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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 39 KB, 750x500, 750px-Flag_of_Spain.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6941970 No.6941970 [Reply] [Original]

Spain discovered Japan. And we sent Francico Xavier there to teach them the truth of Jesus Christ. Japanese language has never been important for the world. Because Japan has never been an empire. They tried briefly to be an empire and got raped by the USA. Spain was an empire for centuries. We spread our language. And now it's spoken by more people than English natively. Spanish > English. Most spoken languages natively... 1. Chinese 2. Hindi 3. Spanish 4. English. Hindi is ruled out from the list because India = Diarrhea.

>> No.6941978

Didn't you faggots also get raped by the Americans?

>> No.6941976

Nobody here cares about Japan.

>> No.6941985

Anonymous, you're not even Japanese. You Pinoy midget. Spain is better than Japanese in many aspects. See, you're a stupid Americanized gook. I knew you were not Japanese. You're too dumb to be a Japanese. Your English is crappy. You're a FOB. GOOK. English is a clone of Spanish. It's very similar. English is basically Spanish but mispronounced. They can't pronounce for shit.

>> No.6941986

Japan was discovered by Portugal you fucking idiot

>> No.6941979


>> No.6941993

Yawn, you Gook savages bore me. (:| I was wrong. Hindi is by no means more spoken than Spanish. Not even more spoken than English. So the ranking goes like this. 1. Chinese (Mandarin) 2. Spanish 3. English. I am fluent in both in Spanish and English, therefore I win. :).

>> No.6941995


You haven't be relevant since the Moors were there, you've been raped by the English, the Americans, your own people...

Hell, even some Viking discovered the Americas before you, Spain is pig-disgusting.

Your New World exploitation was sort of cool but, English pirates slapped your shit.

>> No.6942003

speak for yourself

>> No.6942007

>English is a clone of Spanish. It's very similar. English is basically Spanish but mispronounced. They can't pronounce for shit.

Spanish is a child of Latin, and English pilfered Latin. They sound similar because they stole from the same place. You might as well be saying that French stole from Spanish, or Italian. It's just as retarded, either way.

English steals from everything. That's why it's so successful. The Spanish academy for language purity will fail, precisely because "purity" in a language is nonexistent, and evolutionarily unsound.

You are inferior.

>> No.6942014

2/10 for being original.
1/10 for getting serious responses.
1/10 for knowing I'm Filipino.

4/10, not bad.

>> No.6942018

Shut up you stupid cocksuckers. I talk about native speakers. Not Americunts students. You dumb faggot. You Pinoys sure are stupid. You're mad the Spanish raped the Philippines. Go back to fingers your mother's brown ass. I'm gonna drive my Shinkansen. Spain shit on the Philippines, your land. You monkey. :)). You unewducated brown son of a whore. You Pinoys can't even speak Spanish or English.

>> No.6942019

You should go do something useful if you assume being fluent in two languages will get you anywhere in life.

Why waste your time here? Surely this is beneficial for both parties.

>> No.6942029

Me? Filipino? It is to laugh.

Portugal has been superior to Spain in almost every respect for centuries.

>> No.6942031

Tiene gracia porque es no verdad.

>> No.6942064

This is either a troll,or a spanish nationalist that has problems with his dick size so he spills his anger at life here. And spanish is unimportant these days too.South America is something like a third world area,and the only nation that has a bright future - Brazil,speaks a variant of portuguese. If there will be a single language for the human race,its english.Now go cry in a corner and kill yourself,cause you are an unimportant faggot,or a troll.Either way,please go away.


>> No.6942070


Que el ingles provenga del latin tiene guasa, ¿acaso no saben nada sobre la lengua germanico? You're mentally retarded ¬¬

>> No.6942067


>> No.6942073


>replying seriously to troll thread
>also, sage

You're worse than OP.

>> No.6942083


If you think such a thing as "Spanish nacionalist" exist you don't know shit sir.

Se dice troll, t-r-o-l-l

>> No.6942087

I´m spanish. but that doesn´t mean that im going to defend my country it, because it really suck balls right now.

We were big, okay... but that time passes and now we are full or corruption and the 60% of our population are just fucking retarted people that only knows how to play futbol.

I mean,seriously...look what Spain is right now. OK, is great that Spain is (i´m not sure it this is true at all) the country with the best athletes, but in the end, we suck in the rest. And let me tell you something:


A great country is not the one that has conquered and doesn´t maintain what it had. Is the one that keep territories and the love of the people.

Try again when you grow up a little more, damn faggot.

>> No.6942091
File: 277 KB, 700x600, 1296009408634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"No es verdad"
Usted no entiende como estructurar sus oraciónes adecuadamente. probablemente uso un traductor mecánico.

>> No.6942092

English is not derivative of Latin, but it stole a great deal of its vocabulary. For you not to know this makes you the retard, now doesn't it?

>> No.6942110


Porque he puesto el spoiler después de haber escrito la frase, lapsus.

En cambio:
>Usted no entiende como estructurar sus oraciónes adecuadamente. probablemente uso un traductor mecánico.
No sabes como estructurar tus oraciones adecuadamente, probablemente usas un traductor mecánico.

Try harder.

>> No.6942119

Where I said that english is derivative from latin? I said germanic, moron

>> No.6942128


Pero has dicho que no tenía nada en común.

Podrías haberlo escrito en inglés al menos, que ya estamos quedando bastante como retrasados.

>> No.6942129

Come live in Brazil, you'll fit right in.

Seriously, right now as things are, it's a great country. I mean, we're pretty self-sufficient, we produce everything we need for ourselves, our industries are growing and we're pretty much on the way to semi-development, if we're not already there.

However, corruption ensures that the country does NOT grow by putting a lot of money on 10% of the population, while the other 90% have to pay absurd taxes. That leads to poverty, which leads to kids who grow up to love soccer and only soccer, thinking it's some sort of magical gateway that'll make them rich fast without having the need to work much. Not to mention the fact the government does NOT invest at all in education.

So yeah, the only reason we're not turning super saiyan is because of the fucking corrupted to the core government.

>> No.6942130

Typical spanish behavior

>> No.6942132

Apparently, your ability to comprehend English is not at a conversational level.

>> No.6942139


Whose? OP's? Because I can assure you he is trolling. No Spanish likes Spain

>> No.6942142


The only two inteligent people in this retarted thread.

>> No.6942146

The inteligent people are not replying to this troll thread at all. They are reporting and hiding the thread. Oh boy I just got dumb.

>> No.6942148


>> No.6942152

Spanish sounds like a bastardalized portuguese.

>> No.6942153


As white as americans.

>> No.6942155


Precisely Spanish and Portuguese don't sound any similar. Had you said writte...

>> No.6942159


¬¬ Tampoco dije que no tenia nada en comun, lo que mencione es que su lengua "no proviene" del latin. Lo de que se use expresiones de otros idiomas en el habla inglesa es de sentido comun dado que todos (o la mayoria) los idiomas del mundo hacen lo mismo; "agenciarse" de palabras extranjeras para hacerse mas cool o modernos.

>> No.6942166

You have no idea what you're talking about, and it shows.

>> No.6942171


Ya, pero la influencia del latin en el inglés no son cuatro palabras para ser guay como se hace ahora. Y muchas son del francés por cierto que era la lengua en la que se hablaba jurídicamente.

>¬¬ Get out

>> No.6942176



>> No.6942178

I'm amazed. The rage level is pretty low for a "spain kickass" thread; and some of you, dear brethen, sound like reasonable people (>>6942087 >>6942139).
There is hope.

>> No.6942186

You both are being simplistic. You can cite a lot of sources for english: celtic, latin, saxon, danish, norman-french...

>> No.6942191
File: 47 KB, 463x384, adb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6942196


I know, I'm just saying there is a Latin influence too, which the faggot is denying, I have studied all the influences on English tons of times so I'm aware it's not Germanic/Latin.

>> No.6942202



>> No.6942209


No les des coba a estos retardados que intentan demostrar quien es mas estupido, ya que los que discutien en este tema son retardados a man no poder. Bah, me voy a ver mi porno xD

From Robin

>> No.6942216

English is a Germanic language, and belongs to that family. It distinguishes itself by having stolen so thoroughly from Latin, and incorporating vocabulary from other languages extensively, concerning itself only with ease of use and understanding.

>> No.6942219
File: 199 KB, 408x287, batman_bolloxed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, whatever you say. Can you walk or should I call a cab, dude?

>> No.6942222

Fucking christ, /jp/. Stop replying to this shit!

How the fuck can you complain about unrelated crap when you take part on it?!

>> No.6942242

I complain about everything.

There is no hypocrisy.

>> No.6942258

>Francisco Xavier

more like Francisco Franco

>> No.6942265


Francisco Franco was good tier, Hitler liked him

>> No.6942278
File: 10 KB, 384x445, General_Donald_Morden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6942310


Reported for gay
