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693728 No.693728 [Reply] [Original]

What is more enjoyable
F/SN or Tsukihime?

>> No.693742

F/SN because of the music, the artwork and the voices.

Tsukihime for story.

>> No.693743

inb4 why Tsukhime is better than F/SN pasta.

>> No.693746

They're both, objectively speaking, very good and worth going through. Play both of them. Don't listen to the FSN > Tsukihime fgts, Tsukihime > FSN fgts or the TYPE-MOON sux fgts.

>> No.693750
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I enjoyed Tsukihime more, personally. I liked its writing and story better. Fate/stay Night looked nicer and was more polished, but you don't play a visual novel for all that. I haven't played Heaven's Feel yet, but from Fate and UBW Tsukihime's story paths were better.

>> No.693751


>Don't listen to the FSN > Tsukihime fgts, or the TYPE-MOON sux fgts.

Fix'd some typo for ya.

>> No.693749

>>693746 fgts
It's fgsfds

>> No.693766

FSN may have been better if I didn't have to grind my teeth everytime Shirou does something.

>> No.693774

It's like watching Suzaku from gayass or Kira Yamato from GundamSEED

>> No.693783

>I haven't played Heaven's Feel yet, but from Fate and UBW Tsukihime's story paths were better.

From what I hear, Fate and UBW are the equivalent of Tsukihimes near side scenarios, whilst HF is basically F/SN's far side scenario. So I'm not going to make any judgement until I play through Heavens Feel.
That and I need to actually play through Tsukihimes far side scenarios, I keep getting distracted or sidetracked.

>> No.693798

It's a contraction for faggots, you retard.

Context, motherfucker, do you know it?

>> No.693803

Heaven's feel fucks with you.

It introduces like a bunch of new characters you have never seen before that point, like Bazette (Lancer's Master who got killed in the other routes), Dark Saber version of Saber, you get to see Rider without her gaze being restricted, you meet Zoken, and a bunch of other shit happens. Not only that, Shirou is the most tolerable and most badass in this route too.

>> No.693821

Just type faggots then you gigantic faggot.

>> No.693831

Tsukihime was way better IMO.

>> No.693835

Tsukihime,because Shiki could beat Shirou.

>> No.693844


My favorite color is red and Shirou has red hair so he is stronger.

>> No.693853

Never finished playing F/SN so couldn't tell you.

>> No.693889

F/SN or Tsukihime is like asking whether or not you like vampires or mythological heroes better.

Fuck vampires.

>> No.693890

lol Fate route

>My favorite color is red and Shirou has red hair so he is 3Xfaster.

>> No.693891

FATE was one of the shit I've ever seen.
UBW was average.

>> No.693901

But you do fuck vampires!

And mythological heroes!

>> No.693903



>> No.693908

F/SN sucks, I really can't understand why it's so popular.
Tsukihime is far better.

>> No.693920

The concepts it introduces are great. Also, the routes after Fate are considered to be far better.

Then there's that the translation combined with the fact that Eastern books are written with a slightly different style does make the writing seem less than 5 star.

>> No.693994

Tsukihime's story/stories were pretty awesome, even if the art wasn't top-knotch.

I love FSN for its music and, I have to confess, its flashy effects here and there. The art's also pretty good.

Fate IS shit, UBW is win, and I think HF will be even better.

>> No.694026

Tsukihime has better story.
F/SN has better art.


>> No.694031

Is there any naked Rider or stuff like that, or is HF only about cumbucket Sakura?

>> No.694030

That won't even be true anymore after the Tsukihime remake comes out in a few months.

>> No.694037
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Isn't it great, Sacchin?

>> No.694045

You get to have sex with Rider in Fate/Hollow Ataraxia.

HF is Sakura route, of course, but it's still the best route by far. Fuck yes, stabbing Saber in the chest, Archer giving you his own arm, and Rider turning people to stone with her gaze.

>> No.694051
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> Archer giving you his own arm

>> No.694063


LoL few months, try late 2010 for the Japanese one.

>> No.694067

FSN has the best PC (Shirou)
TH has the best NPC (Arcueid)
FSN has at least 2 good routes (3 if HF is good), TH only has one (Arc's route).
TH has several good porn scenes, FSN only has one (Shirou/Saber in Fate route) unless HF has some.
FSN has better graphics and music.
TH has better plot with less reliance on stupidity and coincidence.

3 wins each. It is a draw unless HF route can switch the porn scenes result, in which case F/SN wins.

>> No.694073

What are the chances of the remake getting a translation anyhow? The original was just translated a year and a half ago.

>> No.694076


Arc came second last for me.


>> No.694080
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>FSN has at least 2 good routes (3 if HF is good), TH only has one (Arc's route).

>> No.694079

Sakura is a slut, so more sex.

>> No.694082


Someone is bound to do it, hopefully Nasu actually improves on the script adding/changing stuff instead of just improving graphics and stuff.

>> No.694088


Disclaimer, I haven't finished the Ciel route yet. But anyway, I much prefer the psychological mindfuck of the far side over the action in the Arc/Ciel routes.

>> No.694086



>> No.694094

>>694076 Arc>Akiha>Hisui>Ciel>Kohaku
You seemed to have reversed that accidentally. Don't worry, I fixed it for you.

>> No.694095


It ought to be a lot easier to translate it given the original has already been done. (And I should have learnt Japanese by the time it comes out, so dammit, it will be getting translated)

>> No.694091

>FSN has the best PC (Shirou)
>FSN has at least 2 good routes (3 if HF is good), TH only has one (Arc's route).

8/10, I raged.

>> No.694113

The OP pic...is this a Rule 32 of WINRAR?

>> No.694509

TH has the best PC (Shiki)
TH has the best NPC (Akiha)
FSN has at least 1 good routes (HF),every Tsukihime route is good.
TH has several good porn scenes, FSN only has one (Shirou/Saber in Fate route) unless HF has some.
FSN has better graphics and music.
TH has better plot with less reliance on stupidity and coincidence.

5 to TH 1 to FSN . It is a draw unless HF route can switch the porn scenes result.


>> No.694545

I turn the music off in visual novels, and I don't see the point in the portraits or backgrounds either.

Tsukihime was a lot better.
If you enjoy more shonen esque style things, with a pretty generically fantasylike twist on things, F/SN is still worth playing, but I seriously wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless you fit those criteria.

>> No.694555

Tsukihime has a superior tsundere and has wincest. So it's better.

>> No.694553


And before someone rages over the fact I turn music off, the music I play instead fits it a lot better.

I've run into serveral circumstances where music transitioned perfectly. Most of what I listen to during such things is ambient material, or even from other games.

>> No.694655

>>694509 every Tsukihime route is good.
Seems to me sir that you have failed.
Pleese try again sometime.

>> No.694663

>Ciel > dunno>dunno>dunno>lol Arc>dunno

>> No.694679

Every Tsukihime route is good. Some are just not as good as the others(near side routes).

>> No.694688

True, even Arc's route is a masterpiece compared to Fate.

>> No.694700


Butthurt samefag.

>> No.694714


Do you want to kill, monster? then we have something in common.

Be killed, be killed,without a doubt be killed, by anyone else HE is going to be killed, by me.

I will show you...This is what it means to kill things.

I never had a plan from the start!
Girls shouldn't fight.
Shinji is a good person and my friend.

Choose wisely anon.

>> No.694715

Do people on the moon like Fate/stay night more than Tsukihime, though? I hear one of the main reasons why it's so shitty is because of the translation and not the actual game, so I wonder what they think of it.

>> No.694724

I guess not, good translation can't cure Shirou of his stupidity.

>> No.694727
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Then why bother asking?

>> No.694731

because >>694724 isn't me.

>> No.694730

It's heavily marketed so it's more popular.

>> No.694738

/r/ing a link to Tsukihime. I don't know which download is the english version.

>> No.694743

You can get the english patch from mirror moon so it doesn't really matter which one you get.

>> No.694745

In that case, I would suggest waiting for the Tsukihime remake to come out first. The original Tsukihime had a limited print run, so you can't really make a good comparison of the reactions.

>> No.694763

The best to know wich one they like more is doujin stuff, there is more TH doujinshis and arrange album doujinshis than FSN .

>> No.694809

There are more EMIYA remixes and covers than there are Tsukihime albums.

It's an unsubstantiated fact, but so is yours.

>> No.694845

Too bad Fate has better h-doujins than Tsukihime.

>> No.695029

That is not a good thing. the only Fate bgm that gets remixes is Emiya. Meaning is the only good bgm. TH at least gets entire doujinshis albums.

>> No.695036

So I finally found a seemingly legit arc file for Tsukihime.....

Only now I've forgotten why I needed it and how to use it.

How do I played Ero Game?

>> No.695039

Just run the installer.

>> No.695045

Run the Mirror moon installer.

>> No.695083
File: 141 KB, 1024x768, 1211821571605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ran the installer, keep coming up with this even though the arc file is in the directory I gave it.

>> No.695090


That's because you're using the plus+disc installer, which is completely different.

>> No.695109

Thanks, found the right one. It failed though, fucking hell.

>> No.695926


Fuck you two for spoiling.

>FSN has the best PC (Shirou)


>> No.696591


>>FSN has only one good route, UBW (2 if HF is good).


>> No.696625
File: 317 KB, 573x335, 1211834784930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FSN has the best PC (Shirou)
It are facts.

>> No.696636


Hey, Scorn.

>> No.696642


Even if that was unintentional, that's awesome.

>> No.696654

Yes. What's more, I'm not even the Shirou tripfag, I was just trolling :(
