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6919125 No.6919125 [Reply] [Original]

just bought this. is a ripoff touhou?

>> No.6919128

CAVE games suck.

>> No.6919141

it looked like it might. i'll give it a try later. i know virtually nothing about games like this all i know is it reminded me of touhou lol

>> No.6919152

top > side

>> No.6919155

It plays nothing like Touhou. Its more like progear. Although I'd have to agree with the sentiments on CAVE in this thread. Solving the purple maze gets really boring the 20th game. CAVE music in Raizing game would be great though.

>> No.6919174

I don't like raizing either.

>> No.6919194

Not everyone likes everything man. Batrider is one of my favorites, but the music is just absolute shit in that game. Recycled theme for every boss is just pathetic for any game.

>> No.6919240

But almost every arcade game uses one boss theme for multiple bosses.

>> No.6919252
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>> No.6919268

Which is exactly the reason most arcade games are shit. A boss theme creates an atmosphere. Every fight should have its own theme, just as it has a unique boss sprite, background and bullet patterns(although some games lack patterns)

A lack of these in a boss fight just tells me they really did not care about building up the fight to the point where the player really gets into it. CAVE has some amazing games, as does Raizing, but they both have their downfalls. Raizing mostly in music and CAVE in visuals.

>> No.6919284

Does cave rework and add music in console ports?

>> No.6919290

That one raizing game has hard to see bullets, which is a huge downfall.

>> No.6919298

Possibly. Console ports are usually laden with goodies not available in the original arcade versions. mushihimesama was fantastic in that sense compared to its arcade version.

>> No.6919354
File: 63 KB, 500x375, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arcade games are shit

>> No.6919445

Bah I like the pseudo synth metal from Batrider, fuck you for insulting raizing.

There's a song called Let's Kick Ass Together, one boss theme called Divided by Zero and also there's this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k58SJoTVnhU
Which is fucking awesome.

Also how come this plays more like progear, I thought Ketsui did that.

>> No.6919478 [DELETED] 

I'd rather say this plays more like Trouble Witches since it's vertical scrolled.

>> No.6919491

I'd rather say this plays more like Trouble Witches since it scrolls HORIZONTALLY.

>> No.6919494

Daioujou has the best boss theme.

>> No.6920287

>Also how come this plays more like progear, I thought Ketsui did that.

Ketsui plays nothing like Progear, unless you're talking about the lock-on targeting and the scoring system.

>> No.6920320
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where the fuck is the hitbox

>> No.6923344
File: 149 KB, 700x250, deathsmiles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6923383

You've got to be kidding me. There's not much buildup in a toohoo when all the stages are cheaply done repeating scrolling backgrounds. In that regard there's more buildup to get excited about in a single stage than all the touhou backgrounds combined. Unless having some nonsensical dialogue gets you really pumped for a boss fight

>> No.6923390

The music creates the buildup.
Its really fucking stupid playing Batrider and listening to lets kick ass together, which sounds like shit by the way, ever single boss fight.

>> No.6923391

I got pumped when I first battled Okuu's Reimu A dialogue. Music helped as well.

>> No.6923400

nonsensical? Yuyoko gave me shivers the first time, same with Remilia. A lot of it made me daww in th earlier stages.

>> No.6923447

Takes a bit too much effort.

Some games do it (Axelay), but others tend to skip it since it's more work than needed.

If you want atmosphere, play a Treasure game.
Treasure has a hardon for dynamic camerawork in their shmups.

>> No.6923503

Really, it's ok to do unique themes for console games, but in an arcade game it's extra work that will go unappreciated. You only need 3 themes: boss, last boss, and TLB.

That out of the way, comparing Touhou to other shmups is a bad idea. When you get down to it, TP's main shtick has always been the patterns. Boss designs are kinda shit (they're simple character sprites floating around), but this is made up for by HOLY SHIT EVERYTHING FLYING ALL OVER IN A CHOREOGRAPHED STORM OF RAPE.

Compare to your average arcade shmup, where you have really cool boss designs but their attacks are pretty tame (they'll be ridiculous as you go on, but they never seem to get any more hax than "hide bullets behind other bullets while having bullets shoot bullets").
For an actual arcade game with unique boss themes, I guess Darius Burst: Another Chronicle would be an example... But really, that sort of thing is more common with console shooters.


>> No.6923517


It's all about the music. That's the thing Zun (and R07) does well, the use of music to set the tone. The moment the boss theme kicks in, you're good and pumped.

>> No.6923540
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Playing a shmup for the music is like eating a spoon for the soup.

>> No.6923547


No one is going to fall for that. Many people enjoy games for different reasons.

>> No.6923548

Hellsinker has better music than Touhou.


>> No.6923556
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>mfw I turn bgm to 0 and plug in my ipod

>> No.6923568

Very nice deeper in. A bit too calm for my tastes though. I had problems playing Himmelsturmer for those reasons. The music was too calm in the later stages compared to the shot.

One of the better BGM's in a CAVE game. Too bad the stage was so bland.

>> No.6923572

Forgettable soundtrack music.

>> No.6923574

Am I the only one who play video games in general mostly for the music ?

>> No.6923577


That's weird. Why don't you just listen to the ost?

>> No.6923578 [DELETED] 

There isn't a single game composer greater than Jun'ya Ota.

Trolling if you insist otherwise.

>> No.6923584


This is one of the more intense tracks.

>> No.6923587 [DELETED] 

>futari stage 5

Ohwhat the shit nigger

>> No.6923588

Jesper Kyd, Yasunori Mitsuda and Hitoshi Sakimoto would like to have a word with you.

>> No.6923592

Nothing is as good as konami and capcom music so why even discuss it.

>> No.6923598


David Wise


>> No.6923600

Well, they are pretty much the hardest boss, so they need an intense theme.

There's also these 2 themes, which have an amazing feel:

>> No.6923601

I guess that came out a bit rough. Its one of my favorites, and I like to be critical of my favorite games to trim down the list.

The blandness comes from the lack of color in the stage. Way too much purple, just like ESP Rade and pretty much ever cave game ever.

I know they must do it for a reason, but kinda kills it a bit for me. If they made it multicolor rain of colors I'd orgasm every time though. The patterns are already top notch there.

>> No.6923602

What's touhou?

>> No.6923612

I like the single color patterns, personally. The way they animate makes them look organic sometimes.

>> No.6923611

The Unnamed 771 is much harder to not die against, because unlike the apostles of the seed, there is no trick to dodging her shit.

>> No.6923609

I have something like 50+ gb of game OSTs on my computer but simply listening to it isn't quite the same thing.
I don't play video games solely for the music but let's just say it will play a major role in how I enjoy the game.

>> No.6923622

There's always Minogame's noclip.

>> No.6923642


As those bag pipes?

>> No.6923646

Same, I've always thought it strange that, given how memorable music adds so much to a game and how people think of it later, that companies making big ticket games so often go with bland generic movie soundtrack kinda shit that you can't even remember afterward.

>> No.6923679

On music in shmups:
If you want to make an impact, you sync the music to the game.

This is the only thing playing for DariusBurst's Zone H. It's a stage theme. It's a boss theme. It's AWESOME.

Not all games run on soundtrack notoriety, though I do think that memorable fitting music + memorable stage = memorable experience, and that would help move units from a viral angle to be honest.

>> No.6923725


This guy has the right idea.

>> No.6923757

Hellsinker also has a theme like that.


>> No.6923766

Any good PSP shmups you guys can recommend?
I can read some basic japanese, so japanese games without too much story would be fine too.

>> No.6923769

How many damn stages does Hellsinker have?

>> No.6923785

I've been somewhat interested in Hellsinker, but it doesn't help that the game completely glitches up on me whenever I try to play it.

As soon as I start a game, anything that isn't the background will stop displaying...

The track you linked me to sounds more at home in a Castlevania game, IMO.

Sounding like a broken record when I say DARIUS BURST.
Tame in comparison to G-Darius and Darius Gaiden, but it's incredibly fun.
There's also Gradius Collection...

>> No.6923787

psp has no shmups

>> No.6923791

The first 3 stages have 2 versions, then there's stages 4-8, the shrine of farewell, and two extra stages.

>> No.6923824

There's also two paths on stage 5 that have different music, but they're still similar enough to be the same stage.

>> No.6923825

I get this problem when alt-tabbing in and out of it. Have you tried it windowed and fullscreen? There's also another build of it which you can patch to change some graphical stuff that gets rid of a lot of lag as well, that might work.

>> No.6924301

Didn't want to dick around with the settings.
Too much moon, not enough time to trial/error out each option.
