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6923683 No.6923683 [Reply] [Original]

>sup anon! I remember you from my computer class...you like those Chinese cartoons, right?

>yeah...so who you rootin' for tonight?

>> No.6923690

Pro football is for fagboys. College football is so much better.

>> No.6923696

Good thing I never open my door to anyone.

>> No.6923699

uhh the one with the sexual assaulter

>> No.6923722
File: 22 KB, 403x600, notamused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bros ill be to busy scoring with mah girl tonight then to worry about sports ya no im'sayin?

>They leave
>Chinese cartoon time

>> No.6923727

>popped collar
that's not cool

>> No.6923728


Excuse me, I've set up all my figures so be watching the game with me, and I must make my Chili.

>> No.6923744
File: 13 KB, 250x201, china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I've heard somebody refer to the animus as Chinese cartoons. Is that actually common?

>> No.6923747

Well, obviously I'm rooting for... uh.. which ones do you guys support again? Yeah, those!

>> No.6923752

>Implying sports fans go to Caltech.

>> No.6923763

Its as defunct as anyone saying Japanamation or DVDs costing 40$ for 2-3 episodes. Just leftover experiences from the 90s/early 2000s.

Nowadays people are inclined to think "anime looking" cartoons are Japanese even if they're actually Korean, French, Chinese, or blatantly American.

>> No.6923765

I do not have time to follow these childish games. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a night-long mahou shoujo marathon to return to.

>> No.6923768
File: 8 KB, 204x251, 1296128175640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah...so who you rootin' for tonight?
>Well, who is playing tonight?
>You live in Pittsburgh, you fuckface! How do you not know?

Well, I guess I truly am that socially retarded.

>> No.6923770

No, I'm pretty sure chinese cartoons specifically is a 4chan/internet joke to people who don't call it "anime"

>> No.6923780

I explain it to people as that, though.

>> No.6923781

I'm rooting for whoever has drinks! Right, guys!?

>> No.6923782

I think it's from when moot posted the script from that time he went to court and he described anime as "chinese cartoons" when asked what 4chan was about.

"/a/ -Animu and Mango actually stands for /a/-Anime and Mango"
Oh you, moot!

>> No.6923803

I don't remember that.

>> No.6923817

Louisiana fag here, didn't even know about the saints doing... anything important till about 1 1/2 weeks later, and even then I only had it briefly mentioned to me.
Felt good, bro.

>> No.6923840
File: 27 KB, 256x256, sanaeeyeroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey a couple of healthy young men.

>> No.6923846
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>> No.6923871
File: 491 KB, 629x476, naughty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanae is a good girl.

>> No.6923875

Why do people even like watching football? There's even less "playtime" on average than baseball, for christsakes.

>> No.6923892
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, usuisip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even know the Super Bowl was today until my mother mentioned something about it.

>> No.6923895

She's as sincere as Tricky Dick.

>> No.6923898
File: 699 KB, 656x552, burleson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That hour of actual game time is worth the 2 or so hours of nothing. Besides, the commercials are amusing sometimes.

>> No.6923900

The same reason typical people do typical things: They're too lazy to do anything else and they do whatever everybody else does.

>> No.6923903

I didn't even know the Super Bowl was today until I saw this thread.

>> No.6923905


It's not.

A lot of people think anime are chinese cartoons, my grandma used to call it like that before 4chan existed.

>> No.6924022

I known a few people that called them Chinese cartoons too and they also referred to any music from them as "that weird chinese music". Around here we also have people calling all manga, anime like they are the same thing. Also around where I live the only anime anyone has ever heard of is Dragon Ball Z or Naruto. Pisses me off.

>> No.6924029

Those are pretty much the only worthwhile cartoons to get into anyway

>> No.6924030


It isn't just cartoons--music, movies, books. To many people I know, Chinese = Japanese = Korean.

>> No.6924035

I've seen worse. One guy thought Cuba was in Asia because of communism.

>> No.6924038

It's a fair trade. I can't tell British, French, and German people or culture apart.

>> No.6924047

>To many people I know, Chinese = Japanese = Korean.
Americans, I guess?
