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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6939397 No.6939397 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever think machine translation will develop enough that most eroge will be playable in English automatically?

>> No.6939406

That's not how language[especially Japanese] work

>> No.6939407


>> No.6939411

They will be playable, but not enjoyable.

>> No.6939410

I think we would have Skynet before that happens.

>> No.6939413

Sure, once we have AI that can think like humans.

>> No.6939419

Google may work miracles on a daily basis but no, the complexities between two languages are likely beyond what AI can interpret.

>> No.6939422

Due to Japanese being very context-dependent and completely different from English, that would require an A.I. that is capable of understanding what the Japanese actually means, rather than just do plain pattern matching.
So, not in the next few years, no.

>> No.6940954

If you machine translate something from say, Spanish, the results are muuuuch better than when you do it in Japanese. We're a long way off.

>> No.6940956

This. And that's a huge can of worms unto itself.

>> No.6940973

maybe sooner than you think

>> No.6940978

japanese may be context driven, but there are only a few contexts used on a normal basis, you would have to do two pattern matching passes, one for context and one for actual words to get the meaning. this is a big task that would require large databases to hold everything and lots of CPU to search them or we can just get the devs to include context in a translate friendly API :P

>> No.6940982

Talking about translate.google.com i think the cause for that is that there is more Spanish-English translation than Japanese-English translation. And google uses statistics from human translation for doing machine translation: more means better.

vc: these elitdom

>> No.6941020

Wow, that was really interesting. Thanks, anon.
Looks to be a step in the right direction...

>> No.6941021

The real reason for why we don't have reliable translation software is because moogy is sabotaging them. There will be no wank and internet intrigue if they ever get released.

>> No.6941061

Once we'd gotten to that stage, though, there wouldn't really be a need for eroge anymore.

I mean, why read stories about having sex with 2D girls when you can have one of your very own inside of your computer?

>> No.6941064

Well... I like the plot as well.

>> No.6941079

We probably weill , but ti will come with strong A.I. Good translations requires understanding the context of a section of text, and understanding the context of text requires all the metal baggage people pick up over the course of their lives. We will need A.I to translate text well.

>> No.6941092

Translate from any language to Lojban.
Translate from Lojban to any language.

Solve these 2 problems and we are done.


>> No.6941099

Except that literature isn't hindered by ambiguity as much as it depends on it.

>> No.6941113

More like solve those two problems and now you have a third, much bigger problem.

>> No.6941117

A good half of the best eroge are translated already, with a good portion on the way. All that's left is a few isolated untranslated good games (I really don't understand why /jp/ fixates on them so much, it's not like they're that much better) and fuckloads and fuckloads of shitty games.
I could understand some years ago, but nowadays all the good shit gets translated, I don't even know what you're whining for.

>> No.6941130
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>> No.6941136
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BETA as fuck

>> No.6941145

There's that game that's known as insurmountable wall of the eroge medium.

>> No.6941306

>Implying Lojban can't be ambiguous
>Implying computers can't be programmed to be ambiguous
>Implying greentext


>> No.6941313

Untranslated stuff is automatically 65% better than translated.

>> No.6941315

Get out of /jp/.

>> No.6941413

This. It would be like pressing the vectorize button in Illustrator. Yeah, you get your image vectorized, but it's souless and literal and boring.

>> No.6941419

Get out flyable hearts devs

>> No.6941429
File: 356 KB, 1920x1200, wallpaper-konata-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Stop being a lazy fuck.
> Learn Japanese.
> No need for translators.
> ???

>> No.6941443

In this base. Just start at it and you'll get there before you know it, as long as you actually do stuff in Japanese.

>> No.6941444


>> No.6941479

As soon as we start making any advances in AI at all this will be one of the simpler tasks to accomplish.

>> No.6941486

The translators don't translate the words they translate the meanings.

I mean we could all rewrite machine translations to make coherent sounding visual novels but we'd probably cut out a fuck ton of the Japanese cultural things and such the author threw in.

>> No.6941644

Automatically, probably not in the short term.

But in the next few years we'll probably end up with something good enough to reduce VN translation from months and years to a few days or weeks of editing/checking.

If you've ever tried Translation Aggregator you'll see that OCN/Honyaku already get ~75% or more correct.

And those claims that human translators somehow preserve the meaning better? Not if the machine has a more accurate dictionary. The human brain has been conjectured to be at most Touring-complete. In that case any other machine can do the same things it can do (although TC doesn't place any restrictions on the complexity of actually doing the computation.)

>> No.6941721

>And those claims that human translators somehow preserve the meaning better? Not if the machine has a more accurate dictionary.
Meaning does not only exist in the definitions of words.

>> No.6941729

Guess this is on topic.

What's the best way to learn hiragana / katakana, and afterwards, Kanji? I've heard the "Learning the Kanji" book is good, but does that explain grammar too?

>> No.6941743

>What's the best way to learn hiragana / katakana
If you need to waste time finding out best way to learn 100 or so symbols, forget it.

>> No.6941747

It's called being able to play whatever the fuck you want, whenever you want without translators' whims.

>> No.6941750
File: 31 KB, 159x226, 1296153581399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even direct translation is perfect...
Picture Related

>> No.6941751

Not even close. Just wondering.

>> No.6941768

japanese will be long dead before that happens.
10 years from now japanese will become mainly poorly translated english words used on japanese grammar.
Just some silly anime phrases and words will still be on japanese like sushi and imouto

>> No.6941770

Are people really satisfied with reading in shitty English?

>> No.6941784

Maybe in a few decades.

>> No.6941785

>Not if the machine has a more accurate dictionary.
>Word by word Japanese translation
you stupid fuck

>> No.6941803

Yeah.. let's see how that machine translation works on games like Oretsuba, guys. Brilliant idea.

>> No.6941818

You're obviously doomed to failure, but the best way to learn is http://www.alljapaneseallthetime.com/blog/all-japanese-all-the-time-ajatt-how-to-learn-japanese-on-y

>> No.6941831

Translations are shit. I wouldn't wish translated games on anyone.

>> No.6941835
File: 23 KB, 950x190, rotate[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

