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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 161 KB, 849x1200, hydragp-01l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6922249 No.6922249 [Reply] [Original]

New IP from the Melty devs.

Expect a promo vid soon

>> No.6922266

What a dumb as fuck name. That is worse than Melty Blood.

>> No.6922285

meltyblood's also getting a new update with several new characters btw

>> No.6922301

oh shit, is this the new fighting game? looks interesting

>> No.6922323

That's dumber than Fate/stay night

>> No.6922329

I'm starting to think they stick with the engrish on purpose.

>> No.6922334

They do.
It's a must to attract chuuni fags

>> No.6922339

Oh now you've done it.

>> No.6922344

What I want:
- higher res sprites
- diverse character playstyles
- some humor (the poster looks all serious business to me)

>> No.6922353

>Let's put cat eyes on everyone, sure it'll make everyone look cool
This shit is worse than white hair and angel wings.

>> No.6922354

What you'll get:
- palette swapped clone characters
- chuuni

>> No.6922362

Last time I checked they were hiring high-res artists ("Let's beat BlazBlue" blogpost).
But then again I also heard that with such a big success with melty as a series they were rethinking the going full high-res thing.

>> No.6922727

pedo shit.

go play a real game like super street fighter 4.

>> No.6922738


>> No.6922743

>implying street fighter isnt casual as fuck

>> No.6922845

The "Hateful BlazBlue killer" bears its fangs.

>> No.6922870

shit game like melty butts

>> No.6922888
File: 1.18 MB, 2336x1600, 1295115039048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has been a great age for fighters recently, I just hope it isn't followed by a complete void for an equivalent amount of time.

>> No.6922889

Get out Melty devs.

>> No.6922900

What I want:

What I do not want:

>> No.6922933

The first row keeps getting weirder and weirder, now Ren instead of Kohaku? She has literally nothing in common with Ragna, Sol and Heart

>> No.6922959

You've got to admit the Arcana Heart row looks pedo as fuck. No wonder why it gets bashed so much on srk.

>> No.6922974

1280x720 HD resolution, 16:9 aspect ratio

The characters names from OP pic are, from top to bottom, Carmine, Lynne and Hyde.

http://inbirth.info/ opening soon

>> No.6923004

Will probably dissapear in no time like ougon.

>> No.6923037

For what console?

>> No.6923034 [DELETED] 

Looks like baby's first GRIMDARK 3-button mashan.

I'll be playing MvC3 niggaaaaa.

>> No.6923045
File: 360 KB, 853x480, Are you resigned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ougon love is alive and well!

>> No.6923062

>under night in-birth

Somebody call these people and tell them they are not allowed to use English anymore.

>> No.6923070

enjoy playing with /v/irgins

fuck consoles, pc release is far superior.

>> No.6923082

I lol'd.

>> No.6923098

The column with Nrvnsqr, Arakune and Eddie is pretty cool with Eko in the middle.

>> No.6923122

>exchange button

>> No.6923136

>fuck consoles, pc release is far superior.
If you're talking about Melty Blood, PS2's Actress Again is definitely the best version.

>> No.6923149

>implying react finaltuned isn't the most balanced meltyblood

>> No.6923165

Where the lolis at?

>> No.6923414
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>> No.6923470

Well, where is the source of that info?

>> No.6923533

I'm okay with knife and giant iron bar girl.

>> No.6924018
File: 13 KB, 231x298, CurlehMustache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6924023

>arcana heart 3 is still not localized

>> No.6924025
File: 394 KB, 580x602, 1c7bdd23a2845852ab78032a8fddd49c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blazblue bad game

>> No.6924032
File: 411 KB, 439x874, Petra2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is...

In Europe

>> No.6924043

I could've done with a few more RBO addons, but okay.

>> No.6924055


If you can provide me a source on that you'll be my new favorite namefag

>> No.6924056


venom is GG's female lead?

>> No.6924087

well he is gay. But I think it's comparing characters with guns and his balls were the best fit

>> No.6924095

Looks like shit is going to get real.

>> No.6924133

>pedo as fuck
Have you noticed how a lot of those characters have breasts?
Don't tell me that pedo is another word that has lost its meaning. Or that, in the context of fighters, it means "Japanese characters".

>> No.6924135

gg good game bb bad game

you can compare them like that too

>> No.6926534
File: 82 KB, 559x720, 163839_320900819976_126073299976_1223713_4532212_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arcana heart 3 is still not localized

>> No.6926536
File: 110 KB, 600x600, 27b65db57809649d7f68ba106625c8fn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for Europe

>> No.6926543
File: 49 KB, 421x286, 03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still outside of Japan, and it is in English and everything.
You should be thrilled.

>> No.6926545

Screenshots of nearly everything:

>> No.6926551

That blond protagonist thing looks like a horrible male.
Lets just hope his voice won't be as bad.

>> No.6926554
File: 86 KB, 1024x576, 023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meltyblood's also getting a new update with several new characters btw

>Powered Ciel
Woohoo! It wasn't just a statement made from thin air.

>> No.6926556 [SPOILER] 
File: 46 KB, 370x450, 597619291108df23ad57f46fd3449ff2..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This knife/bar girl reminds me of a certain someone.
I wonder if I would ever be able to let it out of my head were I ever to play the game.

>> No.6926560

Is this going to be incest all over again?

>> No.6926581
File: 20 KB, 220x306, 220px-Shiki_Roa_Far_Side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meltyblood's also getting a new update with several new characters btw

Fuck yeah

Maybe now I can play as not-Roa SHIKI. I mean,fuck,if Powered Ciel is taking up a spot I goddamn want that delicious SHIKI.

>> No.6926598

Yeah, there aren't enough male characters. Arihiko would be nice.

>> No.6926621

I still find it hard to believe some people actually play these... "fighting games" (sorry if I got the genre name wrong)

It's just a troll, right?

>> No.6926623

I would like more Kohakus please.

>> No.6926629


>> No.6926650
File: 49 KB, 400x500, mvc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 days now woo

>> No.6926651

Oh god no, it better be one of these three:

Nanaya Kirie

>> No.6926657

enjoy your wireless users and cheaters.

>> No.6926671



Why in the world do you want Saber in a Tsukihime game? Fate has it's own fighting game anyways.

...Two of them actually.

>> No.6926709


Get the fuck out.


And the two of them are fucking terrible. Not to mention Ryougi Shiki isn't from Tsukihime either, and hey, she's there.

>> No.6926713

>complaining about wireless

it's like im really in 1990!

>> No.6926721

Well here's to another hopeless hope that the new MB gets ported to pc...

>> No.6926723

a tsukihime prototype is still closer to tsukihime than a completely unrelated thing like fate.

>> No.6926737



>> No.6926742
File: 114 KB, 673x614, 1280640177380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>completely unrelated

>> No.6926840

yeah so it's in the same universe, big deal.

it's not as closely related as a prototype which has a protagonist character named shiki who can see, and cut the lines of death to destroy stuff.

>> No.6927037
File: 96 KB, 800x600, 12697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, that girl looks pretty SURPRISE PARTY!

>> No.6927057
File: 142 KB, 512x512, Barc0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey French Bread.
Give us fucking proper AE sprites

>> No.6928135

So what characters could they possibly add in MB as of now?
Powered Ciel is already just another version of an already existing character.
Any chances of an actual new character? And even if not, what other versions could they possibly find of others?

>> No.6928143

Arihiko, every single Kara no Kyoukai character.

>> No.6931045

Any chances of a promo soon?

>> No.6931442

Probably more interested in melty update but has there been some info of new game regarding platforms it will be released on?

>> No.6931590


>> No.6932579
File: 24 KB, 300x180, 2010-07-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to the character screen number of slots, and this pic from French Bread's staff blog, there will be few characters in this game...

>> No.6932621
File: 31 KB, 344x231, shiki isn't in it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6932654

Under Night: In-Birth Trailer

>> No.6932714

Fuck this name game, it's probably gonna be like BB or something.. I WANT MY MB vs Fate Game NOW!!
I don't care if it's 2D or 3D!

But even though I said that, I'm still gonna give this game a chance...

>> No.6932727

I want Melty in HD.

>> No.6932874

You'll get another KOF12.

>> No.6933039

At that resolution, I expect at least 258 sprites per character.

>> No.6933860

this game is gay

>> No.6933917


>> No.6933927

i keep reading in-birth as in-breed

...oh well

>> No.6934173

only difference is ougon is a pretty face with shitty gameplay mechanics and that's as deep as it goes. Melty Blood has proven itself to be superior.

>> No.6934177

Whatever they do, I want a PC release.

If it is >>6922285, better

>> No.6934182

why didn't they center the goddamn title. I'm not even mad about the kindergarten level of english, they're just sticking random words together.
It's like all the Japanese who know English went and died from aids, or something.

>> No.6934184
File: 142 KB, 581x550, 1202949907508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6934215

where can i read more about the melty update?

>> No.6934241
File: 95 KB, 550x300, ハーロック - こんにゃろ~め!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ougan dissapeared because it was a pretty uninteresting and slow game....Also the specs were too high so you couldn't play it on your Toaster.

If it's anything like Melty Blood,it'll be around for a good amount of time. Just so long as it gets a PC release anyways.


Fuck that,lets go outside and practice some Jeet Kune Do!

>> No.6934260


>> No.6934483

Let's play Jackie Chan Fists of Fury.

Also Marvel in a week fuck yeah.

>> No.6934523


promo trailer in case no one posted it already. looks got for an original project. french bread is gonna turn some heads with this one.

>> No.6934610

>>Also the specs were too high so you couldn't play it on your Toaster.
A huge jump for most galge, eroge, and doujin game players :(
