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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 71 KB, 219x244, 1266087289871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6930009 No.6930009 [Reply] [Original]

You must post in this thread if you want a cross dressing /jp/er as a waifu every time you come here.

pic related ;_;

>> No.6930013
File: 619 KB, 1200x1200, 1255310634067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Each time I tried to talk a /jp/ trap into moving in with me always ended in failure...Chisame doesn't know what she is missing!

>> No.6930014

I'm 2D

>> No.6930018

A waifu is not 3d.

>> No.6930026

posting ;_;

>> No.6930029

Why is this board so engrossed with love and sex?

>> No.6930028

I'd like a cute /jp/er, but not a crossdresser or trap.

>> No.6930030

Is there such in this board?

>> No.6930037
File: 97 KB, 255x243, MarisaSWR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my girlfriend to dress up as Marisa for me once. Damn that was a good day.

>> No.6930038


>> No.6930039

Get the fuck out.

>> No.6930041
File: 228 KB, 744x867, 1277415630916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manly men only

>> No.6930042

Then stop bragging about being no life ugly NEETS

>> No.6930046


Before you call me an asshole, I do sympathize with you OP. The few women I've met have all been bitches and whores, I'm making the assumption a male /jp/'er would not be that way. I just want love, not sex.

But regardless, this is not related to /jp/. Throw this in /soc/, you wont find a loyal crossdresser that isnt a tremendous whore, but you'll be just as depressed while keeping /jp/ less shitty.

>> No.6930049

I doubt most /jp/ers are that cute. I'll just corrupt a normalfag instead.

>> No.6930055
File: 635 KB, 1127x1050, 1292130010318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Canadian /jp/er looking for a trap significant other? ;_; I would dress like any toohoos you wanted.

>> No.6930058

Only if trappy.

>> No.6930064

which province?

>> No.6930065

Know your place, scumbag.

>> No.6930072

Could it be a cute reverse trap /jp/er? Because I'll have you know, I'm straight as a laser.

>> No.6930078


can you dress as akiha for me

>> No.6930081
File: 28 KB, 480x360, ass off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you can ass the fuck off...

>> No.6930085

Southern Ontario here, I'll be a trap maid for anyone around here.

I just need to be taken care of.

>> No.6930099
File: 11 KB, 217x248, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An Atlantic one, don't want to say here because people from another board i browse frequently lurk here too, I'm still a bit embarrassed and ashamed of my new found desire. /soc/ isn't /jp/ enough sorry if this is the wrong place but i give /soc/ less time than /new/ but I also want to hear others thoughts and opinions and maybe help straighten my thoughts out.

>> No.6930110

Canada, trap capital of the world?

>> No.6930108

I once knew a /jp/er like trap on a difrent forums, not really sexualy atracted to her, but I would have liked to take her home as my pet...
to bad she killed heself ;_;

Oh well, Im going on hormones in a few months, maybe someday /jp/ can all be together as a happy family.

>> No.6930123

lol /soc/, Montreal, QC here? ;__;

>> No.6930130

I'm going to sleep now. But I love you /jp/, I really do.

>> No.6930136

Post some pics

>> No.6930142

I'm rather close.


>> No.6930150

I want to be a trap maid too. But i'm living in the end of the world ;_; Feels bad man.

>> No.6930155

I think most 4chan posters are from canada.
also BC is pretty open to gays, not sure about the rest of canada.

>> No.6930157

I've lived here since I was six and I don't speak french fluently.

>> No.6930162
File: 8 KB, 193x198, 1289250657001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when you want to be a cross dressing trap waifu, then you jack off and then you lose your desire to be a trap and want nothing to do with men or dicks.

>> No.6930172

>then you jack off and then you lose your desire to be a trap

I wish it was that easy

>> No.6930185

Is there a word or name for that kind of arousal?

>> No.6930190

another canadian trap living in the gta. relatively slim body, face is good enough to trap without mask. would post pics but I've several pimples from pulling all-nighters.

>> No.6930198

Jokes on you, I already have a trap waifu.

>> No.6930202


>> No.6930224


>> No.6930266
File: 646 KB, 1000x1533, 16472443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/ you're getting too into this crossdressing stuff, don't forget about the lolis.

>> No.6930333
File: 77 KB, 677x720, 62231_155382384485159_100000401960242_351095_4851919_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Canadians interested in a trap feel like chatting privately sometime. I think I could do well if i invest more time and effort some guidance would be nice too.

>> No.6930365

not /jp/ related. go look for 3D somewhere else.

>> No.6930374

What the fuck no. Sage.

>> No.6930431

Unfortunately I live in the U.S I want a trap so bad, one from /jp/ too. Things that sound to good to be true usually are.

>> No.6930542

>traps and crossdressing not /jp/ related.

>> No.6930571

I took some photos before Chinese New Year, when I had to cut my hair, is anyone interested? Or is that way too /soc/?

>> No.6930577

Too /soc/.

I can't stop you though.

>> No.6930584

>hay guise let's meet up and fuck
>/jp/ related

>> No.6930582

>Or is that way too /soc/?

Yes, take this shit to >>>/soc/
I'm glad there is something to direct you people too, I've never liked the cross dressing shit on /jp/
and more than half the time you are just desperate for attention from like minded people or just people in general.

>> No.6930595

you say i must, so i post.

though i'd like an actually transsexual trap, not just a crossdresser. unless they crossdress all the time.

>> No.6930607

The idea of a relationship with a real man is repulsive to me, just is the idea of a relationship with a real woman. So I never quite liked these /jp/ crossdressing threads.

>> No.6930608

Its a bit /soc/ but I wouldnt mind, its always inspiring to see somone pass.

>> No.6930613

I've never posted on /soc/ or /b/. I only took the photos for myself, while my body still looks feminine/young, so in the future I can look back and nostalgia/fap.

I would only ever show my lovely /jp/ my secrets.
That's why I asked before I posted, I'm not insecure and want all that attention/blah.

>> No.6930619

Use your judgment. Nobody's going to give a shit in a week anyway (except that one creepy guy who saves all the pictures.)

>> No.6930645


Can someone please post her pictures or direct me to where i can?

>> No.6930647

>hey guys let's all be the little girl
>not /jp/ related
Wanting to be the little girl is seriously the closest thing this board has to a well-defined unifying theme.

>> No.6930658

I like to crossdress for the feeling, i with there was a girl that liked it too and would dress me up. ;_;

>> No.6930661

Once again,
>hay guise let's meet up and fuck
>/jp/ related

>> No.6930663
File: 22 KB, 450x338, 978139021_JFAIYGMWMAHGHFR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>a meet up and fuck is what all of us want and not to form a close relationship with like minded people.

Going by all the self analyzing threads about personality disorders are on here I have found that a lot of people on /jp/ very much a like, not all but 40 ish %. Gender is not something I place great importance I just want a close relationship with a like minded person there are a lot of great people on /jp/ and I would like to think I could please one, not purely out of some masochistic/submissive kink. If I could enrich one of said peoples lives some how it would have the same effect on mine.

>> No.6930679

Girls love dress guys up, in male or female clothes, the fucking love it.

>> No.6930689

Really? If only i wasn't to shy to talk to anyone...

>> No.6930698

Just realised how embarrassingly poor my English is, in that sentence, and I have bloody gamsat in a few weeks.

>> No.6930706
File: 493 KB, 740x1110, 0056412606b8d394984014902cfc9e40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we have a Chisame thread?

I never got to save any of the pictures.

>> No.6930718

Fucking homos.

>> No.6930727
File: 25 KB, 397x560, 1292031606635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White Ren
>Fucking homos
>mon visage.

>> No.6930740

Chisame's pictures are on Chisame's blog. Too bad Chisame got sent to a school in the middle of nowhere. At least it's alternative service and not full military service.

>> No.6930744

Reported for /a/b/v/ memes.

>> No.6930764

Link to blog please?

>> No.6930774

Was that person from singapore/malaysia?

>> No.6930780

Drawn traps are おk.
3D not so good.

>> No.6930778

>Canada, so far away ;_;

Good luck on your quest, you are one of the great people on /jp/ you seem to talk like you aren't

>> No.6930785


>> No.6930789

Got a problem with that homo ( ≖‿≖)

>> No.6930821

I'm glad you guys are so honest about your feelings but

>> No.6930822


>> No.6930828


No, but i have a problem with trip fags, you know thats kinda looked down upon here, maybe you should take that in to consideration before throwing over used insults around it. Also the particuar trip "white ren" Eazy-E and Ice Cube or gtfo, ren was never any good.

>> No.6930838
File: 836 KB, 978x1200, 1279156332012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Too shy, just /jp/

>> No.6930840

ヽ(´ー `)ノ

>> No.6930842

The dumbest post I've read on /jp/ all day.

>> No.6930869
File: 10 KB, 260x361, 1266251954575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now get out.

>> No.6930872

anyone has his blog?
sorry for spaming this board with even more offtopic but i really need it ;A;

>> No.6930885


>> No.6930908

I found it but apparently its down. I guess we are screwed...

>> No.6930928

it happens, it usually gets fixed on friday when Chisame goes home

>> No.6930936


>> No.6930943

Blog is down, you could use gasp... Facebook.

In b4 sage

>> No.6931083

Chisame has facebook?

>> No.6931263

Everyone has a secret facebook. They even have friends on it

>> No.6931312

I'm too modest to post pictures.

>> No.6931344

Too manly

>> No.6931630

Chisame has facebook, it's Chisame Lee
I don't know if Chisame takes friends though.

>> No.6931755

Chisame's blog is back up.

>> No.6931804

