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File: 72 KB, 1262x800, 2009-07-15-178435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6926505 No.6926505 [Reply] [Original]

Wow this is actually a really good visual novel, if not then why would so many follow it to the end?

Maximum trollings, baw moments, love scenes, epic battles, mystery, awesome sound track, etc.

without love the greatness cannot be seen.

>> No.6926516

>Wow this is actually a really good visual novel, if not then why would so many follow it to the end?
I finish every seasons average anime series. I finish every new translated VN. This doesn't mean it was all really good.

>> No.6926526

>Wow this is actually a really good visual novel, if not then why would so many follow it to the end?
It's popular, so it can't be bad.

>> No.6926535

>Wow this is actually a really good visual novel, if not then why would so many follow it to the end?
It's popular, so it can't be good.

>> No.6926544

In the end, it was good, not amazing. I felt that Higurashi was better as a whole than in parts, however I feel the opposite here.
There have been tons of great moments in the series, but overall it lacks a cohesive theme, and it struggles to stay together under all the different plot threads and story elements. It does manage to -- albeit barely -- and I can't bring myself to hate something I've spent so much time and effort on; after all, if I'd hated it I wouldn't have stuck with it this long.
All of the recent bitching has simply been because the ending didn't provide concrete answers (which we were warned about, anyway). Give it a year or two and nobody will talk about this anymore, and when it is occasionally brought up, most will likely say it was average. All of this recent hatred is just because the epilogue (of all things!) of the final volume pissed some people off.
Oh, and most of the people here haven't even read the fucking novel, so they don't know what they're talking about. People are always a lot more vocal about hating something than they are about liking it, so chances are the general consensus on EP8 (and the series as a whole) is better than you think.

>> No.6926550
File: 450 KB, 960x720, 1296332873888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i read umineko for the characters, and everything else. so what if the ending isnt perfect?

>> No.6926559

>if not then why would so many follow it to the end?
They didn't.
Only reason people followed this is because it's the only thing getting translated. It's unpopular in Japan

>> No.6926562

I follow it because I wanted to. I was curious about the mystery and stuff.

Like shit about others opinion.

>> No.6926563

Epick trollings xD

>> No.6926564

>if not then why would so many follow it to the end?
Is this really a mystery to you? Completionists.
Reading a half a work that has explained little to nothing to be certain tends to invoke a sense of completionism.
It doesn't in any way have to be an indicator of quality.

>> No.6926567

I was reading it for the mystery, and I started reading episode 8, but I've stopped since hearing that things don't get solved in the end. Is that true?

>> No.6926579

Everything is technically answered, it's just in somewhat of a cop-out fashion.

>> No.6926582

It's solved if you actually pay attention to what you read. It was solved by 7.

>> No.6926593

>It's solved if you actually pay attention to what you read. It was solved by 7.
No it wasn't.
if by solved you mean "Who cares what happened on the island? But Eva, Battler and Yasu all surived.Then Yasu drowned and Battler almost drowned and lost his memory, had a tearful reunion with Ange a few decades later, and they all lived happily ever after. The end."

>> No.6926601

Yes it was. 1-4 is the mystery- Will solved the closed rooms, we get to know Yasu backstory and we're even shown the basics of what happened on Rokkenjima prime.

>> No.6926605

Stop using that animesuki term or go back to animesuki. And no we weren't. We were told the basics of Bern's lies.

>> No.6926606

Have you even read the Episode? Because actually, yes, it IS solved. Were we not given the culprits? Explanations for the weird shit?

Also, they said 'cop-out fashion,' which is exactly what you're describing.

What people are upset about is that Ryu didn't go through every single fucking puzzle and say, "This is how it works," which he already said he wouldn't do. Admittedly, thinking about it, that was a ridiculous expectation anyway.

>> No.6926608

If everything that needed to be solved was solved, and it was wrapped up nicely, then why do people dislike it so much? The average rating of 48/100 on EGS really put me off of reading it, especially considering how low it is compared to the other episodes.

>> No.6926609

What term? "Rokkenjima prime"? I see it used all the time on /jp/. It's an easy and accurate term, why not use it. I couldn't care less if it comes from amesuki (which I didn't know untill you told me, humm..).

>> No.6926610

Except we were never shown who the culprits of the real events were. The solution is basically "maybe the parents kill eachother and everyone else in whatever order but these three survive." He didn't even come up with a full solution.

>> No.6926615

That's the thing.
Everything that needed to be solved WAS solved, technically. Just not solved in-depth.
And it wasn't wrapped up nicely, according to most people. On the contrary, the ending was a depressing nightmare. Or I guess more accurately, it was a bittersweet ending, with a lot of emphasis of the 'bitter'.
I personally did not mind it that much, to be honest.

>> No.6926614 [DELETED] 

It's from animesuki and the ones who brought it to /jp/ must have been animesukifags who should get out.

If you want to know how I know it, it's because witch-hunt makes their home at that disgusting place so you'd sometimes see those faggots derailing the translation process with that.

>> No.6926616

It's from animesuki and the ones who brought it to /jp/ must have been animesukifags who should get out.

If you want to know how I know it, it's because witch-hunt makes their home at that disgusting place so you'd sometimes see those faggots derailing the translation process thread with that.

>> No.6926617

Because people were expecting to have more spoonfed to them on 8 and they didn't. And the very ending wasn't that good, there were much better moments along the ride.

>> No.6926624

Episode 8 step by step:
-Part 1: professor layton. People were complaining about this. This is actually best part of the episode.
-The rest: a stupid drawn-out metaphorical war where readers are called stupid goats and beaten into pulps.
-Tea party: some more meta-nonsense.
-Ura tea party: the part everyone is supposed to hate, but is actually good compared to the trash of the main episode. Amnesiac wheelchair Tohya with Ikuko.

>> No.6926628

Ahh ryu just can't finish his stories well.
Higurashi it was lol brain parasites and solved with MAGIC AND THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP, and for umineko you've got it was all just a dream, what do YOU think happened?

If only he would stop ending his stuff with dumb and/or nonsensical crap his stories would be so much better.

>> No.6926642

I'm okay with him being unable to finish his stories, I don't read VNs expecting masterpieces. What ticks me off is his "THIS IS THE GREATEST MYSTERY NOVEL EVER WRITTEN, NOT EVEN CHRISTIE, DOYLE AND DINE COMBINED CAN RIVAL MY UNPARALELLED LITERARY GENIUS, IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT YOU'RE A GOAT WHO DOESN'T DESERVE READING MY PERFECT DETECTIVE MYSTERY, YOU DUMB FURNITURE" attitude after giving us this trainwreck.

>> No.6926646

Well hell, anyone know what Matsuribayashi's score on EGS was compared to EP8?

>> No.6926648
File: 469 KB, 640x480, oh really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how can Kanon and Shannon be the same person when Erika saw them together?

>> No.6926653

Average of 82, median of 85.

>> No.6926655
File: 375 KB, 828x621, stupidgoats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you pay attention, you'll see that Ryu07 was calling us all goats well before 8.

>> No.6926681

Pretty much this. The beginning and the ending of EP8 were actually fine. The actual ending itself was quite good.

It's everything else that's a clusterfuck.

>> No.6926682
File: 57 KB, 641x480, THEBEST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believed all the self hype he did too. i feel so cheated.

>> No.6926689

Huh, I can understand some people still clinging to Kanon, but separating Shannon and Yasu? Seriously?

>> No.6926706

Okay so I haven't read past ep4 yet but this really amuses me because he seems to have taken pains thus far to denounce the idea of categorizing people as "worthless furniture" as being a mistaken and loveless view of the world.

eh whatever maybe when I finally get around to getting a copy of chiru it'll make more "sense"

>> No.6926797

So what, the ending is basically "Screw truth we have love"?

>> No.6926800

Umineko is garbage and is what brought /v/a/b/ shit into /jp/ in the first place.

>> No.6926819

>The genre of this work is probably a serial murder mystery.

>However, that does not guarantee that reasoning and guesswork are possible.

>Those who enjoy stupid puzzles that are made to be solved can leave now.

>Umineko no Naku Koro ni is the worst kind of tale, created without any intention of letting all of
you solve it.

>> No.6927056
File: 369 KB, 640x480, e8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Ange reads the diary, there's a sequence of backgrounds, describing what happened:

bg "bmp\background\ship\sea_1c.bmp",8
;bg "bmp\background\efe\e1.bmp",8
bg ship_S1b,8
bg "bmp\background\efe\e2.bmp",8
bg "bgm_mode\ss\ballde_5.bmp",8
bg "bgm_mode\ss\rain_2.bmp",8
bg "bgm_mode\ss\t_e_7.bmp",8
bg "bgm_mode\ss\btf_3.bmp",8
;bg "bgm_mode\ss\hirasaka_3.bmp",22
bg "bmp\background\efe\e5.bmp",8
bg "bmp\background\efe\e6.bmp",8
bg "bmp\background\efe\e3.bmp",8
;bg "bmp\background\efe\e8.bmp",22
;bg "bmp\background\efe\e4.bmp",8
bg M_o1b,8
bg blood_1aR,8

Some of them are commented, such as this one. Guess, Ryu didn't want to make it this obvious. Still you could guess the culprits by Ange's reaction.

>> No.6927135


When does Erika see Kanon and Shannon?

>> No.6927159

Son of a bitch.

>> No.6927162

Well CLEARLY Bern just edited the script file to add those in. She kept them as comments so R07 wouldn't notice them.

>> No.6927233
File: 671 KB, 1280x3840, diary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full list.

>> No.6927519


What was the point of NOT revealing the diary if there is a scene that tells us it's content?

>> No.6927546


So Shannon wasn't even in the room, wat

>> No.6927631

She sees them when opening the room where Hideyoshi died in episode 5.
In b4 episode 5 is all fantasy bullshit.

>> No.6927674
File: 269 KB, 635x476, 1292937776540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's always from Battler pov

>> No.6927788

It still leaves many doubts though.

>> No.6927797


How so?

>> No.6927870

Kyrie is actually not shown (commented), what happened to Yasu either. Whether she really tried something or maybe they even found the gold themselves and she's completely unrelated is unknown.

>> No.6927875


She is show in her room pondering.

My guess is that Kyrie found the gold alone, shit happened between the adults, Eva escaped and Yasu sealed everything inside the a cabox with the bomb.

>> No.6927900

Well, it's your *guess*, it's not actually "told in the scene".

Besides, Kyrie alone probably doesn't know about Taiwan, since she's not Kinzo's child.

>> No.6927907

I'm pretty sure things happened similarly as Bern's Tea Party. Just because we're shown Shannon pondering doesn't mean she didn't meet them in the gold room.

>> No.6927912
File: 47 KB, 639x477, 1293130027377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bern Tea Party was confirmed by Bern for not being the truth.

I doubt Kyrie and Rudolf are crazy douches that hate Ange and that Yasu doesn't care for the Ushiromiya and Battler to the point of doing nothing when they start shooting.

>> No.6927921

No, it wasn't. She just said that it's not necessary all truth, not that it's all a lie. See the difference?
It's just Ryu needed something to drive the plot and waste time in the episode, so he had to invent this diary as an absolute proof.

>> No.6927933

>No, it wasn't. She just said that it's not necessary all truth, not that it's all a lie. See the difference?

Bern probably modified some parts.
Really, i find hard to believe Yasu would do any of that shit.

"Hey, here is a bomb and a pile of gold and four guns, i'll stand there and watch you guys fighting while doing absolutely nothing"
It goes against everything we have seen, not even Clair, who is probably more close to the "true" face of Yasu. is so depressed and uninterested in EVERYTHING.

>> No.6928132

>It's just Ryu needed something to drive the plot and waste time in the episode, so he had to invent this diary as an absolute proof.
Yes, and this is so obvious I can't believe people are jumping on it to try to disprove what Bern showed. The entire point of the sequence in Bern preying on Ange's desperate desire to believe anything but the truth. Bern could have said in red "it wasn't true" if it really wasn't true. And Ange should have known that, but she latched on to anything Bern said because she wanted to believe it.

That aside, it was a stupid excuse to backpedal on the character arc Ange has had THREE times already for the sole purpose of padding out the runtime of the EP.

>> No.6928366

>it was a stupid excuse to backpedal on the character arc Ange has had THREE times already
Yeah, it felt kinda stupid.

Bern: "This is all truth-"
Ange: "Do not want." *burgers*
Bern: "Maybe not."
Ange: "Ah, ok. Let's see."
Bern: "Nope, truth after all."
Ange: "Noooo." *crashes*
Bern: "Everybody dies."
Ange: "Go fuck yourself, I don't care."
Happy end.

>> No.6928454

>>6927233 Key bundle instead of a master key being an important point
8 is the chapel, right? Right before the bars? Also what's up with Natsuhi, and did Yasu or Eva kill George?

Actually, Rei is a damn good ending Higurashi had and a really grimdark one.
Doesn't matter whether it's a dream or not. At some point of consciousness, the only difference between dreams and reality is that dreams only mirror yourself while reality introduces new stuff. So even if it was the dream, the point of it is that in the end it's Rika's choice to give up her humanity for power. Not to mention the element who tells her this is Hanyuu, who has the real conspirational theories of Higurashi all around herself. By this, it's like Ryu said "oh yeah and if you thought that Hanyuu's element in the story is not exactly good, you were on the right track about the REAL core - I'm leaving let that one completely unresolved though XD"

>> No.6929950

Accurate summary is accurate.

>> No.6929983

This EP was full of trolling. But it had a BAAAAAAAWWWWing finale, I admit it.

>> No.6932693

What trolling? It really wasn't.
