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File: 96 KB, 320x460, c693164package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6922310 No.6922310 [Reply] [Original]

Where is it?

>> No.6922322

Fuck don't remind me, I loveyami no koe games and I'm looking foward to this for some god tier fapping.

>> No.6922370

Are those two on shares fake?

>> No.6922422

The larger one is real but the 1,6gb one is a fake.
People need to hurry the fuck up and download the working one and make a torrent of it

>> No.6922555

I'll pass. The heroines are all old hags.

>> No.6922579

I for one love mature ladies

>> No.6922581

Shannon, what are you doing in this game?

>> No.6922648


C'mon people, I need title!

>> No.6922653

Shannon is turning people to the dark side by corrupting them


>> No.6922655


>> No.6922660

What's the plot premise? Yes, I know it's a nukige, I still want to know the plot.

>> No.6922679

Japan's birthrate is falling. Politician calls Sayoko to help. Corruption ensues.

>> No.6922707

Can someone provide link or torrent?

>> No.6922714
File: 327 KB, 646x506, YamiNoKoe01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the above or go back to reading comprehension class.

Besides that, I just love the idea of a nukige where you corrupt the characters.

The following screenshots are from the first game.
The initial neutral character portraits

>> No.6922718
File: 324 KB, 646x506, YamiNoKoe02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second phase portraits.
You really need to understand the language or most of the fetish value goes poof off the bat

>> No.6922729

>calls Sayoko to help
Oh sure, sounds like a fucking great a idea.

>> No.6922732

So, why isn't the first one getting translated?

>> No.6922741
File: 327 KB, 646x506, YamiNoKoe03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll pass. The heroines are all old hags.
Even the granny in Yami no Koe - Sayako is turned into a young woman thanks to the power of Slaanesh magic

Here are the final phase portraits.

>> No.6922744
File: 66 KB, 796x593, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the bone of my dildo.

>> No.6922745

because Yami no Koe 1 is too short and people want longer BlackCyc games translated instead

>> No.6922746

We have to find a sadistic translator for the black cyc games.

>> No.6922753

That's also my fetish, have you try those Venus Blood games?

>> No.6922756

Best idea ever if you ask me, I expect preggos in this one

>> No.6922762

Yeah, that's my second favorite game series with corruption after Yami no Koe

>> No.6922763

How do the games work, anyway? You control K and Sayoko and your choices corrupt the other characters?

>> No.6922782

Pretty much, depending on which character you use.
The victims personality change from dominating to submissive etc but taken to extreme. You can then sick the corrupted victim after their friends

>> No.6922787

Most likely, I've only played the third one

>> No.6922815
File: 56 KB, 673x397, sez1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Example case from Yami no Koe Zero

>> No.6922819

>The heroines are all old hags

lmao, more like victims if you ask me

>> No.6922847

That one weird spinoff Yami no Koe with Gore and the little white haired girl is pretty interesting.

Gore poses as Sayako and the little girl as K.
Real Sayako and K show up at the end not so amused

>> No.6922854

who is this guy, whats his story.

>> No.6922921

I like it because the art looks like it came from the 90s

>> No.6922997

Dildo Command 2: Operation Sloppy Seconds

>> No.6923017

One of the victims in Yami no Koe.
Guess he had a thing for sex toys and when he became corrupted it became his theme.

>> No.6923050

I need to ask, but the person in the blue shirt wasn't a guy in the first pic?

>> No.6923107

Yes. Yes he was.

>> No.6923115

And what happened if I may ask?
was he gay or did he have a crossdressing fetish?

>> No.6923127

I guess he was somewhat feminine so when he was corrupted he became a girl.The other outcome of his corruption is that he becomes a crossdresser.

>> No.6923130

Okay, that makes kind of sense, I suppose.

>> No.6923151

If it's a guy that looks like a girl. They will always end up either turned into girls or crossdressers. Most of the time anyway.

Even K-san was originally a boy

>> No.6923161

Can't they turn him into some kin of rapist that uses his baby face to seduce women?

>> No.6923173

No need when you have other people turning into that.
I think the second game had the largest fetish count since you corrupted a whole school

>> No.6923236

Just noticed some thing funny about that.
Even though the two files have different sizes, they have the same hashes.
These hashes also point to a multitude of other files uploaded previously, which are obviously fakes.
Gonna have to wait a bit longer I guess.

>> No.6923264
File: 322 KB, 646x506, YamiNoKoe02alt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throwing in the alternative portraits.
Funny how the red haired girl will either turn into a catgirl or a vicious dominatrix.

>> No.6923272
File: 324 KB, 646x506, YamiNoKoe03Alt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's really unfortunate. Guess it's back to the waiting game.

>> No.6923289

I want to ask, how many of the games of this series are voiced?

>> No.6923304

All of them.

>> No.6923305

All of them, the school one is especially impressive since it sports a huge collection of characters.

Only the fuck ugly guys dont get voices.

>> No.6923525

do these games offer anything plots wise or is jut trial and error?

>> No.6923806

Any good links for a translated YnK game?

>> No.6923809


Oh you

>> No.6923851

You must be new here

>> No.6924636

This is KINDA true, but not really.
There's a lot of overlap between characters. There's at least two dommes (one futa, one not) two teachers with roughly the same complex (one uses smoke, the other's just a whore) two bent genders (one crossdresser, one complete transexual)
Zero is also a bit more clear cut: One girl (Arisu) becomes a domme or a sub, the blonde guy (Minamida) becomes a crossdresser or an anal sex fanatic, the older male (I forget his name) becomes either Unlimited Dildo Works or Breast Lover, the shy prudish girl (Eri) becomes a bisexual nympho or a bisexual exhibitionist, the "wife" (Kumiko) becomes a raging lesbian or a chronic masturbator.
All of them realistically have the same number of "variants", just different numbers of characters: first had 6, second had about 16 (a LOT more if you count the secondary facilitator characters) three had 5, Zero had 6 again (5 "playable" and one that happened intermittently automatically)
The Gaiden games (whatever the one with mirror girl is called and Sayoko) are a bit different.

>> No.6924840

Why is it that no one attempted to translate these games yet? There seems to be quite a few people interested in them.

>> No.6924903

There was actually an attempt to OFFICIALLY translate them a while back, but Cyc not sending over the correct data/info (they need a specific type of the game/code) caused the company involved to back out, but not before getting some merch to sell.
I have a GunKatana pillow sleeve from that >_>

Also, if I knew ANYTHING about programming or had someone who knew the engine they use, I'd be more than happy to give translating a shot (most of YnK's dialog is voiced. Seriously, there's no narration AT ALL except for the two gaiden games)

>> No.6924926

I've been so frustrated by the current state of affairs that I'd seriously buy them all if they were localized. How can a man with no knowledge of japanese get his fix of dark eroge?

>> No.6925040

> >_>


>> No.6925503


>> No.6925511

Do not use emoticons here, new person.

>> No.6925520

that a /jp/ rule?

>> No.6925542


>> No.6925540 [DELETED] 

m(- -)m gomenasai

>> No.6925645

you'd shut down a perfectly serviceable thread over an emoticon? Whatever.

oh and here's where you can get a trial version of the game in the OP. It's not the full game, but it's SOMETHING (and works with AGTH+Atlas)
should be under Downloads->Trial
warning: game isn't work safe. I guess that's obvious though.

>> No.6926565

I'm surprised this thread is still up

>> No.6926661

We both know it looks like shit

>> No.6926846

well duh?

>> No.6927736

It would be pretty awesome if anything from Cyc got translated

>> No.6927784

Most translators are either intolerant to Black Cyc's games or are busy with "real deal" stuff. And Necrosis dropped GSS.

>> No.6927833

Was that the guy that was asking for donations so he can buy a ridiculously expensive coffee machine?

>> No.6927855

He was encouraging donations, not requiring them.

>> No.6928011

haha oh wow

>> No.6928200
File: 158 KB, 399x556, Ksan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K is the most "cute villain" Cyc has come up if you ask me

>> No.6928212

Gore should rip your guts out for saying that.

>> No.6928243

Not really, Gore and his little muppet got told off by Sayako after Gore trespassed on Sayako's territory.

What I've always been wondering about Yami no Koe series is that who do Sayako and K ultimately answer to. Time at a time Sayako receives instructions from 闇の声

>> No.6928287

I want this so bad and yet, it just won't show up.
This is just cruel.

>> No.6928312
File: 357 KB, 798x594, creepyshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes two of us.
It was pretty interesting to see what the trio from Gore Screaming Horrow Show turned into after being trapped in Sayako's mansion.

>> No.6928813

is this from Gore Screaming Show, or from a gaiden game of some kind?

>> No.6928871

So our main problem is that no one has hacked the games' engine yet?

>> No.6929278

No, no one likes translating ero, rape even less, and more than half the total script in black cyc games are those.

>> No.6931077

Dark Translations was doing Lilith games for quite a while (til Lilith started cracking down) so it's not that there aren't people who won't do it.
It's just there's no one who has, as said, cracked their engine available.

>> No.6931301

It's from a spinoff game where the heroines from Gore Screaming Horror Show get stuck in the evil mansion of Yami no Koe.

>> No.6931377

Dark Translations guy is translating what they pay him to do. That's not the same.
Are you living under a rock or something anyway? The engine is already cracked since ages ago. Gore Screaming Show's tools work with every NNS game, including that doujin game they with the chainsawed Maid.

>> No.6931550

sage rage

>> No.6931687

>*work with every System NNN game.

>> No.6931703

What happened to that guy? Didn't he moved to another site?

>> No.6931776

What's the title of this spin-off?

>> No.6931927


>> No.6932051

He moved onto IRC with his clientèle, and keeps on translating for them. Of course full patches sooner or later find their way to mass public like us, as it happened with Misleet.

>> No.6932085
File: 195 KB, 675x400, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhm, I'm totally unfamiliar with the Yami no Koe series, but I'm kinda interested in playing YnK Zero due to the girl with the bondage gear. She's voiced by Kimura Ayaka/Inokuchi Yuka whose voice I love when she plays Sadist characters (Mayu or Ruzalka).
My question is, as it's a prequel, it's not a requirement to play the other games in the series before that right? It still can be enjoyed if that's the first (and probably last) game I'd play, correct?

>> No.6932334

it's not required, as it's basically just the origin story for one of the main characters (K)

And no I haven't been living under a rock, if I knew ANYTHING about programming I would have started translating one of these games by now.

>> No.6932373

>>6932334 if I knew ANYTHING about programming I would have started translating one of these games by now
Can't you ask for tools on /jp/? There's maybe a programmer here who isn't wasting his time making a Touhou rip-off in java. Or a russian hacking master who isn't busied writing spam bots.

Wel, I know I'm being naive, since I've asked several times and nothing happened.

>> No.6932403

Well, that would be a good idea...I'm actually new to /jp/, I literally came over here from /d/ just for this thread.

>> No.6932485

oh and i found Sayoko:

>> No.6932513

You can also start a projct in tlwiki, and ask for help.
Or ask cudder to start a project in retrans (flyable heart threads).
You should be able to find some help, adn everyone likes new projects.

>> No.6932519

If you really ere serious.
These are the tools for System NNN (this one is particularly GSS but I know someone who inserted text to other games).
It can extract the scripts for every game using this engine (including that maid game they mad under a doujin brand), so translating them should be easy.

>> No.6932551

is there a tutorial for this?

>> No.6932557

God, why did you post a even worse censor of this image >>6922815

>> No.6932568

That's the official one Cyc threw around to promote YnK Zero.
blame the Japanese

>> No.6932587

the tool for dumping/inserting text is gsspt.exe the tools directory. you use it (I assume you know how to use command line programs) with .spt files (I don't know if they are in the game folder or need to be extracted with crass from some other file)

>> No.6932614

If you do start it, post some kind of message in the weekly VN translation thread, would be really appreciated.
It's this thread >>6919744
There's a new one every saturday.

>> No.6932628

Godspeed, /d/ anon.

>> No.6932649
File: 269 KB, 1147x639, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go into your gamefolder, then there's a folder called "spt" folder. These are the scripts. Grab everything there and copy them to a temporary toolkit folder where you have the above.
Make .bat file like this one I just made (game is Extravaganza as that's the one I have installed now). These are the commands for extracting script.
Run the .bat file and you should get the scripts out in .txt files. I dunno how to insert them back, but you don't have to worry about that for now anyway. For translating the files you should follow the same formats as they are here http://tlwiki.org/index.php?title=Gore_Screaming_Show#Script_Files

If you still insists that you want your translation to be reinserted right now, then you should see the hacker who made the tools on #tlwiki, or the guy who started and gave up on translating Gore Screaming show as, unlike me, they both know how to repack the .txt files into .spt files (so the game could read the files you changed).

>> No.6932663

>*Go into your gamefolder, then there's a folder called "spt" folder. These are the scripts. Grab every .spt file there and copy them to a temporary toolkit folder where you have the above linked toolkit.

>> No.6932672

What the fuck are you smoking? This one is the original one on their site >>6922815

>> No.6932677

It's a pity they went and replaced Sayako's seiyuu.
Guess it would have been too much to use her again since she has been in each Yami no Koe game.

>> No.6932689

and holy fuck is the woman who called Sayako to help stupid. She learned about Sayako after the Yami no Koe 2 school incident and despite the barrier set around the school, specialists were able to track it down to Sayako.

Gee, let's go calling some Slaanesh crackpot for help

>> No.6932700

I censor every nsfw image after I was banned too many times for that shit. And I haven't noticed someone else posted her image, otherwise I'd have pointed toward that post instead.

>> No.6932716

It's at the top but you are forgiven, guess some people have been extra spiteful at that moment to get you banned

>> No.6932719 [DELETED] 

Well, Sayako's take on corruption isn't exactly undesirable. I personally wouldn't mind it.

Slaanesh on the other hand always fucks you over.

>> No.6932722

Well, Sayoko's take on corruption isn't exactly undesirable. I personally wouldn't mind it.

Slaanesh on the other hand always fucks you over.

>> No.6932730

It messes up the head so it's still kinda undesirable.
Especially when it turns men into raving homos.

Sure didnt take long for Sayako to get a new henchwoman in this game

>> No.6932737
File: 335 KB, 799x600, Sayako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6932741

Seeing Sayako acting all kitchen matron like is pretty creepy seeing her previous behaviour pattern

>> No.6932964

I like how Sayako is dumbstruck after the redhead got interested in masturbation instead of straight out sex

>> No.6933095

my apologies, i was looking at the wrong picture. I thought you meant the one with the little white censor thingy.
And this would be my first venture into ANY kind of programming whatsoever...the limits of my expertise so far have been getting the AGTH+Atlas combo to work correctly lol
BTW what do you folks prefer as a translation for "Sayoko-sama"?
Thinking either: Lady Sayoko or Mistress Sayoko (the latter probably fits better)

>> No.6933158

I would use Lady Sayako for example when Sayako was talking to the lady who called her for help and Mistress Sayako whenever dealing with her victims

>> No.6933165
File: 348 KB, 797x597, Sayakodoesnotapprove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha oh wow it's like /jp/ just stepped into Yami no Koe

>> No.6933340
File: 1.15 MB, 1600x600, vileslut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you get for calling Sayako to help

>> No.6933363
File: 365 KB, 797x598, herewego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6933378

Oh god, I love her
How is he gonna end up as?

>> No.6933380

More images please? I'm a buyfag and this isn't on e-hentai

>> No.6933399

or upload it if you're in a good mood.

>> No.6933405


Why oh why didn't they make a MinDeaD BlooD crossover instead of this game?

>> No.6933414

well that's actually the sticky part.
Other than the maids (in other words, just K since we see the other three address her before they become maids) Youko is the only person in any of the games to address her as "Sayoko-sama" BEFORE they get a dose of corruption.
And it'd have to be something consistent, because some of the students (and especially the principal) in II call K "K-sama" as well. I just can't imagine high school students using "Lady K" at the drop of a hat.
So I'm leaning towards "Mistress", but I'm open to any third options. Though I refuse to leave in "-sama", because I feel that leaving in something that has a perfectly good translation (or at least THREE) is lazy.
It WOULD be nice to find a gender-neutral way to refer to them, since there are a couple points when Sayoko grows a penis in the series when she first meets someone, and K's whole...thing...

>> No.6933415

I love her expression, she probably sees so much damaged beings, and yet the otaku shut-in is enough to make her frown

>> No.6933416

>Oh god, I love her
Join the club

Sayako had to bunch of favors to him before he agreed to have sex with her.

I thought I would try to rip the graphics but I havent done ripping in years so I thought I'll just play the game because some munchkin will upload the CG set to exhentai anyway.

>> No.6933423

I want Sayako to help me, I feel it would be interesting.

>> No.6933425

Because MinDeaD BlooD is dead and done.

Yami no Koe as series still brings money into the house.

He actually made tea and had basic chit chat with Sayako while rambling about figurines and such.

When Sayako tried to have sex with him, he said his love belongs to the hugpillow character. This naturally made Sayako rage pretty hard that she's losing to a fictional character.

>> No.6933427

well...it's NSFW so I won't post it here, but there's a scene of him boinking the girl on the pillow.
I haven't gotten to that point yet (I'm working my way through the girls first)

>> No.6933432

I like mistress, gives a real feel of eroticism.
And in futa and shimialr, there's no reason to change it to a gender neutral most of the time, it's a woman with penis.

>> No.6933435


Did she fail? Wow, love for 2D is unbeatable.

>> No.6933437

Yeah, at first Sayako turned into the character but it didnt work either. She later materializes the character for the guy to have sex with.

>> No.6933439

Even Sayoko is disappoint with that shit.

>> No.6933445

If I had to bet, he ends up dressed as the pillow girl while being fucked by Sayako in the end?

>> No.6933446

Screw Yukari, I want Sayako to come over.

>> No.6933450

It's been years and this still isn't on e-hentai .please try ;_;

>> No.6933470


They could make a sequel -crossover to deal with the secondary characters on Chisakura island.

>> No.6933474

Well shit, I was thinking you were referring to Sayako.
Guess I'll fire up my ripping tools later unless someone magically beats me to it

>> No.6933484



>> No.6933487

years? This game's been out since 1/28/11 and JUST became available on HF and wherever else. The CGs probably aren't ripped by anyone yet.
Now, if you want the CGs for the other games, they're on ehentai

>> No.6933494

He's probably referring to natsu no koto to yami no koe

>> No.6933506

Yeah i'm leaning towards Mistress rather heavily, again unless someone comes up with a nice third option I'm not thinking of.
And one of the things I'm playing with is lines said by characters when K or Sayoko whip out a penis. The Japanese is pretty cut-and-dry usually "Wait, Sayoko-sama, are you a man?!"
But I could have fun with that...since I'd have to use gender-specific titles and pronouns:
"Wait, is it MASTER Sayoko now?!"

>> No.6933512

Pretty good.
Creative and retains the meaning, good localisation.
Also plays pretty well with the translation you intend to give, so it's probably the best option.

>> No.6933516

If this is the official name of the GSS/YnK crossover then yes.
Monster Girl 3 was on ehentai within 5 days of it's release

>> No.6933520

If you pursue a translation career,you'll go far anon. That was better than SnK's at least

>> No.6933529
File: 64 KB, 400x573, sir kay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, if Sayoko-sama becomes Master Sayoko, does K-san end up as Sir Kay?

>> No.6933536

You are translating the first yami no koe or zero?

>> No.6933537

I haven't played Cthulu, Are the monsters in that game the same..."archetype" as Gore?

>> No.6933539
File: 259 KB, 640x433, mita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, got to the old couple in Sayako.
This picture pretty much sums my thoughts on their H-scenes.

>> No.6933554

obakon-the one line that no one crosses ,not even Black Cyc

>> No.6933559

What happened... and how old are they?

>> No.6933568

Aaaw shit this game was short. Already done with it.
How sad. Not enough of options for corruption either.

>> No.6933572

I must ask.
How did the otaku end up like?

>> No.6933583

Old guy and his wife. The old guy stays old because eroge logic dictates that they are sex gods. His wife loses about 40 years from her appearance.

>> No.6933588

The CG's are already up on hongfire, check the HCG ddl section for the thread.

I haven't verified them though, hotfile's pretty slow for me this time of day.

>> No.6933615


I'm counting on you anon,but I saved your pic in case you fail.

>> No.6933882

seems like 2 sets of the CG Set for Sayako on ExHentai
http://exhentai.org/g/334866/de37a539ed/ has only the action stuff

>> No.6933941

good question.
I like Zero more, but the first game is shorter.
On the other hand, I also know what all the characters become in Zero, whereas there's a bit of stickiness (prolly a pun in there somewhere) involving the blue haired female character from the first game.
Namely, the two routes she has are nearly identical, just a different character sprite and vaguely different dialog.
I guess you could say I'm leaning more towards Zero. I'd be able to get quite a bit of attention with the "Unlimited Dildo Works" pics...
In the end it'll boil down to which I can actually DO lol.

>> No.6933951

Thanks for the clarification.
Yami no koe sounds more introductory, since it's shorter but zero is probably better.

>> No.6933953

Christ people are fucking stupid as ever at ExHentai.
They seem to be trying to get rid of the clutterless upload of the CG set that's in higher resolution. Is there anyway to stop people from doing that shit?

>> No.6934020

Here you go http://g.e-hentai.org/g/334874/e1ea1f0139/
Hopefully it wont get shitlisted too fast.

>> No.6934025

I was surprised it only had like 3 non-H CGs.

>> No.6934035

Not really much to be surprised at.
You pretty much pick who you want to assault of the three just like in Sayoko. Need to nail them in right order to get the ultimate scene where Gore shows up.

>> No.6934042

Ah no, I was referring to sayoko.
I have just downloaded the CG set, it was interesting to say the least.

>> No.6934072

Sayoko vs. the Otaku is the greatest thing ever.

>> No.6934098

If Sayoko browsed /jp/, there's a good chance that she'd get corrupted instead.

>> No.6934104

I have just imagined Sayoko playing Touho.
I want that pic.

>> No.6934169

I want to see a spin-off game where Sayoko goes back in time and corrupts Jesus and his Apostles. Just imagine the shitstorm it'd cause if any church ever receives the word of it. Jesus himself would probably be a masochist and have his apostles drive nails to his/her hands and feet to get off. In fact, apostles would get off to their ways of matyrdom too, so, say, Thomas would be lanced through the ass. There'd also be some incest between Peter/Andrew and John/James the Greater. The epilogue would involve Sayoko going back to the present and seeing that half of the world is successfully corrupted due to the teachings of now-female pervert Jesus and her disciples.

Now that I read what I wrote, I'm expecting to be turned into a pillar of salt at any moment.

>> No.6934332

naaaah God has more creative punishments for blasphemers. The pillar of salt thing, after all, was just for LOOKING at something she wasn't supposed to.
That said, a game like that would sure bring a lot of attention to the series.

>> No.6934357

Sayoko has a lot in common with Remilia, Yukari, and Yuyuko:
1) Big fancy house? check
2) Constant stream of interlopers? check
3) Sexy maid with a weird past? check
4) Obscenely powerful? check
5) Has a rival/friend in another big fancy house with her own "maid"? check

I just got an idea for a YnK/Touhou crossover. Gensokyo will never be the same.

>> No.6934361

You can't corrupt touhous, my friend.

>> No.6934665


>5) Has a rival/friend in another big fancy house with her own "maid"? check

what? I hope you weren't referring to GSS.

>> No.6934721


I'm the one who asked you for the crossover and saying thanks hoping you see it.I'm really glad I got to see it. I am a little disappointed though that it was so short. I mean I knew it was just an omake ,but wow. I wish there has been more than one corruption for each girl.Some of them surprised me.

>> No.6934833

No, there's a gaiden game made before Zero but after III that stars a character who ends up becoming a kind of pseudo Sayoko:
Sayoko deals with the darkness in people, Kagami (yes, her name is Kagami...they weren't very subtle about it) deals with the "reflections" of people's hearts. Basically it comes across as her having the ability to mimic anyone else's "darkness" and use it to corrupt them.
The process of her becoming like that is pretty interesting, though. It's actually unique as far as YnK games go in that it's two or three characters getting corrupted by (almost, a few are missing, mainly all but 2 of the cross dresser/transexual characters, since the main character is already female.) EVERY character from the previous games rather than the other way around.

>> No.6934841

that's the fun part. It could work both ways.

>> No.6934848


Wait what was that called?

>> No.6934976

Yami no Koe Ibunroku

Also, I finally got to the otaku guy...Sayoko's reactions are priceless :)

>> No.6934989

If I ever get around to translating Sayoko (which might be a whiiiiile) I'm definitely having Hamano call the girl on the pillow his waifu.
I know it's not what he actually calls her (he calls her his "idol") but...it would be much funnier.

>> No.6935049


Oh right. I remember that ;do not want.

>> No.6935072

the art style was...difficult.
K's nose was probably bigger than the kid brother's dick.
And that's not an exaggeration.

>> No.6935077

Anyone else find it funny that Black Cyc has tapped almost every fetish but NTR?

>> No.6935098

They did, in YnK Zero. Sorta.
Kumiko, Ikegami's wife, gets turned into a lesbian. There's no CGs but there are scenes of the two together with Kumiko basically telling him "Fuck off, I like titties now"

>> No.6935157

Yeah, I know they've technically done it,what with the roving rape-gangs and tentacle monsters. I just wish thy would make some NTR between humans. It would obviously be supernatural,but hey works for me.

>> No.6935180

What about MinDeaD BlooD?
You have to watch Yuuka fuck some random delinquent to enter her route.

>> No.6935198

true,but Yuuka also blows your brains out with an advanced stake gun,The attraction builds up as you move through her route,that's why it never affected me in an NTR sense.bare with me for a moment...

>> No.6935246

>>6935198 CONT.

I think the original GSS had an NTR route,but they cut it. The asshole sadashima never rises above henchmen level evil.He does fucked up shit,but never takes the spotlight. I think there should be a route where Sadashima and Yuka either team up, or S- gains control of Her and Gore. He then proceeds to make all of your friends and eventually Aunt Yamiko into his slaves.Kyouji runs off with Yuka and they live in bittersweet mundanity.

>> No.6935479
File: 423 KB, 1280x720, yukashizuru_1280_720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. I have an irrational hate for nonvirgin sluts but I like Yuuka. You can't help but admire her dedication and spirit.

Shame the DarkTranslations guy didn't translate this.

>> No.6935675

I was disappointed no pregnancy was actually involved despite the whole theme of this game.

>> No.6935708

pregnancy isn't really Sayoko's thing, which is why she stops at what would normally be considered the first "stage" in another YnK game. In fact she has to go out of her way to turn Anna bisexual instead of a lesbian, Yua AWAY from a masturbation fetishist, and Ayaka...well, her route came across more as a very intense sex therapy session than corruption (poor girl was so frigid she passed out)
It's actually interesting how seriously Sayoko takes goals. I would've given up on Hamano after the first day...

>> No.6935729 [DELETED] 

Sayoko is a career woman afterall.
But unlike Sayako, Remilia doesnt serve or answer to anything. We need to keep in mind that the literal Yami no Koe is the power behind the mansion.

>> No.6935730

Sayoko is a career woman afterall.
But unlike Sayoko, Remilia doesnt serve or answer to anything. We need to keep in mind that the literal Yami no Koe is the power behind the mansion.

>> No.6936072

I just installed Sayoko.
The voice volume control messages are great.

>> No.6936172

I would say Sayoko is more closer to Beatrice.
Like a hyper sexualized version of her.

>> No.6936178

I fapped yesterday on the art from this vn.
High quality black cyc.

>> No.6936179 [DELETED] 

That's what would become of Yasutrice with time, I bet. Still changing genders when she feels like it, too.
But let's stop bringing Umineko shit into a perfectly nice YnK thread

>> No.6936180

http://g.e-hentai.org/g/334848/e21159a2f3/ art

>> No.6936188

That's what would become of Yasutrice with time. Still changing genders when she feels like it, too.
Honestly though, Beatrice is more on sadistic and idiotic side, so I don't feel too much resemblance.

>> No.6936199

Heavens, the old geezer's penis is bigger than my arm. And look at those balls, he looks like a tanuki in disguise.

>> No.6936203

The order you choose the characters doesn't matter, right?

>> No.6936209

Was Sayoko an innocent girl at some point?

>> No.6936262

Could have been, she seems to answer to Yami no Koe in the first game but I think they cut Yami no Koe out from the later games placing the focus more on K.

She could have been a conduit for Yami no Koe but then again she just might be a supernatural servant of it.

No point in trying to look into anything deep, it's a nukige anyway

>> No.6936295

I think YnK would prefer to corrupt an innocent girl into its servant instead of personally creating such a servant, given that's what YnK (both the games and the entity) is all about.

>> No.6936583

I think I'm not the only one who didn't feel anything about YnK before this thread. Good job, guys, this stuff looks great.

>> No.6936602

I've played some Black Cyc stuff before but never tried any Yami no Koe games (apart from the GSS crossover one), but thanks to this thread I'm interested now.
Yamiko is immune to rape.

>> No.6936639

because his a master of sex that has received some upgrades from Sayoko in the past

>> No.6936699

Good for you two. Yami no Koe is slightly different from the usual Black Cyc games.

>> No.6936779
File: 244 KB, 800x700, ta03b01b10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So funny to see Sayoko finding trouble dealing with men.

>> No.6936946

what did this guy end up as? He went from being angry into a metrosexual?

>> No.6937099
File: 313 KB, 800x700, ta03c01a04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From stright lines lover to curve lines lover, so from women hater to women lover.
He doesn't have a middle point

>> No.6937933


>immune to rape ,yeah....no

>> No.6937973
File: 38 KB, 250x300, yamiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true. Only heroine in the game with no rape or bad ends. (Unless Yuka's "I sure hope you don't gangbang me!" doesn't really count as rape.)

>> No.6937982

The voice plays a role in the first game and Zero (it's using K's original body, after all) but is absent from every other game...
...and didn't really play a role in the first game other than as a reveal to the stowaway looking for her brother.
From the way Sayoko acts in, well, Sayoko, mixed with her behavior from the other YnK games, she seems more like some kind of genie (that focuses on sex) than really working for anyone. I mean she's basically doing for Youko what she was doing for the voice in the darkness anyway: fulfilling her (Youko's) goals while spreading her own power.
Hell, you could even say the plot of YnK II follows the same principle.

>> No.6938005

Pretty sure there are scenes with Sayoko and Yami no Koe actually discussing how some characters are turning out.

>> No.6938051

yeah, well what else are they gonna talk about? politics? :)

>> No.6938075

Yes,but that's because of Yuka's emotional upset. She was literally moments away from getting the Gore special. Also there is no reason why she can't be raped other than it didn't happen.A good idea actually.
>ask black cyc if they make a remake to include violent death rape for yamiko.

>> No.6938116

BlackCyc heroines that don't get raped horribly? To arms my brothers, this blasphemy will not stand.

>> No.6938141
File: 201 KB, 800x700, ta14b01b10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not how you corrupt a character.
She basically went from bitch to semen-loving bitch.
But her husband had my favourite scene with Sayoko in the game.

>> No.6938191

Indeed. I'm thinking of a standard rape-gang and Gore's tentacles. How should he kill her.

>> No.6938210

Gore isn't really into slow torture, but I want to see scaphism in a VN for once. A boat is not necessary, just tie her to a tree in some abandoned location, force her to eat honey until she excretes it (if she refuses to eat, well, you know, you don't exactly have a chance to refuse when Gore is right there.), rub it all over her body, let insects finish her up over the course of several days. Of course, her mouth would be untied so that you can listen to the screams.

>> No.6938227

That sound's more Mugen Kairou style. Well, Aoi was held level then Gore pulled her guts out from the inside. Akane was held at an angle and crammed full of tentacles until she burst. Kiika was ripped in half. What should Yamiko get?

>> No.6938244

Has anyone tried to bring K and Sayoko to "justice"?

>> No.6938262

Well yeah, as I said Gore doesn't lend himself well to slow torture. I guess Vlad-style impaling would be better suited. Tentacle inserted to the vagina and used to pierce through the intestines, the stomach, the lungs and finally the windpipe, and it emerges through the mouth, covered in digestive juices, blood and saliva.

>> No.6938281

One possibility is that he could yank organs out of her. That might not be kosher under the law though,and the artist would have to learn how to draw gore besides rubbery pink stuff.

>> No.6938287

Why do you have that in quotations?
Anyways,no most of the people are happier with the changes and the others get over it.

>> No.6938303

So yeah...Am I the only one who's hoping future Black Cyc games involve the characters from the spinoff doujin game.Meido-chan

>> No.6938320

I'm hoping for BlackCyc and WhiteCyc to eventually switch two releases around for laughs. So you get the BlackCyc game expecting huge guts but get fluffy pure love instead.

>> No.6938322

Sayoko fixes lives most of the time.
Like in this game, Sayoko.
She basically helped a lot of people to be able to find a romantic partner/fixed marriages so they could have children

>> No.6938326


Cyc is the feel good branch. White Cyc is sort of like type moon.one word Extravamizuna

>> No.6938333
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I'd be satisfied with just a sequel, it was pretty amusing (dat fight scene) and kind of ended on a cliffhanger.

>> No.6938412

This thread is going to die soon so I made a thread on a text board

the vg and anime boards were loaded with shitposters.

Anyways ,since this should be here much longer and would provide more stable chat, lets migrate there once this 404's . Tell any pals who like Black Cyc,Vanadis,or other small studios.

>> No.6938423


Yeah, either or. I have a feeling the sequel will involve Amelia being resurrected to serve the master. I wonder what kind of power she'll get?

>> No.6939601
File: 136 KB, 600x500, stage_picture08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we finally getting a(n) unofficial GSS prequel?

>> No.6939915

actually this HAS happened. In the bad endings to Zero, one of the uncorrupted characters will confront Sayoko about what's going on.
They...don't make it.
And in YnK2, a character named Shizuka (or Shizuku...i have trouble remembering) with high spiritual power confronts K about what she was doing to the school (basically she was pissed that K turned her best friend/roommate into a raging slut) and then impales her (K) with a naginata.
Of course this is when we find out just what K is (in the first game we had been told that she was the stowaway's brother and had been given a new body by Sayoko.) when she suddenly turns into a wooden doll-thing and...takes over Shizuka's body.
So, in the third game, that's why "K" isn't around but suddenly the blue haired girl is acting like her.
Basically the lesson is to not fuck with Sayoko, unless it involves sex :)

>> No.6940191

It's more sane to escape the place instead of confronting them. Loss of life is a quick option for those who do not bend to Sayoko's wishes

>> No.6940268


What does this say?

>> No.6940290

It explains the pleasure of being cummed inside a forest shrine

>> No.6940361


This is bad, how?

>> No.6940577

At the first encounter with Sayoko. He passed out just after touching her tits.

>> No.6941203

unlike the female members of the dorm, he and Hamano (the otaku dude) require 4 visits instead of 2 visits.
Which is really just to show you who the game is really about: 4 visits means 4 scenes with Sayoko :)

>> No.6942376

elementary nihongo student here, what exactly is this game about?

>> No.6942388

I always knew /jp/ posters are Japanese elementary schoolgirls.

>> No.6942411


he means beginner's skill level.

>> No.6942465

Well that was an interesting romp.

>> No.6944794
File: 581 KB, 800x600, ev0601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm rather impressed that this thread is still up knowing the general tastes of /jp/

>> No.6944807

I was hoping this could be a regular thing like AT guys.

>> No.6944920

You must be insane, as if that would ever be possible

>> No.6944928

b u m p\

>> No.6944939

We're already lucky enough to have had an eroge general for three weeks in a row, with actual posts.

>> No.6944945


>> No.6944988
File: 465 KB, 800x600, ev0604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could just stop the pointless bumping.
I like how all the women in Yami no Koe turned on the lead character after he had corrupted them.

It's not like you will ever escape untouched in Yami no Koe games after having part in anything K/Sayoko do

>> No.6944991


>> No.6945009
File: 576 KB, 800x600, ev0801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people who try to do that get caught and corrupted or generally purged if they do not fit the big picture.

Like this guy.

>> No.6945019


>> No.6945034
File: 89 KB, 320x460, c698943package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of black-cyc, anyone interested in inunaki? I got this feeling that it will be somewhat similar to GSS. It could be decent stuff, and I'm definately checking it out at somepoint as it's released in march and theres few titles that have higher importance there. Altough it's released week before the usual chunk so maybe I'll get one route out of it before the other stuff.

yeah, its miracle that it has gone so long with actual proper posts. maybe when this thread is over we could migrate there to some degree, it's not like that thread is overflowing with speed and posts, and this would nicely fall under the area of discussion there too. And keep the thread actually on board.

>> No.6945037

wee bump

>> No.6945084

definitely. I can smell the crossover-ism and maybe unofficial prequel although I hope not.Im a little worried though; these new CGs look tame. It's like barney's first utsuge.

>> No.6945108

What would be cool is throwing Umineko characters into the Yami no Koe island mansion.

You could easily work something out from that

>> No.6945112

Well that's the worst thing, black-cyc has turned way too tame lately. I want another extravaganza dammit. inunaki still might be decent as I have thing for everything that happens in rural villages and have "weird" fetivals going. Here's hoping that it atleast has some extreme scenes, cthulhu was quite tame but still had few extreme ones.

>> No.6945134

Looks like that girl has a dick.

>> No.6945140

more like your personal imagination thinking she has one

>> No.6945144

Look at the sample cgs on their website.
Not only is her vagina is always covered there, on one cg she has a discernable bulge.

>> No.6945207

dat bulge

>> No.6945795

Yami no Koe is what would happen if they turned Fantasy Island into eroge and turned the difficulty to nightmare level

>> No.6946261

but it begs the question...
what happens to the people who stay on the island and DON'T become maids?
Ibunroku sort of answered the question (they all just hang around and have orgies) but that one also ignored a few plot elements from YnK2 and 3, ones that the Sayoko game acknowledges (K turned that school into a new Island and got a new body, yet in Ibunroku she's still in her doll body and all he corrupt-ees somehow moved to the Island)
I dunno, it just kinda bugs me that when the "victims" from Zero and the first game arrive on the island, they're the only ones there both times. Then again, Sayoko could just be hiding the old meat while the new meat is being "processed"...

>> No.6946270

>I dunno, it just kinda bugs me that when the "victims" from Zero and the first game arrive on the island, they're the only ones there both times. Then again, Sayoko could just be hiding the old meat while the new meat is being "processed"...

It's eroge. You are not supposed to think that hard.
Not to mention that's a simple retcon idea. Pretty sure Black Cyc didnt count on Yami no Koe to become this long as an series. People can most likely leave the mansion too if you look at the old guy in Sayoko

>> No.6946289

so who is worse, this Sayoko or rance.

>> No.6946309

Rance is a mindless rapist.
Saayoko is an elegant sex master that can fix your life.

>> No.6946311

They can't really be compared. Sayoko works hard to corrupt people, it's her job. Rance is all "Gahahaha. I'm going to do whatever the fuck I come up with first." and is willing to casually ignore what few moral principles he has (no rape unless it can't be helped, no loli) whenever he feels like it.

>> No.6946374

So Sayoko is a nonvirgin slut /jp/ approves of and gives support to.

I never thought I'd see the day.

>> No.6946407

One thread is hardly "/jp/". The people making a fuss about sluts are only a group, though the most vocal.
People playing nukige obviously aren't that prudish.

>> No.6946482

Sorry to go slightly off topic but has anyone else had problems getting Sayoko to run on their machines?

It seems to install fine but when I go to run it, it just comes up with a white screen and crashes straight away. I'm using applocale to give me the jap unicode and wanted to see if anyone else using vista had this problem.

I haven't tried changing the computers unicode yet since it should be the same as running the program through applocale but I'm keeping that as my plan C.


>> No.6946492

I'm running it on 7, but my unicode is changed.
You should do too, and upgrade vista, it's shit, no matter what.

>> No.6946554

Anyone with Vista having trouble with japanese games deserves to feel bad

>> No.6947018

Try to manually copy all files from "cdvaw" and "dwq" folders from game disk to corresponding folders in your install location.

>> No.6947021

>Anyone with Vista deserves to feel bad


>> No.6950009
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Christ, this is still up?

>> No.6950074

So what's the connection between Yami no Koe 1, 2, and Sayoko? Are they sequential sequels, standalone games, or maybe Sayoko is a prequel?

>> No.6950085

YnK 1,2 and 3 are sequential sequels, dunno about about Sayoko but there is Ynk Zero as a prequel for the former

>> No.6950299

Sayoko is a weird case, I think it takes place after Yami no Koe 2

>> No.6951906

How is that possible since K is still a maid in the CG set?

>> No.6955461

Pretty sure the woman who called Sayoko to help learn about her after the school incident of Yami no Koe 2 as a school is brought up during their conversation
