days to get my RT. I say business days since they didn't answer over the weekend. I had to send 4 inquires and some proof of payment to finally get it.

>> No.6954903


Just in case it comes to that, who did you send the proof of purchase to?

>> No.6955037

If you did it through super rewards you can do it from their website. I think they have a help button when you checking offers on cb site. It shows all the offers you have looked at and you can send them an email about one of them.

>> No.6955102


I really wish I saw this sooner. It's like a cheat sheet to know which ones actually worked and which ones I should fudge some more info on to try again. Thanks.

>> No.6955312

Casualglue should just pretend to be Loyalty and see how far they can get. It'd be hilarious to see them face Autismglue.

>> No.6955609

Isn't the thread on autosage now?

>> No.6955618

>EveryThing'sFine 1:2
>Hotglue - 1:4

Are you joking me nigga?

>> No.6955667


>> No.6955731

how hard it hits?

>> No.6957271

On which channel does the login challenge take place?
I won't be here, so I need to know which channel I should leave my AFK bot on.

>> No.6957288
File: 697 KB, 900x675, hey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so how's that pserv going

>> No.6957569

New Thread >>6957566
