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File: 92 KB, 640x480, Reisenglitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
692682 No.692682 [Reply] [Original]

Man what?

I'm guessing that, because I unlocked those before patching, the patch resets the unlock counter or something? Or just some mad lunatic eyes glitch from hell.

>> No.692690

Probably. Wasn't the point of the patch to nerf one of Komachi's spellcards?

>> No.692691

...I sure hope that the counter doesn't reset with every patch....

>> No.692722

Aw man. I just spent a good couple hours GRINDAN for Sakuya's cards.

>> No.692731

What's this unlocking card thingy? I don't have the game yet.

>> No.692728


Why didn't you patch it first thing?

>> No.692729

Put them in your deck. I can still use those ones I've got enabled.

>> No.692738

Speaking of komachi, what does her down+A do?(the one that looks like a bomb but doesn't actually do anything, or so it seems)

>> No.692739

Pokemon card game.

>> No.692744

Blows up any spirits you have out. Only really useful for that level 3 spell card and her alternate 214.

>> No.692747
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>> No.692751


Meta trolling? You'll probably get more success over on /a/, they're having one shit storm of a night.

>> No.692754

Bawwwing over posts ending in 5?

>> No.692752

saging lucky shit

>> No.692755

Sure is /a/ around here

>> No.692759


Check the post above and below yours.

>> No.692761

Every time you like...do things I dunno what, you unlock more spellcards and other helpful cards so you can customize the characters.

>> No.692766

could you elaborate?
I haven't used or fought much with komachi so I don't know what you're talking about except for the "destroying spirits" part.
ps. what's that spellcard do?

>> No.692779

Pretty much playing the game at all unlocks cards.

>> No.692790

She shoots out very slow moving spirits.

They move towards your opponent.

Then if you down + A, she explodes them.

It's like remote mines.

>> No.692833

You know those show, floating, purplish things you shoot with C? Those are spirits. You can detonate them with 2C.

There's a spellcard that shoots about 6 blue spirits that follow your enemy, those are meant to be detonated. Best, in my experience, for forcing people to graze instead of block.

>> No.692865
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Hey guyz, I was wondering if there's any English guide to what most cards do in the deck. Too lazy to experiment and remember shit since I have to remember what weather does what and other shit.

Also, the fucking patches doesn't work for me. I'm suppose to patch it towards ".../Program Files/tasfro/th105/" or some shit like that, right? So why the fuck did it fuck my game every time I do that?

>> No.692884

Shove the patch file in the folder where the game is installed and just hit go.

>> No.692890

Did that, gets me a fucking error.

>> No.692942

Just put the cards in the deck and practice mode. F2 fills your 'hand' with 5 cards, F3 resets the deck.

>> No.692963


>> No.692997

Where can we get the latest patch?

>> No.693000


>> No.693012

Reisen Ur Inaba

>> No.693018

i can't play the game since it keeps telling me d3dx9_33.dll not found every time, does anybody know how to fix this?

>> No.693020


Stop being retarded.

>> No.693025

I do.

>> No.693028

Try stopping being a faggot.

Seriously how the FUCK are there people who don't know about this issue and how to fix it? It's been happening for five or six years now, ever since the first monthly update to DX9....

>> No.693029

>>693020 yeah i'm a retard that can't even play the damn game or fix the thing

>> No.693034

Just. Fucking. Google. It.

>> No.693031

Does anybody still have that list of which characters have which weather?

>> No.693037



Huh, turns out the one I kept calling Wind is really Typhoon. Fuck I hate Typhoon.

>> No.693038

>>693025 really?

>> No.693041

Reinstall and install the directx that comes with the game.

>> No.693042


Bookmark it and stop being a fag.

>> No.693048
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>> No.693053

>> 693018 i did, i reinstalled it few times, in fact the installer didn't even create a folder so i had to manually create a folder in the program files folder and it still didn't work when i tried to run it from there

>> No.693054

Oh Lordy Lord.

>> No.693055
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>> No.693059


It sure is new around here.

>> No.693060
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>> No.693065
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>> No.693061

I take it you're new here.

>> No.693071


Also, has anyone figured out how to rename the profiles yet?

>> No.693078



>> No.693085

>> 693059 yea, its my first time posting in 4 chan and guessed it to be just like 2 chan and futaba just as i thought but i think there may be somebody that might answer the question

>> No.693089


It's the sixth option in the profile menu.

>> No.693104

While I'm here, what's Reisen's field thing do? 623B/C I think. The red sphere around her.

>> No.693133

I'm spending more time constructing my decks than actually playing other people.

>> No.693135

At least you presumably live near people who play.

Best pings I get are to Japan.

>> No.693136

Which is to say, lots of people who play, but I can't be fucked going through the hassle of talking them into a game.

>> No.693138

Are bomb cards useless?

>> No.693139

Where do you live?

>> No.693144

Motherfucking board ate my post again.


>> No.693142


>> No.693164

ausfag here, want to play?

>> No.693169

Sure. You host, for some reason, with the demo, I could only ever host games through Hamachi. Even with the ports open and everything.

>> No.693177

Essentially, yes. If you're not with a knockback attack (which seems to be every 4-5 moves), you can dash/fly out of trouble now. Bombs are pretty useless unless someone learns to combo with them like in IaMP, but then, it's just a waste of a card slot.

>> No.693179

not sure if it'll work, havent tried hosting myself yet

>> No.693191

Seems to be a no-go so far :/

>> No.693195

Is there an OST up for download anywhere yet?

>> No.693214

Make sure you've got your ports forwarded.

Speaking of which, anyone want to play? Hawaii guy here.

>> No.693215

damn ;_;

>> No.693218

Make sure you've got your ports forwarded.

Speaking of which, anyone want to play? Hawaii guy here.

>> No.693222

Got Hamachi? I have a network for it, "SWR Hamachi", pw: "hisouten", i can host through that.

>> No.693227


>> No.693220

it isn't that good you know.

>> No.693230

ill redownload it, gimme a few mins

>> No.693236

Plus, using Hamachi means I'm not posting my external IP address on the 4chon for all to see.

>> No.693248

West Coast Hosting

>> No.693255

Not working

>> No.693265

im failing, "mediation server has rejected your login request"

>> No.693267
File: 66 KB, 653x513, 1211790872832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does that mean?

>> No.693271

to the person who jumped on: sorry, I didn't see you there. :D

>> No.693276

Weird. Which logon request?

>> No.693290

And why does the connection fail?
I think i have a stable internet connection and also put the IP right in the 5th option.

>> No.693283

Connection failed.

>> No.693296

Because of lack of port forwarding, or just the game being weird.

*busts out the old tripfag name*

>> No.693297

ok got it working now, got on the serer, what now

>> No.693304

see the IP's?

throw that into the ip thing, port 10800, and try joining.

also, which one are you?

>> No.693309

I try hosting a game now

>> No.693321

Doesn't look like it works.

>> No.693342

NP. Will rejoin later

>> No.693343

Nice finisher, and nasty Remi overall.

>> No.693351

I really want to join but something doesn't work.
Could someone host a game?

>> No.693352

thanks, need to pay more attention to the weather though, kept trying to press a for ages, think you were too haha

>> No.693356

Yeah, i hate no melee weather.

you playing via keyboard or gamepad?

>> No.693361

xbox360 controller, dont really like it but dont feel like buying another one

>> No.693364

Aah. I have an elecom gamepad I got in Akiba. I can't stand xbox controller layouts.

>> No.693366

Been playing with a friend... I always win against him when I use marisa but I can't win with anyone else... He says the Beam attack is just broken (while I don't agree entirely, it IS pretty strong...). Anyone else find this?

Also, he heard that Alice is supposed to be godly or something along the lines yet... We both tried and either she's extremely complex or thats all lies.

>> No.693371

Marisa's beam is ungodly spammable.

>> No.693376

GG E-man

>> No.693377


>> No.693378

Marisa's beam helped me all the way through Story mode, so yeah, pretty br0k!

>> No.693379

Woops, game just crashed.

>> No.693385

GG. I try for melee, and that's just something you have to fight hard for against Patchi players.

>> No.693394


>> No.693395
West Coast US

>> No.693427

Now that was close. Considering Sakuya's my main, I'm surprised I beat you with Reisen.

>> No.693434

haha yeah the second match was intense, less than 5% hp each

>> No.693436 (EU)

>> No.693446



>> No.693448
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>> No.693454


You're a fag, so yeah

>> No.693451

but that's not myon, so yeah.

>> No.693465

GGs. Must eat and cleanse.

Damn Remi hurts. It's hard to keep up.

>> No.693471

GGs, was fun playing some lag free games

>> No.693477


>> No.693485
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My first sagefag!

>> No.693489


good games...i need to practice a little more =P

>> No.693500

Also, rehosting.

>> No.693501


>> No.693491

You've got to use more melee attacks. Running away and projectile spamming doesn't work well outside of story mode.

>> No.693504


>> No.693514

Unless they're Patchy.

I try for a mixture, esp. with sakuya, where you can set up for simultaneous ranged/melee hits.

>> No.693534


im used to playing my friend, who only uses remi, and it is really difficult to get any sort of melee off on her. i dunno, i may try to put in some more though i guess.

>> No.693539

Do your best, Campaign-kun.

>> No.693546


>> No.693548

Pretty much every one of those games were close as hell.

GGs indeed.

>> No.693549


>> No.693555

Just played you, you're pretty good. Made me realize I really need to start organizing my own decks, I haven't bothered because of the moonspeak.

>> No.693563

GGs. I was a bit hesitant as well, but picking your own deck and using it in a match is surprisingly rewarding.

>> No.693570

You two haven't played any tcgs before I take it.

You own deck always > premade decks.

>> No.693572



>> No.693568

LOL, I was on the edge of my seat in that Patchi/Sakuya and Reimu/Marisa fights when the super-armor kicked in during the last stretch of those rounds!

>> No.693576

I think I have too many skillcards and not enough spellcards in mine atm.

>> No.693578

Well, I played TCGs, just not in a fighting game. I hated the idea of cards in the demo, but it's pretty neat once you start messing around with them.

>> No.693580

Those games and the games where melee was locked off were a pain. I was watching the timer at the top of the screen and trying to run out the clock.

Seriously, Super Armor and No Melee games are hell. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TASFRO?

>> No.693586

If you pick the skill cards of skills you use a lot and trash the useless ones, they can actually be pretty good if you get enough.

>> No.693588

I don't think I've run into the Super Armour of Doom yet, or haven't noticed.

No Melee can die in a fire.

>> No.693591

I like how for about a second, the two people are just standing around about three feet away from each other doing nothing before spamming projectiles.

>> No.693596

That's pretty much what I'm trying to do. Especially the cards that change the skill into a better variation.

>> No.693600

Moar knives. The ones that boost your stats and health are tricky though since you're leaving yourself open for a good few seconds.

>> No.693601


Also, it's good to have, just in case you use one of the unlockable skillcards that fucks your strategy over (i.e. Reimu's card counter attack instead of the warping kick).

>> No.693604

Get 4-5 super moves tops

15 of your most used used skill

Awesome damage

>> No.693602

Super Armor is when there's no knockback from hits.


>> No.693609

I've gotta say, the vs. mode in this game is far more fun than IaMP due to fairly heavy customization, but the story mode of IaMP is far more fun than the story mode of SWR.

>> No.693611

I like the variation on Udonge's 22. Lose the range, but it's a lot more useful than the regular one.

Always Moar Knives.

>> No.693614

I can't play Reimu to save my life. Any tips?

>> No.693615

Well, it IS a projectile game... but yeah, having it kick in right in the middle of a combo or when you try at knockback is really annoying.

So many split-second staring matches...

>> No.693622

Looks like it'll work as a combo ending. Too bad her melee combo sucks ass in range. Better off OPTIC SWEEPing for and ender.

>> No.693624

Eye lasers are how I won a few rounds against Remi.

>> No.693642

the computer ai is pretty worthless, i mean arcade mode on lunatic is way too easy

>> No.693650

I have a feeling they assume people will only play story mode for single player.

>> No.693653
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Komachi kicks the shit out of me...

>> No.693654
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Corneran gaems. Force the player into a corner and do 5AA6A -> 5B -> j.6A -> j.2B -> j.5A loops. It's not possible to get out of it if the opponent just blocks, but anyone with good understanding of Border Escapes can get out at the right time.

Make moar barriers. Barriers in good places force the opponent to graze often. Make traps with them--when they okizeme from being knocked down after another move, place a barrier right on top of them, then also rush in and melee. Either they graze the barrier and get hit, or get forced to block, allowing you to carry them to a corner for more blockstrings. If they okizeme in a direction away from the barrier though, you'll have to predict it and be there.

I know that doesn't sound very fun, but Reimu is a PRESSURAN character.

>> No.693679

I only win ~70% of the time on Easy. ;_;

>> No.693685

How many openings are there in this string? I suck too much and I only see one.

>> No.693686

And you do indeed rush that shit down. Fucking Reimu. Fucking SUPER MIKO EXPLOSION.

>> No.693684

GB2Elementary School

>> No.693691

Reimu is a godlike character.

Hell, she's one of the only characters that keeps their IaMP level of awesome.

>> No.693693


>> No.693713
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>> No.693717
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There used to be no obvious ones, but now there's a big gap to Border Escape out of since her j.6A has massive startup time.

So 5AA6A -> 5B(you Border Escape upwards at the end of 5B) and the j.6A will whiff.

There are two other BE gaps--each during the B projectile. BEing during the start of those will get you out every time.

I don't know why I'm telling people how to get out of this. I'm going to get fucked over later.

>> No.693739

i think i can manage that with my monitor turned off

>> No.693763

There are two moves with Suika which I cannot for the life of me seem to use consistently. One where she hops up and smashes the ground with a large crystal, and the other where she pulls a huge fireball out of the ground and tosses it where it does an upside down U sort of movement. Anyone know what exactly to do to use these?

>> No.693775

Check the cards.

>> No.693782


>> No.693787

What's a baseline BnB damage in this game? I'm sitting at 2144 damage with DRAGONFORCE, no meter used.

5AA 2B 6C

Probably crap, but it's easy to pull off.

>> No.693789

2k~2700-ish. For no meter, that's pretty impressive, especially for so few hits.

>> No.693792

2k~2700-ish. For no meter, that's pretty impressive, especially for so few hits.
Can't connect.

>> No.693797

Hawaii rehosting

>> No.693810

Try 5AA 2B 632C

25 Hits, 2.2k damage

>> No.693814

She has a 632? Fuck I never even tried that. Brb, testing.

>> No.693818


236 works nicely though.

>> No.693823

My bad. Number got mixed up for a second.236 is what I meant.

Although she is using a downward slash sword attack that I can't seem to find the input for. Might be useful after 2B

>> No.693824

Never mind. It's 6A, and it's delayed like hell.

>> No.693826

Have you tried the replacement 236X? The one with the two rocks that cause MASSIVE knockback on hit but take forever to charge?

There has to be a use for it but I'm damned if I can figure it out.

>> No.693829

Yeah, the best use I've found for 6[A] is getting the opponent out of the corner in Practice mode.

>> No.693841

Also finding 5AA 2B 623B/C nice too, although a bit harder to pull off.

9 hits, 2.1K

>> No.693845

I tried 623C for a bit but I didn't really like the 'rush forward' aspect of it, for basically the same damage as 6C.

...Though I find it much easier to pull off than 236C.

>> No.693849

I`m new in MP

>> No.693852

Actually, I just found it chains into 2B nicely. 236C lands behind the opp. though...

No clue what you're talking about.

>> No.693865
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One of the unlockable skill cards. You use it and your 236 projectile changes from the beams to rocks of doom.

>> No.693877

Hmm, interesting...

>> No.693883
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There's also HUEG ROCKJUMP, and...

>> No.693885
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...her LAZERS attack from the final stage.

>> No.693887

Plus a few others I haven't unlocked yet.

>> No.693888

I love her "NO U" gesture.

>> No.693892


>> No.693893

I hadn't unlocked any, that's why I was so clueless.

Chiquita looks to be promising. Adding her to my sub-main list

>> No.693896

GGs indeed.

You ripped me apart for a few of those and the rest I barely put up a fight. It took me 4 games to finally figure out where your weak spots were, and even then I only got one fight won :/.

>> No.693897

I'm maining her for the moment, because she's fun to play. I never really got into IaMP so I've noone to carry over from that.

>> No.693902

And of course her 66B is just too awesome for words.

>> No.693910

If you don't mind, I'd like to know what those are. I know I kept getting hit by things I shouldn't have (repeated Aya Crushers lol), etc.

I also think I fly too much.

>> No.693918

Your flying game is nowhere near as good as your ground game. If I just keep to the air, I can get hits in when you try and chase after me to wear you down. Not the most noble or awesome of strategies, but if I wanna win, eh.

So yeah, I guess it does boil down to you fly too much.

>> No.693919 EU low casual Remi

>> No.693927

LOL, you love your Remi, don't you...

>> No.693924

Her 214 skillcard is fucking ridiculous. Same combo with 214 ender, 9 hits, 2.4k damage. Hell, right now, a f.5B 214C is netting 2.2k.

>> No.694012


>> No.694018

Also muda da.

>> No.694029
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A fun equipment card to use. It changes Sakuya's teleport into a melee counter attack. If any melee attack is used against you during that state Sakuya stops time encircles the target with knives (unblockable) perfect for mind games. Level 3 of this card deals 1000+ dmg.

>> No.694032

GG Meiling

Yup, she kind of grown on me. It must be her crouching stance.
I'm kind of pissed off that she has only two stages that she can fight on though.

Anyway, rehosting >>693919

>> No.694036

Ah yes, no Komachi?

>> No.694034

GG Meiling

Yup, she kind of grown on me. It must be her crouching stance.
I'm kind of pissed off that she has only two stages that she can fight on though.

Anyway, rehosting >>693919

>> No.694040

Too slow. Too big for me.

>> No.694096
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I like my women big.

>> No.694099

>I'm kind of pissed off that she has only two stages that she can fight on though.
yeah im seriously sick of seeing those two same stages every single game

>> No.694146

Bump. Beginner Patchy looking for host.

>> No.694190
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Any challenger?

>> No.694195

Maybe tomorrow. You've hit the point in the day when people are either going to sleep or gonna wake up in a few hours.

>> No.694210

>> No.694217

You don't know how long it took me to realize what that was at the bottom. Also she is gorgeous. Those eyebrows, oh God.

>> No.694223

Beginner Sakuya. Seriously, I suck pretty hard but if you're bored:

GMT+0, probably too laggy but give it a try.

>> No.694225


Couple rounds, then I'm off to bed.

>> No.694252

GG Patchy

>> No.694256


>> No.694289

GGs. Sorry for the first once pressed escape by accident.

>> No.694290

GG, whoever played me.

>> No.694293

I'll play, how do I netplay on SWR?

>> No.694295
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You must be able to solve this.

>> No.694303
File: 654 KB, 1147x1130, 1211811160206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. whatismyip.org
2. Choose 1, then fix your port to either 10800 or 07500
3. Post IP:Port

1. Choose 2, input Host's IP

>> No.694313

Is the built in netplay any good?

Usually they suck ass if they're built in.

>> No.694315


Easier Join: Copy ip with the port, and then go to option 5. It automatically reads it.

>> No.694316


It works fine unless host's connection sucks.

>> No.694319

Works extremely well from my experience, though it depends on who's hosting. I've played a friend of mine in Canada (with me in the US) and experienced virtually no lag.

>> No.694343
EU, Patchy, etc.

>> No.694345

Someone create a new netplay thread, with the picture that translated the network play menu as the OP pic. This one is about on autosage and wasn't even originally about netplay.

>> No.694405

