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6916369 No.6916369 [Reply] [Original]

True or false: Persona 3 and 4 are the two best RPGs ever made.

Correct answer: True

>> No.6916372

That's not Mass Effect 2.

>> No.6916373

I prefer Japanese dating games.

>> No.6916374

Not even close.

>> No.6916375

in b4 thread deleted followed by Chie spam.

>> No.6916376

dating game != RPG
There are much better 'dating games' from Japan than what Persona gives you.

>> No.6916378

Reported for /v/.

>> No.6916380
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I said RPG.

>> No.6916382

Mass Effect is a dating game.

>> No.6916384

True or false: Persona 3 and 4 are the two of the worst games ATLUS have ever produced and brought in a new fanbase of weeaboos and retards?

Correct answer: OP is a fag

>> No.6916389

please name an RPG with better characters, story, art, music, and gameplay.

please, i want to play it.

>> No.6916391
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True or false: u mad

Correct answer: True

>> No.6916392

Suikoden 2, Shadow Hearts 2

>> No.6916402

Persona 3 changed my life

>> No.6916461

Grind, grind, grind, grind! I can't wait to waste countless of hours grinding away for shitty end-game content that lasts 30 minutes tops!

oh hey, a bossfight on floor 210! And it's just the same shadows I encountered the 209 floors before, but now they have a different colour and weakness!

I can't wait to listen to the same battle bgm every 30 seconds for the next 40+ hours of gameplay!

Thunder reign! Armageddon! Did I just break the mechanics of the game? What about a magic mirror on my party?

>> No.6916466

This is pretty much how I felt when I played it. I don't understand why it's so popular.

>> No.6916478

you just described non-SRPGs in general

>> No.6916485


okay, this post just stopping me to even download this game.

>> No.6916494

i never played persona but honestly if you need to grind in jrpgs you're casual as fuck and might aswell play flash games with cheats

>> No.6916505

pretty much. i regularly skip past entire floors while playing persona and never felt the need to grind at all.

get better tactics

>> No.6916520


I really wish RPG's in general would just drop leveling altogether and set a static difficulty level so people will no longer offload their own failures onto the games themselves.

>> No.6916535

fuck no
i love lvling

>> No.6916545


Generally (in proper and fair rpgs), to finish the main storyline in jrpgs does not require any (significant amount of) grinding.

However, end-game content that up to lvl 99 (Final Fantasy, and also, Persona) asks for players to level up through grinding to get those hidden extra bosses. It's how devs add some extra length to their game.

>> No.6916556

Baldur's Gate you ignorant fuck.

>> No.6916557
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tri-Ace is the worst at this. Their extra dungeons consist entirely of monsters you've already killed a thousand times, except this time around , they're level 150.

>> No.6916560

baldur's gate has shit gameplay and shit music. try again.

>> No.6916564

I refuse to believe anyone could think Persona 3 is a top tier jrpg.
Gameplay is shit, story is paper thin.
If you want romance and dating go play an eroge, most of them do it much better than what Persona 3 did.

>> No.6916572
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good dating sims rpg with better gameplay here.

>> No.6916580
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you people need to start naming the JRPGs you consider top tier

>> No.6916583

All right then. What about Arcanum?

>> No.6916584

P3 is a terrible mishmash of genres and playstyles, the only thing ATLUS did right with that game was adding in the FeMC in P3P.

>> No.6916585

not gonna play this, it has too many arms for my taste

>> No.6916589


smith grinding and dating girls like a boss

>> No.6916590

demon's souls if you consider it a rpg

other than that & if i take off my nostalgia goggles, then probably atelier totori

>> No.6916598
File: 77 KB, 800x600, 38730_SP32-20081103-125244_122_1034lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Persona 3 is a decent jrpg despite the shitty BS and dungeon and the half generic cast and schizophrenic pacing.

P4 is P3.5 but with a more retarded story and unoriginals premises

Corrent Answer: Persona 2 Innocent Sin is one of the best rpg ever made.

>> No.6916606


I wouldn't consider persona 3 top tier, but I had a great time playing even though the main plot is poor (although I liked the tarot elements, but the uguu power of friendship conquers all is cliche), some of the characters downright unlikable (didn't really give a shit when some of the characters were killed off, I actually felt relieved that I didn't have to spend time reading their dialogue anymore).

The shadow monsters are rehashed (the monsters you encounter on floor x come back on floor y with different colours), and there is only ONE fucking battle BGM that plays through the entire game. Yes, it is fun and unique compared to other rpgs to have modern music playing in the background, but it gets tedious when you need to listen to it as you grind your way up to lvl 70+ (for the final bossbattle)

The fights are pretty nice and fast, but I felt that I had too much of an easy time because bossbattles tended to be a bit too simplistic.

My initial goal was to clear the end-game content before I did the final boss, but halfway I just quitted because I couldn't take it anymore and then just finished the game. Most of the time I just fast-forwarded through the dialogue because the plot was so hollow and clichematic.

>> No.6916609

Star Ocean 2 is probably still my favorite jrpg.
Suikoden 2 is amazing as well.

>> No.6916613

i agree that demon's souls is godlike, but i don't really compare it to most JRPGs because it has so little focus on story and characters. it's more of an action game, in my opinion.

never played atelier though. i'm interested in the upcoming PS3 game, i hope it's good.

never played it. i tend to avoid most WRPGs since they usually have awful gameplay. the stories may be interesting but actually playing the games tend to be a chore.

>> No.6916614

That's not Xenogears/Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross/Valkyrie Profile/Fallout/Kotor II/Planescape Torment/System Shock 2

>> No.6916616

>Persona 2

Yeah, it's pretty hard to top Nyarlathotep-powered zombie Hitler wielding the Spear of Destiny.

>> No.6916621

>I refuse to believe anyone could think Persona 3 is a top tier jrpg.

Unfortunately, a lot of people do.

Most of them are probably underage fags that never got to play the snes/psx era and that think CT is a DS game, Xenogears a boring CS game and that the other Megaten are boring shit because no waifusshit.

>> No.6916625

Valkyrie Profile

>> No.6916628

sounds like you played the original P3 instead of the vastly superior P3 FES and slightly less superior P3P.

>> No.6916632

chrono trigger is thoroughly mediocre, by the way. it's one of the most overrated games of all time, right behind mario galaxy and uncharted 2.

>> No.6916634


I guess Star Ocean 3 is my favorite even with the dumb story, I spent 6 months playing the game because I liked the combat. It's been a long time since I've played it though.

>> No.6916637
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arcanum IS shit if you take off your nostalgia goggles

it used to be my favorite game back then

the combat is complete shit and i had to uninstall it after about half and hour everytime i reinstall it

>> No.6916639
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>Yeah, it's pretty hard to top Nyarlathotep-powered zombie Hitler wielding the Spear of Destiny.

Fuck yeah

>> No.6916652


Arcanums is a bad game, but a great rpg

>> No.6916653

P3/4 aren't even that great by jrpg standart, I really don't see what the fuss is all about.
Guess they had nice music though.

>> No.6916674

Persona 3 is a very mediocre game. Persona 4 is a good game.

None of the smt games are any good really. Shitty dungeon crawlers with no decent stories.

>> No.6916685
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I couldn't finish 3, got bored. Great English voice acting though. I finished 4 though, and I think 4 is overall a better game.

I'm not a Tales fan but I'd say Vesperia and Graces are better games.

>> No.6916690
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>None of the smt games are any good really. Shitty dungeon crawlers with no decent stories.
>Persona 2
>Bad stories

>> No.6916695
File: 49 KB, 428x693, 49a5859d94c8562fa0dd43d265d9e177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please name RPGs with better stories than nocturne, p2, p3, p4, dds, dds2, and devil survivor.

>> No.6916699

Planetscape Torment

>> No.6916700


>> No.6916710

Deus Ex
Suikoden 1
Suikoden 2
Suikoden 5
VtM Bloodlines
Shadow Hearts 1
Shadow Hearts 2
Final Fantasy Tactics
Tactics Ogre
Vandal Hearts 2

shit that was easy, I got more but I'm sure you will throw a hissy nerd fit if I mention Final Fantasy games.

>> No.6916711

You again? Here:

Baldur's Gate
Planescape: Torment
VtM: Bloodlines
Deus Ex

>> No.6916712

>Devil Survivor

You have no standards

>> No.6916713

Valkyrie Profile.

>> No.6916715


i will grant you xenogears.

planescape may have a good story, but it's an awful game, so fuck it.

the rest: no.

>> No.6916717

Too bad the JRPG genre is basically dead these days.
Been years since I played a decent one

>> No.6916718

im currently playing vesperia the non-beta version on ps3 and i must say the biggest turnoff for me is the presentation/cutscene

effects are so bad its laughable

>> No.6916721

Lost Odyssey, Tales of Vesperia, Final Fantasy 13 are all good games.

>> No.6916726

>Final Fantasy 13

Don't kid yourself.

>> No.6916727

Devil Survivor had a shit story.

>> No.6916728

They are all average at best

>> No.6916732

Whatever you say kiddos.

>> No.6916741

no, i'd just laugh if you thought any final fantasy games were at all comparable to SMT.

the individual stories presented in each social link in p3 and p4 are infinitely more interesting than the overarching story and contain better characters than every game listed itt.

>> No.6916750

>the individual stories presented in each social link in p3 and p4 are infinitely more interesting than the overarching story and contain better characters than every game listed itt.

You have absolutely no standards.
The average story driven eroge have better character arc than what was shown in P3 and P4.

>> No.6916751

The only JRPG I ever was able to finish was FFVI and it was slightly above average. Is there a reason to prefer japanese rpgs over western ones other than being weaboo?

>> No.6916752

>i'd just laugh if you thought any final fantasy games were at all comparable to SMT.
They aren't comparable. Final Fantasy is so far above SMT it's pathetic that anyone would think otherwise. Go on, go tell everyone how cool you are for playing obscure titles. Meanwhile everyone who isn't a tryhard knows Digital Devil Saga has a joke of story that only sounds cool on paper but when you play it, it is presented in a laughable manner including pink haired slut melodrama worse than any FF game.

>> No.6916757


>the individual stories presented in each social link in p3 and p4 are infinitely more interesting than the overarching story and contain better characters than every game listed itt.

Try Valkyrie Profile. Each character has a backstory that tops Persona in every way.

>> No.6916758

it's not the best, but it was certainly interesting depending on which path you chose. the premise alone is quite good, and as an aside, it's executed a lot better than TWEWY.

>> No.6916759

Some are actually quite good if you play something else than FF.
And VI isn't even the best FF, V is.

>> No.6916765

>The only JRPG I ever was able to finish was FFVI and it was slightly above average.
You have terrible taste. Great music is the only good thing about FF6. The story, characters and battle system are meh. Actually I'd say the battle system is the worst in the series, not including the first three since I haven't played them

>> No.6916771
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>the individual stories presented in each social link in p3 and p4 are infinitely more interesting than the overarching story and contain better characters than every game listed itt.
>Chie: I want to become stronger
>Chie: maybe i should get... stronger?

>> No.6916780

i played half of VP1 on the psp. the "episodes" were fairly interesting, but i didn't care enough to play to the end. guess that makes persona 3 and 4 better.

u mad

>> No.6916785

>Try Valkyrie Profile. Each character has a backstory that tops Persona in every way.
ahh no.

Valkyrie Profile has an amazing combat system, but the story is pathetic. You just collect dead people the whole game then go through the final dungeon depending on what ending you get. The individual stories are silly melodrama, especially the mermaid. Not saying Persona is amaziing or anything, but VP was meh.

>> No.6916792

The individual stories in VP were definitely much better than the silly anime stuff of P3 and 4.

>> No.6916795

I couldn't finish P3 but i've beaten TWEWY. Does that make it a better game?

It was more innovative and had better music too.

>> No.6916801

No, they aren't. Also Lenneth's story is the worst.

>implying the "tragic deaths" were not silly

>> No.6916810

and to be clear, the stories are not the ONLY reason i like persona. it's the total package. the art, the music, the characters, the fast combat, no random encounters. game's so fucking good.

>> No.6916815

My god, get the fuck back to /v/ already.

>> No.6916816

I think you are missing the point that they had to die for the story to make sense. Tragic deaths work better then watching great burly swordsmen choke to death on their lunch then ending up in Valhalla.

If the characters HAVE to die, at least they made it as entertaining as possible.

>> No.6916822

Sure is a lot of /v/'s my tastes > your tastes in here.

>> No.6916830

go fap to reimu's armpits and hide the thread, fagot.

we are having a discussion, friend. you can join in if you like.

>> No.6916833
File: 5 KB, 400x400, 1266294393851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please fuck off back to /v/ and take your "i hate popular stuff" attitude with you. Go enjoy your horrible general threads which are just tripfags sucking eachother off.

>> No.6916840

> the art

ok, but Kaneko was better

>the music

Nothing really memorable

>the characters

Like 90% of the cast is made of uninteresting cunt (Ken), bad stereotypes ( Akihiko) and bad stereotypes that also happen to be totally uninteresting (Chie)

>the fast combat

Fast as "easy as fuck"

>no random encounters


>> No.6916847


>the art,
Generic anime art.
> the music
God no.
>the characters
Other than Aigis, no.
>the fast combat
You have to watch a mini scene of shooting yourself in the head to do an attack.
>no random encounters
Been done.

Are you even talking about Persona?

>> No.6916850


The cutscenes are way too much, it's one of the reasons why people want the PS3 version. You can skip them.

Makes New Game+ so much easier.

>> No.6916851

>ok, but Kaneko was better
ha, the emo punk band look is terrible.

>> No.6916859
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P3 and P4 are overrated. Both the social and dungeon crawling elements were kinda meh, except for the demon fusions and stuff.

Good times, can't wait for Xillia.

>> No.6916875
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>ha, the emo punk band look is terrible.

You have not tastes, i'm sorry

>> No.6916880

His designs for the demons were great though.

>> No.6916881
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So tired of playing Vesperia in a language I can't even understand (well).

I've already beaten the English version, and Japanese 360 version, too.

Wish they would just localize it already...

>> No.6916883

the music is fucking amazing, what are you smoking?

ken is the worst character between 3 and 4. he's also the only bad character in both games. chie is a great tomboy.

all JRPGs are easy.

>> No.6916890

Get out of here until you have Judith on your team. Wearing heels.

>> No.6916896

first smt game was DDS, hate it.
then I played Persona 3, it was mediocre but had potential which went nowhere. The game sucks after you beat the monorail boss.
played Raidou, hate it.
Played Persona 4, absolutely loved it.
Played persona 1 psp, hate it.
Catherine looks great.

His character designs are rubbish. Monster designs are great.

>> No.6916929


Judith is low tier for combat, Karol is much more useful.

>> No.6916930

I'm comfortable calling p3 and p4 the best RPGs of their generation but there are other RPGs i like a little more. Suikoden 2 for example.

>> No.6916950

I'm comfortable thinking you have shit taste.
Shadow Hearts 2 is the best jrpg of the PS2, far better than P3 and P4.

And both are infinitely inferior to P2

>> No.6916962

Persona 2 is a piece of shit. It's gameplay is worse than the first one. And no, shove your edgy hitler crap.

>> No.6916963
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She may be low tier for combat, but she's Goddess tier for fapping. I think we know what's more important here.

>> No.6916972

Wild Arms 3, Suikoden 5, Shadow Hearts 1 and 2.
They are the best rpgs of the playstation 2

>> No.6916982

Wild Arms and Suikoden fucking sucks man,

>> No.6916988

Everything you like sucks.

fucking owned you cuntrag. u buttmad?

>> No.6916998


>> No.6917015

>Shadow Hearts 2 is the best jrpg of the PS2

Combat's broken, gimmicky, and repetitive to the extreme, there's only like 4 songs that are played with any frequency throughout the game (which is shameful considering how much variety SH1 had with its music), the dungeons are the laziest kinds of mazes and too-frequent random battles, Yuri gets all the spotlight leaving the rest of the cast as cardboard cutouts (if even that), the story turns into retarded time paradox nonsense by the end, the villains either suck (Rasputin, Kato) and are all misused (especially Nicolai), and they retconned SH1's villain's motivation to hype up what amounts to a "monster of the week" villain that doesn't really go anywhere. runonsentences

And the voice acting is pretty awful, though that's admittedly par for the course.

Basically, Shadow Hearts Covenant sucks. It's charming and novel (though not so much as the original), but it sucks.

>> No.6917028

Yet it's still much better than P3 and P4

>> No.6917033

Rance 5D and Rance 6 are better dungeon crawlers AND have hentai.

>> No.6917038
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ITT: People hating every good RPG ever

>> No.6917039

i've never played rance, but i am intrigued by the porn. how long is sengoku rance?

>> No.6917042

I personally consider Ikusa Megami Zero the best jrpg of the last few years.
And I'm completely serious there

>> No.6917044

Rance 5D is shit, don't delude yourself

>> No.6917047
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>mwf nobody has even mentioned a final fantasy

Pretty damn long. 50 hours at least.

>> No.6917048

They're from /v/, they can't help but hating video games otherwise they might die or something.

>> No.6917094

I thought Final Fantasy XIII was the only one good enough for me to play to the end. And I've played them all except 5.

Shit series.

>> No.6917219

>Basically, Shadow Hearts Covenant sucks. It's charming and novel (though not so much as the original), but it sucks.

I agree with you on some parts, but you are exaggerating, it's a good game with an enjoyable story despite the problems (most of the cast, and some development on DVD2)

And it's not like SH1 was an awesome game either, it was actually pretty crappy.

>> No.6917230

> And I've played them all except 5.
So you missed the only good one ? That sucks.

>> No.6917231

I´m currently on my first playthrough of Persona 3 Portable(2 Full Moons left/Last Shadow or something, dunno), won´t read this thread to avoid spoilers and hide it afterwards.

It´s not really bad but:

>> No.6917232

The joke I was attempting to convey was that even 5D beats out Persona 3&4 because they are 100% shit.

>> No.6917233

It's an overrated series and you know it.

The only good JRPG's that came out lately were Dragon Quest and the Atlus games.

>> No.6917242

Yukari looks like Misaka
All we need now is a Takeba in shorts and the ability to cast Zio spells.
Just switch the Arcana with Akihiko or something, nobody gives a fuck about him.
But on the other hand, a Lovers arcana for Akihiko wouldn´t really be a good idea.

>> No.6917256
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Persona 4´s female character designs sucked.

That is all.

>> No.6917264

Oh, I agree that SH1 isn't that great either. It was especially painful once the novelty of the Judgment Ring wore off and the translation started taking a turn for the worse (really noticeable in the Neam area). I'm just saying it had more music variety in actual play (most of Covenant's songs are used only during cutscenes leaving like 2 dungeon themes and 1 town theme per disc) and possibly "charm" (it's kinda known as a "dark" RPG--I suppose Covenant's charming in a more lighthearted way).

Oh, and Albert Simon is a marginally better villain than Mr. "Oh my clone girlfriend died, BETTER BECKON THE END OF THE WORLD".

>> No.6917312

I like White Knight Chronicles a lot, so what?

>> No.6917316

>totally shit

I love extreme opinions, they make for big threads where people argue and argue and argue.

>> No.6917317

The only reason most people played that game was for the little girl.

>> No.6917322

Did anybody here play Valkyrie profile? I just got the undub on my psp and was wondering if it was good.

>> No.6917330

It's great.

>> No.6917339

I also bought vp 2, is it just as good?

>> No.6917342

It's pretty different.
But pretty good in its own way.

>> No.6917363
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Best MegaTen reporting in.

>> No.6917375

VP is fairly decent. If you're willing to suspend your disbelief for the fairly melodramatic character intros, it's fairly engaging.

I'll have to propose Ar Tonelico 2 as being a darn good jRPG. Gameplay is a bit hit and miss but the character interactions and music are top notch.

ToV was good, though I'm more than a little annoyed that the PS3 update isn't being localised. It's still rather heavy jRPG clichéd, however, which really limits its broad appeal.

ToG is short. Very short. Ends so abruptly even though it took a good 3 hours to set up the premise of the story. I hope the PS3 upgrade does a decent job especially since it's being localised. And I bloody well hope that the newest Tales game will be localised as well...

>> No.6917377

This is why I play SRPGs. Tales of Hearts was good, though.

>> No.6917379

I wish they would remake SMT 2 using SJ's engine.

>> No.6917393

Etrian Odyssey is better.

>> No.6917394

i love it

i fucking love the fact that they says "HENSHIN" when transforming into giant robots

>> No.6917445

Which one? 1, 2 or 3?

1 had a great story though the gameplay could have used some more refinement.
2 was a step forward in some areas, half a step back in others. Combat was much smoother though the limits were a tad... overwhelming.
3 has really great party customisation and the classes shake up was a very nice change. Still working my way through it though...

Heck, they're all good... Such a satisfying feeling watching your group of dungeon crawlers gradually grow in strength from barely knowing which end of a dagger is the pointy end to being hardcore seasoned veterans able to rip shit to shreds and square off with dragons and ancient evils/horrors with a smug look on their faces.

>> No.6917456

if you like wizardly plus animu you might aswell play class of heroes 3

its superior to that shit

>> No.6917489

>>6917375 VP is fairly decent. If you're willing to suspend your disbelief for the fairly melodramatic character intros, it's fairly engaging.
Man, it's all about the melodramatic character intros for me.

>> No.6920477

I was talking about the first one. What do you mean by "the gameplay could have used some more refinement" for the first one? "Gameplay" is such a vague word.
